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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the news coming to line from berlin. washington's top diplomat is in ukraine, secretary state anthony blinking beach presence lensky, and keep drinking on an else visit in meetings with him and top officials, lincoln is emphasizing america's continued support for ukraine. also coming out of jailed kremlin critic waits for a supreme court ruling on his bid for freedom. vladimir covering more sob was convicted on treason charges. critics say were politically motivated and gaza sees
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more heavy fighting. as israel pushes back into the north of the strip after him, us re groups there in the south. hundreds of thousands of palestinians breed play rock. but as the was really military conducts operations. plus we look at the plight of student needs. refugees in chev who have pled from the conflict and are for as more people are displaced world wide than ever put the it will. i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. us secretary of state, the mc blinking has been meeting with ukraine's president below him is a landscape the unannounced visit to keep is aimed at emphasizing america's ongoing support for ukraine as it struggles to defend against increasingly intense russian attacks. lincoln's visit comes less than a month after congress approved a long delayed military,
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a package for ukraine worth more than $60000000000.00. let's go straight over to our corresponding nicola and keep nick what we expect from lincoln's visit to ukraine. of the i think terry, this is 1st and foremost about showing the grading sides that they are not forgotten that america is committed. and that the attention administration of to months where basically cause a has a seem to occupy everyone's head space in dc that ukraine is still a top priority. as we said, this is a soon as the investment of time getting to key of you called fly, your ticket trains component. so it's basically a day each way a so this is a significant sign. this isn't just to kind of freaking working visits. it's his 1st since that's cause it will start using last year and his 4th system will began and compare that to many more visits, to israel in the past few months. and i think it's also about trying to discuss what to do with the $60000000000.00 worth of us 8 that are now being signed off on . and that will be coming here. increasingly we've already heard from volume is,
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let's keep friends present saying that the 1st priority is a defense and asking for patriot missile defense systems from the us as you can store and have a handful of these most of come from europe. so a real kind of clear requests me great inside that to help protect kind of give and the region of to base a couple of days of extreme fighting that. exactly. nick, you mentioned how shave blinking is visiting ukraine while russian forces are advancing on the region. what can you tell us about the situation on the ground in fussy? so russian forces have taken a number of villages along the border. it's basically a kind of thin strip into spit to 2 strips with a gap in between. one, it's got directly north of kind of give and the other is to the northeastern city of volk chance in different parts that that strip is. you know, the find somebody, there's other places it is a bit narrow and we're having real trouble trying to work out exactly where the brain you're, where some trips out, because often enough,
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there isn't any mobile phone or is that connection. so, you know, just to give you an example of this morning, you're bringing me to reporting that a village that had been thought to be under our control was actually still under your brain control once the grading chips that where able to contact the outside world. they are really the russians trying to take this town of chance. we've heard of, of a 20 live homes being fired on this place in the last couple of days. and, you know, everyone has tried to work out what they try to do. is this an attempt to take documents, this just a buffer zone that we've heard at talk criminal officials talking about along the border? or is this just a distraction read tactic to try and force ukraine's can result is here. while the main fighting continues in the east, we still don't know where we have 4 or 5 days into this now. and we know much further in terms of understanding scale and nick, the us a that's finally been approved for ukraine. $60000000000.00 worth that was held up in congress for months. how much did that delay effect ukraine's ability to defend this?
