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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 14, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news coming july from berlin. washington's top diplomat is in ukraine sector state and they blinking arrives in keep on an unannounced visit in meetings with president zalinski and all the top officials. us spokesman said lincoln will highlight the us as in, during support for you. chris also coming up gaza sees more heavy fighting as israel pushes back into the north of the strip after him. us regroups there in the south. hundreds of thousands of palestinians plea rough uh, as these rarely, military conduct operations. the
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hello and terry martin, thanks for joining us. us secretary of state mc blinking is in team today. his unannounced visit to ukraine's capital is aimed at emphasizing america's ongoing support for ukraine. as it struggles to defend against increasingly intense russians attacks lincoln will meet with senior officials, including president below them is the landscape is visit comes less of a month after congress approve the long delayed military aid package for ukraine. worth $60000000000.00 us dollars. but it can simplify the commission is taking place as ukraine's military is battling a russian to advance in the hockey region. ukrainian police are helping civilians in the northeastern border towns to evacuate before the front line reaches their front door. as the russian bonds rained down on you, koreans harkey region. police are going door to door
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over the last few days. they've helped evacuate thousands from border towns and villages, including many elderly residents. hesitant to leave the business we weren't going to leave. home is home. don't lose the money, you know. after the night that we endured, there was really terrifying officer again, a day union has been called to another village. lots available today were evacuating the village of progresses. russian forces have stepped up their attacks on ukraine's northern border in recent days. february report my opinion, it's a lack of ammunition, but we're still waiting for the ammunition provided by america. america rushes offensive into harkey region comes as you cream, faces, critical shortages of ammunition. after months of doing deliveries,
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i've got that that look and explosion. what's a local spear? both tongues fate main mirror, dad of boss, moot enough div ukrainian cities. that's all fierce fighting and scorch or tactics from russia. both charged blue shield of chinese because being destroyed by cluster bombs, artillery motors, gun battles are happening on the north. an outskirts of the town. the tanks are showing the town they are destroying everything they possibly can. boy, it's dangerous to stay there to let us put what to do with them. that's fierce battles gripped the outskirts of the trunk and you creating and forces wait for urgently needed supplies to reach the front lines. only a few 100 residents remain here. george's prime minister has bound to push a new bill through parliament on tuesday,
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despite mass protest against it. the controversial bill will put restrictions on media groups and non governmental organizations that get funding from abroad. prime minister, iraq, the co, a hits says most of the population backs the new law, but the legislation has caused mass protests for months. overnight, thousands of people again rallied in the george and capital tbilisi protest as fear . the new law will stifle dissent and many in damages, georgia's bid to join the european union. so you'll get a couple of other stories making headlines around the world today. donald trump's former lawyer and personal fixer michael cohen has taken the stand, the former president's hush money trial. in new york cohen told jurors that trump approved big payouts to start new stories about sexual encounters. the word could hurt his 2016 run for the white house go in, is considered the prosecution's star with this ariah. police in the netherlands
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have broken off a protest that had taken over parts of the university of amsterdam, campus students and stuff from several schools walked out on monday to protest. israel's military actions in gaza and the break up of pro palestinian demonstrations last week. united nation says um 360000 people have fled. rafa in the southern gaza strip over the last week. as the israeli military conducts operations though there's also been renewed funding, heavy fighting in the north of gauze as his really forces returned to recapture territory. taken by a resurgence from us, the as really army says from us forces have regroup there in areas the army secured, just weeks after him, us committed the october 7th terrorist attacks smoke rises over jamalia in northern gaza. the mass operatives have returned to the area
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as is rarely forces pushed to retake parts of gaza. they had previously cleared civilians are caught in the crossfire there were wounded in did that we cannot reach because the consistent bombing over a cruise, an ambulance is by is ready forces. ambulance is a being directly targeted and the sooner it continues to launch rockets into the center of the dubai your camp. according to god's of some us run health ministry over 35000 palestinians have been killed in the war. while the united states israel, strongest allies, says it does not believe a genocide is happening in gaza. the white house has ordered some of it strongest criticism of israel's war effort to date, district attorney operation has to be connected to a political plans the day after. so that there is a clear alternative and there's governance and their security and all of the steps
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you need to take to finally and fully defeat a hardened entrench terrace, sfo. and yes, and one of the risks of engaging in any kind of counter insurgency campaign is the ability of the terrace group to attract more recruits and more followers. as time goes on, this is something we have talked to the israelites about. meanwhile, in rough in the south of jobs is really forces or carrying out what they call a limited military operation to root out one of the last time us strongholds. the army says it's taken out dozens of terrorists and found tunnels and weapons depos. but the latest operation has also forced hundreds of thousands of civilians to again flee. this time northwards to a special correspond to abraham joins us now from jerusalem. an intense fighting is being reported in both the north and south of draws as we saw there. what is
