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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 14, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the lifetime blend these to ease the views in dallas madison connections audit about the house. a box full phases of a 7 phase election are over. so today we're asking 3 questions. where does the election stand off to full phases? how is the multi factor affecting the campaign tone? and what does india's election mean for the rest of the world and branch manager, welcome to the program and hello to the dw news community. watching this on youtube, we are looking forward to receiving your questions and comments in the chat next to
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the streaming window. now, electron season is on in india, and the fate of incumbent 5 minutes to not in the movie is being determined voting phase by voting phase. this part, the setting heat indians have been chewing up at pointing stations to cost their ballot. it's been about 3 weeks into this exercise. we've 3 more to go. nearly 970000000 people are eligible to vote and just for competitors and sake. that number is more than the electorate of indonesia, but united states boxed on bucks, others, and some other countries combined. as now, such numbers mean that the future of the world's most populous nation impacts the world, whether it's through india as influential taskbar, down to 18000000, strong, also in the foreign trade policies, or through india's foreign policy and how it deals with global issues of the day
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it's an election with wide ramifications and one that identity bureau has been competing. yes, correspondence show the other on what the election is looking like. 4 phases in to the voter turnout has been lower than expected this time. the election commission of india expressed concern over the decline and to him, but significant, but not alarming. but his reasons being given for this decline, hot weather for one spots of india, a reading under a heat wave. another reason cited by experts is voters able to see to us the candidates because of the dissatisfaction with them. and there's also a mistrust, as the exercise is not being seen as safely by many. we've seen grades by federal law enforcement agencies on opposition vetoes and imprisonment of 2 chief ministers ahead of the elections, even as its own cause to be in a soto, i'm in office, is being discontent with 5 minutes to move these rolling b j. b party on issues of unemployment. the monks use an installation as well, but those issues having to go to the database campaign trades instead,
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the tone has sticking a communal tone. assignment is to move data for to india is minority of listings as into 3 to us and those who produce many children. this is the 1st time in 10 years in office. that movie has started the minority community of muslims in such strong woods and it has evolved strong reactions, not just from the opposition parties, but the civil society because of the hate speech against muslim political analysts say that the end result into a legit hate speech deflects panic as his party has not received the kind of support that is expected on the ground. they say that he's now trying to divert people's attention something real issues on the ground. what his body has defended the speech saying that he just scored a spade a spade and his remarks resonated, but the majority come in. if you can do is just a reminder here that the ruling b j. b party has long been promoting handled nationalism and calling for an end to the appeasement of muslims, minorities, many lawmakers of the party have said that india should be a hindu force nation with policies that benefit them. just the spawning salo jada
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of the but just remember our youtube chat is also open and we are waiting to hear from you. or you can send us your questions and comments and we bring them in to the program. but us, charlie was saying that it's community issues the policies are putting front and center in this election campaign shows more on how that's happened. just 2 days after the 1st phase and 13 ended prime minister and render moody, non boxed is the biggest opposition party with comments. it decried as fate speech are valid and when it gets out to god, when they come to this policy, what empower days? they said muslims have the 1st rides over the nation's wealth. this means they will collect peoples well, some and distributed to whom i think good of god. those who have more children to the influence of ages are the implication muslims have too many children,
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the cummings, the hindus wealth, and then not real indian citizens. it was a remarkable turnaround from just the week before when moody's b j. p released it's manifesto focused on moody's guarantee of a developed india. so what happened speaking to dw, meaning his desk programmed, or political analysts. i should talk with this explanation on different statements, signifies of the findings that in the movies, but very confident about after the 1st phase of flooding. and uh, why and things on the drop off on those for the 5 percent off wondering if it compared with 2019 and if for because the movie would be maybe uh the movie in fact it is working. uh then this, uh, this pulling plus a dish would have gone off. whatever the truth it seems to have given us disjointed this service opposition. a 2nd wind basically shut the basically you want the strength of a nation is india. i see all the slots a true anomaly,
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colorado written remote, which is a blessing this election for him to stand get, but it on monday he is living and it won't be india as prime minister if you don't mean. yeah. yeah. he has decided that in the next few days ago and he has to distract your attention. could you not make some kind of drama drama? but let your attention laundry. unemployment is the biggest issue. it's up to, but i'm a die roll. gundy is the main challenge it to arrange a body gun. these great grandfather, india is 1st prime minister, dow nehru, it's so far the only indian leader to has been elected to a consecutive to, to it's name is records that moody wants to equal. but as he seeks to make history, india spoke to his have simple minds. we experienced numerous problems as a result of moody's de monetization. every one is quite skeptical of whatever moody has brought. there should be no distinctions between muslims and non muslims or
