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tv   DW Interview  Deutsche Welle  May 14, 2024 3:15pm-3:30pm CEST

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salt lake and his air to get the battlefield updates and to emphasize the united states in, during support for ukraine of the defense itself against russia. states our, i'm quite richardson. thank you so much for watching the amount i mean, i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw new podcasts don't strengthen mounts, bother. today about move. join us as we travel around your, facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the world. no need to talk about just a subscriber id, listen to part costs, and we'll take you along to the right. the can, the, you uphold it's environmental and social values without choking off business and
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trade. my guess bet long us as it can insured. he's chairman of the international trade committee for the parliament. and we spoke just before the parliament voted for a new law that requires larger companies to scrutinize their supply chains for human rights or environmental violations. or begin the interview by asking longer about his own home government, germany, and how it withheld its vote for the measure. now, part of the government in berlin says that the new law is unfriendly for business. a really disappointing. com because we haven't drum and the due diligence with installation on to i guess it was a u. p in this nation is german legs. nation but improved on the for, for me it makes no sense to abscess, obsession into accounts. so, but it's linked to is the situation, the coalition government in germany. so the smallest poppy also coalition. there's
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always some elements where they thought they can make a point in the domestic policies icing on life. but it's not my job to jots about that. but listen to, to the new legislation, it's really an improvement because we are looking not to on the, on a checklist basis. so every company has to fulfill the same obligations be, are looking for over space approach. because it's really different if you importing to meet from canada on a t shirt from bangladesh. and let's look, we have a possible list of violation of international they must. and that's a international environment to a conventions. all dependents government agreement happens and not have an obligation to everybody. you mentioned the coalition government, it's the, the sort of business friendly, free democrats were against this. and the coalition,
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as you said, no, i don't think that the business went to me because there's a coalition of business. people say we want it even cheap on the beach but, but, but don't they have a point when they say that it raises more bureaucratic hurdles at a time when most member states and businesses want fewer hurdles and better trade? is this not one more impediment for that? no, because we have to struggle not in falls and of course we have and several other member states. nope, no inflow. so there is a competition. this of bondage in germany. businesses are also complaining about the german law, of course. and secondly, this german law has to be improved behalf this checklist approach. 43 question for everybody. and then some additional discussion. not it was based approach. and yes, we'll see repeating on some little cryptic version, but you would use so the reporting applications, for example, this is of course,
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a difficult time for europe when we look at the economy, especially germany and it's struggling economy right now. the measures like the supply chain law, do they not put a burden on businesses at a time when they need fewer of those? and it's not just that law. but we spoke earlier today to the indonesian and vassar to germany. the u is negotiating a free trade agreements with indonesia right now, and he points to the use deforestation measures anti deforestation, i should say, which attempts to certify for his products from some countries where deforestation has been a problem. indonesia says it's too much of an impediment for them. and then it's blocking that free trade agreement, these kind of social and environmental laws that the you is pursuing. is that not an impediment right now when, when trade more than anything is necessary? so look, we are all on the whole bill looking for more sustainability and we need this,
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i guess as a result of that as climate agreement to reduce c o 2 emissions worldwide. andrea c i o o conventions, international standards for labor wides. and we have some environmental conventions from the united nation. so these are this upcoming goods. now looking how to age can really benefit in the, the, the implementation offices, international things. it's not your pin manuals or you people like us, least not. you'll be in the vision of, of so society. it's a unit of also a perspective for people and the environment and, but this isn't not the getting the way of that kind of changes into these. i don't have a point. then we have to look how to can, how we can implement add a long discussion, was environment minister of that was it. but then this is why looking on different stage how we can,
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when you chose the situation. what's about g o localization can be use, you appear in the satellite pictures. that's how we can sort divide to products once about disability. we have some certification systems in was it? so how we can work together hand in hand, in 2 partnership and at the end of this conversation. so it's yes, it's really helping also my goal. it's for the bazillion society and perhaps we missed a little bit the, the correct communication and also was in yeah, i'm quite happy that'd be a mega sitting. no. was in the comprehensive, straight agreement. they agreed to negotiate on every thing that's important as a difference to a 2013. we have a subset of the legacy and the last time. and now we have to look what's the situation on the ground, how we can implement some of the measures in such a trade agreement. i'm quite optimistic that this leads to an result. you mentioned
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brazil, brazil, of course, one of the macros or countries with which the he was trying to finalize this trade agreement. that's also been stalled in part because of concerns over climate issues . in this case the amazon base and no, no, no, that's not true. but that is part of the hesitation to many countries, been the process not on the part of a level, perhaps? no, no, look. it's reading the news and that's to it. negotiations. really phase because of the sustainability pots we have really discussed with see nicholas who countries on the ceiling this and the total costs taking on, bought the interest and this ready. and also it was australia, those agreements fated because of the interest of from us in this case of use it was to be a yeah, it was the lobby in, we're joining by advocacy groups pointing at the amazon base and issues that strengthens that protest against many of these agreements is that not sure what is on the medical? so currently it's on all the domestic fall. most of the say i because fonts that
