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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 14, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the stupid were you near his line from berlin? george's parliament improves a controversial law and that a sparked weeks of protest police class with demonstrators as lawmakers agreeing restrictions on media and other groups which got funding from abroad. western nations warren's belong could jeopardize trade relations. also coming up america's top diplomats takes a message of support to ukraine. anthony of lincoln says more military aid is on the way and then fits. russia must pay for the destruction its invasion as costs
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and authorities in france. hunt gunmen who ambushed a prison band to free a convicted drug dealer and killed to officer the medical release to our viewers on p b. s. and the united states. and all of those joining us from around the world, it's good to have you with us opposition. leaders and western nations have denounced a so called foreign influence law passed by georgia national parliament police confronted demonstrators outside the building were law makers also clashed before approving the legislation by a comfortable majority. critics fear the law will be used to stamp out to send and will den georgia's hopes of joining the european union. the legislation requires media and other groups to register as a quote for suing the interest of a foreign power. if they get more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad,
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the european union and the us have criticized the last thing it could jeopardize trade relations is the law goes forward without, as i'm conforming to you, you know, i and this kind of rhetoric and n 10 aspersion against the us and other partners continue. i think the relationship is address or was james o'brien me, us assistant secretary of state for europe, our correspondent marietta month. it has been following the protest in the georgian capital tbilisi, the bottom of the
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view of the at murray and critics have compared this legislation to a law in russia as it has been used to crack down on defense. before we get back to you, let's give our viewers so mark on the to banks and george's
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parliament descended into an old mountain bruise is the so called russian more past it's food and find reading. another milestone for a culture. this will bill, which has sparked weeks of mass produce outside crowds again voice bill opposition doing the little will be use to suppress political, the st. moving georgia a when you from it's a u. s. rations and towards russia. thing is were protesting against russian low, but in reality you are protesting against georgia resume because we've been through this. georgia has been through this an organizational pressure physically and mentally, always for the centers. and we're not going to let our government finally decide this. when you want to go to your role and your friend, you will tell us, you know, to take just a little issues and say, just most of the ruling georgia dream policy and says it's committed to european integration and projects,
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comparisons between this bill requiring organizations receiving more than 20 percent of funding from a broad to read just as agents of foreign influence and roles and russia, is opposite by branding or labeling of the slow as a russian. lo doesn't lead to a constructive engagement because this law has nothing to do with the, with the russian law. having passed its 3rd reading, the bill now goes to the president who has said she will be television. but that will likely only cause a delay in the government says that plans to use its majority to override any veto before the more is officially adopted from other and maria, there are a lot of concerns and opposition to the bill inside georgia and abroad. what was the governing georgian dream party? why were they sold determines to pass this bill. the
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actually doesn't have a hormone position and you need to be in georgia. you said that you actually use the center of the country through n g o side are being sponsored by brussels and washington. you also saw that she will know the door drops on a possible wash off. so you can see that the rising and cabin is, i was talking is from the the you have to say that this is not genuine in time. some of these other, not the see, the russia run the but an overwhelming majority of georgians. want to see their country move closer to the you in fact, join the block. why did they fear this? phil comes up and those plans the races,
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but they say the is not or with the government, the country, the bill of those will be the from i just to the fact the in order to suppress the protest movement here in the overlaps the on the movie the use or are they moving for the was we gonna see probably in october those maria cut the months of reporting from to b. c. thank you so much for that update you. a secretary of state antony blinking is in came to reaffirm the buyback ministration support for ukraine. lincoln has acknowledged that delays in congress passing a military aid package of may ukraine more vulnerable to russian attacks. americas
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topped of women also insist that the kremlin must pay for the destruction. its invasion has cost us secretary of state anthony blinking piece a symbolic visit to military pain. pizza, re run by veterans and keys to reassure ukraine. more aid is coming soon to all of us. admire your extraordinary resilience, your endurance, your strength, your leadership. and we know this is a challenging time, but we also know that in the near term, the assistance is now on the way. some of this already arrived more of that will be arriving. and that's going to make a real difference against the ongoing russian aggression morning. president zelinski thanked americans for the aid package worth over $60000000000.00. said ukraine's air defense is we're still in need of
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a boost. really we need to day to pet through us 40400 can region because they are the people on their attack. civilians and where is everybody? they are brushing spears cross border attack on ukraine's harkey region is forcing thousands to flee. it's here that's the landscape says us made patriots. surface to air missile systems could help protect civilians in the city of har, keys more than a 1000 people were reportedly injured when a russian guided missio hit a residential building, some 30 kilometers away. locals from both chomsky describe constant showing 6 to they are shooting from everywhere. yesterday there was a hit in the front of our house, burned down then the house opposite. a bit caught fire as well as 4 or 5 other houses to smoke is everywhere. a nightmare. it's very bad. or too low.
