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tv   Global Us  Deutsche Welle  May 15, 2024 4:30am-5:00am CEST

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to do musicians who lives in the savannah office saw a film about the sounds of power and inspiring story about music under the swastika starts may 25th on d, w. a star again steals a kenyan fashion design that and his brilliant future, the delicious co fee that sustainable to we check out the unappetizing comp tail that makes it possible and is even basic housing. the coming in luxury invest is praying on us trade. the prox, the
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prophecy price is a continuing to rise by an average of 9 percent on nearly a trend that set to remain over the next 10 years. the less went off, confess eviction because as house prices rise, so do rent and leases, and with them. and to invest a lean, olson is afraid of losing her home. she lives in this trailer park and tim water outside seattle and then northwest united states. 2 years ago, an investor bought a land here. after that, she says the rent for her plan went up 30 percent. and now it's about $800.00 a month. i think it's abuse. i think it's elderly abuse is how i feel about it. because we're elders. we bought this bought into this place for to be you have a forever home. the problems facing
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a lien and her neighbors here is that they own their mobile homes, but least the land under their feet. an estimated 6 percent of the us population live in mobile home parks, which are now being snapped up by investors. if i get another rent increase, you know, i would be less than $300.00 a month. yes. have gas to get to the doctor's unemployment. and toiletries, elaine had the pension of $1100.00 a month for low income people, mobile home parks of the called trailer parks. are often the only option if they want to buy an affordable home of their own. but elaine's phone isn't really mobile relocating. it wouldn't be easy. the trailer is too old and the move would be too expensive. crap too. i feel like i'm sure. uh yeah. because we were fine until this company bought this
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place and it was a secret we didn't even with the pencils. kyle taylor lucas has been her next door neighbor for almost 30 years. she sees what's happening to her community and tries to help by organizing through donations. for example, if this goes very quickly, there are some weak jim, a separate protocol is life so that no one has to feel embarrassed to ask for free food. the donations are brought to a pick up points. kyle is determined to work for change. not just for yourself and your neighbors, but a more far reaching one. that's why she in a lean or part of a neighborhood group, tend to have regular meetings to talk about what they can do to fight pricing. right? yes. kyle invited the local deputy mayor the at a dollhouse to today's meet in moving forward on some bills. we are so grateful for
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that and that is the one, the silver lining that we've held latched onto this year. you know, as we've been trying to address this new court in this, out of state, the investor right. taking over buying the par. uh, thank you for continuing to attend. when the investment company bought the land 2 years ago and then the purchase costs the resident by surprise back. meanwhile, there's a new law that requires the residents to be notified that their park has been listed for sale. thing about to kyle also wants to state legislature to introduce another law, a kind of rent kept the added all health supports the initiative, isn't that so many times that jurisdictions trying do something piece mail, it takes a legislative action to mandate something and then we can update our code so, but everyone's pointing fingers that everyone else, right? we're waiting for the lodge, the legend needs the local jurisdictions to do something. in the interim wrench going up. and our seniors are like one step to be incoming homeless acumen
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at drive away. there's another mobile home park rose best, who's also retired lives here. she enjoys painting, but she doesn't have as much time for her hobby nowadays. now that she's become involved in a $10000000.00 plus project. she and her husband sean and their neighbors were facing the same state as building but in their case, the new law had gone into force. they did receive prior. notice that the owner plan to sell the land now she and the other residents want to buy the land themselves. and there's a lot of money at stake. scary, somehow because he will invest all of you together. well, the $10000000.00. i haven't signed anything. well, and you will not each individual person is not alternately responsible on the co operative as a whole is responsible. right. so everybody,
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the community co op is being set up with the help of victoria about an occupancy she's guiding them through the funding and the red tape. the housing nonprofit she works for wants to help preserve one of the last affordable housing options for people on low or fixed income. but each household has premium, a $100.00. bucks, not gonna make a dime in the overall financing that's needed. the recording fees, paying for their attorney and paying for other expenses, get rolled into that permanent finance. once the sale goes ahead, rose best and her neighbors will pay the rent for their plots to the cooperative. so they'll have control over any rent increases. almost everyone in the community is in favor of the purchase. i've been cited. i'm relieved. that's one. be worry that i would not have on my mind and i always had it on my mind. you know, i'm a big believer in security of where you live. rose hopes that a lien and kyle and the other mobile home park will also find that security. they