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government canada. so much of the previous governments gave us nothing. today we are living in the house and build by moody current government is good for people, new jobs. if people get employed, then they will be happy, but people need jobs and businesses so that they can be satisfied. that guess just how satisfied they all should become clear on the 4th of june when the results of the class. but let's get more from the long john, look above the, he's a political land list on olsa who was working on in the us indian nationalist politics and is also the author of the book. and that ends remove the demand for times. welcome mr. book about the i, why is the prime minister using communal statements in his election campaign? the basic methods entering the some of these thought that using, i mean the points into something awesome. the 1st phase of pointing on the 19th of
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it for in fact, for the 1st time, it was the 1st time that he made such a statement. you know, actually saying that most of the time, what's in the inside. cuz what works, which have been used in the budget these company for several decades. in fact the, some, one of these comes in it as always be, know they coming back to night, fall 2002 the election, you know, it was actually began them. what the kite uh from that time onwards in there what was done, what did it say? a bit shaky or not really confident and evictions. he's already gone to the 2nd nature, which is actually to divide the electronic on the basis of their religious identities . but doesn't what for the major me, but it hasn't the boss in 2019 to a great extent, you know, then hyper nationalism was really communicate with
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a kind of majority of the politics the time it was before him in the past, also 2002, most famously in good job and again in 2007, you know, when the congress president sonya, on the, you know, climbing, you know, i would say that, you know, i think they call it, you know, all, i pray that all, you know, somebody who pays it, and so there has been cases where because of what the patients really has not was a go to india and one would always wish that such kind of do this if you choose to not well the ground now. so i just said this is not lucky because really just for the evaluation is not full body, please be seen on more than 300 seats. approx 20. they've already bought it. and so i would say that instead of paying them all the reduction solid, your 5, this, this card has not worked for someone. so why hasn't worked into boston?
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why is it not working now? what is so special about this election? i think it's a cumulative feel over some would be on the economics from in 2014. he did not come here to sort out people since he came here because he promised jobs. he promised to control the prices he promised them and got options. the fact of the matter is that the some will the deep, all the guys, all the kind of the norm, the hiding organization kind of see notes in 2016 and looked at the book and you called the battle currency facility. the country continues to flush and there will be no more better than most of the people themselves. because more often than not, the price is a part of light. even for small things, the big things, right? the elections, you know, the nation that the, you live on
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a born scheme which was actually brought on by the more the, essentially nothing but i'm not getting money. i'm giving money in full drives. the bodies of the sources of that process that the box has to be to be unconstitutional by and all the people in the supreme court of india does, does just just for contact for people who may not be aware of the electronic bonds . a system was a scheme that was brought in by the government, which allowed any company, any individual to put change bonds and dedicate the money to political parties without uh, the, the names being known up just the book about pencil. sorry. just stay on the line because we did open this conversation up to our community on youtube and then also have some questions and comments that are making they, we are way into the truck and the lab. like to bring up a one of them a for you to potentially address and these are going to be throwing that up on the
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screen. now it's a question from a user, catalina villette. now who's asking, how is this election effecting democracy in india? it's a very good question. we'll put your service and we'll go out there when the last 10 years night from the time as the more the became the prime disruption. yeah. and yeah, so you know, the team on various democracy functioning indicators of decline. really shocking that, i mean, you know, it's very easy to recall. that's a big and take to show something on it all. so the people think we are hoping that this election is going to be able to be on the research himself to help us in this country. it must have movie gets infected, you know, mandate for the product all. then definitely they're going to be bad. i'm very want any news for the future of democracy in it. yeah. but not even the only be either
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the controller or the be just the using then it is going to be good. are very good news. you know, on this question of democracy. a major piece of photo certainly don't believe that i'm in the prime minister himself caused india the mother of democracy. so therefore, there is no question of democracy being in danger. being a model of the see, of course, is a false negative, which mr. will be us, find me, you know, your yeah, i a few the boss and you cannot see that you've been isn't, isn't anybody i don't see. and also you want to, you know, leave that aside. you're going to, some of these are the origin of the 1st nation which actually got democratic systems one to the seem to boss. if you do not advocate the president, you know that every, whatever the steps to live on connectivity side as to all the practices. how, because you all are falling into the system. because the home for very wide
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discussion i completely know or destroyed in the sense that that is what somebody know, debate or discussion with in the bottom and all my boss with the boat majority, which my someone did wrong. and they didn't want that not be possible. they had those methods on the bottom entry subterfuge. right. mr. nick, about the stay on the line because you were talking about the cumulative effect. uh, the offer failure on the economic front and one of the issues that a lot of people are talking about is unemployment, particularly use it unemployment. we'd like to clear to vote by the, the correspondence, shallow yada. and then we continue the conversation of the back of that desperate times for school, the po, to, to take desperate decisions. a, he's a university graduate with a manufacturing diploma. all i always got my days got black though. but after
