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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 14, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is data view, news live from brilliant northern gaza, sees more heavy fighting. israel pushes back into the north of the strip after it says han last re groups there. meanwhile, and besides hundreds of thousands of people, the rough head of and is really crime defensive, also coming up a photographer and a farmer discuss how they helped rescue victims of the how much terror attacks on october 7th. as israel dedicates it's memorial day ceremonies to those who died or
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disappeared that day. and the court rules the far right alternative for germany party is a potential threat to democracy. it says the a if the can be classified as a potentially extremist group, allowing it to be placed under surveillance nationwide. the unpopular phone any as welcome to the program. there's been heavy fighting in the north of guys as is really forces returned to recapture territory. taken by a reserves and thomas is ready, army says how much forces have regroup there in areas. it's secured, just weeks after the october 7th, the terrorist attacks, meanwhile, in the size of guys at the united nation, says so 360000 people fled. rafa in the last week had of israel's planned
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defensive there. of the rush to get rules and single guns is d a and bella is disparate supply you with a really low but the arrival of thousands of event q ways from rough uh means there was even lease to go around. the indiana bella, people are now on top of each other. people are walking on each other and it's very crowded and necessary people. there's no empty space, especially those with staying in houses. have some 10 displays comedies thing with the little myself. and i know we stay with my children and my wife and attends. i know that the how 5 of 6 families staying in the time with me. it's very crowded because of him and the ones deemed a safe zone. around 1400000 people sort shelter and rossa, and right now they're leaving. as israel ramps up it's attacks, leading families have been forced to operate the lives again. and again. the suffering is continuous with tide is moving from
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a place to another. and those places are not needs or the from assist you to another. so we need transportation home with todd, how long would we have to stay in the situation? at the end of this, the united states has repeatedly cautioned israel against expanding its offensive into rasa. but israel insists the city is a strong hold and it has to drive out militants hiding. leah. despite more than 7 month support from us, remains active across the tier. a tree. this week is really soldiers for to in to the north of gaza. an area it claimed to have captured months ago the united nations says one of its security stuff has been killed in rafa. and another injured after their vehicle was fired upon. their convoy had been on their way to the european hospital in rafa at the time. it's the 1st international un
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employee killed in gaza since the start of the war, a spokesperson for the when had this to say that the incident, the secretary general condemns all the tax on you and personnel, and calls for a full investigation. he sent his condolences to the family of the fall and staff member with the conflict and gaza, continuing to take a heavy tool not only on civilians, but also on humanitarian workers. the secretary general reiterates, has urgent appeal for an immediate humanitarian cease fire. and for the release of all hostages. while earlier we spoke to d, w 's tanya kramer in jerusalem and asked if israel has a care plan for the territory when the war is over. as there has been no real official time that has been publicly, at least had been some strategy papers, some announcement made by politicians. we know more about what
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a d is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu doesn't want to see a doctor. he said that the policy in a storage you that's the entity that is a governing a parts of the occupied westbank and a very limited rule that she doesn't want to see them back in garza. and he's backed up by this by his pi a. right? a cabinet members, so all of this also is of course, now another question, looking at the off of offensive them, you've heard it from the united states as well. they have said that needs to be a discussion of what will the day of to look like because you know this not just about, you know, all the civilians that there's no credit the plan to if i could, the civilians. but what will happen afterwards, because a prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said time and time again, that she needs to go with the military, rather needs to go into the office to eliminate those for battalions of time us. and then that would enable to is ready to achieve
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a totally victory. but apart from that, of course, there's also a question with the posting and to be asked what they will want to see, who's governing goza at the end of the war? tanya, crime, are there injuries them? meanwhile, inside israel sirens have signed it across the country in somber ceremonies to mark memorial day. disuse commemoration was dedicated to the more than 1200 people killed by han last last year as well as the soldiers who died during the war and gaza. so let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. right. police in the netherlands have broken off a protest and taken over parts of the university of amsterdam, campus students and staff from several schools will start on monday to protest israel's minutes reactions in gaza and the break up pro palestinian demonstrations
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last week. donald trump's former lawyer and personal fixer michael cohen has taken the stand at the former president's hush money trial. in new york cohen told drawers that trump approved big pads to stop new stories about sex, and he worried could hurt his 2016 run. for the white house, colon is considered prosecutions. start with people in india and controlled kashmir. have cast their ballots in the 4th phase of india's parliamentary elections. electro commission put voter turn out there of 37 percent higher than usual. it's the 1st election there since prime minister and around promote these government strip. the muslim majority region of its semi autonomous status or ukraine's military says it's stopped. russian forces in the car camp region near the village of look yancey. meanwhile, police in the regions border times are helping civilians evacuate before the front
