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tv   The Nazi Art Heist  Deutsche Welle  May 14, 2024 9:30am-10:01am CEST

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definitely pull just a yellow if that's what you prefer. pull purple apples very special. in the georgia, choose your favorite color, the . the king, the children's bedding. a small ink. well, i'm an oil painting with a gold drain. i'm in. i'm going once going twice going 3 times from underwear to valuable. everything was sung doth. nazis used options to generate millions replenished a war chest, hunt for bonbons, which let know stuff on to global showing just as an openness go home this life think it was an open secret to show that everything here which was the jewish
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property, was sold with a club like auction in defend, people could figure out that they're real owners, hadn't gone on a holiday or to a health resort. bob and the items belong to jews, and the knots, who said, forced to flee the country with their belongings packed and so quoted lift fence, they hope to build a new loss in exile. but off to the world again, very few of these crates went to their own is here in hamburg, southwest hall, the thousands of crates were stranded from load. with the german rush, the nazis confiscated them and auctioned off the contents. goods that were meant for shipment. when tons of the honda in raymond, to most of the stone objects, a still missing the
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to capture, the tribal is one of a few 100 providence researches in germany. she's determined to result the case of nazi losing. once referral, true gym and fashion, the ritual expect event, meticulous the vin and actually about $3000.00 households were auctioned off and hungry. i'm more frustrated and just under $1000.00 more were auctioned off and paid in 1st i got funding that meets a total of $4000.00 complete households whose contents were auctioned on strike of funds. and it's easy to see that this amounts to millions of individual items. i'll check the actual tribal searches for clues. she's on a mission for justice. and the families already had a hard time leaving their homeland. and once they arrived overseas, for instance,
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in america, they waited for their belongings to arrive and nothing came. the major goal is to eventually return these objects to their families and from the and thoughtful can a difficult task. and one that the defendants of the families have loan been hoping for, mostly in vain. the injustice suffered by the cook family 80 years ago, is still in the grandson's mind. today. we're going to be interested in where the subjects would. where did my grandparents belongs, and doctors on that process? these questions don't get a moment please kind of willis. he hopes clinicals research provides answers. hello, hello, hello. good morning. it's nice to see, you know, so it's, it's nice to meet with such a symbolic place. oh yeah, they could use grandparents belongings which included the valuable art collect and
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we're also sold in a so called lift fans is the how many lift vans and crates that your family have as we should buy it for. i know one big ones or then one smaller one lesson on i'm cuz that's what i should have been too cheap. so i the nazis rose to power in 1933. although hitting those plans for extermination were made clear from the stones. there was still a window of opportunity for the jewish population to leave the country. those who predicted what was coming and could afford to fled abroad. but in 1941. that window closed difficult. anyone who made it out of germany believe they would be re united with their belongings, provided they had paid transport in advance. the costs were meant, but many of the crates never reach their owners
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attribute to see you then it was, of course, the goal of the national socialists, not only to push the jewish minority out of the country conflict, but also to completely disenfranchise and plunder them financially. and in that respect, respect, there was little incentive to ship them their property in the 1st place to know the history, she called family came from the spot, and the old conductor took an early interest in art, which he bought together with his wife. he died 1933 east children's flight to london, soon to be joined by their mother, lot of positions which included the families of collection which followed by way of handbook southwest hall, the that was the promise, but they never made it to london and 1941 had books as were confiscations, photos of memories, documents of lights worth of objects disappeared. so 1st
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a month in the end, everything was taken from the doctor's showing that his criminal, terrible, foolish. i don't really know where it's about enough to describe this in the hub is the custodial confiscated goods that women to shipping an option to move even use papers, advertised opportunities to purchase cheap goods. i'm call for the affordable gramaphone and oil painting circuit. 175056 books. here in the handbook states archives kitchen libel meticulously, searches through option rig quotes. the nonsense for good keeping gifts tend to so here we go on to and then okay,
