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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 14, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm CEST

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the the business data we news live from berlin. george's parliament approves a controversial wall that a spark weeks of protest. police clashed with protesters as lawmakers agree, restrictions on media and other groups which get funding from abroad. critic saying the legislation is a threat to democracy and damages georgia's hopes of joining the european union. also coming america, top diplomats takes a message of support to ukraine and to be blanket tells president zelinski the us military aid will make a real difference on the battlefield. plus we look at the flight of refugees and slept the civil war in. so dawn, as more people are displaced worldwide than ever before.
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the uncle fairly welcome to the show. george's parliament has approved a controversial law that sparked weeks of protest. we have confronted demonstrators outside parliament, were lawmakers also clashed before them. both critics of the ruling george and 3 are the fear, the so called foreign influence bill will be used to persecute and stamp out the sense well then george's hopes of joining the european union legislation requires media and other groups to register as quote, pursuing the interest of a foreign power, if they get more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad. well, our corresponding about the a couple months is outside the national parliament in tbilisi for protesters are still gather just to denounce this controversial new legislation. maria,
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lots of people there behind you, how the protests and developing this evening the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the at murray and critics have compared this legislation to a law in russia that has been used to crack down on this. and before we get back to you, let's give our viewers some more context to banks in george's parliament descended into an old mountain bruise is the so called russian more past it's food and find reading. another milestone for a controversial bill which has sparked weeks of mass produce outside crowds again, voice bill positions arguing the little will be used to suppress political,
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the st. moving georgia a when you from its a u. s. variations and towards russia. thing is, we're protesting against russian low, but in reality we are protesting against georgia regime because we've been through this. georgia has been through this an organizational project physically and mentally, always for the centuries. and we're not going to let our government finally decide this. when you want to go to your role and your friend, you will tell us, you know, to take just a little easier to say, just low. so the ruling georgia, dream pass. he insists it's committed to european integration and projects comparisons between this bill requiring organizations receiving more than 20 percent of funding from abroad to read just as agents of foreign influence and tools in russia is opposite by branding or labeling of this law as a russian law doesn't fleet to a constructive engagement because this law has nothing to do with the, with the russian law having passed?
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it's 3rd reading. the bill now goes to the president who has said she will retail rate, but that will likely only cause a delay. the government says it plans to use its majority to override anybody, so before the war is officially adopted. and maria, there are a lot of concerns and opposition to the bill inside georgia and abroad. what was the governing georgian green party? why were they sold determined to pass this bill? the actually doesn't have a hormone position and they need to be in the georgia decide that you actually use the country to n g o that are being sponsored by brussels and washington. you also saw that you will know the to job on a possible wash off. so you can see that the rising antagonist,
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i was talking to some of the you say that this is not genuine in time. some of these other, not the see, the russia run the but an overwhelming majority of georgians. want to see their country move closer to the you in fact, join the block. why did they fear this bill comes up and those plans the us, they say the is not or with the government the so for the country the bill has done so be the promises to the top, the, you know,
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the to suppress the protest movement here in the overlap, so the bond on the moving to the east or are they moving for the was we gonna see probably in october those maria cut to months their reporting from to boise. thank you so much for that update. holding onto your brain. oh, are you a secretary of state, anthony blink, and has been meeting with president, we'll let them use the lensky and other top officials and keith. lincoln reaffirmed us support for ukraine as it fights off increasingly intense rushman attacks. america's top diplomatic leaders spoke at one of keeps universities and acknowledged that the lease by the us congress and improving military aid had made you free more vulnerable during his 4th visits. to keep, since the start of russia's full scale invasion, blinking pledge to keep providing military assistance,
