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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 15, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw, it is coming to live from berlin, opposition leaders of western nations denounced a controversial bill passed by george's national parliament, thousands riley on the streets of the capital to police after lawmakers agree restrictions on media and other groups that get funding from abroad also coming up is really tags pushing deeper into southern guys are reaching residential areas of the city of ruffled. meanwhile, fighting intensive fox in the north. and america's top diplomat takes a message of support to ukraine pension. the blinking says more military 8 is on the way and insist russia most faint for the destruction. it's invasion. it's
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called. plus the red carpet rolls out in the south of france for the $77.00 kemp film festival. among the contenders for the top prize, the, the radiant director pool from across to the settings to 8 years in prison for an alleged security. the little m. terry morris and good heavy with his position leaders in western nations have denounced a so called for an influence bill passed by george's national parliament. thousands of demonstrators have blocked a major traffic junction in the capital to policing. critics fear the proposed law will be used to stamp out this sense and will den george's hopes of joining the european union. legislation requires media and other groups to register as pursuing
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the interest of a foreign power. if they get more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad, a european unit and the us have criticized the bill saying if it takes effect it could jeopardize relations high testers clash with riot police outside the parliament in tbilisi thousands of people took to the streets to denounce the latest developments in the controversy, know the things that pushes georgia, of course, to membership into this fear of the kremlin influence. i don't know why still seen or was lost in the funded the government officials sitting in the parliament saying that they are going to be the ones to take out freedom away from us because we georgia we are, we'll see you and everyone always fights for freedom the
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if the for an agent know pulses, any media come to and you know, that gets 20 percent more of its funding from abroad. will be obliged to register assuming the interest of a foreign power opponents cooler to search harry, and that george's prime minister in rock creek about, he'd say, defended the bill, put forward by his georgian dream party. going to the office today is the most important day in terms of strengthening the independence and sovereignty of our country. the adoption of the law on transparency of foreign influence, great, strong guarantees of long term peace and tranquility in georgia, and to overcome so called polarization. it is
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a necessary condition for georgia's integration into the european union at the george and see it has exactly the opposite. large demonstration slipping, taking place 2 weeks on the streets of the blue sea and purchase to say they went stilton to below. it says a ton our reports are maria cut the model is in tbilisi covering the story. i asked her if the protests are likely to stop now that the bill is past parliament. well, indeed, the pros has smoothman here in georgia is still continuing. the protesting that is still running high, the capital c, p c. some of the protesters were detained yesterday and the some of the thousands of protesters are still remains the custody. and one of the request of the organizes of this protest is to free all of them,
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and they say they will not stop until the government reconsider its decision to, to actually to cancel this bill. even though the government doesn't show any tons intentions to do so. at this point, and it protects to say that they will not stop because this is a historic and crucial moment for their country when they have to fight for their democracy for the future in the u. s. and you had that they are in their reports. so they say that now the problem just, it is the bill that they don't like, but the pro russian government, as they've been telling me, and they have to make more pressure on the governments to try and stop them from stealing them away from europe towards russia. bill, the bill will go to president solomon, so this should be lee for final approval. i understand, but she says she will not signed it into law. so what happens next? so the next stage is the bill goes to the president and the president,
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the provost in presence of rubbish. really. she already wrote that she will actually veto this bill. but um it keep in mind that the president in this country has a very symbolic and ceremonial role. she, she doesn't have any power actually to stop this bill. but she is a supporter of the protest as she from the start she sided with them. and the protests to see has a need that uh, that could actually help them to, to make some professional development. but uh the uh, also what's important that the president said that she will you not to the opposition, which is very fragment typing this country. there is, is the polarization going on in georgia. and it's also a sign of how much of the importance of this bill holds that the old position is a so fragmented, they decided to do not as a and unit unit front. they say that they are going to need the pro european
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movement with the leadership of their presidents so long as they were basically right. yeah, thank you very much. that was our correspondence, maria, a couple of months, a in sibley. see what's happening there in to police, of course is being watched very closely from brussels, are corresponded, rosie, but child is the rosy. how is the you reacting to this development in georgia? yeah, you can bet they are paying very close attention to what is going on there, but the you did take their time in terms of guessing an official recent statement about this. we do know have a statement from the european commission in which they condemned this law. they say the content in the spirit of the law goes against court. you values, they say that it's likely to undermine civil society and independent media. they have gone on also just to condemn the what they call acts of violence toward protesters and coal for independent investigations. into that, so there is quite a kind of unequivocal condemnation there from the site. but this is an important