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back in keys. urgent aid for heart keys is high on the agenda. many hope more timely. assistants can help you creams outgunned and outnumbered, forces fight off rushes ground. defensive. short while ago i spoke to dw corresponding currently in a few more and keys, and asked her why blinking is making this trip. now a while he called 1st of all, it is of course, a very important political symbol. this is the 1st visit of a secretary lincoln, after that, a package of over $60000000000.00 was passed by us congress at lincoln at once to show it says that the united states still support to craig despite any other conflicts in the world that they are still supporting ukraine, helping ukraine, and that this will not change any time soon. actually, ab lincoln's remarks today started with this words. each said i come with
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a message to ukraine. the message is you are not alone. so a very clear message from the secretary blinked. another clear political symbol for you create your brain is in a tough spot right now, especially in the harkey of region. how big a sense is there that us 8 will be too little too late? that is a very good question nicole because of course key if it's one thing, it's a bible, it's a political bible and the impact of lincoln's visit to young kids is one thing. but the other thing are the front line, cities, the soldiers of the, the, the places where people are really fighting and are feeling the shelters. and i'm be attacked. we were there a couple of days ago, a different from the light cities and not only in the north, near harkey side, also in the next week. jim, sorry, this is the church behind the camera and soldiers were telling us that they are tired of this political symbols that they need a munition. they need language myself. they need area defense at that political
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symbols and political awards are not enough people residing. russians are slowly advancing in certain parts of ukraine. so they are really there fatigue and they, they need to see the weapons. they needs to carry the munitions to know that age is to their um, the western countries are really helping me with and to be blanket actually said that some of the latest us provided equipment had already been deployed. but what the letter was, the landscape says he means most right now or petri the air defense system. how likely is the us to follow this request? well, this never only one think a nicole of course, uh the patriot systems are really useful as air defense buds and soldiers were also mentioning the f. 16, a fighter to it's, for example. so it's not only one thing, it's always a mix of things. and of course, due to the situation we're seeing now in her keys at the patriots systems are
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really, really necessary. now ukraine has a 3 petri of systems to came from germany, one from the united states is worldwide. we might be involved in this, but they are still political discussions about which countries could deliver that tree. it's of that ukraine, which really needs a very important point that secretary blinking also mentioned is that russia has to pay for the destruction it's causing here ukraine. nicole and a secretary blink instead of that, they will seize the assets, the rush, rush us assets, and in the us, and use them to repair and restore to damage that russia is causing and ukraine. turley mentioned more reporting from keith, always great speaking to you. thank you so much. let's look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. now. israel's foreign minister says it's up to age of to reopen the roof of crossing to allows for mandatory and relief and to gaza. israel has controlled the crossing for the last week. egyptian government has denounced what it calls an effort to shift the blame for blocked
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a deliveries. donald trump's lawyer and long time fix or michael cohen returns to renew your court for a 2nd day of the star witness against the former president. his testimony has linked to trump directly to a hush money scheme. during trans 2016 campaign for the white house which could be deemed only authorities in france or hunting gunmen who ambushed a prison van to free a convicted drug dealer to jail guards were killed and 3 wounded. the inmates nickname the fly was being taken back to prison from a court hearing. the shooters came lead in the morning and struck at the toll booth in northern france. a car filled with several people, ram, the police comm boy, and then they opened fire. this footage, taken by passenger and a passing bus, captures the moment on camera. the attacker set free a prisoner under investigation for kidnapping and homicide in another city. he was
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being transported to every jail after a court hearing in norman dis, capital. and the lead police unit and hundreds of security forces had been deployed to search for the gun. and so it is, i want to say that everything, and i mean everything will be done to find the perpetrators of this despicable crime to the 16 year. so these are, these are people for whom life means nothing. they will be arrested, they will be tried, they will be punished according to the crime they have committed. suicide sits to see the french national assembly hold a moment of silence for the slain officers. francis prime minister also spoke on the floor is where did you feel so much?