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the individual contents of the list van or neatly listed here. and, and you always had the name of the object, understand this, the name and the name of the person who bought it from us here. for example, it's the museum of phonology and what was offered for the object or group of items and the question, and it goes on here page by page. this done, he is from say, art object to books. everything was more or less sort insurance like the bed linen and the bed frame, the special on cookware, and so on costco. sure, it's a viable research is funded by the gym and lost out foundation. what she 6 to establishes. who was abrupt, who was the behind, and where are the items now, from beginning for less than from the beginning of an object journey. because when it left its owners house with the moving company to the moment, it was stored with the bailiff, tact was a drop of auctioning it off one because it's so it's you and it basically listens who bought what you and for how much gum so that we get an overview of the list as
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they are bhaskar cove talk to the fuse, where they private persons, where they dealers feedback as well and, and what happened to the objects and after that was checked and then vide helps us yet too much, like a detective catch from clive, we'll get this over clues in atlanta based on the student gun, some flu tight. and from these puzzle pieces, i think we can trace the task of a lift van from its starting point, or leaving the house as to which point of sales and in homburg. now 14 tribal works is a provenance research here with the gym and maritime museum. in 3 and a half and the job is to find out, was it the items in the museums collection were quad, legally the nazis also auctioned off
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personal effects from jewish households here in graham. and that's how club and this became aware of this injustice a tablet as me off the phone that's it struck me that this whole topics of jewish microns property being auctioned off in freeman and homework. i have never really been dealt with and just confesses, ms. bravo, who bought which items at these auction? it's all a forced validation gigs. this has never been researched because even though it were all in the document, not from days and fail for many people attended the options, not just dealers and private individuals, but also numerous handbook, museums. today they a cooperation with cultural classes research, for example, installer ok, museums for a paintings at auction and is now looking for the rightful owners and as the calm
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vanity, just as the dream of course is that this room will eventually be empty that we can allocate all these items to their former owners and their rightful errors, return, nothing can the, this man's grandparents guild and law shall come from the spot and also own valuable paintings which has never been returned. his family inquired about the missing items early on. at 1st they were told they had been incineration during bombing license. they was stopped because they would no records bought the grandson to assisted and managed to find key leading to a painting once owned by his family boss with puppies by know, the tires are definitely donors, individual people to set everything in motion again and raise doubts that the paintings that actually disappeared or had been destroyed by fire showings and
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punished headphones and they must actually still exist somewhere else to do stuff, no room for exist. young person, you 100 plus you escape is from the in the family is it was also prompted the husband hammond, which opened a department store and berlin had left his fortune to his wife. the loving family had bought pieces by beckman lieberman brock and schmidt, brooklyn's artist to adorn museums today. the villa and darling was taken over by the national socialists, where they trained journalists loyal to the right, you'll have to push it sky. so what was coming in? fled to los angeles in the us site. she hope the contents of the household would fine, except they never arrived. her
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property was sold off in handbook and an option that last 3 days. how much fail? 1500 times the actual tribal is still amazed by this case today. the it's coming to i to people came from berlin from hanover to buy it this auction and they weren't ordinary people. they were people who had been bombed out. they were traders who turned a profit from buying these objects cheaply. i'm also in the 1st i go home of to the wall, you'll have to push it sky wanted her pregnancy back. she had photos to prove what belonged to her. and both would be looted by the nazis, but only a few items were ever returned to the tribal is researching the case. she's painstakingly reconstructing the objects. jennings and the hopes of finally sold in
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this case of theft. this is not a commission job. it's about jim and kills and justice in parking and food on this side of pictures show is the furniture from your honda plus it's keith. how with the corresponding item number in the auction record and put it to huntsville, often fresh title cultural coin. much my bill is i'm of now. they're even complete shots of the living rooms object as well. we also fund objects that will respond when the auction record ios portable quite a bit of it us here and clicking on that 9. let's take a look at this 11. 09. fine. what would it be? an an update on layout. cool. not a bit of my a crown was bought by maya for 700. 60 like small distances, price lock. that's for the depth of the price was estimated at $200.00. this is done with with to so that what has been this land here?