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don't know yet if they'll get the chance to buy the land their home. it's a standing on end of the investor is willing to sell for a lean time is running out. she might end up having to move in with her sons and lose her independence for rent keeps going up the from a spar. so to cup of tea, no french press or filter coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. but climate change is diminishing harvests and turning the daily coffee into a precious commodity. but don't panic, there are solution of this putrid smelling pulp is an excellent fertilizer, a mix of bananas, chicken manure, and sugar cane juice made by didn't van jones with enzymes to break down the nutrients,
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he uses it to treat his coffee plant. he inherited the farm from his parents 7 years ago and has made a lot of changes. i see, i mean gaming a like everyone here. my parents made excessive use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers with watching marketing docking. that made the soil hard on the sitting on the plums week and no good for the future goes and i tried to pull up the see time. that is why i wanted to do things differently and decided to specialize in organic farming. the coming that'd be to begin once a month, these phrases, coffee plants with the own advertising nutrient cocktail which also keeps pests at bay. he used to live in the urban sprawl of ho team and city and the south of the country. but return to the central highlands in the north where he grew up. it hasn't rained in 3 months, which is unusual here. and it's hot to coffee grow is used to say the cool climate here was perfect. but now many say the weather has become unpredictable. didn't
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then jones uses one sack of chicken men newer for each tree to keep the soil soft and combat the impact of climate change? made it either you don't allow them the dry season this year is really extreme. the other company farm is about to go to the crops 2 or 3 times more than i do with my organic approach. and it's working out here. my trees are strong with healthy and even gross. on the see knows every bush and tree on his plantation and waits until the cherry like fruit have turned a nice deep red, signifying that they're ripe. the harvest period is normally between november and december. with that too is different here. didn't then don't defense bear fruit all year round. quality requires patience. he says and passion rather than there was sweetest honey under beans or inside the cherry. other farmers in the area were initially dismissive of his decision to break with traditions. seeing that his book
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knowledge was no match for their years of experience, but soon they were lining up to ask him for advice, which he is happy to provide. now, they've joined forces to founder cooperative, so they can all benefit from his methods. look, i have, i mean, that's why i started using organic fertilizers, 3 years ago, we've done this help. i've learned a lot from him. everything takes longer, but it's more sustainable by the roots, a stronger and the beans are better. but also, but yes, the quality is very good. i got a new generation is taking over coffee plantations in vietnam and inheriting the challenging conditions with it. this area is mainly home to small holders. most of them have a ranch to hector's of land and just under 2000 trees and all they want to save their livelihoods. and coffee farming. among them is winning from time who's testing a new variety of coffee being at his nursery. it goes by the name ts 5,
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but everyone here calls it the super being due to its excellent yields the punch the saplings on to a stable root of stock to see which combination delivers better growth in the region. still have the thoughts. that's not the idea is for this new plan to help us kill 2 birds with one stone, one slot that's all right. what do you think of a uh they have now in my we want to produce high yields from the new bean. so i might have to have to get it with the strong roots that will withstand the extreme weather conditions. ok, so you want both of us, look at the coffee trees, have 2 months to grow together in a protected environment and then they are replanted on the farm of one thing that winter long ton is already sure this variety is cheaper to cultivate than other beings with less water required and less fertilizer, and if all goes well in a few years time, the harvest will be far more plentiful and the quality of the beans not being
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compromised by climate change is also vital for the regions. coffee traitors. demand for those beings is growing in asia to the before they are ready to be sold . the beans 1st have to meet the discriminating tastes of the coffee testers. they check the products, sweetness, and the city in the process determining the market value of that harvest kid. i can't taste whether a coffee has been growing organically, but i can taste its quality and the new ts 5 being has a great dr. taste. the vast majority of coffee grown in vietnam is the strong tasting robust of variety. the plants are more robust than a rabbit, but they are sensitive to high temperatures and drought. as we try to do better and face those challenges, i think where you would kind of open it is to make like a bit of coffee and new processes, new drying methods. so can you innovate? yes and for didn't ben duncan is neighbors. there's more at stake these loved
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traditional vietnamese filter coffee and want to keep the culture alive. and it's unifying power between the generations, all who is older than the the one. yeah. we don't do the same thing, which is a health issue. you hook. it means we can read, discover a lot of things to get on the computer, all right? and it's worked me enjoy the whole the past. so it goes to coming up out of my colleagues here, give me energy and motivation and it inspires us to keep on developing new ideas. we might even deal with the same really in the global race to combat climate change via thousands coffee growers are keeping pace. there's confidence in the future here that innovative and sustainable methods can help later generations make a living from coffee farming the
