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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching dw, new who's going to live from burly georgia's parliament approves a controversial wall that has sparked a weeks of protests, along with clamped down on media organizations and n g o's. that received funding from a broad critics and see it as a threat to democratic freedoms. answers to police these longstanding aspirations to drawing that your opinions also coming up on our show, washington is a tough diplomat, isn't you'd frame with a message of continuing supports secretary of state anthony blinking needs presidents landscape and to serve them that us military 8 on its way to your brain will make a real difference on the battlefield. and israel pushes back it's the north
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of the gaza strip after how most read were there in the south. hundreds of thousands of the policy needs. are we in israel phone environment of run the inquiry? richardson, thank you so much for joining us. george's parliament has approve a controversial law. despite weeks of widespread protests, scuffles broke out in parliament during a heated debate ahead of the vote. critics of the ruling at georgia dream party say the so called for an agents bill could be used to fresh defense and harm georgia's bid to drawing the you. the law which places restrictions on media outlets and non governmental groups that get funding from abroad has part weeks of mass free protests in the capital tbilisi. and we have our correspondent maria, cut them up in front of the national parliaments there. and so please see for more,
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maria with ever scuffled in parliament ahead of this vote. can you tell us why the government has been so determined to push through this law despite opposition? well yes indeed, the governor managed to push through this bill and define the reading. you can see that the rise is over here. release the bill is important for the country to ensure the of the georgia, georgia and, and you are receiving from brussels in washington. they say that there was a law, the ukraine, these ational georgia epitaphs of what was the process because the government increasingly seized the and deals here on the democracy of civil society and pro democracy moments as the someone who's actually flossing their pollution in their use. power, critics say this is not the case of the pro democracy movements here. actually,
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they are trying to, you know, lobby, the georgia's interesting to you on the, you know, just to feel the georgia dream to be european union one day. he would just see the kind of responsive this is cause that he stay with via police coming to to clear protesters there. i'm gonna ask you more about the e u at the governing party in georgia. the georgia dream says it is committed to joining the you. so how could this law harm georgia's membership bid? well, we have, we have seen, already heard from brussels that this bill could log actually you george's, us, us and. and we have heard some very harsh criticism from the washington politicians on the, from the supporters of the georgia, su integration. usa department issued a statement saying that georgia due to a doctor to use a 3 on the that's what many believe here, uh,
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the square of the they say that the government is using this a, as they say, this falls narrative of wanting to be part of the you but new in the reality they don't want to. they just have to cater to the pro european population here, which is huge in georgia. 80 percent of people here wants to be part of the year. but they say that the governor, in their eyes is increasingly pursuing ross and interest. and they also need to be the founder of the party, but they never just really amazes sports in the russia to be behind this. if to relocate live footage here of police clearing the steps of the national parliament in some cases grabbing people and physically pulling them away, the protestors who are out today. you've been speaking to some of the protesters at taking part. do you get a sense from talking to them that there will be further protests? what happens here next after the approval of this bill into walk?
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yes, indeed, they are very angry and very disappointed. they even went as far some of the protests as, as, as far as calling the uh and piece of altered inform the favor of the bill. the truth, the truth is of the country. they say that even though the bill is adopted, verified, uh, as they said is not over uh the elections are calling for the amount of reductions in october. and they say that that's one day going to decide in a democratic manner, whether this government stays or not. but these for it houses that are part of the apartments where they say that they don't trust the government because they think that they're pursuing the russian interest in the country. and they can not lead them into the european union as they was. thank you so much for bringing us up to speed there is. he said he's been looking at live footage here from tbilisi and to speaking with our correspondent, maria cousin lotsa and us secretary of state anthony blinking has been meeting with ukraine's president of
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learning. there's a landscape they announced a visit to k of is aimed at emphasizing ongoing us support for ukraine, as it struggles to defend against increasingly intense russian attacks. lincoln's visit comes less than a month after congress approved a long delayed military aid package for ukraine worth. more and $60000000000.00 and dw correspondent and economy told was earlier what to expect from lincoln's visit to ukraine. this is 1st and foremost about showing the great inside that they are not forgotten that america is committed and that the attention administration often months where basically cause a has a seem to occupy everyone's head space in dc that ukraine is still a top priority. as i said, this is a soon as the investment of time getting to key if you called fly, hey, you take a train from poland. so it's basically a day each way a. so this is a significant sign. this isn't just to kind of freaking working visit, it's his 1st since that's garza will started in august of last year and his full
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system will begin and compare that to many more visits to israel in the past few months. and i think it's also about trying to discuss the rest of what to do with the $60000000000.00 worth, all of us 8 that are now being signed off on. and that will be coming here. increasingly, we've already heard from voluminous lensky friends present, saying that the 1st priority is a defense and asking for patriot missile defense systems from the us as you can store and have a handful of these most of come from europe. so a real kind of clear requested the great inside that to help protect kind of give and the region of to base a couple of days of extreme fighting correspondent, an economy and russia supreme court has rejected an appeal by kremlin critic vladimir at current morsa against a 25 year prison term he was convicted on treason and other charges that critics say were politically motivated. after the death of alexander vonnie, cardboard is russia's most significant opposition figure. he holds both dual russian and british citizenship voicing opposition from his prison. so