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israel's army saying about it's all prices? well, what they're saying is that they have to sort of resume more intense fighting in the north. that's the area where the war, the fighting with homeless and should be started as these really army made its way southward, forcing civilians to move southward as well. but it would appear that a from us fighters have been able to regroup in the northern part. uh, even after it was believed that they had been rooted out already. and after the northern part of guys, or by all accounts has been absolutely designated. at the same time. these really are me, says that, you know, going into off i or is really leadership as well. going into effect is a priority to it out the remaining how most battalions that are now in that southern most a city. and we've seen over the past couple of days,
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leaflets being dropped in the south urging civilians to go towards the north. so it's a, it's a, it's a very confusing situation for people on the ground because it seems that fighting is happening everywhere or will soon be happening more intensely, everywhere in the industry. now another aspect of this, the us and germany have condemned an attack by is really protesters on an, a convoy headed into gaza. what can you tell us about that? a of these are, these attacks on a convoys are not uncommon, they've been happening virtually every day. 5 for the past couple of weeks where you have groups usually of radical is really subtler groups who take it upon themselves to try and sabotage the, the movement of a meant for civilians and gaza. we saw
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a particularly disturbing incident yesterday, a that was caught on video where these groups have vandalized there's, we're actually able to take up the aide off of the cars and destroy them. but this is by no means uncommon. and it's something that we've been seeing happen again and again over the past couple of weeks. bill, it's independence day in israel, co or is really marking that occasion. it is of course, a bitter sweet moment. usually this is the time independence stand memorial day of remembering the people that have sacrificed themselves for the country, but also celebrating the birth of a of the country a 76 years ago. but this is of course now happening in the shadow of october 7th, the war, the fact that there are still over a 100 hostages and still believe to be held by from us in gaza.
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as well as a general feeling among is realise that i have spoken to, but they felt that their country in a way offended them on october 7th. remember, there were hours and hours of a sort of security vacuum where people were stuck in the south with no real help to rescue them from the attack. and so it's, it's certainly a better sweet moon, but a lot of disappointment in, in this really political establishment for sure. yeah, thank you very much. i was there special course but correspond to abraham, there in jerusalem. this is real, has also been marketing memorial day with solvers ceremonies across the country. this is the memorization was dedicated to the more than 1200 people killed by the most last year as well as the soldiers who died during the war and gaza within 7 months later is really citizens are still struggling to deal with the aftermath of
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last october's attacks dw is real, correspond atanya, kramer met with 2 of them. for this next report is really photographer, as click on image shows the basis of those the survive the mos terror attack. and those who helped others on the day that changed the country. i want to commemorate the bravery and optimism and sense of resilience that i saw from these rarely citizens. it was amazing to see how they actually respond to her in this terrorist attack. on october 7th, there was so many amazing stories of people who, you know, woke up in the morning, and they decided to rose up to that moment that to say so many lives. one of them is rami deputy on a farmer from a village in southern israel. she and a group of friends rescued, hundreds of mainly young party goers at the nova music festival. ronnie and ellis
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returned to the site of the res. today. other portraits stand here in memorial to those killed and those abducted to gaza by him os militants. rami answered a call from a friend and race here to help. despite the risk of rocket attacks and running into militants. word spread quickly as worried parents symptom locations on what's up to get their children to safety. we shall not sure if he lets the ability to set him up after a rescue, the 1st they circulate and my phone number to other groups. and this is how the name rummaged and my number spread like a bush fire. say a much more is because they had no one else to turn to a mind that field was skilled on me. she became a hero to many israelis and is often recognized. but he says coming back here is not easy. so i'm going to show the she the book to but another one for be like it
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was left for that day. clover for me. everything has changed. college to 90. i have nightmares and flash, the horrors i've seen anything, but a lot of my body is failing on me. i'm not the same rami locked off. i'm no longer . i have the 1st on the same personal stories by gurani's or at the heart of the exhibition. but they also highlight a deeper change that took place on october 7th, one that many israelis are still struggling with. if you're watching dw news coming up next, we've got planted a for you looking at the race to develop small nuclear reactors which could help provide fossil fuel free energy in the future. i'm terry martin for me and all of us here at the w news. thanks for watching the
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people in trucks injured when trying to feed the city center. more refugees are being turned away and support families on the tanks in syria, the credit on entering this way to get straight to if he explained to his son around the world. more than $100.00 and assessing, seeking rest we.


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