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victoria perry and a team of hunting trees in the northwest of chillies, capital santiago's, t, or on this set, or rank a hill, or the 70000 saplings have been planted in the past 5 years or more quite a bit because we need to leave some room around the trunk. that simple root canal. see i left here to say, oh your insurance has to be very even the most. okay. like when it rains the nova, so you can actually treat you with a trench will collect rain, most of that will prevent erosion and cool. cool. so don't all the trees stuff this cup of front of them. they help capture run out for the rest of the sound kind of things that sound. okay. so now the hill looks green and healthy, but he eats and drowns, exacerbated by climate change, means the area dries out almost completely in summer. when it rains,
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it can get dangerous for the people who live at the foot of the hill. rain full tends up the this can trigger lines, lights, the trees are being punted to secure the ground and prevent this from happening. they use a store moist you in the soil and help cool the area. the aim is to create a green lawn, a kind of natural air conditioning system. it could actually save lines, ran k is the whole district in santiago. so many people here, it's taking a harsh tone. i know it's just too hot and then, but i'm not in the summer, they really feel it's where this news going to be even. well, it's less than what am i talking about? the can't afford to conditioning. it stuff and poor people, all they can use to keep close eye water to have to stay out of the sun southern or maybe the route of getting into words because it can raise. i've told my wife, i don't think i can take the heat in summer anymore. temperatures of around 40 degrees, i predict to you so rank of this summer. this kind of heat is unprecedented. it's
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victoria perry. and in december, there's been a rise in heat when i did fatalities. as a result, the reforestation project is intended to help alleviate the situation. a lot of it, but they don't affect the minima. having better'n spaces can help and lower minimum temperatures and wind turbines. in the next month, temperatures in some of the week of it in the last young let me see if i see on this why, what's happening with mountain rank of going to the room and i have to say everyone . yeah, bob will have a direct impact on the immediate surroundings in minneapolis. i'm a rank you one little somebody. you're going slowly, i'm going for tomorrow. i'm going to screens the great are these things are going to help lower temperatures for the way to win. i mean, it's gonna be a lot them better product from heat and drought to waste and evolution. santiago is facing many environmental challenges. it's also struggling with social inequality. the gap between rich and pool is one of the reasons for the protest and violence
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that the city has witnessed. in recent, demonstrate his voice, their anger at the privatization of pension and closed for reforming the education and health sector to pull people are especially affected by the impact fee environmental crisis. it's a situation that could escalate dramatically, says a night. ok. so from dealing with without, without santiago, as an absolutely divide, i'm assisting a guest from climate change is exacerbating in a quality one by this is one of the triggers for the social conflict and the injustice that so many people are experiencing even the environmental crisis is increasing me becoming a social and political crisis in affluent neighborhoods. in santiago, there's no garbage on the streets, public services work well. there were plenty of green spaces of pox and the air is
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cooler and freshen this is because they benefit from more public spending. a lot of tax paid by companies, businesses is funneled into these districts. 9 times more of a compet service spent here that it's sort of the disadvantage districts and what we're doing and not whether it's income from financial pageants, so tolls around to study those into a municipal fund. only one stud stays in vista, colorado. we make an important contribution to other neighborhoods, you know. ready like many neighborhoods, vanka is chronically undefended. a project like the tree planting initiative could only be funded with help from international donors who are affecting c o 2 emissions. but even more trees on to enough to mitigate the effects of climate change, especially for people us socially disadvantaged,
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explains urban studies expert ricardo fellow feet rank on the throne. it might be good to hear mingling. so thank you for ranking. with all of the problem is italian with a 70 percent social housing. how expensive is own can realize a project like this. if you didn't, all others can do it to them. you don't know that i'm ok or be able to get. but i saw in the refunded and from the but we must forget that to be comes for a policy on distribution we added on and we must show sleep very much in the coming from tennessee 3 months. but the people that i can co, we'll see a long term benefits. i mean it helps lower temperatures and serves as a local recreation area, but also promotes bio diversity. and the project is an opportunity to raise awareness about nature and climate change. if that is one of the as an opportunity to adapt to climate change and make a difference. so as you can see, this is a very built up area and there are lots of highway south to be the better. this is suddenly a place in santiago, which change can happen to us on?