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searching for use the only job my dialogue was it this week or not within denny, where he's now the new i may as and this i've been selling clothes here for a year. no time to do the job. it doesn't match my qualifications because it doesn't have to do it just as i hope there are just no jobs available. as we expected that this government would give us new jobs. we got nothing left with india is educated on disability, a desperate and they obviously so linkedin is a window into india's unemployment crisis, which is particularly acute amongst the young and the educated. according to a recent report by international labor organization holding 80 percent of those unemployed india, i do. in fact, the chances of being jobless are even higher education. 9 times higher than what? around $8000000.00 young indians into the job market annually, which is already over saturated. all that many find is disappointment. then you
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will find employment is in the region to 1442 percent. so that's perhaps the highest youth on employment rates in the world. economies sent those middle addresses that india, maybe the worlds fastest growing, major economy, but it hasn't been able to take it to use a long one big reason manufacturing, which creates lots of jobs and other developing economies still is in booming in india to find that young people have no hesitation about, you know, trying to illegally migrate the into the united states. secondly, they are there, they're looking for work in the ex soviet union. the rush or ukraine war. uh they've, they've even attempted to go to israel to do construction work on the front lines because palestinian workers have been thrown off on account of a, you know, the,
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the gaza award that has been going on. so it's grim, it's very c burn us. so it's a week what was the last 10 years in my 1st 5 minutes to read the movie has scored, india is youth the driving, forceful group and promise 1000000 new jobs. those promises ring hollow the young indian cycle deep who studied hard, but feel like they're not a part of india as growth study. so i've got a contingency home to what happened to you. problem is that we are offering millions of dollars. is that gonna be the countries the future is made of it in the us? if they use itself, it's on the deep did very, how would the economy go forward and it's, i got the busy going because he, i guess i need this 30, that despite the disappointment, he hasn't given up his search for a job. he knows he deserves. and his vote, he says, for educated lead us to shape in this future that's about by the respondents shelly
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of missed the book about value solve that report is used unemployment, not into them all these activities. he, it is, you know, that is also going to get to by the fact that the 1st time was this time of the start didn't very uh, no proportions previously in 2014. and they're much, much higher than what it is now. so quite obvious it is. yeah, that mr movie has not been able to draw the number out. what does why of actually, why do you find to become, what does the frontier well, the 1st time, and this is actually, you know, it reflects the general, this, the notion of mind, which is something you're going to be taught. but it will even at home, you don't need it really. all you're not on the delivery agencies. the daily boys will you know, graduates and then there won't be speak to them. the ones who is a christian best thing to be fine to get jobs with dr. waiting for the 3 a,
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they have not found any jobs. so they're forced to just one. i'm going to use the one just to just to so why they do the actually i think anybody was pro or that's for 22 homes. i'm, you know, it takes a good risk because they have to beat the ball all the time. but, but it's also a fact isn't that they're missing out there that in 10 years, india has become the 5th largest economy in the world. it was on the around 11, and in recent years, for instance, it's g d. p has outperformed other major economies as our viewers can see on this graph. right, right here from it just looking at $23.00 to $3.00. shortly mr movie must be doing something right. of the see of all the country, right? one person of the people, 120 percent of the not sure that's what kind of disparity which is there in india. and so the gpc doesn't always really do the paper to be living on
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a daily daily basis. it's possible to break up the income of the people and then you would find that the levels of this money. all right. what about uh, went fast by name because the movie has been spending. kimberly, when it comes to bank fair benefits, such as providing free food grains, to some 800000000 people and these health insurance for the, for funding, for constructing houses, etc. i mean, surely that would work in his favor when you come to my family question, you know, it's essentially about food security. now what does it say about the government, the country that the government allows you and also that for the next 5 years, 800000000 people will get free for grades. but this is also on a mission, but for the next 5 years, 800000000 love people would not be able to long enough so that they can feed them
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says the flip very well the country. definitely not. i think this for great please. for great is the evidence off me, some of the biggest fee re let's leave it there for the time being. thanks so much for joining us today. douglas. and also a new engine book about the things that as people head to the polls they will be doing. so in a country that's acquired and i'll give them a great the importance on the one stage in there is a strategic partner for west of nation, such as germany and the united states. at the same time, it continues to maintain old friendships with countries like russia. it's a balancing act. and she has a quick glimpse of what that has looked like in the past few years of the