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the meaning of the critical moment pollutant is ramping up. yet another offensive against ukraine in our keys and across the east. sending wave after wave of russian soldiers iranian drones, north korean artillery and tanks, missiles and fighter jets built with machines and parts supplied by china. the coming weeks and months will demand a great deal of ukrainians who have already sacrificed so much. but i have come to you, crane. with a message, you are not alone in the united states has been by your side from day one. we are with you today and we will stay by your side until ukraine security sovereignty. its ability to choose its own path is guaranteed oh, it's a new, a secretary state antony blank and they're speaking. and keith today. let's look at some other stories making headlines around the world today is really troops have
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advanced deeper into the southern city of rough. i am garza, according to witnesses. there is the last remaining ha stronghold is really tanks were said to have moved from the east of the city into neighborhoods further west the u. s. as almost 450000 people have left off since the israel started its latest advance. a massive search is underway in northern france. after armed gunman ambushed a prison van to free an inmate in the town of uncle view to prison. guards were killed and 3 wounded. at a toll booths a high profile inmate who french media nick named the fly was being returned to prison after a court hearing russian president vladimir putin as to visit china. and this week it will be fulton's 2nd trip to beijing. and just over 6 months, russia and china declared no limits partnership just days before the invasion of ukraine. in february of 2022 is not besides the way i think your figure and rushes
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defense ministry has been arrested on suspicion of bribery. investigators searching the properties of the ministry's head, 1st of all, your request nets off. so they found more than a $1000000.00 in cash and valuables. the arrest comes just days after a long time defense minister surgery showing who was replaced staying in russia. and the supreme court has rejected an appeal by a kremlin critic against the 25 year prison term for the mere chrome wars, though was convicted on treason and other charges that critics say were politically motivated. after the death of alex st of only car, a more that has become rushes most significant opposition. speaker voicing opposition from his prison. so in russia, as he appeals his legs, the prison sentence, vladimir ca, remotes has been an outspoken critic of 2 tents, russia, and the war in ukraine. it is a stance that this custom duty he has suffered to suspected poisonings,
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as well as time in jail. steve's coverage, the savings a 25 year prison sentence on treason charges, including disseminating false information about the russian army. after he made a speech in the us saying that russia had committed war crimes in ukraine. it is the longest known sentence of all of to tens jailed critics longer even than the punishment. the rate or measure amnesty international has designated him a prisoner of conscience. he has compared his case to his style and to show trial col remote to appeal. this sentence, but it's taken until now to get to hearing, the russian supreme court had postponed, the appeal insisting that to be physically present to the hearing. despite to state of health, which his lawyer has called worrying concerns about his health. a very real. since the lexi nevada, all these sudden death in an optic prison earlier this year,
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which has supports his pin on the kremlin conflicts and disaster are pushing a record number of people out of their homes to seek shelter from war and destruction. internal displacement monitoring center says more than 75000000 were forced to flee with in their own country in 2023. the worst effected nation. so done with civil war has this place more than 9000000 people. many of also left to don for neighboring shot warning. our next report contains some disturbing images. full year old, he has mean has struggled to walk since she was shot in the leg. she is from l janina and so don's west stuff full. but he's growing up in the camps, the displaced people across the border in chad. last year is fighting me at the home. yes. mean, fled with her family. but the rebel power miller treat groups the rapids support forces caught up with them. a bullets toll through. yes means leg and he's her
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mother. why did i do her mother who was 8 months pregnant was killed and yes mean was left all alone. some people found her on the road and brought her here on the road to the buddha. we old suffered the rapids support forces killed and wounded. so many people like i heard a race in human rights watch report accuses the rapids support forces and allied militias of carrying out attacks and west of full killing thousands. the report says this indicates ethnic cleansing will crimes and genocide. the power in military groups has been at will with su don's army since april 20, 23 and 4 is a front in the civil war. thousands of people were killed in clashes and as strikes, you know,
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fashion over the weekend. it's the last major cc and all for still under the sudanese armies control. the city is reportedly under siege and there is a communications blackout to the united nations ones, but fighting is endangering 800000 civilians in alpha and preventing aid from reaching the region. when millions of people are on the brink of salmon, that time is running out to prevent starvation and therefore, as intensifying clashes north, the forest capital l flasher are hindering our efforts to deliver vital food assistance into the regions. the un has called the situation ensued on one of the west humanitarian disasters in recent memory. age groups fee that the violin seemed all full, could lead to another massacre in force, millions more people to flee for their lives. but can now bring. and toby har
