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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 14, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the unit who's coming to you live from berlin, georgia's parliament approves a controversial wall that has sparked weeks of protests, always clash with protesters as lawmakers agree, restrictions on media, and other words, which get funded from abroad. critics say that legislation is a threat to democracy and damage, or as george's hopes of joining the european union. throughout it states topped up on that takes a message of support to ukraine. anthony blinking tells presidents of lensky that us military aid will make a real difference on the battlefield. russia supreme court rejects on a fuel by a kremlin critic against 825 year prison sentence watermark car. and more so i was
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convicted on trees and charges. the critics said were politically motivated. hospitals take a look at the flights of refugees from floods. the civil war sedan as more people are displaced worldwide in april for, for the . i'm quite richardson, thank you very much for joining us. george's parliament has approved a controversial wall that has sparked weeks of protests. police have confronted demonstrators outside parliament where law makers also clashed before the vote. critics of the ruling jordan dream party fears a so called for an influence bill hopefully used to stamp out the sense and will dent in george's hopes of joining the european union. of the legislation requires
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media and other groups to register as a, pursuing the interest of a foreign power if they get more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad to banks in georgia is parliament descended into an old mountain bruise is the social russian more past. it's food and find reading. another milestone for a controversial bill which has sparked weeks of mass produce outside crowds again, voice bill positions, arguing the law will be used to suppress political, the st. moving georgia a when you from it's a u. s. variations and towards russia, things were protesting against russian low, but in reality, we are protesting about, again, instruction is in because we've been through this, georgia has been through this in organizational pressure, physically and mentally, always for the centuries. and we're not going to let our government finally decide
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this when you want to go to your role and your friend, you will tell us, you know, to take just a little issues and say, just low. so the ruling georgia dream policy and says it's committed to european integration and projects comparisons between this bill. requiring organizations receiving more than 20 percent of funding from abroad to read just as agents of foreign influence and tools and russia is opposite by branding or labeling of this law as a russian. lo doesn't lead to a constructive engagement because this law has nothing to do with the, with the national having passed, it's through reading. the bill now goes to the president who has said she will be television. but that will likely only cause a delay in the government says it plans to use its majority to override any of these how the full, the more is officially adopted. and we have our correspondent maria cuts, and that's a in tbilisi where we saw these protests outside parliament after it approved this
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controversial legislation. maria, tell us what you have been seeing there as well. the process is indeed the ceiling go and you can see that there was police is lined up as a parliament square there, ready to disperse the crowd at any moment. just a couple of minutes ago the arrive please just erupt. it from the parliament building and started to trying to disclose the card, but the people, the protests as they, they won't leave the square. they. this thing here is this 5 the, the rain on, despite having spent days and some of the weeks here at the parliament square, protesting against the so called for an agent bill. uh you costly this up at this moment, but behind on camera there is a, there is a sea of people who are 4 or something here. and they say that they will not leave the square even though the government adults have the bill. they say that this is
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the show of their, their protests against this bill, which they see as a danger to their freedom democracy, you integration. they say that they will not allow the government to jo for dies their future within the memory. we've seen many big protests in tbilisi over this bill over the past few weeks to get the sense that things are now escalating there among the protesters. it should be noted by the protest. this are very peaceful so they are not demanding the change of the government. they're behaving very peacefully here. they're just sending the problem and square and disturbing that they are not happy with what the government is. and they say that the next selections and up to over going to be crucial for this bill and for the government that decided to dump this bill. they said as a many of the protests, as they see it as a, as they've been telling me they see b, m p 's will basis for bolted in favor of the bill as quote traitors. so it's the
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time since i'm running very high, the different types of that, those are minds to, to, to say peaceful, you know, to provoke the read the police act. you can see that the police is also standing still under. yeah. at any time there can be dispersed the call or just and looking at some live footage from timberly samaria, where we saw at least a couple of protesters wearing a flags of the european union. we know in governing party georgian green says that it is committed to joining the you just by trying to push through this law. what makes i'm so for the georgias e u membership could not be at risk with this move. indeed, the government reference that there, they are going to be part of the european union by the end of 20 t. uh, they say that they're still committed to the task this by the criticisms for brussels from brussels, despite the watson official slapping this bill and saying that is it'll be very
