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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 14, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news lie from berlin, northern gauze, or seas more heavy fighting. israel pushes back into the north of the strip after hamas regroups there. meanwhile, in the side, hundreds of thousands of people see rough ahead of and is really grinding defensive . also coming up a photographer, the farmer discuss how they helped rescue victims of the how much terror attacks on october 7th, israel dedicates it's memorial day ceremonies to those who died or disappeared. the
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only problem funding the s welcome to the program is right. new york tardy say a number of people have been arrested after protesters in the occupied westbank blocks, an aide con, void band for gas. the protestors were seen throwing food packages onto the road and destroying some of the trucks came from jordan. and we're waiting to cross the tar cool me a check point west of half or on a far right is really group says they were demonstrating against the continued detention of his randy hostages in gaza. the united nations as warren, the palestinians in northern guys, are experiencing a full blown fireman. this as he is right, the army returned there to fight. it was urgent. i'm us forces smoke rises over jamalia in northern gaza. the mass operatives have returned to the area
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as, as rarely forces pushed to retake parts of gaza. they had previously cleared civilians are caught in the crossfire today they were wounded and did that. we cannot reach because the consistent bombing of that cruise an ambulance is by is ready forces. ambulance is a being directly targeted and the sooner it continues to launch rockets into the center of the july year camp. according to god's us, i must run health ministry over 35000 palestinians have been killed in the war while the united states israel, strongest allies, says it does not believe a genocide is happening in gaza. the white house has ordered some of it strongest criticism of israel's war effort to date, district attorney operation has to be connected to a political plans the day after so that there is a clear alternative and there's governance and their security and all of the steps
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you need to take to finally and fully defeat a court and entrench terrace, fpo and yes, and one of the risks of engaging in any kind of counter insurgency campaign is the ability of the terrace group to attract more recruits and more followers. as time goes on, this is something we have talked to, the israelites about. meanwhile, in rough in the south of gaza, is really forces are carrying out what they call a limited military operation. to root out one of the last come strongholds. the army says it's taken out dozens of terrorists and found tunnels and weapons depos. but the latest operation has also forced hundreds of thousands of civilians to again slowly. this time northwards or earlier we spoke to dw is tonya kramer in jerusalem and asked if israel has a care plan for guys or when the war is over. this has been know,
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a real official plan that has been a popular key at least had that been some strategy papers, some announcement made by politicians. we know more about what a d is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu doesn't want to see. and daughter you said that the power steering or storage the that's the entity that is a governing a parts of the occupied a westbank and a very limited rule of the. she doesn't want to see them back in garza and he's backed up by this by his pi a, right, a cabinet members. so all of this also is of course no, not the question. looking at the off of offensive them, you've heard it from the united states as well. they have said that needs to be a discussion of what will the day of to look like because you know this not just about, you know, all the civilians that there's no credit applied to if i could of the civilians. but what will happen afterwards, because
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a prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said time and time again, that she needs to go with the military law that needs to go into the office to eliminate those for battalions of time us. and then that would enable to, is ready to achieve a totally victory. but apart from that, of course, there's also a question with the posting and to be asked what they will want to see, who's governing goza. at the end of the war. all sirens have signs that across israel in ceremonies to mark memorial day. the serious commemoration was dedicated to be more than 1200 people killed by hamas last year, as well as the soldiers who have died during the war and gaz. over 7 months on his ready citizens are still struggling to deal with the full that have lost october's attacks. dw is israel correspondent tanya cramer match with 2 of them. for this next report, this is really, photographer,
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is click on image shows the basis of those the survive the mos terror attack, and those who helped others on the day that changed the country. i want to commemorate the bravery and optimism and sense of resilience that i saw from these rarely citizen. it was amazing to see how they actually respond to her in this terrorist attack. on october 7th, there was so many amazing stories of people who, you know, woke up in the morning, and they decided to rose up to that moment that to say so many lives. one of them is rami deputy, on a farm or from a village instead there in israel, she and a group of friends rescued. hundreds of mainly young party goers at the nova music festival. rodney and eder is returned to the site of the rave. today. other portraits stand here in memorial to those killed and those abducted to gaza by how
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mos militants. rami answer the call from a friend and raced here to help. despite the risk of rocket attacks and running into militants. word spread quickly as worried parents symptom locations on what's up to get their children to safety. how's the quotes i wish, i'm not sure if he lets the ability to so my thought after i rescued the 1st group, they circulated my phone number to other groups. because uh, and this is how the name rom and you know, and my number spread like a bush fire to say a much more is because they had no one else to turn to mind, feel close spilled on me. she became a hero to many israelis. and is often recognized, but he says coming back here is not easy. so i'm on the show, the she the book, the be like it was why for that day? clover for me, everything has changed. i college to 90. i have nightmares and flash,