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word, he's a you and stuff, you're just your minute hearing coordinator for. so donald jones is from nairobi and kenya, thank you so much for taking the time to speak to us today. now we heard a 4 year old jasmine and her family being targeted by rebels. there. tell us more about who the rapid support forces are targeting and why as well. i mean, it's very clear since they, we will bro, dogs in sit on, in, in april of last year the, the be a significant number of civilians who will be talking to both directly and directly as the results of the, of the conflict between the 2 armies. the of the sudanese armed forces and the parent military rapids, or forces in the l. jeanette, or in particular there is a longstanding ethnic conflict between many of the the, the arrow communities and the mass of leads and other non our communities. over lab results is a diminishing result is in fact due to climate change and the extended droughts. so
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it's a, it's a historical uh, grievance to start the problems between 2 sides. but suddenly what's happened in recent years with the all mean of the rapids of both forces and the, the arrow about our, our militias. they have significantly more by of power and they have been able both the in 2003 conflict and most recently now to remove a well fight, a fixed baffles against the the, the, the african 3 inches and also which has led to the white scale as so the human rights watch is calling an ethnic cleansing all the medical needs from al jeanina. and as you have said, 300000 people more, i think it's actually about 500000 people. fled to the results of the conflict between july and november of last year. and more than 9000000 people are estimated to have been internally displaced by the conflict with the fighting spreading
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though. is there any place that is still safe within so don yes, yes, there are safe basis that on is an extremely big country. it's the size of western western europe. uh most of it. um, so um yeah, there are safe places up in the north of the country up in the east of the country, but obviously the key populations zones buses go most up to them and the tri city area. many of the cities in the, in the core of the finals and the center of the country have the never affected by fighting and the for very much. so i, you know, you, your reports are told about the fighting enough basha. there's a split up over the last several days that is all extreme concern to the united nations, such as the general stuff about it in his, in a 1st statement today. it isn't about extreme concern. there is a well over 1000000 people who are trapped there in the city is being besieged
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by the rapids of both forces. it is being a subject to uh tillery attacks from the rapids or forces of the uh, so the nissan forces f on budman plots of the city a 2 days ago was unnecessary infrared, the images. both of us looked at, we saw burning in approximately one 3rd of the city, mass displacements within the city of people trying to move to so full safer areas . um, but um, so tenants of people have been killed and we really do see a full uh, an escalation uh, you know, fashion life, the policies do not the escalates and do not uh think before they jump off the base the, the, the financing in a bash it can well exacerbates and metastasize, the conflict in doc for and we could have not seeing a repetition of what we have seen in l as in n a. and as reported our search by human rights watch, you know,
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and i want to talk about your work briefly in november of last year, the sudanese government ordered the you end to end admission in some don, what does that meant for the humanitarian situation and how are people getting the they need as well the, the, the security council. let's close down the political mission unit times the humanitarian mission is not being affected by that. we are to continue to try to get as much a into the country as possible. of course, we were very badly affected by looting a stealing systematically in the early months of the conflict, primarily by the rapid support forces. and we have been trying to build up our aid capacities in t, uh, havens both inside the country and in, in, in chad. we have been seeking to get as much a into the country as possible. and we have had some support from both sides. however, i would say that, you know,
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continuing the traffic impediments of concerns over allowing the united nations into, to, to access the form from chad. um, by the government has significantly led to a reduction in the capacity that we wish to provide if we had better access and better support from the boxes. yeah, understandably, so that was toby har. where do you end up with a tremendous hearing coordinator for us who don. thank you so much for your insights. thank we move on and some other world headlines now. the company behind chat g p t has released a new artificial intelligence model capable of realistic conversations with no delay. it's open a eyes latest effort to stay ahead of its rivals. researchers presented the model called g p. t for o asking it for among other things, help on a massive voice. so try to be this is what in a french court has acquitted filmmaker roman polanski of defaming british actor