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difficult for georgia to, to open the uh you, accession talks. and uh, many protests as he has said that the government is not genuine in their, in their rhetoric about joining the you. they say that this is something that the government has to cater to the majority of the georgia us who is part of the, the european union to retain power in this country. so many protests, those here believe that it's all meant is acting in the interest of the russians. say, that's what people have been telling me here. they say that receive at least people who guy this year, they see this a government as a pro russian. and that they say that behind this bill is b. russia made a billionaire between ebony sweetie who is the fox over one of the countries who is pulling the strings behind the contents. and who is, well, if we, if we, if we consider the protest this opinion, who's behind this bill. so they say that is a very dangerous,
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also retiring shift for the country. that's why they're they, they're staying on the streets and the showing the world that they are not happy with the absence of their governments or yeah, thank you so much for that. that is our correspondent maria, cut him. i'd say in tbilisi, turning his mother names now and he was secretary of state anthony blinking has been meeting with you cranes, president of a lot of years. lensky lincoln is stressing us support for ukraine, as it struggles to defend itself against increasingly intense russian attacks. congress has finally approved a long delayed military aid package for ukraine worth more than $60000000000.00 or correspondence. nick connelly told us what to expect from lincoln's visit to ukraine. this is 1st and foremost about showing the great inside that they are not forgotten that america is committed and that the attention administration of to months where basically cause a has
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a seem to occupy everyone's head space in dc that ukraine is still a top priority. as i said, this is a soon as the investment of time getting to key of you called fly, your ticket trains component. so it's basically a day each way. so this is a significant sign. this isn't just the kind of freaking working visit. it's his 1st since that's cause it will start using last year and his full system will began compare that to many more visits, to israel in the past few months. and i think it's also about trying to discuss, especially what to do with the $60000000000.00 worth of us 8 that are now being signed off on. and that will be coming here. increasingly we've already heard from volume is, let's keep friends present saying that the 1st priority is a defense and asking for patriot missile defense systems from the us as you can store and have a handful of these most of come from europe. so a real kind of clear requests me great inside that to help protect kind of give and the region of to base a couple of days of extreme fighting that and of course funded nick connelly into the rest of the supreme court has projected an appeal by a kremlin critic against
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a 25 year prison term vladimir com, where so was convicted on treason and other charges that critics say were politically motivated. after the death of alex st. divani cardboard, so has become russia's most significant opposition. figure a voicing opposition from his prison cell in russia as he appeals his legs, the prison sentence. vladimir ca remotes has been an outspoken critic of 2 tents, russia, and the boy in ukraine. it is a stance that it's costing daily. he has suffered to suspected poisonings, as well as time in jail. of these comments, the savings a 25 year prison sentence on treason charges, including disseminating false information about the russian army of to he made a speech in the us saying that russia had committed war crimes in ukraine. it is the longest known sentence of all of to tens jail's critics longer even than the
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punishment. the rate will measure. amnesty international has designated to him a prisoner of conscience. he has compared his case to a style and a show trial, col remote to appeal this sentence. but it's taken until now to get to hearing. the russian supreme court had postponed the appeal insisting that to be physically present to the hearing. despite to state of health, which his lawyer has called worrying concerns about his health, a very real since select scene of all these sudden death in an optic prison early of this year, which has supports his pin on the kremlin. for more on this, i'm now drawing in our studio by d. w. as russia analyst constantine. i've heard concepts and com. where is that sentence to 25 years in prison. why do you think this was such a severe sentence? and is there now any chance that we could see him get out? will redeem it. whom have the all of no, of course those criterias uh, is a very,
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very distinctive among the rest of the position. she was probably the only one that would cite who really manage to must all the language of conversations with the west of political events. and that's why he was so successful in convincing that a say many people in congress to support the sanctions against the put it gives the prism of the pool. he was one of the most effective critics of coaching in the west. and i think that in a certain why this severe completely really stall in his sentence is if perverse recognition of what he managed to do and what kind of trouble she inflicted on the criminal. you think it's a signal that pretend is sending to other political disappears? oh, well, i mean, let's not speak about putting the signal is, i mean, he can do whatever he pleases. uh, for example, when we speak about the supreme court upholding decision. so let's, let's clarify the terminology. there is no supreme court in russia like the