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with the help of the lawyer, you'll have to push it ski managed to identify sushi to bargain hunters. they all denied any responsibility and oh gosh, i don't sophistic. my client does not recognize a duty of restitution. they had to do. she acquired all items in question here. i mean autumn at an auction held by the onboard bailiffs office without having the slightest idea they might be chosen property. and this was i can 200 credit sheet. basically every file size, same thing you have, i have no more records on special. you're not aware of the go have, we have nothing at all to do with this summit and something along those lines on the feel. the files of the restoration proceedings are stored here in the attic of what is now the handbook district court. you have the new title,
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research has them. you wanted to know how the state pays towards the injured parties and came across the pushes ski case. guess what types of huge numbers on this because especially if its file with a big strap around it, it must have to open it when done. and then these photos of the state in berlin with these incredible artworks jumped out of me and i'll be some comments to it was an astonishing find technicians who pop because that's very, very rare and restitution files that people still have photos of the property of using the phone images, it took a few photographs of their furniture, move it. it was just so exceptional, but i have to look into it to find victims including johan associates, ski, there's more stakes and just the possessions i unconsciously american just to tell her what's important to the fix was that they not only got the property back, but the german courts also acknowledged that they had wronged them in this, and that doesn't always happen because the courts were more concerned with contracts. so sums of money into like a government issued for tag a good come, i'd gate very close scrutiny and regulation quote,
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and i think with us in 1965 up to 17 years, you'll have to push it. sky was comp and sizes by the federal republic of germany, with 960000 torch marks on condition that she truck also declined a laughable sum compared to the original value of her estate. finish for p, as in fine with astonishing to me was that the state and actually stepped into the show, the death of private individuals was repaired. but the states on this way of political fort that was a political decision in order to prevent the link. the social discord is a draft. all we estimate we've done. there are about 100000 buyers in hamburg alone . that's not just a view, doesn't people from some small french group wants to be like these? what would have happened if there's active discourse at actually taking the language and listen to this day, many paintings from your head of prussia, because prices aren't collection a classified as lost and
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continues to search for them with the help of a little some in munich is concerned with more than their value out and fresh interest. and so and if he's interested in his family history, was that what happened to his grandparents um, especially to his grandmother was more to one of hearts. it's not what he asks himself is. uh, we're have all these objects golf because i'm child of to look at the photos from that time told the videos, great villain dollar victories, which was furnished with beautiful objects of art, of to start to, to the and where has all this family history gone? does against, if somebody didn't receive to complete a lifetime of pain and loss. this chinese boat ahead was a quad in paris, an auctioned off by the national socialists here on the india. and here we have it
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. i talk one old head items who owns x 66 acquired by the museum of acknowledging or quin. the school board 5 from from the bid was 500 hikes small. got them. i'm not too sure. and there's also an invoice to the museum of phonology about him called but later in the postwar period, during the rest of the teacher negotiations behind them. these uncalled for this head was apparently lost on and thus lockwood and that was probably due to a clerical error in the rest of teaching records. let's you don't tell where it was listed as an old heart. so when they looked through the record long, they couldn't find the head and didn't quite finish the phone and had but the head didn't actually disappear. at the end of 2020, it showed up on display in the form a museum is acknowledging and handbook now named monk. it should been on loosely stored in a just
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a few years until it was broken out for an auto exhibition tribal scene. so the 1st time to beautiful is because i think, to be honest, i imagined it would be much smaller. sure, it's great to finally see it in real life. and not just in picture to the now the long las boot ahead will finally be returned to your hand. appreciated skis is the, the museum was even pretty familiar with the name. so should ski, because it has already returned 6 objects to its own off to the war, but not the boat to hit the chip from catching climb through the museums attention to it. this con,
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plus the end of the object. it can happen that in these large depos objects, it for a very long time before they are brought in for a project. that's the way it works. and big museums, we all wish we could simply process it ourselves. but that's and illusions, and so as it would take too much time, it's a lifelong tennessee itself. it will cease to dish. you see, i don't buy that. no, it's an excuse. the simple with go to the federal republic of germany committed to caring out this research and the washington declaration. and so it's the responsibility of the state, including the cultural senator and hamburg, was in to ensure that there were adequate resources. also, providence research was shown as long as they committed to this list and must honor this commitment to be stone. these are put face the most i can do. the boat ahead was tracked down thanks to the joint efforts of caution cottle and mock.