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so i think it was massive and it was something that basically you so the us mr . is not really wanting to admit until this new funding had finally been signed off on. we've had, you know, people, i think another mistake because everything that we had the, the c i it, erica bill buns. couple months ago saying that they do have, do you have had been lost the russians because your brain wasn't getting enough from the way about to the end of the supplies from the west. and the fact that he made the prediction. that if things didn't change, we would see more vehicles because happening and it's not just about supplies that you know what coming into the last 6 months and then and now being pushed in a great haste from us still falls in york. it was about an opportunity cost. this is about supply that needs to be ordered and produced by private companies in the us and elsewhere. and those 6 months will be lost. and sometimes, you know, we gaining those kind of supply chains and getting those companies stop producing those weapons, finding the stuff to even man does. assembly lines is gonna take potentially more time than is already being lost because you know, stuff be lost, and those companies are focused on other orders. so this is a serious problem, i think is the recognition that going forward. they're going to have to plan better
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. and try and see the supply coming in more regularly and to basically plan for which of these and not allow that goes to person the us to kind of the rail to support your we've seen recently for now. this money that's now being agreed on is expected to last of the end of the year, but don't say to us selection coming up the end of the year. that is something that everyone hearing to hear from the political world is very, very worried about a trump presidency and what that could mean for us to go to this country next. thank you so much brings up to date. that was our correspondent nick connelly in ukrainian capital key now to russia and the most significant opposition figure there. since the death of the opposition leader, alexa, nevada, and they were talking about vladimir colorado, was, is currently in prison, serving a lengthy sentence for treason. and after being convicted on what critics, i were politically motivated charges. he has appealed his sentence,
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and the supreme court in russia is now set to make it's really voicing opposition from his prison. so in russia, as he appeals his legs, the prison sentence, vladimir called remotes, has been an outspoken critic of 2 tents, russia, and the boy in ukraine. it is a stance that it's costing daily. he has suffered to suspected poisonings, as well as time in jail. steve's coverage, the savings a 25 year prison sentence on treason charges, including disseminating false information about the russian army. after he made a speech in the us saying that russia had committed war crimes in ukraine. it is the longest known sentence of all of 2 tents jailed critics longer even than the punishment, the rate will measure. amnesty international has designated him a prisoner of conscience. he has compared his case to a style and a show trial, col remote to appeal. this sentence,
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but it is taken until now to get to hearing the russian supreme court had postponed, the appeal insisting that to be physically present to the hearing. despite to state of health, which his lawyer has called worrying concerns about his health, a very real. since the lexi nevada, all these sudden death in an optic prison earlier this year, which is supports, is pinned on the kremlin of more on this duty on this story. i'm joined now here in the studio by are russia analysts, konstantin? i got custom team. what are the chances the current most of appeal will be approved by russia supreme court? but let's be clear about the terminology. there is no such thing as supreme court, which in russian like there is no parliament, no prosecutor's office, it's old, just an amalgamated, tyrannical regime. and of course, charles has a 0 is specially varying by the fact that he is accused of
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trees. and because of that doesn't give, i think, is the longest sentence to have a handed by, by the put the machine. so last for you've gain. yeah. his wife and children of charles, it's a pretty much them existence, but of course has to go 3 through all these motions. maybe then to take it to higher courts and international courts or whatever. but they need to show just family just show that they exhausted all the charts and with a lot or uh no good news. yes sir. okay. you, you pointed out that this is the longest sentence handed down to a protein critic and in russia so far, 25 years in prison. why so harsh for color? most of? well, i think because the man who have the owner of knowing for quite a few years was extremely instrumental in producing all this kind of very sanctions regimes against the russian version. he loved it very hard in congress, in
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u. k. problem and still deal citizen of russian ukiah. and he's been because of his eloquence because of his shop mind because of his media presence. he was very, very effective in basically helping to sanction luminaries and companies of the rest of the dream. and i think the sentence itself shows that it's really hurt because as, as besides it's, it is extra cardoza's wife and his lawyer are concerned that he may meet the same fate as alexa, nevada, and the, the opposition leader who died in prison under mysterious circumstances, dubious circumstances, what sort of conditions is a cover most of being held under that i do not want to go into basically comparison between different types of russian prisoners and all over them. a good, let's put it like that. some are in the cold climate, simon hot climates,
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but what i can tell you is that no mess up which prison calling you read there is an absolute possibility for the sort of just to make a life help if they want being sent to, let's say, uh, let's say the, the, the, the penalty. so which is like a vertical coffee at all being deprived or you're reading. and by the way, thing that happened to nobody who brought this is bible's excursion. it's those housing, but it does humanise as you it means you and so i do not want to go into this whole will be or right for the one who suffers from the effects of to poisonings by the russian rigid butts. uh, i'm afraid that it actually doesn't matter if they really want, if, if the crum orders that you should be treated harshly over 3 to harshly anywhere. and believe me, it is really, really harsh. the 100 percent cause thing. thank you very much. russian analysts,
