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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 14, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw and use lie from berlin. israel moves some of its forces to the north of guys as how about 3 groups in areas is writing in a tree says it has cleared. meanwhile, in the size of the strip hundreds of thousands of people of flood rafa as israel for paris, a crime defense affair, also coming up the court rules the far right alternative for germany party is a potential threat of democracy. it says via ftp can be classified as a suspected extremist group, allowing it to be placed under surveillance nationwide. and kashmir votes in india is general electric for the 1st time since it was stripped of its semi autonomous
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status, which provoked widespread anger in the reach of the on top of the yes, welcome to the program. we started and guys are where the un says hundreds of thousands of people have fled. rafa this after repeated international calls, which urges route to exercise caution before launching a crime defensive on the city. israel has been fighting homage across kaiser since the militant group carried. i'd be october 7th terror attacks on israel, but now is ready. soldiers are returning to the north of the strip or home us forces have regrouped in areas. israel said it had already secured the rush to get rid of it. and central guy was d a and bella is disparate supply. you will read the low but the arrival of
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thousands of event q ways from rough uh, means there was even least to go around the the, the d o bala, people are now on top of each other. people are walking on each other. it's very crowded and necessary people. there's no empty space, especially those with staying in houses. have some 10 displays. comedy's thing with the final bill myself. i always stay with my children and my wife and attends. i know that the how 5 of 6 families staying in the time with me, it's very crowded because of him and the ones deemed a safe zone. around 1400000 people sort shelter and rough uh and bring some now the leaving as israel ramps up its attacks, leading families have been forced to operate the lives again and again. and the suffering is continuous with tide is moving from a place to another. and those places and not needs are the get the from assist you to another. so we need transportation home with todd,
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how long would we have to stay in? the situation of the animal says the united states has repeatedly cautioned israel against expanding its defensive into rasa. but israel insists the city is a strong hold and it has to drive out militants hiding leah. despite more than 7 months, support from us remains active across the tear at tray. this week is really soldiers for 10 to the north of gaza. an area it claimed to have captured months ago the united nations says one of its security stuff has been killed in rafa. and another injured after their vehicle was fired upon. their convoy had been on the way to the european hospital in rough up the time. it's the 1st international un employee killed in gaza since the start of the war a spokesperson for the un. at this to say if i the incident, the secretary general condemns all the tax on un personnel and calls for
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a full investigation. he sent his condolences to the family of the fall and staff member with the conflict and gaza, continuing to take a heavy, told not only on civilians but also on humanitarian workers. the secretary general reiterates has urgent appeal for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. and for the release of all hostages. meanwhile, sirens have signs that across israel and ceremonies to mark memorial day. serious commemoration was dedicated to the more than 1200 people killed by hamas last year, as well as the soldiers who died during the war. and guys over 7 months on is ready . citizens are still struggling to deal with the full as of last october. as a tax dw, use israel corresponding tanya kramer match with 2 of them. for this next report is really photographer. it is click on image shows the basis of those the survive the
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mos terror attack. and those who helped others on the day that changed the country of the i want to commemorate the bravery and optimism and sense of resilience that i saw from these rarely citizen. it was amazing to see how they actually respond to her in this a terrorist attack. on october 7th, there was so many amazing stories of people who, you know, woke up in the morning, and they decided to rose up to that moment that to save so many lives. one of them is rami deputy, on a farm or from a village in southern israel. she and a group of friends rescued. hundreds of mainly young party goers at the nova music festival. rodney and eder has returned to the site of the rave. today. other portraits stand here in memorial to those killed and those abducted to gaza by how
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mos militants. rami answer the call from a friend and raced here to help. despite the risk of rocket attacks and running into militants. word spread quickly as worried parents sent him locations on what's up to get their children to safety. we shall not sure if he lets the ability to set him up after i rescued the 1st group, they circulated my phone number to other groups. and this is how the name rama show and my number spread like a bush fire. say a much more is because they had no one else to turn to him on that field spilled on me. she became a hero to many israelis and is often recognized. but he says coming back here is not easy. so i'm going to show the she the book to but another to be like it was left for the day. i a little bit of everything has changed. how close to 90 i have
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nightmares and flash, the horrors i've seen a female in my body is failing on me. i'm not the same rami locked off. i'm no longer happy for something. personal stories back around. these are at the heart of the exhibition. but they also highlight a deeper change that took place on october 7th, one that many israelis are still struggling with actually what happened on october 7, is that something very essential broke on that morning when you grew up in this really grew up with the sense that no matter what it's going to happen, the ideas, and these are, the government will do everything in their own power to actually to, to safeguard the israeli citizens. but on october 7, we realized that the army wasn't there. and the government's wasn't there. and people were left to their own destiny despite the suffering that people experience that day. it is candidates, once the stories behind these photos to can be resilience and optimism for people