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nuance because this is a statement from the use for an affairs chief and the european commission. that's the central administration here in brussels. it is not terry. a statement on behalf of the 27 e u member states. and my understanding is that's because there's been divisions among those 27 e member states when exactly how to proceed or which words to use on this note to be reportedly thought into some disagreement from hungry, a country which is often at odds with brussels. no. so many countries are taking this into their own hands. we know foreign ministers from the baltic countries, lithuania, lot for us. sonia are into b. c. meeting with the george and president to they say kind of urge their support there. and i think, given this division, given these disagreements, apparently i suspect this is going to get taught billing. what do you, ford ministers meet in brussels in a few weeks time? rosie, in our report, if you heard that we, we heard george's prime minister arguing that the foreign influence laws it's being called is a necessary condition for georgia's integration into the
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e. you. what do you make about that is absolutely not how the european union sees it, not. georgia is officially on a past to, we're joining the european union. it's officially a candidate for e u membership. it applied for that state us back in early 2020 to hold on. he was ukraine after reference to a skilled version of your grade and the decision to grant georgia candidates, they just came late last year, but it came with the strings attached. it was not any sort of a, of a blank track it, indeed those strings are the use expecting georgias to continue with reforms, for example, curbs and corruptions measures to try and increase the or the validity of democratic institutions in the country. and the commission has very explicitly said in the statement that it believes this little take storage of a way from that clear past toward a seat of the table here in brussels. that 8 itself applied for it is apparently striving for. so that's quite a clear distinction. there from brussels,
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generally joining the european union doesn't happen quickly. it can take years, if not decades. but it seems that with this law, which the you is urging the church and government know to withdrawal, this is a deviation further. still, rosie, thank you very much for filling us in there. that was our correspond, rosie bird shots in brussels. sketchup on a few other stories making headlines today. a massive man hunt is underway in northern france after armed gunman bush to prison van to free a high profile inmate, being transported to prison. guards were killed and 3 wounded when they were attacked. passing through a told those guards of staged a protest outside a prison near bordeaux, aiming demanding the urgent measures to be taken to improve stuff safety. at least 3 people have been killed as riots continued on new caledonia, after frances national assembly approved changes to voting rules in that pacific island with already say around a 100 people, including some police,
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had been injured. thousands of homes and businesses had been torqued and looted in the unrest or rusty wares in indonesia or racing to find thousands of people still missing. after flash flooding in west sumatra, heavy rains triggered the flooding which swept volcanic debris known as cold lava through residential areas. 67 people have been confirmed, killed and dozens of houses have been destroyed. is rarely military says it's killed, a senior commander of the hospital, a militant group, and a striking southern 11 on the ran back by which it has confirmed the death of one of its fighters without specifying the role is real and hezbollah have exchanged almost daily fire since the outbreak of the war in gauze is israel continues with some of the fiercest funding in months in northern garza is really tanks have reached some residential areas of rough up in the south. hundreds
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of thousands of billions of play the city a head of a threatened ground, defensive israel's allies, the repeatedly warned against the major assault on wrap up. but it's really military forces have stepped up there activity there. they say there they are targeting several amounts battalions still hold up. there is really apache helicopters on route to gaza. smoke rises overhead as some of the most intense fighting in weeks rages between have us militants. and these really defense forces. the idea of says it currently has 3 divisions deployed across the gaza strip in the, in the south guys or for the 100 and 62nd division. continue operations against henry target all and i'm a salt spots and the rest of the area since the beginning of the operation now force of eliminated about $100.00 terrorist gunam incomplete. as the intensity of
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fighting increases, the death toll has skyrocketed as well, according to how must lead health officials and gaza. tuesday was one of the deadliest days and weeks. they say more than 35000 color stadiums have been killed since the beginning of the war. israel defensive in and around rough uh, has forced hundreds of thousands of palestinians to flee, and continues to draw start criticism from the international community. the secretary general is appalled by the escalation military activity in and around rough uh by this really defense forces. to these developments are further impeding humanitarian access and worsening and already dire situation. at the same time, how must militants continue to fire rockets into israel? the group which has been declared to a terrorist organization by the us, and you has published propaganda, videos of insurgents attacking israel, the forces from hidden positions as the tunnels.
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as the funding continues, the key border crossing and rough uh remains shut, preventing vital 8 deliveries entering gaza as it relates to aid that has been flowing this week. we've seen 50 trucks enter gaza on may 12th. this is not nearly enough more needs to be done, and it's another example of why the rough uh, border crossing needs to be open. so we can see further sustained, documented hearing aids flow into gaza. according to the united nations over 1000000 palestinians face catastrophic levels. of hunger and are on the brink of starvation. us secretary of state attorney blinking is in ukraine to reaffirm the bite and ministration support for the country speaking in t blinking acknowledge the delays in congress. passing a military aid package had made ukraine more vulnerable to russian attacks.