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partnership as among most collector. quite so in the world that is stronger, closer and more dynamic in any time in just the in the gene seems i came to say when some of the that was put in by mr. anthony, i've been easier to funding to name the movie during the letters australia visit last year. so one of the challenges facing in does engagement with the rest of the shot of me directly on a senior officer with the think tank. the gentleman, most of the funds of the united states and research, as among other things in the us, foreign policy sharpening while companies to do,
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thanks for making the time up. how would you describe indian foreign policy into boston? yeah, it hasn't changed so much as is claimed. so um, one of the interesting things about continue foreign policy is that it is, has, broadly consistent with what we've seen in the past, irrespective of who's been in power. what is perhaps changed in the past recent is actually is more the packaging of that foreign policy. so how that foreign policy sold out of important policies made more accessible to the every day. indeed, but some of the sort of key principles of and didn't forward any policy would started as non alignment in the cold war era. kind of has now evolved into a strategic autonomy era. and now we also see something called multi alignment, which a new, it's through the multiple partnerships that it keep side with not only the western wilds, but also other other other countries as well. you're talking about multi alignment . i believe that we do have a question uh from the chat,
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the beacon uh throw up on your screen style and we can put that through a shot any. uh, this is the question from zach loveless. was deb and i, i apologize. that was the wrong question. but we wouldn't have the right question up, but shortly. but just in terms of a multi alignment, how is in there being able to walk this uh, type drop is balancing act between aligning wood as diverse pop. no, such as rush or on the one hand. and the united states on the other, i mean, is there a time limit to this that at some point that is going to have to say, all right, we can't do this anymore. so one of the beautiful things about and getting foreign policy is that the system needs to keep an independent, independent voice, and it's more in policy and this hawks back to its early independence era. so my understanding would be that india is going to try to manage the site broke, as long as it's can, but they're all sudden pressure points. and one of those pressure points is the china factor. but what it tries to do is even in situations where it sees
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a tenuous relationship between managing that act and managing it through diplomacy . so ukraine, which was a big moment in time when that was put to test when india did not publicly condemn russian and aggression and ukraine. but at the same time as the united nations security council issued an explanation to that vote where it did say that the divide by the principles of for you and talk though with respect serenity and territorial integrity. so these are some of the ways in which india manages that act. it's a type role, but it's still would play that, that, that balance. let's explore this further. you talked about the china effect um that concerns in the immediate neighborhood. i'm assuming that the china effective will continue to lodge whatever government comes into politics. what are the challenges that the government will have to face in india is immediate vicinity. so the china 5 to willing deed launch. and just sort of to understanding contextualize for
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a view was sort of why the china issue was so big for india. it's sort of hawks back to the 1960s a during the time when both countries sort of came onto the world stage and on the postcolonial nations. and there was, there's a dispute in border between both these countries. there was a war that was held in 1962 in which india has suffered a very humiliating defeat. that has played a major role in the collective memory of indian foreign policy and hines lodge. for the longest time, war and relations will manage between the countries and that hawks back to moment in the eighty's when they decided to isolate the board to dispute some other aspects of that relationship. and that all went very well up until 2020. when that wall border crashes bought into the inventory, just type exactly the question and that is coming from the community in the, in the chat. if you're gonna fold this question up on your screen. so i'll pull team. this is from a case here over 14 and more the wouldn't be the same. provide your thinking. what
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is your thinking on this front of me? i'm curious to know what kind of kind of things uh the, the, what it is a new thing to. um i think um, from what i understand, i mean they will be strategic think goes and they are going to be thinking i'm asking very strategically in the foreign policies and i hope that is not only just for movie but the next whoever the next prime minister of the country may be my understanding is that they will navigate a relationship between both countries, but also make sure that doesn't impinge on other relationships on strategic partnership. speaking about strategic partnerships with other countries. i mean, the speaking about this balancing act is running desperately been having to balance its relations with russia, with the european union in the united states. how is that going to pay out when the china effect the continued to do lodge over that as well? and will indeed be able to navigate this, the weight has been doing does fall. absolutely. i think the china factor is one of the key things that will kind of keep in the closer to the west in many ways.
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because there is sort of an alignment in that sense between, between sort of the west and india on the china threats and the threats. but china pauses. this is going to be weighing heavily on india's relations with the bureau can union, and the united states really leave it there for the time being. but thanks so much for coming in shot of me. it doesn't feel enough to be able to talk about indian foreign policy and so it's time. but thanks so much for your insight. thank you for having me and that that's about it on the program today. but before we leave, it's just what's remembering what's at the core of our production that today. it's being this people nearly 970000000 who are eligible to vote. those who do exercise the file to have their voices heard nothing that presents that more then they pink on their fingers that people receive after voting. she has to india as vote, as thanks so much for watching
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the the, [000:00:00;00]
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