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the horrors i've seen anything, but a lot of my body is failing on me. i'm not the same rami locked off. i'm no longer a happy for something personal stories like around these are in the heart of the expedition. but they also highlight a deeper change that took place on october 7th, one that many israelis are still struggling with actually what happened on october 7, is that something very essential broke on that morning when you grew up in this really grew up with a sense that no matter what it's going to happen, the ideas, and these are, the government will do everything in their own power to actually to, to safeguard the is where the citizens. but on october 7, we realized that the army wasn't there. and the government wasn't there. and people were left to their own destiny despite the suffering that people experienced that day. it is could vantage,
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once the stories behind these photos to can be resilience and optimism for people to look forward. let's take a look at it. some of their stories making headlines around the world. the right place in the netherlands have broken up a protest that had taken over parts of the university of amsterdam, campus students and staff from several schools walked out on monday to protest these rails minutes reactions and gaza the breakup of pro palestinian demonstrations last week. donald trump's former lawyer and personal fixer michael cohen has taken the stand at the former president's hush. when the trial in new york cohen told drawers, the trump approved vig pads to stop new stories. effects that he worried could hurt his 2016 run. for the white has cohen is considered the prosecution's star witness . ukraine's 1st lady alena,
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as the landscape has travel to serbia, hoping to gain greater support from a country that has been tain, good relations with russia. she met with serbian presidents alexander, which, who express support for ukraine's territorial integrity. but serbia has refused to join international sanctions against russia. the court in germany has ruled the far right alternative for germany party could be a threat of democracy. decision means the f b can be classified as a suspected extremist group, can be placed under surveillance by domestic intelligence services. the latest post address the a if these germany's 2nd most popular party that george's prime minister has 5 to push a new bill binding foreign agents through parliament on choose day. despite mass protests against the controversial bill will put restrictions on media groups and non governmental organizations. that get funding from
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a broad prime minister directly with co bi kits. it says most of the populations box, the new bill, and i just ation has cost as caused mass protests for months. overnight sizes of people again rallied in to georgia and capital to basic testers. here the new law will stifle dissent and damage georgia's bid to join european union. well, the w correspondents maria cut them out so it is intimately see and explains why the protesters are so determined to get their message across. the protests are still ongoing here in the georgia and capital c to c. c. behind me, you can see they've told task to they spend the whole night at the. * elements where they say that they will not back down that they will defend said democracy. they say that the big. 6 is that a service as a retired and so for their country that they will not allow to happen?
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they see this through as a surprise to their new integration. they say that if the bill isn't upset, the pro rational forces will take over georgia. that's what they fear, and that's why they're here protesting. today we've seen some of the fall and crunched down on the protest. says some of them. they've been telling me that they are receiving some stress and phone calls from a known numbers. but they say they will not be intimidated by those tactics. they believe that they can, they can still influence the governments to drop the bill. the flooding and heavy rains continue to pound brazil, southern and state of rio grande they the so the state has been paralyzed since late april with schools, airports and road submerged in water. more than half a 1000000 people have been displaced with hundreds killed and many missing the kremlin to save whatever they can.
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locals in the sea to of canals, race against time, or the rising water and using boats and make shift drafts. they wanted to get back to the bend and home before it was too late. thanks. well, able to go. we went back to rescue the cats. they hadn't eaten in 6 days, and when we arrived, they were starving. we fed them and brought them here. the houses had have been submerged for days off the heavy rains cost severe flooding. the scarborough by, i'm worried, the water won't go down and that it won't stay clean. we will have to start again from scratch. we've lost everything that you've nor car thought, but i know everyone here will help each other. only the government says about 600000 people have been displaced because of the disaster. and as the voltage level
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continues to rise, making it time clear when for even if people will be able to return home. and finally, to austria and sky drivers have completed the 1st successful wing suit flight through london's power bridge. the professional skydivers jumped out of a helicopter hovering above the river, thames. a completed a complex maneuver known as the flare. rising up again and off there. sky dies. the flight lasted all of 45 seconds with a top speed of almost 250 kilometers per the us. and that's all for now. but next we have a documentary on the search for renewable energy solutions to stop climate change thoughts after a short break. and don't forget, there's plenty more news on our website to you to view dot com and you can follow
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us on our social media channels. our handle is dw news on how about funding the s from me and the team here in berlin. thanks for watching. take care. the big burst into our is whenever they feel like it to me sounds kind of for design of fashion and most abusive in the sky. many including the office of how do they do it? the secret lives of size starts may 22nd on dw, the the.