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americans comfortable amount, also insisted the kremlin must pay for the destruction its invasion has caused this is not the image most expected to see, but the us secretary of state of the visited ukraine. thinking the end of the day of meetings by joining a local bond on stage in keith to play a version of neil young's rocking in the free world earlier, she had also tried to look the spirits of the ukrainians by reassuring them. the more aid was coming, all of us admire your extraordinary resilience, your endurance, your strength, your leadership. and we know this is a challenging time. but we also know that in the near term, the assistance is now on the way uh, some of its already arrived. more of that will be arriving and that's going to make a real difference against the ongoing russian aggression morning. president zalinski signed the americans to the aid package with over $60000000000.00,
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but said, ukraine's defensive was still in need of a boost. these are really we need to day to pet through us 40400 can region because they are the people on the attack, civilians. and where is everybody they are russians. fee is cross border attack. when you cranes how have region is boasting 1000 stiffly. it's here that so lensky says us made patriots. surface to missile systems could help protect civilians in the city of ha, have more than a dozen people reported injured when the russian guided me so hate a residential building. the smell of burning. there was a burning smell and everything was like in slow motion. like in some film, it took me awhile to realize what had happened. i don't know, miraculously, nothing goes on me. because it must have been my 2nd birthday today. a
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fucking cave urgent. a to ha, hey, this holly on the agenda. money hope more timely assistance can help you cranes outgoing the out numbered forces, pipe of rushes, ground defense of past the w's knit connelly and key of how blinking reassurances are being received there. a look, i think terry doctor, you just saw of attorney blinking performance in the bar here. it might be a bit of an unusual diplomatic format. could see a bit jarring of to the bad news that you credit been getting from the front lines recently. but i think this is about showing that this is a visit to a friends relation to almost an ally. you wouldn't have this kind of performance. it's kind of a parents on the stage by us exist states in a country that wasn't and bought a friend, and he's really invested time. he takes a lot of time to get to you brand new up to taking not trained in an out. this isn't just flying business visits, this is about reassuring his ukranian host that the us is still paying attention
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because it hasn't basically multiply the headspace of everyone in the administration back in dc and of 6 months where a lot of the time of the changes will last, specifically, cost ukraine daily in, you know, especially we've seen the impact to the last few weeks and months that, that you could see cranium kind of focus is still that and that us is thinking ahead not just yet in terms of next weeks and months, but longer to uh he, we believe was talking to a friend zalesky about how those 60000000000 that were recently signed off on a going to be spent. we also gave a speech to students, and there was some scaffold measured the right clear criticism of the government. here he said, more needs to be done to fight corruption. that russia was using corruption to weaken ukraine's defenses so that the 2 are extract, extract the link. and he also said that you crane has to state different direction in terms of dealing with physical opponents, freedom of speech. so there was a kind of mixture of a hug for, so that's getting the rhetorical sense, but also criticism and clarity that to us sees it. what's going on here and there's
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still what we don't, nick, bring this up to date on what's happening in the car key region on the battlefield there. how are you crazy and forces dealing with russian defense? so this whole started early in the morning on friday, and so it less than a week since this started and it seems like the russians are still making progress will be of some, most learning. there was a lot of criticism here and you think about the response that's the month deals of the defense on the board. it hadn't been prepared enough and that there was chaos among the kind of c'mon does try and coordinate the ukraine your response. the kind of consent spinning among experts here is that the russians will try to unite dubiously, have to pockets along the board of and still separates by about 10 to 15 kilometers . to create one kind of launch a zone of russian control. they might try and take the town of chance for 75 comments as from the buddha. for now, that doesn't seem to be a direct threat to productivity brings the 2nd city. but it certainly is very embarrassing for william zalinski. we understand he's cancelled a visit to spain and portugal to deal with the situation. and this was situation
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that everyone. so coming we had ukrainian and present specialist speaking the last few weeks and months that they were expecting in this region. and so everyone in cuba was asking, how could this happen, and how could it be made so easy for the russians to make that progress? nick, thank you very much. our correspondent nick connelly there in key ukraine urgently needs new soldiers and is increasing pressure on man to sign up. the government recently passed a new mobilization law starting this weekend. ukrainian men will have 2 months to register for potential. conscription if they don't sign up, they will be punished, dw is currently in a few more reports sign up or face the consequences. the queues at this conscription center are orderly, but the men here say the process itself is not. for some, it's their 2nd or 3rd of 10. they've come prepared for long wait.