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cousin teen. thank it. her well, russian president vladimir putin was at china this week on the invitation of liter . she's been paying that will be the put in the 2nd trip to china in just over 6 months basing. and law sco declared a no limits partnership. just days before russia launched its full scale invasion of ukraine in february of 22, china is trade with russia has hit record highs in recent years, drawing accusations that it is helping boy rushes long time. it's long time allies economy russian president vladimir, put in his helping to bolster economic and military cooperation with aging. and cutting new energy deals during his visit to china to sweep. but archie, jim ping and putting on the same page rush and scrubbing, economic and diploma to guy some nation because of its war against ukraine,
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has made it increasingly reliant on china. and this is reflected on the drastic rise of russia, imports from china in china is exposed to rochelle, rose almost 40 percent between 20212023, reaching a total volume of 111000000000 dollars, exports of machinery, transportation vehicles, and electronics were nearly $6.00 to $5000000.00 to come for nearly 60 percent of the total export volume. the plant power off site barrier to pipeline project will be one of the key topics during portez visit to badging. the project is crucial to gust from strategy to shift the focus from europe to china. russia is desperate to get the project online as quickly as possible to be punished when they walk offers . but china is like you to delay the price agreement for the pipeline, using cars advantage just negotiation position to avoid that costly deal. badging
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knows that it's trade with russia is crucial for most coast survival and water forth against ukraine. she, jim pink is like you to use this leverage at the economy. kind of military cooperation talks during portents, visit george's part of it is locked in a heated debate over a controversial build. it has spark weeks of mass protest. if past the new law would pass place restrictions on media and non governmental groups to get funding from abroad. critics of the governing georgian dream party have adopted the russian law. they say it could be used to crush the sent and harm george's bid to join the e u. the similar bill was withdrawn last year after it was also met with protests c, w 's. maria compromises sent this report from the tube lisa. she explains why the governing party says is pushing forward with the bill. as they said this,
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the government services fire and all of this funding, all the money that is coming from to georgia, the post office here they see this is a tool that the government is selling to use to silence the critical voices in this country. some of the photographers, they've been telling me that they see their government as increasingly for russian . they say that they're using this thing, half the drum and use the sign in the country. you're going to hear some of the things you are. the only thing is with them, it also shows you the rising and cabin is between the west,
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georgia which comes as a surprise for many because georgia is, is as far as your country. and most of the people here is assigned them to say once it is part of europe. and they said the government is hindering the sketch up on a few other stories making headlines around the world. today. china has bound to take all necessary measures following reports that the united states is planning to raise tariffs on electric vehicles from 25 to 100 percent. washington will also increase terrace on some other products, including solar cells and semi conductors. it says the measures are needed because china is putting global markets with artificially cheap products. security forces had been shot at during clashes in the french pacific territory of new caledonia, separatists. there are angry about proposed voting reforms that are being debated in paris. authorities have brought in
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a nighttime curfew in band public gatherings due to the owner s. this is really as already say, a number of people have been arrested after protesters in the archive. westbank blocked and aid conroy balance. regardless of the protesters were seen throwing food packages onto the road and destroying some of it. the trucks came from jordan and we're waiting to cross the taco near the check point west of hebron. a far right is really group says they were demonstrating against the continued detention of as rarely hostages in gaza. united nations has worn the palestinians in northern garza, are experiencing a full blown fireman. this is, these really are me returned there to fight resurgence him. us forces the united nations meanwhile says nearly pipe 450000 people rather have fled rough uh, in the southern gaza strip in the past week as the is really military conduction operations there. there has also been renewed for heavy funding in the north of
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gauze after is really forces returned to recapture territory. they are taken by research and thomas is really army says from us, forces have regroup there in areas the army secured, just weeks after him, us committed the october 7th terrorist attacks smoke rises over jamalia in northern gaza. the operatives have returned to the area as is rarely forces pushed to retake parts of gaza. they had previously cleared civilians are caught in the crossfire. there were wounded in date that we cannot reach because the consistent bombing over a cruise, an ambulance is by is ready, forces ambulance is a being directly targeted. and the sooner it continues to launch rockets into the center of the dubai, your camp. according to god's as hum us run health ministry over
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35000 palestinians have been killed in the war. while the united states israel, strongest allies, says it does not believe a genocide is happening in gaza. the white house has ordered some of its strongest criticism of israel's war effort to date, district attorney operation has to be connected to a political plants the day after. so that there is a clear alternative and there's governance and their security and all of the steps you need to take to finally and fully defeat a hardened entrenched terror. sfo. and yes, and one of the risks of engaging in any kind of counter insurgency campaign is the ability of the terrace group to attract more recruits and more followers. as time goes on, this is something we have talked to the israelites about. meanwhile, in rough in the south of jobs is really forces or carrying out what they call a limited military operation to root out one of the last time us strongholds. the