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yeah, well it keep what i said will come over the next few years. 50000 more trees will be planted in lancaster for victoria and calling in the project is also a contribution to great to social and environmental justice. here in santiago the see each and every day like gives me like because this is the thing but to give me peace and realize my purpose in life and you know what i wanted to do as i could then another individual david of vito as a fashion designer who grew up in the canyon capital nairobi in the key barrier area, which is associated with poverty, crime, drug abuse and prostitution. he began designing clothes also to avoid turning to criminal activity. people used to see that you felt from community late hours. it
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is hard for you to become somebody in life. so instead of like making clothes, i wanted to show people that also would go to come from places like that. and david succeeded here in his workshop and keep era, he now designs fashions for a host of star clients, not just from kenya, but also global celebrities like bruno mars and beyond say. so these are going to come as they have, like, uh, the more deep slope of the garden mixer embodied it into them. so through that, i'm also able, it's not on the desk to speak about like my creation of my work. but i'm also able to speak about like one of the african studies because i'm not doing something africa, you know. designing clothes also helps david come to terms with his difficult childhood. he attended coffee primary school here in the outskirts of t barrow. his mother was
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a single parent who raised him and just 3 sisters on her own. she couldn't afford their tuition fees. as a result, at the age of 11, david had to leave school around 11 like i wanted to become like an engineer. electrical engineer because i was really good in months. so then i dropped out of school. that's been the dream southern southern slowly by slow. and i've been told that my life was going to end on the time because everybody was telling me like, and i'm going to get the mysteries and stuff like that because it's expensive and deposited on my friends. like, you know, most of them in this, in the crime doesn't mistaken identity of the drug abuse. so me being alive right now on being able to do the, that they do is just like maybe 2 days. david, a veto supports a lot of local children who face a similar difficult situation. he sold school uniforms for over $700.00 girls and boys and pete the school fees for $20.00 of them. the oaks youngsters like 13 year old esther will be able to follow their dreams. in her case, becoming
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a pilot. that's me. but it's great because not that many kids are able to go to school because the parents don't have enough money. and when you're at home, you can't study and keep up with the other pupils which bus out. so i'm really glad to be coming to school in the future on the for david, a. vito also supports local deaf women teaching them to so and helping them to find jobs. i show my mood. mohammad now works in a factory that manufacturers bags she's able to provide for her family. also thanks to david life with no money was tough. but now i can afford the hospital bills for my daughter. i can save some money by food and pay her school fees due to vito believes in the principal of helping people to help themselves. mexican
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so good makes me think so broad and you know, the desk broke sitting there like, you know, people at any violent enough to give them the opportunity to help them kind of what you're into that continued allies. david's latest labor of love is to keep bare a fashion show a chance for budding designers to showcase their creations. and they appreciate the chance to get some visibility. many have to fight against the same prejudices that confronted david at the start of his career. the so for us to come here, a forcing piece of it the on the, on the flow fluids and things that this is what we do. this is how we express ourselves. and this is a way of life physically, very many people and allowing them to dream that visible succession, both you, you can be free, you can create, you can be magic. it's another trying for david to veto hosting
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a fashion show in the middle of a slum district ringing that was it the better now people before they used to think about the bad. other thing about brian, i'm glad that this is on their own. nobody. i mean, um everybody i've been good vibes, we don't see like any kind of solution that is like negative to anybody because everybody's up season is feeling on top of that. you go to lunch for people each and every other day. if you want me to go to z as yeah, no problem, the things that they get to see about as out there. for david, a veto. there is no question of him ever leaving kenya and the place where he grew up. not even for enticing offers from abroad. looking for more unexpected insights and exemplary solutions from around the world . you get to meet the people fighting climate change. then follow us on facebook, instagram and take tokens. the,
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the, the
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co africa. how do you get young people thinking about waste and public spaces? again, taps where they particular requests to clean up the environment in a way that is a logical for them. grab the young people's attention. check on environmental awareness. check this as the mission of green quest for kaiser this within pod form, that's the, that's the image and best the a,
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the find out adult bailey, story. info, migraines, reliable news to migrate. wherever they may be. are they 1st into are, is whenever they feel like it don't themselves are selling and fashion and most pieces in this guy ben's how many ons, including the us have survival to do they do is the secret lives of the inside stuffs may 22nd on d w the,
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this is dw, use live from berlin, georgia, as part of meant to prove, say, controversial load that has sparked weeks of protest. thousands block, a major traffic junction as lawmakers agree, restrictions on media, and other groups which get funding from abroad. western nations, one that all could jeopardize trade relations, also coming on. america's top diplomat takes a message of support. can you crane onto the blanket says more military. yeah, it is on the way and insist russia must pay for the destruction. its invasion has caused the mass of mine hunt in france after goodman killed 2 officers
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