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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the is dw news life from the georgias full of presidents should solve its after fall element approves of controversial belt and spark weeks of protest. this is a progress report and we oh here we've done dealing with that and we will not accept them as a little more calm. ok, mock village should be lead joins thousands, demonstration against pricked restrictions and media and other groups that receive significant funding funding. lesson countries repeats warnings of a proposal could jeopardize, relates also in the program us secretary of state. and to me, blank of an answer is a further $2000000000.00
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a package for you price and says it will reach the front line quickly. so a lot of incidents can cancel his schedule, trips abroad because of the russian or the francis in the east strain tanks push deeper into southern gas and reaching the residential areas of the city of ruffled as find things in the north, intensifies the feel. okay, welcome to the program opposition leaders in west countries of denied the so called foreign agents bill passed by georgia national parliaments legislation from 2 weeks of mass street protests and the slightest problem entry vote prompted thousands more to blockade. a major traffic junction in the capital tbilisi critic sphere. the proposal will be used to stump descent and dense ga hopes of joining the
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european union. the legislation requires media and other groups who receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad to register as perceiving the interest of a foreign power of your union and the us of criticize the bill. so it could jeopardize relations if it comes into effect. testers clash with ryan police outside the parliament into police see so people took to the streets to denounce the latest development and to come to the news that they say pushes georgia, of course to membership into this fear of the kremlin influence. i don't know why still seen all those lots in the funded the government officials sitting in the parliament saying that they are going to be the ones to take of freedom away from us because we georgia we are, we'll see you and everyone always fights for freedom the
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if the for an agent know, posted any media company, you know, and you know, that gets 20 percent more of its funding from abroad. will be obliged to register assuming the interest of a foreign power opponents tool to search harry and that george's prime minister in rock creek about, he'd say, defended the bill, put forward by his georgian dream party. going to this today is the most important day in terms of strengthening the independence and sovereignty of our country. the adoption of the law on the transparency of foreign influence, great, strong guarantees of long term peace and tranquility in georgia. and to overcome so
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called polarization. it is a necessary condition for georgia integration into the european union that these children see, it is exactly the opposite. large demonstration slipping, taking place 2 weeks on the streets of the blue sea and protests to say they went stilton to below. it says a ton of georgias for them to present your getting logged, but i should really is i for my ally of the ruling georgia, dream poxy, but he's not joined the protest correspondence video cut him up so caught up with him during the demonstration into police it yesterday to ask him about the policies building the backend and his links to the criminal. i don't know where he is least and what is his message, but i have been his friend and he's a lie when we will fight to good as the previous government. but now he has definitely it. i don't know the reasons actually why he changed it said i don't,
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i don't care about the reasons, but the change that he started developing to my country, that's it. blank. i don't care about anymore. i mean, she has changed who we are and what we, what you see a process politician in georgia, he has done abroad. does the pro russian move? this is a progressive move. so yeah, he has, he has committed himself to soviet guys in georgia to most of the case in georgia. so yeah, that's, that's why he is unfortunately. so you currently have a lot to me as an ascii has canceled all the rescheduled trips abroad because of russia's advances in ukraine's khaki region. your training presence announcement came on the 2nd day of the visit to view of the us secretary of state, and we blinking, reaffirmed washington's commitments to ukraine as russia pushes forward along the 1000 kilometers the front line. i'm to acknowledge that delays in passing a ministry, a package through the us congress of left to you. craig move unable to russian
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attacks to try and says it's been forced to withdraw from pennsylvania to hockey. regents, as it doesn't have enough troops to hold back russia's offensive speaking in key, mr. blinking said to us is preparing an additional a package to help you create and build up its ministry supplies. we will provide an additional $2000000000.00 in foreign, military financing for you price. and we put this together in the 1st of its kind of defense enterprise fund and it has 3 components. one is to provide web is today . so this will assist you frame and acquiring those weapons to is to focus as well on something that's mutual. just talked about investing in new kinds defense, industrial base, helping to strengthen even more its capacity to produce what it needs for itself, but also to produce struthers. and finally, using this funds to help you frame purchase military equipment from other countries, not just the united states as to and that corresponding kindly that you more in
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care of who was at today's press conference a welcome, catalina. so we had the century bank and the announcing more aid for you trade. what else stood out for you during this announcement? m. hi. so it's important to underline that we're talking here about financial help . so this is held for you free for them to build up their own industry to start producing weapons themselves. and of course, also financial help to be able to buy more weapons, not only from the united states, but also from different countries during the press conference. it was pretty interesting to hear how both blinked on to live our saying that they are having serious talks about the united states delivery to a petra. it systems to defend system blinked and met also presidents lensky yesterday. and zalinski told him that ukraine needs to more patriot systems to be able to defend the hierarchy of a region, a region that, as you mentioned, is being held to every day. and the 3rd interesting point out of this pressure is
