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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 14, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the we news line from berlin charges parliaments improves the controversial law and that is part weeks of protest. police clash with protesters as lawmakers agree, restrictions on media and other grooves which get funding from abroad, where they say the legislation is a threat to democracy in damages. georgia's hopes of joining the european union. also coming up america's top diplomat takes message of supports to ukraine and to be blank and says more military aid is on the way and the 5th rush hour must pay for the destruction. its invasion has costs the
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uncomfortably. it's good to have you with us. george's parliament has approved a controversial law that sparked weeks of protests. police have confronted demonstrators outside parliament. were lawmakers also clash before the vote. critics of the ruling georgia dream harvey, senior, the so called for an insolence bill will be used to persecute and stay and found the defense and will dense georgia's hopes of joining the european union. legislation requires media and other organizations to register as quote, for sewing the interest of a foreign power. if they get more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad or a correspondent, maria contin months. it has been following the protest in the capital to boise and told us how they've been developing this evening. on
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the browse across the
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at murray and critics have compared this legislation to a law in russia that has been used to crack down on defend. before we get back to you, let's give a review or some work on the to banks in george's parliament descended into an old mountain bruise is the so called russian more past it's food and find reading. another milestone for a controversial bill which has sparks weeks of mass produce outside crowds again, voice bill positions using the little will be used to suppress political, the st. moving georgia a when you from it's a u. s. variations and towards russia. thing is we're protesting against russian low, but in reality, our protesting of the game shows you guys in because we've been through this, georgia has been through this an organizational process physically and mentally,
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always for the centuries. and we're not going to let our government finally decide this when you want to go to your role and your friend, you will tell us, you know, to take just a little issues and say, just low. so the ruling georgia dream policy and says it's committed to european integration and projects comparisons between this bill. requiring organizations receiving more than 20 percent of funding from abroad to read just as agents of foreign influence and rules and russia is opposite by branding or labeling of this law as a russian law doesn't lead to a constructive engagement because this law has nothing to do with the, with the russian law having passed its 3rd reading, the bill now goes to the president who has said she will be television. but that will likely only cause a delay. the government sees it plans to use its majority to override anybody, so the full, the more is officially adopted from other and maria, there are
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a lot of concerns and opposition to the bill inside georgia and abroad. what was the governing georgian dream party? why were they sold determined to pass this bill? the actually doesn't have a hormone position and they need to be in georgia. you said that the accident use the some of the countries through n g o said are being sponsored by brussels and washington. you also saw that she will know the job on a possible one. so you can see that the rising, i'm typing is i was talking is from the you say that this is not genuine in time. some of these other, not the see the,
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the russia has, but an overwhelming majority of georgians. want to see their country move closer to the you in fact, join the block. why did they fear this, phil crowds up and those plans the ages of the us. they say the is not, or with the government the so for the country, the bill of those will be the largest to the top, the, you know, the, to suppress the protest movement here in the overlaps the buttons on the moving the youth or are they moving for the was we gonna see the property in
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october. those maria months are reporting from tbilisi. thank you so much for that update. and a quick look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world today. a massive search is underway in northern friends after armed gunmen ambushed a prison van to free an inmate in the town of uncle v to prison guards were killed and 3 wounded at a toll booth. the high profile and made 2 french media. nick named the fly was being returned to prison after a court hearing. or a german state court has convicted one of the best known speakers in the far right alternative for jeremy party of knowingly using a nazi slogan in a speech. bianca was ordered to pay 13000 girl fine. he's wanting to run for governor of the eastern state if there india and elections later this year. china is going to take what it calls all necessary measures after the us and build plans to raise tariffs on electric vehicles from 25 percent to 100 percent. washington
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will also increase tariffs on other products, including computer chips and solar cells. it's as the measures are needed because china is flooding global markets with artificially cheap export. us secretary of state entity blinking is in keith today to reaffirm the volume administration support for ukraine blinking has acknowledged that delays and congress passing a military a package of means ukraine, the more vulnerable to russian attacks. america's top diplomat also insist that the kremlin must pay for the destruction. its invasion has cost us secretary of state anthony, blinking piece of symbolic visit to military pain. pizza, re run by veterans and keys to reassure ukraine. more aid is coming soon. all of us admire your extraordinary resilience, your endurance, your strength, your leadership, and we know this is