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in russia, as he appeared with his legs, the prison sentence, vladimir ca, remotes, has been an outspoken critic of 2 tints, russia, and the war in ukraine. it is a stance that it's costing daily. he has suffered to suspected poisonings as well as time in jail. of these covers the savings a 25 year prison sentence on treason charges, including disseminating false information about the russian army. after he made a speech in the us saying that russia had committed war crimes in ukraine. it is the longest known sentence of all of to tens jail's critics longer even than the punishment. the rate or murder amnesty international has designated him a prisoner of conscience. he has compared his case to his style and his show trial caught remotes of appeal the sentence. but it's taken until now to get to hearing. the russian supreme court had postponed,
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the appeal insisting that to be physically present to the hearing. despite to state of health, which his lawyer has called worrying concerns about his health, a very real since select scene of all these sudden death in an optic prison early of this year, which is supports his pin on the kremlin. so 25 years in prison. that is the longest sentence handed down to any of his critics. my colleague terry martin spoke to do that piece. russia, analyst, constantine. i got about why chrome was that was handed such a severe sentence. well, i think because the man who have the honor of knowing for quite a few years was extremely instrumental in producing all this kind of very sanctions regimes against the russian machine. he loved it very hard in congress in u. k. problem and still deal citizen of russian u. k. and he's been because of his eloquence because of his shop mind
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because of his media presence. he was very, very effective in basically helping to sanction lumen there isn't companies of the restroom regime. and i think the centers itself shows that it's really hurt because as, as besides it's, it is extra or the as constantine as i was speaking to my colleague earlier turning to some other news and is rarely authorities as a number of people have been arrested after protesters and occupied westbank and blocked an aid convoy bound for gaza. the protesters were seen throwing food packages onto the road and destroying some of it. the trucks came from jordan and we're waiting to cross the talk with me a check point west of hebron. a far right is really groups as they were demonstrating against the continued detention of his riley hostages in casa. and the united nations has warned, the palestinians and northern kinds are experiencing a full blown famine. this as the as rarely army returns there to fight were surgeon
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thomas forces. smoke rises over jamalia in northern gaza. the mass operatives have returned to the area as, as rarely forces pushed to retake parts of gaza. they had previously cleared civilians are caught in the crossfire today they were wounded and did that. we cannot reach because the consistent bombing of that cruise an ambulance is by is ready forces. ambulance is a being directly targeted and the sooner it continues to launch rockets into the center of the dubai. yeah. come according to god's us. i'm us run health ministry over 35000 palestinians have been killed in the war while the united states israel, strongest allies, says it does not believe a genocide is happening in gaza. the white house has ordered some of it strongest
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criticism of israel's war effort. to date, a strip military operation has to be connected to a political plans the day after so that there is a clear alternative and there's governance and their security and all of the steps you need to take to finally and fully defeat a card and entrench terrace. fpo and yes, and one of the risks of engaging in any kind of counter insurgency campaign is the ability of the terrace group to attract more recruits and more followers. as time goes on. this is something we have talked to the israelites about. meanwhile, in rough in the south of gaza is really forces are carrying out what they call a limited military operation to root out one of the last time us strongholds. the army says it's taken out dozens of terrorists and found tunnels and weapons depos. but the latest operation has also forced hundreds of thousands of civilians to
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again slowly this time northwards. shayna low with the norwegian refugee council gave us this update on the situation. and rafa i was on the phone last night with a colleague. and rafa and the situation day by day just seems to be getting more and more desperate. what our colleagues are telling us is that people are packing up their belongings and seeing wherever they think they might be able to find relative safety when they arrive in the area that israel has designated that so called humanitarians safe stones. they find that there's actually nothing safe about them. aside from the fact that we've already seen these areas be targeted uh previously by israel, the conditions there are really not suitable for any type of a to host any type of as large population. there's no space between tens, no privacy, no fire brakes. um no space to even install latrines or water points. the
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conditions are really tough. on top of that, many, many, many of the people displaced in rough uh, we're currently being displaced again or originally from northern gaza and they're experiencing on top of their own anxiety about their futures and what will happen to them. they're incredibly frightened about the news that they're hearing coming for more than guy that we're finding has intensified. right? wondering about the families in front think left behind a sheila with a norwegian refugee thompson. before we go, a quick reminder of our top story. georgias parliament has approve a controversial law just by weeks of protest. it would clamp down on media organizations and n g o is that received funding from abroad? critics see it as a threat to democratic freedoms and to police, a long standing aspirations controlling the european union. us secretary of state, actually blinking his kids. he met with ukrainian president, soleski and other tom officials. we can is there to get battlefield updates and to
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emphasize the united states in, during support for ukraine as a defense itself against russia. news update our, i'm quite richardson. thank you so much for watching the mountain west. i mean, i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport costs, thanks. trace amount, but there's no actually about move. joining us as we travel around your, facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the world. no need to talk to that, just as subscriber id listen to pop, gosh, then we'll take you along to the right. the.


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