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to look forward to the best i can look now at some of their stories making headlines around the world. the right place in the netherlands have broken up a protest of taking over parts of the university of amsterdam, campus students and staff from several schools will start on monday to protest as well as minutes reactions in gaza and the breakup of pro palestinian demonstrations last week. donald trump's former lawyer and personal fixer michael cohen has taken the stand at the former president's flush when he trial in new york cohen told drawers that trump approved big pads to stop and use stories of fx worried could hurt his 2016 run. for the white has cohen is considered to be prosecutions star. witness authorities in
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georgia, say 20 people have been arrested indic happened to be c protest or spend another night outside parliament, forcing their opposition to the craft law. they say reference press and civic freedoms, so called foreign influence bill will be voted on functioning se crane's 1st lady elaine, as alaska has travel to serbia hoping to gain greater support from a country as an obtained good relations with russia. she met with serbian presidents, alexander, of which, who express support for the crimes territorial integrity of serbia, has refused to join the international sanctions against russia. and here in germany, a course has ruled at the far right alternative for germany party or a f. d can officially be classified as a suspected extremist group. the decision rejects an appeal by the party to remove that designation. our reporter has more on the court's decision and its
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implications. sabbatical warning that germany's rights when a, if the party pursues goes against democracy. this means germany's intelligence service can continue its civilians of the party and its members by typing phones and working with informants inside the potty. the domestic intelligence of us belongs to germany's interior ministry but makes the decisions independent please. it's been surveying the distance 2021, when the populace test labeled us potentially extremist. the party appealed and was rejected twice the members of the if the, the routing looks like an abuse of power. c, a vid simply what's happening is a joke. there is no of the west of the country where practically the only opposition is being spied on by the government for the so called intelligence services, which we consider to be protecting the government rather than the constitution. it's on speak about in
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a democracy that is under difficult to the eyes. all the exact signs ish, germany's interior minister, nancy phaser called the colts. verdict justified disputing shows that all democracy can defend itself. it has tools that protect it from internal threats. it's these tools that are being deployed approved once more by an independent court, to the ruling page, the way for further investigations. if the intelligence office has gather enough proof, the potty could be classified as especially right wing extremist in 3 eastern german states. regional associations of the party of already been decided to subs like the parties use organization. the young alternative. meanwhile, cold for then getting loud at the thought it was very, very clear today. and it means basically that know the doors are open to take the next step and take the updates with the supreme court and start a trial on that provision. the if the is currently the 2nd strongest policy in
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germany, favored by 17 percent of photos, according to recent pulse. the routing comes just under a month before elections for the next year in parliament. when many experts expect a shift to the right, the people of indian controls kashmir have cast their ballots in the 4th phase of india is parliamentary elections. the electoral commission put voter turn that there are 37 percent higher than usual. voting was held in the region for the 1st time since prime minister and the rent remote east government stripped kashmir of its semi autonomous status. the decision to bring the muslim majority region under direct rule is deeply unpopular among residents. and some chose to point out the vote that's what the w correspondence shot him. yeah, to have is inc, kashmir and it has more on the voting there. this selection in cost me value was significant as this was the 1st major building exercise is the ruling pgp governments just this region office,
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boston autonomy and brought it directly under it threw in 2019 voting interest means valley usually doesn't see a good turn out because of bulk or caused by separate his groups. but this time people came out in large numbers because they said they want to send the message to the more the government incentives that the decision of taking the weakest reason or told me was they much against. it was interesting. the result for sign voters from all age groups, not just those were to an 18, but people in the fifty's and sixty's who never exercise their right to vote in the was largest democracy out today. so this election seems to be a sign of hope for them, but this also an environment, a few 100, including lucas separate is anjenet, is the main insane to suppress down in 2019 just amongst lucas that he said there speak out against more the government's decision, they would be the same creed. so it's only to that boat that they can really express what they want. charter. yeah. that report in from kashmir there. all right, find me to austria and skydivers have completed the 1st successful wing suit flight
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through london's tower bridge. you heard correctly through the bridge, the professional skydivers jumped out of a headache after hovering above the river thames. a completed complex maneuver known as the flare rising up again at the end of their sky guides. their flight lasted over 45 seconds with a top speed of almost 250 kilometers per a looks great. well, before we go, let me remind you of our top story. this. the ready soldiers are returning to the north of the gaza strip, where they say, how much forces have regrouped in areas. israel claimed to have secured hundreds of thousands of thousands of fled. rafa and the science has repeated international calls or israel to exercise caution for any crime defense you're up to date. next stuff our documentary plan is
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a love to ask the race to develop a small nuclear reactor and that's after a short break. don't forget, describes the more news on the information on our website. you don't, you don't com and follow some social media for me. the team here and thanks for watching. take care the it could be green. green, old as blue. p s. plains wine to some lovely red. definitely. pull just the yellow. if that's what you present on purple samples, very special to georgia. choose your favorite color. some hot tips for your package, the robots, the code is.


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