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original parliament, which doesn't debate anything on no prosecution which only prosecute split incentive is this predestined disposed to be with was, was easily to predict what they're going to say. i think that this is very much also is statement that's what you should not be. and you should take the signals from the crumbling very seriously, because a lot of people who are the minute was a presence twice a month, at least once it was clear that it was a relatively minor boss. and so they would tell the can you have just the ships he was also bridge yourself to go. i believe, as of though the said the stage in russia really seeming the irritated the chrome. because someone who actually very publicly works in the west against the criminal is living in law school. and i think that that is why in the punishment the
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subsidies that his lawyer and his wife are concerned, that he could face a similar fate to that of alex, a nevada, the who died under um, you'll be circumstances in a prison. what do we know about the conditions that he's being held in? currently? i do not want to go into these details of conditions the russian prison because there's one thing for sure. in any prison in russia, beach and most will be beyond the arctic circle. they can make your life hell if they are ordered to do so. nobody spend, i think, 4050 days in so called punishment. so which was like an inverted coffee model less in terms of size for the bigger. and this punishment ranges from psychological torture. for example, when they were taking away the bible from the wiley by the weight of the team, it is also a christian believer. it is, seems a minor thing, but to denigrate it's your right to have books and so so they can go as far. alas, they can go as far as they wished,
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and this is very dangerous. thank you so much for that. that is d w as a constantine, i've heard here in the studio with me. i appreciate that analysis. the several people have been arrested as protesters in the occupied westbank blocked in a convoy bound for gaza. active as through food packages onto the road. trucks from jordan were waiting to cross the check point. west of have run a far right is really groups as it was demonstrating against the detention of is really hostages. in gaza. smoke rises over jamalia in northern gaza. the mass operatives have returned to the area as, as rarely forces pushed to retake parts of gaza. they had previously cleared civilians are caught in the crossfire today they were wounded and did that. we cannot reach because the consistent bombing of that cruise an
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ambulance is by is ready forces. ambulance is a being directly targeted and the sooner it continues to launch rockets into the center of the dubai you can according to god's as a must run health ministry over 35000 palestinians have been killed in the war. while the united states israel, strongest allies, says it does not believe a genocide is happening in gaza. the white house has ordered some of it strongest criticism of israel's war effort to date, district attorney operation has to be connected to a political plans the day after. so that there is a clear alternative and there's governance and their security and all of the steps you need to take to finally and fully defeat a court and entrench terrace, fpo. and yes, and one of the risks of engaging in any kind of counter insurgency campaign is the ability of the terrace group to attract more recruits and more followers. as time goes on, this is something we have talked to the israelites about. meanwhile,
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in rough in the south of gaza is really forces are carrying out what they call a limited military operation. to root out one of the last come strongholds, the army says it's taken out dozens of terrorists and found tunnels and weapons depos. but the latest operation has also forced hundreds of thousands of civilians to again slowly. this time northwards to conflicts and disasters are pushing a record number of people out of their homes to seek shelter from war and destruction. now, figures from the internal displacement monitoring center suggests that more than 75000000 were forced to flee within their own countries. in 2023. the worst affected country as to dan or civil war has displaced more than 9000000 people. a warning that our next report contains images that many of yours may find disturbing . full year old yes mean has struggled to walk since she was
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shots in the lake. she is from l janina into don's west style full. but he's growing up in the camps, the displaced people across the border in chad. last year is fighting me at the home. yes. mean, fled with her family. but the rebel power military groups, the rapids support forces caught up with them. a bullet toll through guys means leg and he's her mother. why did i do her mother who was 8 months pregnant? was killed and yes mean was left all alone. some people found her on the road and brought her here on the road to the buddha. we old suffered, of the rapids support forces killed and wounded. so many people who are the race and human rights watch report accused. as the rapids support forces
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and allied militias of carrying out attacks and west of full killing thousands, the report says this indicates ethnic cleansing will crimes and genocide. the power military group has been at will with su don's army since april 2023. and 4 is a front in the civil war. dozens of people were killed in clashes and as strikes, you know, fashion over the weekend. it's the last major cc and all for still under the sudanese armies control. the city is reportedly under siege and there is a communications blackout. the united nations ones but fighting is endangering 800000 civilians in alpha, shaw, and preventing aid from reaching the region. when millions of people are on the brink of famine, that time is running out, to prevent starvation and therefore as intensifying clashes and north, therefore,
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as capital l flasher are hindering our efforts to deliver vital food assistance into the region. the un has called the situation ensued on one of the west to monetary and disasters in recent memory. age groups fee that the violence in dial 4 could lead to another mastic a enforce millions more people to flee for their lives. for more about the situation now, please to welcome him, need a follow a sedan, a policy analyst. thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us last year . millions of people in sudan were forced to move from their homes. can you tell us a little bit more about the circumstances that they are leaving from a new key. so people have left their homes and the places where they belong. and so, and in city of safe havens in 10 to the end,