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segmented. circle a by said that the united states is starting to compensate at for the delay of, of the weapons that are arriving, and that they will compensate with new announcements and new deliveries. okay, so this old as the russian forces are advancing in concave. so how is this visit being seen in that light? we have to differentiate a feel here between the reactions and the impact that this visit is having in kids in the capitol where of course, it is being seen as a very important political symbol of. but at the front lives, the soldiers don't really care. we where there are a couple of years ago, a couple of days ago, sorry, in hard case. and also in the eastern part of ukraine talking to soldiers. and they were telling us that they don't really care about this kind of political symbolism . they need weapons, stated munitions. they need a air defense. that is what they need. now,
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regardless of the visits and kids. okay, thank is that that kind of thing that you more in keys this was very time, so i pushed into the residential areas of rafa in southern gaza. the armies ordered hundreds of thousands of people to leave the city ahead of a planned ground. defensive is ready for specific increase that build up, but despite repeated warnings from allies against any invasion of rafa, come on the side of the target thing. how much but tompkins, who still hold up that is really apache helicopters on route to gaza. smoke rises overhead as some of the most intense fighting in weeks rages between have us militants and these really defense forces. the idea of says it currently has 3 divisions deployed across the gaza strip diploma and the south guys are forced us 100 and 62nd division continue operations against saturday
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target all minimize hot spots and the rest the area since the beginning of the operation. no forces have eliminated about 100 terrorist gunam incomplete. as the intensity of fighting increases the death toll has skyrocketed as well, according to how much lead health officials in gaza tuesday was one of the deadliest days and weeks. they say more than 35000 color stadiums have been killed since the beginning of the war. israel defensive in and around rough uh, has forced hundreds of thousands of palestinians to flee, and continues to draw start criticism from the international community. the secretary general is appalled by the escalation military activity in and around rough uh by this really defense forces. of these developments are further impeding humanitarian access and worsening and already dire situation. at the same time, how must militants continue to fire rockets into israel? the group which has been declared to a terrorist organization by the us,
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and you has published propaganda, videos of insurgents attacking israel. the forces from hidden positions as a totals. as the funding continues, the key border crossing and rough uh remains shut, preventing vital 8 deliveries entering gaza as it relates to aid that has been flowing this week. we've seen 50 truck center, gaza on may 12th. this is not nearly enough more needs to be done, and it's another example of why the rough uh, border crossing needs to be open. so we can see further sustained to manage hearing aids flow into gaza. according to the united nations over $1000000.00 palestinians face catastrophic levels of hunger and on the brink of starvation on this from dw special correspondent to abraham in davis. and welcome. let's start
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with israel is offensive in gaza id into a rough i is the idea story sharing from eye witnesses that these really are going deeper into that southern most part of the strip roughly. and that was approaching the eastern side of a rough off and were told about 450002 almost half a 1000000 people are on the move to try and escape a this in this incursion into rough if you will. but of course, there are many difficulties there, but we're talking about people trying to move. probably not for the 1st time since the war began. after 7 months of constant bombardment, they may not have the equipment, they may not have the means to get to a safe place. and at the same time the, the idea has said last night that it is attacking garza from the south north end
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a centers. so for many of the civilians trying to escape it's, it's, it's difficult to know where to go even with the, the, the, the, the so called safe zone that israel has, has outlined for them. but meanwhile, the us and the united nations have been pressing israel to reopen the roof of boulder, crossing for a deliverance was us being so this will progress there. and that is unclear. although yesterday we heard a statement by the is really foreign minister, seeing that the opening of the rough crossing now lies in the hands of a egypt. and this statement has caused sort of a spot now between egypt and israel. egypt, of course, being the country with the oldest peace treaty with israel, among its era and neighbors with the egyptians seeing that well,
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it's these really sort of now um, you know, a occupied if you will, the palestinian side of the crossing, which some experts have said is actually in violation of the peace treaty between egypt and israel. so there seems to be a bit of confusion and perhaps even a bit of deflection on israel's responsibility there with that statement, but unclear why that opening is not open yet. certainly something that many of the international community would like to see as hunger and, and desperation are, are spread inside because the strip, okay, thank you that i dw a special correspondent abraham in jerusalem, or just bring you some breaking news receipt, reaching us here at dw getting reports of based vacuum prime minister of good faith, so it has been injured in a shooting and taken to hospital. a witness told reuters news agency show she saw a man being detained by the police. local media also reporting a shooting after
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a government meeting, a 150 kilometers north of the capitol, bratislava. so just to repeat that reports about face the vacuum, 5 minutes the robot feed. so who's been injured in a shifting? well, of course, as we get it that's it's up to date, you're watching dw, use like from the have a good the music can be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible. she performed for head lice in australia. the was the nazis favorite to
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musicians who lives beneath the banner office us.


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