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a challenging time, but we also know that in the near term, the assistance is now on the way. some of this already arrived, more of that will be arriving. and that's going to make a real difference against the ongoing russian aggression morning. president zelinski thanked americans for the aid package worth over $60000000000.00. said ukraine's air defense is we're still in need of a boost. really we need to day to pet through us for hockey pod can region because they are the people on their attacks. civilians and where is everybody? they are russian spears cross border attack on ukraine's harkey region is forcing thousands to flee. it's here that's the landscape says us made patriots surface to air missile systems could help protect civilians in the city of har. keith, more than a dozen people were reportedly injured when a russian guided missile hit
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a residential building some 30 kilometers away. locals from both chomsky describe the constant showing was the doors receive so they are shooting from everywhere. yesterday there was a hit in the front of our house, burned down. then the house opposite. a bit caught fire, as well as 4 or 5 other houses to smoke is everywhere. a nightmare. it's very bad. or too low. back in keys. urgent aid for heart keys is high on the agenda. many hope more timely assistants can help you creams outgunned and outnumbered, forces fight off rushes ground defensive. go ahead and bring in our correspondent curling that you want. who is in can you following blinking visit currently? now, why is lincoln making this trip to ukraine now while the cold, 1st of all, it is of course,
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a very important political symbol. this is the 1st visit of a secretary lincoln. after that, a package of over $60000000000.00 was passed by us congress at lincoln at once to show it says that the united states still supports ukraine despite any other conflicts in the world. that they are still supporting ukraine, helping ukraine. and that this will not change any time soon. actually ab lincoln's remarks today started with this words. he said, i come with a message to ukraine. the message is you are not alone. so a very clear message from secretary police. another clear political symbol for you create your brain is in a tough spot right now, especially in the harkey of region. how big a sense is there that us 8 will be too little too late? that is a very good question. nicole because of course key if it's one thing, it's a bible, it's a political bible. and the impact of lincoln's visit to young kids is one thing.
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but the other thing are the front line cities, the soldiers of the, the places where people are really fighting and are feeling the shelters and, and be attacked. we were there a couple of days ago, a different from played cities and not only in the north, near harkey, but also in the region. sorry. this is the church behind the camera, and soldiers were telling us that they are tired of this political symbols that they need a munition. they need language myself. they need area defense at that political symbols and political awards are not enough. people are dying. russians are slowly advancing in certain parts of ukraine, so they are really their fatigue and they, they need to see the weapons, they need to carry the munitions to know that 8 is of their, um, the western countries are really helping me with anthony lincoln actually said that some of the latest us provided equipment had already been deployed. but what will literally zalinski says he needs most right now our p tree of air defense system.
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how likely is the us to follow this request? it was never only one think a nicole of course, uh the patriot systems are really useful as air defense. but as soldiers were also mentioning the f. 16, a fighter to it's, for example. so it's not only one thing, it's always a mix of things. and of course a due to the situation we're seeing now in her keys at the patrick systems are really, really necessary. now ukraine has a 3 petri up systems to came from germany, one from the united states, east ro white. we might be involved in this, but they are still political discussions about which countries could deliver that tree. it's of that ukraine, which really needs a very important point that secretary blinking also mentioned is that russia has to pay for the destruction it's causing here and ukraine. nicole and the secretary blinking said that they will seize the assets, the russians, rat restaurants,
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assets. and in the us and use them to repair and restore to damage that the restaurant is causing and ukraine. charlie mentioned more reporting from cuba always. chris speaking to you. thank you so much. canadian rider, a lease monroe, a winner of the nobel prize and literature has died at the age of 90. 2 monroe was best known for her tales of small town women and her native province of ontario. she was labeled a master of the contemporary short story by the swedish academy, which was the nobel prize. it was only later in life that her reputation began to rise. her under state of the stories of everyday people in under matic, small town canada, amassing a raft of international awards that included the 2013 nobel prize. and that's all for now. after a short break, we ask a senior european law maker, whether that is you can maintain its competitive edge while still upholding
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environmental and social values. if it's the latest headlines you're looking for, there's always our website dw, dot com. thank you so much for your company, the this shadows. these pod costs and videos shed light on the dog is devastating colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools, tactic farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression? today, the screen we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism, the can, the,
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you uphold it's environmental and social.


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