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line reaches their front doors. as russian bombs rained down on you, koreans harkey region. police are going door to door for over the last few days. they've helped evacuate thousands from border towns and villages, including many elderly residents, hesitant to leave because we weren't going to leave. home is home. don't lose the resume, you know, after the night that we endured, it was really terrifying. officer again at the union has been called to another village. lots of them today were evacuating the village of progress. russian forces have stepped up their attacks on ukraine's northern border in recent days. report my opinion, it's a lack of a munition problem. we're still waiting for the munition provided by america,
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america rushes offensive into harkey region comes as you cream, faces, critical shortages of ammunition. after months of doing deliveries, i got that that look and explosion, which a local spear, both tongues fate may mirror that of bus moved enough div ukrainian cities. that's all fierce fighting and scorched or tactics from russia. both charles blue shield of chinese because being destroyed by cluster bombs, artillery motors, gun battles are happening on the north. in the outskirts of the town, the tanks are showing the town they are destroying everything they possibly can. boy, it's dangerous to stay there. i mean to let us put what to do with them. that's fierce battles gripped the outskirts of, of trunk and crane and forces wait for urgently needed supplies to reach the front . mine was only
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a few 100 residents remain here. george has prime minister has vowed to push a new bill, binding foreign agents through parliament on choose day despite mass protests against it. all the controversial will put restrictions on media groups and non governmental organizations that get funding from abroad from minister iraqi, called by cobalt kids. it says, most of the population boxed in the legislation has caused mass protests for months . overnighted thousands of people again rallied against the bill in the george and capital tbilisi testers here that you know will stifle dissent. damage georgia's bid to join the what the w correspond, maria cut them up to is into play. see of explains why the protesters are so determined to get their message across. the protests are soon going here in the georgia and capital see to see me see behind me you can see the po task the they
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spend the whole nights at the. * them and where they say that they will not back down that they will defend said democracy. they say that the. 6 is the same as it was hired and so for their country that they will not allow to happen. you see this bill as a surprise to the new integration. they say that if the bill isn't upset, the pro russian forces will take over georgia. that's what they fear, and that's why they are here protesting. today we've seen some of the violent crimes down on the protest this and some of them they've been telling me that they are receiving some stress and phone calls from a known numbers. but they say they will not be intimidated by those tactics. they believe that they can, they can still influence the government to drop the bill. now here in germany, a court has ruled at the far right alternative for germany party or a f. d can officially be classified as a suspected extremist group. the decision rejection appealed by the party to remove
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the designation. our reporter has more on the court's decision and this implications diabetic floating that germany's writing a if the potty pursues, goes against democracy. this means germany's intelligence office can continue it civilians of the party and its members by typing phones and working with enrollments inside the potty. the domestic intelligence service belongs to germany's interior ministry. what makes the decisions independently? it's been surveying the distance 2021. when the populace tests labeled us potentially extremist, the potty appealed and was rejected twice. the members of the if the, the rooting looks like an abuse of power. that they see a victim. what's happening is a joke. there is no of the west of the country where practically the only opposition is being spied on by the government for the so called intelligence services, which we consider to be protecting the government rather than the constitution. it's on speak,
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people in the democracy. and the difficulty is all the exact fine crush germany's interior minister, nancy fazer, called the colts verdict justified the disputing shows that out democracy can defend itself. it has tools that protect it from internal threats. it's these tools that are being deployed approved once more by an independent court. the ruling paves the way for further investigations. if the intelligence offices gather enough proof, the potty could be classified as especially right wing extremist in 3 eastern german states. regional associations of the party of already been decided to subs like the parties use organization. the young alternative. meanwhile, called fraud, then getting loud though it is very, very clear to today. and it means basically that know the doors are open to take the next step and take the update to the supreme court and start
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a trial on the provision. the if the is currently the 2nd strongest policy in gemini, favored by 17 percent of photos, according to recent pulse. the routing comes just under a month before elections for the next 2 years in parliament. when many experts expect a shift to the right. and finally, to austria and skydivers have completed the 1st successful wing suit flight through london's tower bridge. the professional skydivers jumped out of a helicopter hovering above the river river thames. i completed a complex maneuver known as the flare rising up again at the end of their sky, their fly blasted all of 45 seconds. if a top speed of almost 250 kilometers prep the us. and that's all for now. next of our show plan is a, takes
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a look at the global res to develop a small nuclear reactors. that's after 8 short break and is plenty more news on information on our website. you don't, you don't. com and you can follow us on our social media kinds or handle is dw, and use on tablet phone. really yes for me and the team here in berlin. thanks for watching. take care. the name is the calls back. said thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. as soon about saying it aloud. you guys would have being nosy bay, like get everyone to king to check out the award winning called call. don't hold back your estate


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