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except maybe in 10, many people are being pushed to go into a new a is that, do not have the capacity to provide services in terms of how you cation, electricity, food, and so on. and those who have close the board is facing also very difficult circumstances where there is no support being provided. they have lost the income and so on. but the vast majority is tim, inside the country and facing, you know, disasters a situation looming, simon coming very soon. and, you know, people are just going to be that you think need to put in the, you know, gas now have there been a international efforts to, to both ends the fighting in sudan and to provide enough aid. i mean, it seems like if they clearly have not been successful, can you, can you tell us why you think this has fallen apart or this blessing community is
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definitely lagging in terms of it as part of them on the political side. they haven't been enough interest and enough determination to push what infections to put that into the hygiene. meanwhile, this is very much possible in both for an action agent as i live i being, you know, they have sustain, been, uh, i think up to day more than a year for what it up to because of the speeds and, and, and 10 investment things. so by putting these private interests community could very much in the world and biggest thing, most tedious about approaching this in terms of the human opinion side, the many issues a, the, that it so that human opinion, a response plan is a lot of the funded. they know enough funds being tell them to sit down, but even what is being tied up to sedan is not being used. that if you simply by using look at this one, this will have been on the ground for more than he is responding with whatever look and means that they have. and these funds get lost in the bureaucracy open to
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investment agencies. is it possible to say a little bit more about what is happening in alpha share? we heard in this report just now that there is a communications blackout and it's been difficult to communicate. but if you heard anything in terms of how things are developing or what's happening in those times, it is how do you think? and it's obviously new to me, you know, a frightening that it's coming. it's happening just a few days, upset human rights for cvd. the report on what's happened in was that for the janina last year and the james hive investment can bring that, that took place there. and this would. busy be, you know, a snapshot of what would happen in and pass it at the capital to dashboard. so it's absolutely frightening. and this is a cd of 800000. uh, you know, uh it, is it in full, uh most the, uh, i the peas themselves or the cds. uh,
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because an attach. it is comprised of, uh, many big cities. coms and we have been seeing over the past few days. they pause coming out of these i, these camps where people have been attacked. people have been injured and the know services. uh they is. uh, you know, the business of it must have doctors without borders and some of the hosts and some of the cops. but one of the accounts that host the vast majority of people, it has only one doctor. so it is a very 5 me situation. well, thank you so much for joining us on dw news to tell us about it. that is sedan policy analyst. i mean, the follow we very much appreciate your time today to return it now to our top story is george's, a parliament has approved a controversial law that has sparked weeks of protest. police have confronted demonstrators outside parliament, whereas lawmakers and also clash before the vote to place the critics of the ruling and georgian dream party,
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fear the so called foreign influence bill will be used to stand out to send and condense and george's hopes of joining the european union i'd like to come back to our correspondent maria, catch him. i'd say in outside of the georgia parliament. and so please say for us, maria, give us an update. what is the latest that you're seeing on the ground? well they arrive, police are still more relies of the parliament square. you can see that they are lined up here blocking the main road down there, down the road. there is also lots of time to mobilize. randy to this 1st cross at any at any time. now, i will ask my camera to show you the file. there are some people here, call them and square. some of them they've been, they've been spending here weeks and days of despite the bad weather. despite the rain, they say that the future of their country is at stake. they say that bypassing this
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bill, the government is essentially sizing. i mean a thing from the was and coming closer to a restaurant. they believe that they have to protest, even though the bill is adopted to show the was the world that they are not happy with the decision of the government. and maria, just before i let you go, i would so much at stake your health protesters told you what their plans are for the coming hours and days ahead. well, some of the organizes they've been calling for a national strike in georgia. protests is telling me that even though the bill is adopted, they say that this has not been on them story. they say that they will come out on the streets and they will pro task again and again, up to october lockson's. that's going to be crucial for the protest this year. we're not happy with the bill as well as for the government. we'll see if the government will be able to slide this back to us to retain the power or other
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alternative forces will take will take power in this country. so it's remains to be seen. maria, thank you. is the summary of customize the intimacy and that is our show for now. thank you so much for watching. the
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