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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news that line from the georgia department president head starts off, the parliament approves a, comes about, shall bill, but spot weeks of protest. this is a progress report. and we oh, here we've done dealing with that and we will not accept that a little more comp you ok mark, but i should really of joins thousands demonstrating against post restrictions on media and other groups that receive significant phone funding. western countries with pink morgan said the proposed little cook jeopardize relations. also on the program, your secretary of state asked me blinking sets these countries rushing and managing a to ukraine to ensure it reaches the front line quickly as possible, as an advocate counsel supposed to be scheduled
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a foreign trips because of russian advances in between. these draining tanks pushed deeper into 7 costs are reaching but potential areas of the city of profit assigned to in the north, intensifies the unfilled gal. welcome to the program opposition, leaders in western countries. 59 is to so called foreign agents bill passed by georgia national parliaments. the legislation is prompted weeks of mass stream protests and the slightest problem entry vote. i prompted thousands more to blockades and major traffic junction in the capital to policing. critics fear that proposed low be used to stump of defense and dense george's hopes of joining the european union. the legislation requires media and other groups who receive more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad to register as pursuing the interests of
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a foreign power. the european union, i'm the us of criticize the bill saying it could jeopardize relations if it comes into effect. the testers clash with riot police outside the parliament in tbilisi thousands of people took to the streets to denounce the latest developments in the country. this news that they say pushes georgia, of course to membership into this fear of the kremlin influence. i don't know why still seen all those lots in the funded the government officials sitting in the parliament saying that they are going to be the ones to take out freedom away from us because we georgia we are, we'll see you and everyone always fights for freedom the
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if the for an agent know pulses, any media come to and you know, that gets 20 percent more of its funding from abroad. will be obliged to register assuming the interest of a foreign power. opponents cooler to sorry, terry, and that george's prime minister at rock creek about, he'd say, defended the bill, put forward by his georgian dream party. going to the office today is the most important day in terms of strengthening the independence and sovereignty of our country. the adoption of the law on transparency of foreign influence, great, strong guarantees of long term peace and tranquility in georgia, and to overcome so called polarization. it is a necessary condition for georgia integration into the european union at the
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george and see it has exactly the opposite. large demonstration slipping, taking place 2 weeks on the street, just a blue sea and protest to say they went stilton to below. it says a ton which will just form a president of your game on that i should be any is a full ally of the ruling georgia dream policy, but he's not joined the protest. correspondence, media kind of mindset caught up with him during the demonstration into place. so yes, today to ask him about the proxies billing that baccha and these links to the criminal . i don't know where he is least and what is his message, but i have been his friend and he's a lie when we will fight to good as the previous government. but now he has definitely it. i don't know the reasons actually why he changed this and i don't, i don't care about the reasons, but the change that he started developing to my country, that's it. blank. i don't care about anymore. i mean,
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she has changed. we are and what we, what we are, you see a process politician in georgia. he has done abroad. does the pro russian move? this is a progressive move. so yeah, he has, he has committed himself to soviet guys in georgia to most of the case in georgia. so yeah, that's, that's why he is unfortunately when you cry and it's not him is landscape has canceled all of his trips abroad because of russian advances in the cocking region regarding the president's announcement came on the 2nd day of his, of, of, of the skews me on the 2nd day of the visit of us secretary of state and the blinking, blinking has reaffirmed washington's commitment to you. train is, russian pushes forward along the 1000 kilometer frontline and dig. now there's a delays in passing and ministry, a package to the us congress. i've left you crying more valuable to russian, a tax credits as it has been forced to withdraw from parts of the eastern hockey regions as he doesn't have enough troops to hold back. rest is offensive. speaking
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in case mister blinking said to us is preparing additional aid package to help you try and build up its ministry supplies. we will provide an additional $2000000000.00 in foreign, military financing for you, frank. and we put this together in a, 1st of its kind of defense enterprise fund and it has 3 components. one is to provide weapons today. so this will assist you frame in acquiring those weapons to is to focus as well on something that the mutual just talked about. investing in new kinds defense, industrial base. helping to strengthen even more its capacity to produce what it needs for itself, but also to produce struthers. and finally, using this funds to help you frame purchase military equipment from other countries, not just the united states, away from the world by the administration has an, as a significant increase in tires on chinese, electric vehicles and other products that are histone chinese that evolves will be
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called truthful. it's more than a 100 percent. whitehouse, as the move will help protect american jobs by assessing what it says, a china is unfair practices and subsidies the most likely to inflamed trade. tensions between the 2 biggest economies especially was that it will retaliate, but also concerns over how europe in industry will be affected. so let's look at that to waive that coupon. that jim belive from the bathroom dw i business. so welcome coupon. the. so i'm massive tires from america on electric vehicles and others. how is your reaction to this announcement? well, um there's a lot of concern here in europe for 2 reasons. there's a fear that we might see even more chinese products being imported into europe because of course, that will make them more expensive than the us. so chinese would use as we'll be looking for markets to send those products to. and europe would be the best
