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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 14, 2024 11:00am-11:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news coming to live from berlin. washington's top diplomat is in ukraine, secretary of state and st, blinking media presence, lensky and t during an unannounced visit. and meetings with him as top officials blinking pains to emphasize to us as enduring support for ukraine also coming up gaza sees more heavy funding as israel pushes back into the north of the strip after her mastery groups there. in the south, hundreds of thousands of palestinians play rock bottom because these rarely military conduct operations. and we look at the flights of sit in these refugees in china who have fled from the conflict and are for as more people are internally
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displaced worldwide than ever. but the little em. terry martin, thanks for watching us secretary states engine. he blink and has been meeting with ukraine's president below them. is the lensky the unannounced visit to keep is aimed at emphasizing america's ongoing support for ukraine, as it struggles to defend against increasingly intense russian attacks. lincoln's visit comes less than a month after congress approved a long delayed military aid package for ukraine. worth more than $60000000000.00 i asked the w correspondent, nick connelly in keep what was expected from lincoln's visit to crate as well. i think this is the 1st off about trying to reassure ukrainians and the elite is that
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this is a yes, a u. s. commitment that is it states, this is not something that is going away, but that's the us some research that hasn't been distracted by events in the middle east. and that this is going to be something that allows ukraine released stopped for us as adults for now is going to be largely it's going to be about tilts behind closed doors, maybe less in the way of big announcements. but this is also the 1st major us visit at since those $61.00 billions in the 8 amount. so this is, you know, i visit that comes of the back of a significant success within the us. convincing replicants to join in and vote on this. and now that can be planning how this money is going to be spent and how they're going to get it to the sidelines. false enough to really make it impact. they'll, blanket is visiting ukraine. well, russian forces are advancing in the hockey region. nick, what can you tell us about the situation on the ground? there? it was pretty difficult to get a kind of up to date handling what's going on. lots of these places,
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the mobile internet and mobile phone connection is severely restricted or doesn't work at all. so they've been cases in recent days, wherever it is, where seem to be under some control. and then once the collective came back, they realize that the crating on me was still there. so, you know, from a kind of outside spectrum they'll be able to access those regions. it is very difficult, but certainly russia is pushing forward is taking more of these villages very close . the border has to be such as basically like a, a long strip along the border and is now trying to city of, of, of chance, which is only about 5 to them system to buddha. and there is a lot of confusion that was come on to who was swept through recent days. there's a lot of criticism that the brain response wasn't organized enough, wasn't coordinated enough. and this is not something that came as much surprised. we have still preparing officials in recent weeks and months, warnings at rest, who was trying to do this. and yet the response was still, you know, such that russian was able to make a lot of progress, especially in the 1st few days. as you put it out, nick uh the secretary states is there just for the 1st time,
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the big top us specialist visit instance. the congress finally approved the military aid that aid was held up in congress for months. how much did that delay effect to cranes capacity to defend itself next? well i think certainly in the east where you go, that can positional fast a difficult basically it was a given up to the grains, which we could flip the luxury because they just didn't have the 5 power to match what the russians were throwing at that city and you've had to tell us visuals are missing that basically had usa come out. yes. then obviously would probably still be in ukrainian hands. i think we've seen the same picture when you look at defenses, which has to 6 showing that ukraine is able to except for a few, especially ballistic missiles and was the case a year ago because of low stokes at the inception resolve. i think if you look at the product of region now it's a bit more of a mixed picture. that is the question of your ukraine military leadership of building might feel things they wouldn't need west and help people to do. and basically just controlling situation and communicating properly. i think there's,
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there's a lot of, presumably in ukraine searching now for political and military leaderships that basically lessons what lot from the already phases of this will and that, you know, this for the situation that was necessary would have required us to help us with just the question of your competence and planning. next, thank you very much. our correspondent, nick connelly there in ukraine's capital key united nation. so some 360000 people have fled rafa in southern gaza over the last week as these rarely military conducts operations there. there's also been renewed for heavy fighting in the north of gaza, as is really forces return to recapture territory taken by research and come us the is really our me says from us forces have regrouped there in areas the army secured, just weeks after him. us committed the october 7th terrorist attacks smoke rises over jamalia in northern gaza. the mass operatives have returned to
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the area as, as rarely forces pushed to retake parts of gaza. they had previously cleared civilians are caught in the crossfire. today they were wounded and did that. we cannot reach because the consistent bombing of that cruise an ambulance is by is ready forces ambulance is being directly targeted. and the sooner it continues to launch rockets into the center of the july year camp according to god's of some us run health ministry over 35000 palestinians have been killed in the war. while the united states israel, strongest allies, says it does not believe a genocide is happening in gaza. the white house has ordered some of it strongest criticism of israel's war effort to date, district attorney operation has to be connected to a political plans the day after. so that there is a clear alternative and there's governance and their security and all of the steps