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although no this morning in the region, there are public was attacked to see law. is there a public, an older that is being targeted of justice not causes refusal of impunity. tuesdays convoys attack mark the 1st time prison officers have been killed on the job in 30 years. a massive search for suspects continues to w, correspond to lisa louis joins us now from paris with the latest lisa, what's the, what do you know about the search for these attackers? while the search is still on getting hundreds of june down, police offices are deployed forensics are at the scene. they've been talking to possibly witnesses trying to find, you know, an indication where these people might have fled to. now the question is, obviously, are all they hiding somewhere in the vicinity or have they have they gone really far? the forensics and the police. alright, also looking into a 2 cars that have been left behind, burned,
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and the trying to follow up on to these people were, you know, possibly from the prison that he was free to doing. got a talk. who is the man they've freed and do we know anything about the people carried out? the a very missile is 9 about the people who carried out the attack, but we know that the prisoner who was freed it was at the 2 year old mine who has been convicted in fact, 10 different cases, non related to the drug traffic. as the prosecutor said tonight, but he had also been placed on the investigation in other cases, including for including for charges such as murder, attempted, murder, kid, nothing, etc. and a police source told me earlier today that he was of the local head of a, an organized crime ring. and that he had links to the drop traffic in my se, investigated, obviously trying to find out more. and now in new investigation has been opened,
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regarding today's events for a murder attempted murder and the possession of an arm of war as the government, as the authorities calling those numerous people have come out today saying this is really shocking. this is the 1st time since 1992 that a prison guard was killed at that time. that was doing a prison break. now because a prisoner had been freed while he was being transported from a tribunal back to the prison. so however, the police and the government responded to this. so police are so, you know, trying frantically to, to find these people. we don't actually and know exactly how many people were talking about. politicians, how come out during the day? say our thoughts with the family. we really think of also the police officers that have been injured to people to prison guards were killed during the tasks they
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attacked 3 others were injured. 2 of them uh, you know, are in a severe condition. and all of these 5 people are fathers. we hard to, to not say, you know, the, the politicians, all the positions from the position from the government, even in my, my call has come on the president from so have come out. they said, you know, we will do everything to find these people and bring them to justice. the state of corresponding lisa louis. thank you so much. to southern brazil, now we're rescue efforts have intensified them and flooding and one slides after 2 weeks of heavy rainfall. at least 147 people have been killed in hundreds of thousands are displaced by the wet weather and the state of rio crunchy. to sol, president little at the silver has conceded authorities were not prepared for such a disaster. the government has joined experts who blamed the nino weather phenomenon, which they say is exacerbated by climate change. journals, gustavo bustle has been covering the flooding in brazil and joins is now at gustavo,
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you've been to the affected areas, we can see it there of behind you all that destruction can you describe the situation there for us as well right here. what i'm standing right now, i did ruse of a neighborhood in the valley of equity, which was the very upper river that was the most destructive part of the whole state right here. and then have it done, say there was a wrong 1000 people living in this neighborhood and they have nowhere else to come back right now to go home. and that's the situations of lots of people around the state. we have, we're talking about a 2000 people. they're still living in shelters. and most of them don't have where to come back. and there is a very concern where they're going to, after all this passes, you're going to take a look at a long time to, to really surpassed this. but that's an important question that i do not answer.