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it's the fitness piece and titles research projects to be reached. hi john, this is alicia, is that the impossible can be made possible. obviously we can track down the looted belongings and we covered them for thousands of families and people mentioned for quick ones to put you on this. and we are lucky here that mark is a public institution slip to. so it is possible to find these items on us and sources and brokers which would probably be much more difficult to do if they were in private household site and befriended more likely of online. but this is the case of the missing email. know the painting owned by the cop family. the grandson, painstakingly searches for little clues passed through many hands off to being port my casualty. last auction christy's the auction house also tried to sell it in vain
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. it was delivered to it by a gallery in keel. eventually it was sold by austria to france, but nobody will say who has it now. when hunting and there's, there's the impression that people are stonewalling. this information is not being laid out in the table and there is no transparency. whereas they only sharing this information after 4 or 56 inquiries, one at the right away, like the know the wasn't the only work in the club family's collection. it also includes just out of valuable paintings such as a yap lensky, a clay a role. today they a certain that all of these artworks will do to be honest restaurant, but from the historical research institute. fax and file is trying to reconstruct the cruise from umus paintings from the company to state that the keel gallery
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claims that it no longer has any documents that could share much on the matcher. as mine off how, from my experience with our dealer archives, i can't imagine that they threw away all their documents in 1980 and they don't have them anymore as an every art dealer knows that documentation is the be all and end all of their business. so you always know what you had the who you got it from and who you sold it to months my calls tap to yes. by side. just make good tired findings or why aren't they telling the truth? and you go to the and then dustless, talked inches, why are they trying to mislead us and to the time they shouldn't boost the suggest that the people involved knew that there was something wrong with how the painting had to be in acquire testing. don't touch actually show us, but that the piece had been stolen. it's interesting to this day, most of the positions belong to the expelled jewish community. i'm missing minions of all checks,
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everything that was due to them that they had hoped to take with them to begin, then you launch a sold off at options when anyone could get the hands on them. it's a suspicion task. clyde was working her way through mountains of files to funds and names of injured parties. as it gets finished after a little over a year of looking on this list. all. but i've regions the letter and let me just a boost of it in and they'll come, doesn't own goofy so far. this is, that's approximately 1700 names of victims from hom, board from the swedish and those homework. mackenzie, i must get a hold of them together like this. and as you can see, i have completed just over half of the list and come on this as an investment the so my guess would be there's about $2700.00 names in total and then the loose would prophecy. and the names of the victims will be published in a da suffice. only then can the owners, and there is
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a search declines. where has the costs out collection gone? the grand son will keep searching as long as he can is up here and is often to one customization. remember i said to myself, who, if a generation doesn't do this anymore? if i don't at least try to get to the bottom of this, nothing will happen. plus this chapter if history will be buried forever, will vanish into oblivion, which is on purpose of doing good fresh water up a light should search for justice caption club will work. give up, trying to write the roles of the nazi tyson, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the,
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the co, africa. how do you get young people thinking about wasted in public spaces? again, taps where they practically have quest to clean up the environment in a way that is the logical for them. grab the young people's attention, check, pass on environmental awareness. check. this is the mission of green quest. in 30 minutes on d w, the written by
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a single question. we're peterson. one has been searching for his brother and father and us read the search for victim of the military dictatorship has led into the ceiling stuff a in 75 minutes on d w. the music can be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible to see performed for head lice in o smith's jewish tennis. nissan last covered face the was the nazis favorite, conduct. the 4th thing to musicians who
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lives denise. the panel of the swastika volume was music. so imposing to the national social usage of the arts were to be used as part of the medication. assume about the sounds of power. i'm inspiring story about survival, things to music in the home. i usually search the tenants now. well, i guess the only ones i was super, not his music under the swastika stuff may 25th on dw,
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the this is dw, this coming to line from berlin. washington is pop diplomat is in ukraine. secretary state entity blinking meets the presence of lensky in tape during an unannounced visit in meetings with him and the top of officials blinking aims to emphasize the us has been during support for you. craig, also coming out of jail, kremlin critic waits for a supreme court ruling on his bid for freedom by them. a car moves was convicted on trees and charges, critics say were politically motivated and gaza sees more heavy fighting as his real pushes back into the north of the strip after her mastery groups there in the


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