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nope on anyway. so see top perhaps, but macro so never. and we have also some similar discussion and some of them in the state. so we have to really focus on the couch and sect on both sides. that's for sure how to improve the living conditions. we move on to the us. is europe ready for new trade tensions in the coming year? so nobody is hoping that trump will become present. and again, of course, via fills up a tool box full of defensive mirrors, likes the under ocean is mens which was developed to because of the drums and the message if we would establish digital techs in your you would what to tell us on your costs on so you want to use trade and investment as
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a political value on that form. you have now new in some things to be ready to defend our economy interest. so we have a tool box ready at 3 out of so not to flinch to go to w to and to us. certainly, of course we are trying to calm down, but the situation we have to wait and technology calling soon to establish some unlucky notions on so on. but there's largely been disappointment that an agreement with is that has dealt with steel for example, hasn't that been something of a failure? you know? yeah. but you have to recognize it's a situation to the united states has change. they are really focused not on domestic issues. and they are not so much dependent on, i'm an expert, as your opinion is. so that's a fact that you have to like it's not as much accept but to nice. and i'm quite sure that they, but it's not sticks to the rules of w 2. in all cases,
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so on to that for we have to use our own defense instruments and there was an s, a united states, a still biggest rating isn't likely the traits engines are like, are going to rise even if president biden is re elected, given the europe is sending more of its exports, especially germany to the us, which has a strong economy. we talked about china is their concerns, but it has over capacity. is this really just a trump thing, or is it possible that with consumption, being so low here on the continent being so low in china that the us, regardless of who's leading is going to look and say, this isn't in our favor. if so much trade is coming from these countries, and i'm not sure that this is true about as the actual policy is in going into sort of action. this is a really and change after world war 2. we had really an openness of the us economy . the account on w t o was founded on somebody us and now it's going back to the state to the
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economy and really a, to a protective measures. and this inflation reduction act was created by the democrats and by north cause and having this huge range of local content which leads to the investment in your investment in the united states. that's not really for. yeah. and also not deny the subject to roads, but this is a policy of course, biden is more that's a positive and we can really agree also on spent and some send us and some future orientation issues like the officially drugs and risk management of that spot. there is a new direction of economic policy in the united states. that's for sure. we have to live. oh is this i guess from the arrest? we have possibly room for the vision and some of those not trust. we have this with interest globally, sends united states. do you see over capacity from china as
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a problem? it's being reported as such in many places. what is the concern? this has long been a claim that china has put too much on the markets. what exactly is the problem? the problem is, is this a campus city is fine. on spite leave the subsidies are, is on the campus is put on the market to be no production costs. so subsidies are dumping and then we have all the instruments and we are using that on to about 80 percent of our on to subsidies on the dungeon cases. i directed against that are coming from china, also chinese steve, for example, where we have globally a big city in china or look to the so a lot pendants that'd be established some years ago. so on the subsidies tablets. but of course, china is big and heavy advantage of economic of scale and we have to
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deal with this. we want to have production really in pop up climate, new to the rate on the floor. we establish also the sea palms to make clear that in future also the input products have to be priced on the c u 2 content. and this would be also a limit a little bit. so steve's inputs coming from china until the use of our capacity is this. um, let's say a phrase of overall capacity is a little bit complicated because you have also in your capacity and competence. we've got into the u. s, which extends up to 200 bucks. a so it has to be yeah, that's really the important issue. that's the level playing field has to be counted . that's question. are you optimistic or pessimistic? when you look at the coming years and trade free trade, european trade, it's challenging. we have to deal this uh, fragmentation of globalization,
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that's for sure. and that's why we need some defensive measures. and we need a whole, a net worth of rage agreements in to partnership with see the live of the possible . all right, how long a thank you. so much thank lots to the india were expected, sage elephants attribute in total amount due is reading animal life. this is the invasive lead is increasingly distorting the habitat, ellison and wild animals through aren't passed into a force for good eco, india. next on d, w. get ready for an exciting and tell you to look surprised. hi, i wish up. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to you one you have,
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you have a one to talk to me before you go to the spot and the on expected side to side. the, when people stop texting, dissolving, and proactively engaging, would the communities hang straight? hello and welcome. i'm saw the body annual watching, eat going down. there is an enormous fall water in people's narrative, especially when they tell their own stories. and this is the most community is having of pills and deep understanding of their own issues and therefore.


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