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army says it's taken out dozens of terrorists and found tunnels and weapons depos. but the latest operation has also forced hundreds of thousands of civilians to again flee this time northwards. or earlier i spoke about this lashana lo, she's with the norwegian refugee council. she gave us this update on the situation in rockville. i was on the phone last night with a colleague in rafa and the situation day by day just seems to be getting more and more desperate. what our colleagues are telling us is that people are packing up to their belongings and seeing wherever they think they might be able to find relative safety when they arrive in the area. that israel has designated that so called humanitarians safe zones. they find that there's actually nothing safe about them. aside from the fact that we've already seen these areas be targeted uh previously by israel, the conditions there are really not suitable for any type of
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a to host any type of a large population. there's no space between tens, no privacy, no fire brakes. um no space to even install latrines or water points. the conditions are really tough. on top of that, many, many, many of the people displaced in rough uh, we're currently being displaced again or originally from northern gaza and they're experiencing on top of their own anxiety about their futures and what will happen to them. they're incredibly frightened about the news that they're hearing coming from more than glad that we're finding has intensified. so i'm wondering about the families and friends think left behind it so about the supply situation. aid supplies coming in to gaza. can you tell us how much aid is getting into the end type now and, and if they're able to distribute it under these more conditions, a very little aid is any, is getting in the reports yesterday about the russell west crossing in north, excuse me, errors west crossing and northern gaza,
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but that able not be delivered to the hundreds of thousands of people who have been displaced below the why? because a line that an have you set the conditions on the ground or such that it's really dangerous and difficult for, for humanitarians to be moving, accessing the aid from the crossings where it's coming in and be able to safely distributed already. yesterday we saw that i un worker was shot and killed a still the circumstances appear murky, but it just pulled us to highlight that that conditions were main unsafe for humanitarian agencies to be doing our jobs. and we've seen over 250 humanitarians killed over the last 7 months. shane, thank you very much for taking time to talk with us today. that was shane or low from the norwegian refugee council in jerusalem. now more people are internally displaced than ever before. a new report by the internal displacement monitoring center says over 75000000 people have been forced to leave their homes
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and seek shelter elsewhere in their country. the highest number around 6000000 are escaping through den civil war. millions of others have pledge and neighboring countries. our next report contains some images that some viewers may find just are full year old. yes, main has struggled to walk since she was shots in the lake. she is from l janina and so don's west stuff full. but he's growing up in a camp for displaced people across the border in chad. last year is fighting me at the home. yes. mean, fled with the family. but the rebel power miller trade groups, the rapids support forces caught up with them. a bullet toll through. yes means leg and he's her mother. the why didn't i do have mothers, you was 8 months pregnant was killed and yes mean was left all alone. some people
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found her on the road. i'm brought to here on the road to the boat and we old suffered the rapids support forces killed and wounded. so many people like i heard a recent human rights watch report accuses the rapids support forces and allied militias of carrying out attacks in west of full killing thousands. the report says this indicates ethnic cleansing will crimes and genocide. the power military group has been at will with through don's army since april 20, 23 and 4 is a front in the civil war. thousands of people were killed in clashes and asked strikes, you know, fashion over the weekend. it's the last major cc and all for still under the sudanese armies control, the city is reportedly under siege and there is
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a communications blackouts. the united nations ones but fighting is endangering 800000 civilians in alpha, shaw, and preventing aid from reaching the region. when millions of people are on the brink of famine, that time is running now to prevent starvation and therefore as intensifying clashes and north, therefore, as capital l flasher are hindering our efforts to deliver vital food assistance into the region. the un has called the situation ensued on one of the west humanitarian disasters in recent memory. age groups fee that the violin seemed off full, could lead to another massacre. enforce millions more people to flee for their lives . its flooding and heavy rains continue to pound brazil, southern states of rio grande it is for the state has been paralyzed since late april with schools, air force in road, some merged underwater,
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more than half of 1000000 people have been displaced with hundreds killed and many missing kremlin to save whatever they can, locals in the sea to of control us race against time or of the rising water using boats and make shift drift. they wanted to get back to the bend and home before it was too late. able to go. we went back to rescue the cats, they hadn't eaten in 6 days and when we arrived they were starving. we fed them and brought them here. the houses have been submerged for days off the heavy rains cost severe flooding. the scarborough by and worried the water won't go down that it won't stay clean. we will have to start again from scratch. we've lost everything that you've your car,
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but i know everyone here will help each other. only the government says about 600000 people have been displaced because of the disaster. and as the voltage level continues to rise, making it time clear when for even if people will be able to return home. you're watching dw news tomorrow, today is next star science magazine. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching.
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