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possible option. so that is one concern then the 2nd concern is that you have has waited too late to wait too long to impose terrace on the chinese goods. however, there are some differences between the us market and the u. market that we also need to take note of, especially for speaking in terms of electric vehicles. in terms of electric vehicles, chinese made electric vehicles account for around 30 percent of market share in the ease you. and half of those are actually made by western producers in china, and that is something that even german chancellor all of scholes pointed to yesterday when he was asked about the us terrace on chinese products. so obviously terrace are going to be a little bit trickier for your pin firms and for your up to impulse. okay, no problem then for brussel, so what are they going to do if anything? well, brussels already has several investigations looking into subsidies and what they, what they're doing in terms of making your pin goods less competitive. because of course, chinese goods are much cheaper as a result of those uh,
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subsidies that aging has with some industries. of course in particular we've been speaking about electric vehicles and that is the main concern. it's so that is something that there is a lot of concern on. and there was an announcement in march that the issue would require electric via calls make of from china that important to, to you to be registered with customs. so the intention with that announcement was that they might retroactively impose tyrus on those chinese made vehicles that have been coming into the you since march. the announcement was initially expected for november at the end of the probes, but it may come in july. however, because of the announcement yesterday, it could be pushed up to even earlier. so there is pressure now on the e you commission to respond with its own terrorist, especially on electric vehicles. okay, the dentist,
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we happen to have the last of essentially from the gym valued from the w business. thank you. as israel continues to be, some of the fist fighting in buttons and know of and gaza is riley tags have reached residential areas of rafa in the south. hundreds of thousands of civilians if like the safety of head of a threatened to ground defensive is right. the ministry forces have increased activity despite prepaid warnings from allies against a major ourselves on rafa. is reading defense policy says it is targeting homeless battalions. hold up in the southern gospel. safety is really apache helicopters on route to gaza. smoke rises overhead as some of the most intense fighting in weeks rages between how boss militants and these really defense forces. the idea of says it currently has 3 divisions deployed across the gaza strip in the, in the south guys or for this one. the 100 and 62nd division continue operations
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against henry target all, and i'm a soft spots and the rest of the area. since the beginning of the operation now forces have eliminated about $100.00 terrorist gunam incomplete. as the intensity of fighting increases, the death toll has skyrocketed as well, according to how much lead health officials and gaza tuesday was one of the deadliest days and weeks. they say more than 35000 colors to indians have been killed since the beginning of the war. israel defensive in and around rough uh, has forced hundreds of thousands of palestinians to flee, and continues to draw start criticism from the international community. the secretary general is appalled by the escalation military activity in and around rough uh by this really defense forces. these developments are further impeding humanitarian access and worsening and already dire situation. at the same time, how must militants continue to fire rockets into israel? the group which has been declared to a terrorist organization by the us,
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and you has published propaganda, videos of insurgents attacking israel, the forces from hitting positions by the tunnels. as the funding continues, the key border crossing and rough uh remains shut, preventing vital a deliveries entering gaza as it relates to aid that has been flowing this week. we've seen 50 trucks entre uh, gaza on may 12th, this is not nearly enough more needs to be done. and it's another example of why the rough a border crossing needs to be open. so we can see further sustained, documented hearing aids flow into gaza. according to the united nations over 1000000 palestinians face catastrophic levels of hunger. and on the brink of starvation. frances, to declare a state of emergency in its pacific territory of new caledonia. after at least 3
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people were killed in protest, finance interrupted after the national assembly in paris approve changes to voting bills in the capella got some 17000 kilometers away. well, sources in the capital of new visa around a 100 people have been injured, including police, a smoke billows from several places near new caledonia is capital in new me. the archipelago in the south pacific applies in response to proposed constitutional changes in motion. half a world away, the violence rages despite the authorities imposing a 2 day q. if you security forces were able to regain control of new me is main prison. but over whelmed, in other places, as by sort to protect businesses targeted by loses the on risk started in response to principal. mike is debating voting reforms in paris that would increase the number of people who could cost ballots in new caledonia. opponents site,
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expanding votes and lists would only benefit pro fronds politicians. indigenous canal people have long sought independence or not. by the last 3 river engines held on the madison's 2018 typically on our priority is to find a broad as possible physical agreement with the separatists and those who don't want independently not to allow us to move forward. and right. the future of new caledonia, feel to secure your disagreement. i repeat here, it will come through dialogue, through discussion with all stakeholders. and this is why a 100 is always out stretched out to put notes to secure he reinforcements have been dispatched from mainland france. i'm a new caledonia is burning just a weeks before another flame was supposed to be put in the spot lies the olympic torch per i just said to arrive here next month. ahead of the power summit games now. well, it's already is in new me a bracing for
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a 3rd consecutive night of on risk. i set you up to date. i'll have more world news at the top of the out of next on the w. don't fail. looks at the music and dance of the cape sadie islands off of good the my name is the polls bag said. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold the bad. a lot of people do that. as soon about saying it's loud. you guys would have being nosy, bay like get everyone to king to check out the award winning called called the called back.


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