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you need to take to finally and fully defeat a court and entrench terrace, fpo. and yes, and one of the risks of engaging in any kind of counter insurgency campaign is the ability of the terrace group to attract more recruits and more followers. as time goes on, this is something we have talked to the israelites about. meanwhile, in rough in the south of gaza is really forces are carrying out what they call a limited military operation. to root out one of the last come strongholds, the army says it's taken out dozens of terrorists and found tunnels and weapons depos. but the latest operation has also forced hundreds of thousands of civilians to again flee. this time northwards or more people are internally displaced than ever before. a new report by the internal displacement monitoring center says over 75000000 people have been forced to leave their homes
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and seek shelter elsewhere in their country. the highest number around 6000000 artist gaping sedans, civil war, billions, more hips lead to neighboring countries. our next report contains images that somebody was may find disturbing. full year old yes mean has struggled to walk since she was shot in the lake. she is from l janina into don's west stuff full, but he's growing up in a camp for displaced people across the border in chad. last year is fighting me at the home. yes, mean, fled with her family. but the rebel power and military groups, the rapids support forces caught up with them. a bullet toll through. yes means leg and he's her mother. well, identity, her mother who was 8 months pregnant, was killed and yes mean was left all alone. some people found her on the road and
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brought her here on the road to the buddha. we old suffered the rapids support forces killed and wounded. so many people got the word. yeah, yeah. hi. a recent human rights watch report accuses the rapids support forces and allied militias of carrying out attacks and west of full killing thousands. the report says this indicates ethnic cleansing will crimes and genocide. the power military group has been at will with su don's army since april 20, 23 and 4 is a front in the civil war. thousands of people were killed in clashes and as strikes, you know, fashion over the weekend. it's the last major cc and all 4 still under the sudanese armies control, the city is reportedly under siege and there is
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a communications blackouts. the united nations ones but fighting is endangering $800000.00 civilians in alpha and preventing aid from reaching the region when millions of people are on the brink of salmon, that time is running out to prevent starvation and therefore as intensifying clashes north the forest capital l flasher are hindering our efforts to deliver vital food assistance into the region. the un has called the situation ensued on one of the west humanitarian disasters in recent memory. age groups, fee that the violence seemed all full, could lead to another massacre in force, millions more people to flee for the lives of more on the situation in sudan, we're joined now by the all the little dang who an analyst who studies the region.
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she's currently here in germany. thanks for being with us. i'll be millions of people have been displaced in sit down just in the past year. do you see any prospect for those people returning to their home safely? so thank you for having me on carriage. i think at the current moment it's impossible for most of the displaced civilians to read. it's simply not possible, particularly for the niceties that i have been targeted. no, probably human rights watch report. we know that the mass of beach and other non non arabic, to define groups are specifically doing what is, has been declared by many people's being actually cleansing and genocide. so i will, i be able to return to their home safely in the current moment. no, because of anything, the conflict is intensified as the 2 sides try to gain control of the outside of the last part of the under our control. i wanted to ask you about that.
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it because the duffel region has experience horrible violence. many few of the could be another massacre coming in the regional capital foster. as we mentioned that are now reported. it seems to be under siege. how concerned are you about a potential massacre there as well? i think that it's clear that many civilians you know, will be killed because so far we've seen that both sides have been you know, a bombing heavily populated areas that there's been violence in heavy populated area. has happened. not necessarily against specific, you know, military target. anessa recently come down to think on the 11th and bombing by uh, by actually the ss um that occurred very close to medical filters. and we've given impact to some of those, some of the few medical facilities that are still and so operating. and then we
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also know because of the media blackout, we know that the, our assess also been guilt, you know, accused of heinous crimes, in west or for, and throughout the for. so the reality is that there is most likely severe human rights crimes taking place, right? now, uh, in the sure region what potential, what prospect is there for the, for an intervention to stop this from getting worse? is there any intervention by the international community that would be feasible in this situation? do think i think it's really difficult because it's easy to see see that as an isolated kind of civil conflict, but the reality many people in chatham house and, and others have come right me describe this as proxy war. so we now see that see, don is also becoming the terrain for a long a. r b or
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a fight is going on. and that includes actors as far as fuel is ukraine, russia, china. we also see a lot of the fights and dominance in the gulf region occurring in so that so even if you put an arms and borrow onto that, is that going to stop us from coming? we know stories uh that certain parties. uh, for example, our staff is armed by actors and the goals, the chat or via other areas. so i don't really know what can and okay, i'm, we're gonna have to leave it there. i'll be all. thank you very much for talking with us. that was, i'll be a little dang an analyst in of this a how for him region and has joined us here from germany. thankful. thank you to for yeah, just a reminder of our top story, this our us secretary of state, hampton lincoln has a key meeting with ukraine's president, blocking me as lensky and other officials blinking is there to get federal field
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updates. and to emphasize america's enduring support for ukraine as a defense itself, against pressure you're watching dw loose until the morning. thanks for being with us. the big burst into our is whenever they feel like i don't limit 1000 kind of for design and fashion and find most to pieces in the sky. many on including the also how do they do in the secret lives of good dogs may 22nd on d w 50 is one at why the.


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