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we have minus 3. i can only if i have to register, i'll do it. and if i get caught up into the army service, i'll go started. so look at the profit identities deals with been trying to register here. if there is no, all the here will have to program what must it be like in the army? and i'm a told me might put it up to 250, put it under ukraine's new mobility. zation rules mean that all 18 to 60 year olds mess, register carry paper, work with them. those who don't will be punished. many here are wary of the new policy, so they want to remain anonymous. actual man who don't register will lose all their like house. and so we won't be able to do anything officially get a job around the house. and is it the man with the right papers will have no rights and ukraine? this is where you claim young man, have to register to be on the mobilization list to potentially be called in to war . according to officials of the armed forces, ukraine's military needs at least 500000 more soldiers. the government says this
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registration drive will help speed up the recruitment process. the new law also lowers the conscription age from 27 to 25. that's incorrect, some young man to volunteer are doing so means they can choose a unit instead of being assigned one by the state. but from what they want, it says my main motivation is to help the people who are defending our country to replace the guys who need arrest after more than 2 hard years. let's say i want to destroy the enemy and defend our country once it's uh, lashania was like this way clean. but it's not always so simple. this lawyer gets around 30 calls a day from man trying to get a draft deferment, a. what says z q? these are calls from those who are entitled to the deferment and do not know how to submit the documents correctly. the question is not how to avoid military service and we need he questions. so the guy,
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lady of the restrictions on mans writes that the new law imposes on man will fail to register the over sure, sure. they just seen the problem. i believe that the right to education cannot be restricted even during war. the new real estate that people could, in some cases be denied medical services. if they don't register out of conscription office, i think that's not right because they didn't seem to come to 20 hours agents. and the problem the new law does not provide for team organization. families has been hoping for 3 year time limit for those serving at the front. many are fatigue or injured 2 years into war. the assumption that ukraine would win within a couple of months, but it has disappeared on this and it says better on other exams that are bad turn it off. now others must fight. busy with this putting alicia, but people thought that someone else would fight for them. they thought the army was so powerful that they could deal with everything. they flies and they don't get tired. the country just put the responsibility on the army. now you must do your
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duty because everyone wants rides, but no one wants responsibilities. the state gives one thing and demands the other one on the fact, even my answer. and now the state is demanding more young man, send up for the country. the con film festival is opened in the south of france. the events will highlight work by hollywood veterans like francis board couple up. it's also hope to re new director mohammed russell of will be able to attend the premier of his new film. he's been sentenced to 8 years in prison for an alleged security offence, but has managed to flee his own life. for 40 years of preparation, a budget of a $120000000.00 among you meant to film the scifi drama. megalopolis was a labor of love for its director, and one which drove him to the brink of ruin. megalopolis
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by legendary hollywood direct to francis food popular tells the story of an architect played by adam drive. though he wants to rebuild new york as a vision of the future. following a devastating disaster in the screenplay re written countless times, couple of drawers on no less than his childhood in new york, a series of novels and roman history, megalopolis, a stroke of genius, or a massive failure. the world of cinema. we'll know more about that in just a few days. there are high expectations to direct a yoga slant, and most of the light is feeling kinds of kindness sees the award winning greek to make a team up once again with us gwinnett. m a stone land to most his life is what tells 3 loosely connected stories surrounding to man and a woman in contemporary america. this is at the moment of truth. little is known about the film, so fox only,
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that's m a stone dense and how in addition to sophisticated or to a cinema and legendary direct is politics is also playing a major role in can this yep. of the writing and directing mohammed. russell still gives in competition, but a few days ago, back home the director was sentenced to ag is in prison and lashes by the islamic revolution records for collusion against national security. the director has since fled iran. it's like a rustle of we'll make it to the premier ethics to the seed st could fee. this is can also has of me to overall that was c moment. actress an activist, you do to go to rush will be presenting a short film more or see that highlights the stories of victims of sexual violence . go to rush, has accused to will know,
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infringe direct cause of abuse triggering and you, me to way in france. will revelations can be expected? at 102024. you're watching dw nose up next one man's quest to find out what happened to his relatives who disappeared during a ghost of keener chaise, military dictatorship and shipping. thanks for the
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to the written by a single question. we're peterson. one has been searching for his brother and father industry said a search for victim of the military dictatorship as legend to come see me after the next on d w. but the environment trends,
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technologies come is digitalization tops new market, new media. the world is accelerating. sees the opportunity to try new things. take flights with the, the use business magazine made in germany. in 60 minutes on d, w, the music can be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible to see performed for head lice in australia. the key was the nazis, the 2 musicians who list beneath the
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panel of the suspects of film about the sounds of power and inspiring story about the volume. music under the swastika starts may 25th on dw, the. the 50 is one eduardo rojas vasquez has been searching for his father, an older brother, chevy mo, most still have some hope that my brother is alive, leaving can cheering the pen of shay dictatorship and on the number of july ends with tortured and murdered. in the notorious kaloni, a degree dad klein believes it was bad that his father matches this tv lease. i want to know when my father was killed on what day where he.


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