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charlotte lewis after she accused him of raping her. and she was a teenager. the ruling did not focus on the truth of the rape allegation, but on commons. kalonski made in 2019 calling louis a liar of the 77th can film festival has opened in the south of france. the moving world's annual debris will highlight work by hollywood veterans such as francis board cobble is also hold uranium director mohammed russell. us will be able to attend the premier of his new film. he's been sentenced to 8 years in prison for an alleged security. offend spot has managed to flee his home. a 40 years of preparation, a budget of a $120000000.00 among you meant to film the scifi drama. megalopolis was a labor of love for its director, and one which drives him to the brink of ruin. megalopolis
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by legendary hollywood direct to francis food popular tells the story of an architect played by adam drawing. so he wants to rebuild new york as a vision of the future, following a devastating disaster in the screenplay re written countless times, couple of drawers on no less than his childhood in new york, a series of novels and roman history. megalopolis, a stroke of genius, or a massive failure. the world of cinema will know more about that in just a few days. there are high expectations to direct a yoga salon to most of the light is feeling kinds of kindness sees the award winning greek to make a team up once again with us. gwinnett m a stone land to most his life is what tells 3 loosely connected stories surrounding to man and a woman in contemporary america. this is at
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the moment of truth. little is known about the film. so fox only this emma stone dances and how in addition to sophisticated or to cinema and legendary direct, his politics is also playing a major role in ken this year. rodney and director mohammed russel film is in competition. but a few days ago, back home, the director was sentenced to ag is in prison and lashes by the islamic revolution records for collusion against national security. the director has since fled to ron . it's like a rustle of we'll make it the premier if he's to the seed, say good faith. this is can also has of me to overall de la o. c moment. actress an activist, you do to go to rush will be presenting a short film more. all see that high lights, the stories of victims of sexual violence go today. she has accused to will know, infringe direct cause of abuse triggering and you,
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me to wait in france. will revelations can be expected at 102024 to south america now were flooding and heavy rains continues to pound brazil, southern states of rio grande j to so the state has been paralyzed in late april with schools, airports, and roads to merge and water within half a 1000000 people have already been displaced. at least 147 people have been killed . 127 still unaccounted for the kremlin to save whatever they can. locals in the sea to of canals, race against time, or of the rising water, using boats and make shift threats. they wanted to get back to the bend and home.
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before it was too late. able to go. we went back to rescue the cats. they hadn't eaten in 6 days and when we arrived they were starving. we fed them and brought them here. the houses have been submerged for days off the heavy rains cost severe flooding. the scarborough by, i'm worried the water won't go down and that it won't stay clean. we will have to start again from scratch. we've lost everything that you've your car, but i know everyone here will help each other. only the government says about 600000 people have been displaced because of the disaster. and as the voltage level continues to rise, making it time clear when but even if people will be able to return home. and some more headlines from around the world before we go. the european union has approved and overall of its migration and asylum laws. the deal ends more than 8 years of
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debate over people who enter europe without authorization, the guidelines outlined screening procedures. i'm sharing the costs of housing migrant. china is going to take all necessary measures after the us and mailed plans to raise tariffs on electric vehicles from 25 percent to 100 percent. washington will also increase terrace on the other product, including computer trips and solar cells is as the measures are needed because china is flooding global markets with artificially chief exports. let me remind you of our top stories at this hour. george's parliament has approved a controversial new law despite weeks of protests. organizations that get funding from abroad will have to declare a so called foreign influence. critics say the legislation of the anti democratic and damage is george's hopes of joining the european union. anthony blanket has a key to reaffirm american support for ukraine. un secretary of states as the leads and congress passing
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a military aid package have made you frame more vulnerable to russian attack. that's all for now. coming up after the break, our law motoring show, rev asks, why pickup trucks are popular around the globe, but not here in europe. if it's the latest headlines you're looking for. there's always our west 5 d w dot com. thanks for your company.
7:28 pm
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