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president, the silver has conceded that authorities were not prepared for a disaster of this magnitude. is there any evidence to suggest this could have been avoided? i wouldn't say avoided, but to be less less definitely. if people, if the governments were prepared for something of this magnitude, for example, the cd or for the lady has a lot of protection structures for the globe of late, doesn't they? they're the cities. and this, as this protection system was not the main thing to hold this, the weight and shoot. for example, 2023, the mayor put non nothing of their investment to ship this protection barriers. also they saved government approved 480 loss to flex a bit more flexibility into environmental walks and environmental
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protection that could also not avoid. but there's this whole event last badly and less destructive, destructive, sorry. so our authorities getting any closer to getting the situation under control, getting a to the people who need it and get them to somewhere say i would say they're doing their best, but not any closer. because that's do a lot of things to do. for example, there we are on the weekend, we have a lot of rain also another time of floods almost as big as december's, which will. busy the 2nd biggest before made all of this month came back to the streets, all these debris. they're still managing their emergency, their jealousy. they're still managing with the crisis, but not really close to fix it, really fix it and to take to the new step off. how to reconstruct
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and reviewed all this destruction that was. busy in the state and so forth in el nino year um, but meteorologist and scientists and other capacity say that this has been exacerbated by the the effects of human made climate change. how is brazil preparing for a warming planet? as i would say, he's not really prepared. unfortunately, we've seen huge crisis in brazil in they're not yours, but now, you know, last october the amazon has seen the worst job that it has ever seen. i was there, now we have the worse floods. we can maybe see brazil as the as the center reach where the climate changes are shown the faces it
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stays and the government really prepared for that. those journalists start with bus . so thank you so much. i of the 77 can film festival has opened in the south of france, the moving world. the annual and january will highlight work by hollywood veterans such as francis ford. coppola is also hopes, the reigning director mohammed russell will be able to attend the premier of his new film. he's been sentenced to 8 years in prison for an alleged security offence back home. but he has managed to flee in recent days. 40 years of preparation, a budget of a $120000000.00 among you meant to film the side drama. megalopolis was a labor of love for its director, and one which drove him to the brink of ruin. megalopolis by legendary hollywood directive princes food popular tools,
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the story of an architect played by adam drawing. so he wants to rebuild new york as a vision of the future following a devastating disaster in the screenplay. re wouldn't countless times, couple of drawers on no less than his childhood in new york, a series of novels and roman history making, loveless, a stroke of genius, or a massive failure. the world of cinema. we'll know more about that in just a few days. there are high expectations to direct a yoga slant, and most of the lights is feeling kinds of kindness sees the award winning greeks to make a team up once again with us, gwinnett. m a stone lance and lost his license with tells 3 loosely connected stories surrounding to man and a woman in contemporary america. this is at the moment of truth in little is known about the film. so fox only,
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that's m a stone dense and how in addition to sophisticated or to cinema and legendary direct is politics is also playing a major role in can this yep. the right name, direct de mohammed russell still gives in competition. but a few days ago, back home, the director was sentenced to ag is in prison and lashes by the islamic revolution records for collusion against national security. the director has since fled to ron . it's like a rustle of we'll make it the premier if the film, the seed of the st could feed. this is can also has of me to overall de la o. c moment. actress an activist, you do to go to rush will be presenting, who's short film more or see that high lights, the stories of victims of sexual violence go to rush, has accused to well known infringe directors of abuse triggering and you,
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me to wait in front of revelations can be expected at 102024. before we go, let me remind you of our top story at the sour. george's parliament has approved a controversial new lot is spent weeks of protests organization. the 2nd funding from a broad will have to declare a so called for an influence. critics say the legislation is anti democratic and the damage is george's hopes of joining the european union with us. now after a short break, i'll be back to take you through the day hope to see it on the
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the the news written by a single question. we are retainers and one has been searching for his brother and father. and us read a certain search for victim of the military dictatorship. has the legend to continue the she lives in 45 minutes on d, w a
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. but we will tell you the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and for the future feelings about what's going on in the story of dentistry. instead of being discussed across the continent, dw news, africa every friday on the w. music can be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible to be performed for head lice in australia. the was the nazis, the 2 musicians who lives beneath the
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panel. i saw a film about this sounds of power and inspiring story about savant. music under the swastika stuffs may 25th on dw, a 6 weeks of protest to no avail. to day the georgian parliament passed a divisive for an agent law. critics denounced the bill as to the russian law. after all the kremlin has long use similar legislation to crack down on independent news media and g o's. an act of is the law threatens georgia's democratic freedoms, and it's chances of joining the you. brussel says the law is incompatible with that emission and that it flowers european values. but pro european georgians don't want to accept defeat just yet and take to the streets and their thousands again.