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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  May 15, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm CEST

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you will have to say that's why we listen to every weekend on d w the when it comes to solving environmental problems on changing behaviors, it's vital to get the younger generation on boards. the best way to do that, just to make climate action fun. welcome to eco africa. i'm chris gloves coming to you from lee goes. nigeria. technology has a lot to offer when it comes to talking these issues together with some creative community, best thinking. i am sandra holmes, that we don't feel right to encompass that you've done that. it is great to have
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you with us today. here is what we have coming up. how it's a gummy fine environmental when it's done and kind of generally think on the balconies and farmers says 2 ways to caught fun and it was technology plays a huge role, you know, more than interconnected, while it's new tools, makes things easier. and sick time, of course, money in funding to technology can help farmers improve you find diseases and reduce unwanted impulse and local equal systems even play a role in getting young people into funding. these drones is preparing the food ca for planting these. the aerial spring takes just one hour without this. hi, take us to spend. the joke will take for people several ways. it is the 1st time
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that's from the media, has used the e. i support that drawing the hopes it will have the positive effect on these yields. i'll stop plowing. we use our, my facts for sprint. all over allies is outside this we as finish the job, you see practice that the one you call it. they're asked free or the company called loons by technology as the means i'll pronounce, must loss of my 2 widths for precision solutions. the company's a, i support the drones as to the risk site here in kinda high tech solutions like these are only gradually gets in of the ground here, even though they can see pharmacists both time and money emerge. now really farmers thinking defensive, knowing that it flies in that, but it's a bit of a low climate where farm is embracing it. we are having difficult
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times explaining to find this. doing demonstration for farm is, you know, not for them to adopt the system. they are from planes, districts in the east of the country is a key. other quotes for our region mazes the main cro p a. and one of the countries the most important for the stuffs gonna produce is more than 3000000 tons of means a year. but expects fee a that's a number of threats. could do it today is the countries for supply long time and threats. there's a look i'm going to and the some reason of the prison key to leave this person is wound population as well that i meant to suffer to come in diameter and again as carpets. electra check experts, i experimenting with a deficiency and kind of james to develop ways to come back to the fix of climate
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change on finding with the supports of the game on development agency g. i is a dining team, a google has developed a program that's usually is a drawing to money to have people openings on cash you plantations. even if you have a moderate size for me, is that a manual lead trying to walk into to see the cashier tree that we have standing right in front of you kind of see anything guys going about your heights to defend the expansion. you guys see what is happening on top, seemed as some disease that is spreading from the top, it will come and i talk every day and you wouldn't know. but if you using a drawing, we can pinpoint it and let you know that there's 3 dice, right? behind s, as in fest that federal takes images of the trees and visa they analyzed by the i stuff the way kind of the i the program recognizes immediately which plans are diseased and away from. i can then react quickly before the disease spreads and
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causes major damage not to the system as it rings decrease or the locations based on the volume of diseases and passed. it was going to go after every sign of disease and pass on nutrition that is showing up from the whole point is and the detection and the detection of disease. and as you know, with for it to spread and destroy down many things, because it's any into your virus practices to get tablets. and then you end up saving your yield and technology can offer other benefits. offered quinn is one of precision solutions go found is the tech uses are to officially set of james to money to have plants, draughts farm is going to access the data themselves. they no longer have to get an expert in which is too costly for many of them to take pictures of the way. and then we're doing in the
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station 2 months. what that lead to the quote is read to people in 2023, the west african configuration echo as launched a full resilience program to strengthen for security in the region. that program aims to reach more than 300000 fundraising kind of and on. it's wants to encourage the use of technology, including a i to improve have is, i could quote you on needs to become more efficient and effective, you know that to provide for an about growing population. farm on the line. yeah. it's already on board, a setting that's with the help of the new technology is next have is, for me successful officially intelligence company do a lot,
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but we don't always need high take to make a difference. we had not to them by with as much as 40 percent of small skilled button and a phone was produced. can get phone away because it can't be sold. the one creative i'm going to me is come up with an idea to mix something out of it instead of a bananas or a key cross. so many farmers here ends in both ways. monica land prevents but bananas can be tricky. they don't store well, they suffered during transportation, and sometimes they simply remain on so that's why around decide if the harvest frequently ends up as waste. right. and is on the has to heck test has been on the pounds. he found the high lupsi is frustrating. companies, they take the 1st grades, the grades in the farmers where they may with the same grade and that rejects. so
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with that ongoing process, we id like that. you're losing a lot of fun of us. so he said it's to me to be finding ways to mitigate those, those losses and how best we can do that. that's when a, an ideal for presenting by last came, after all, the unsolved been on is still a valuable source of nutrition, even when they're in a different form. the economist founded a company. and this folks, brands these now processes the unassailable bananas for more than 40 local, small scale phones. the bananas, accustomed to small pieces on the spices, and then push into solar powered drain cabinets until this for the drying. the production process is client friendly. that's important for brightness on the because he and his name was already feeling the effects of climate change. the region is getting hotter and dry and that's impacting office. it's a
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proportion of the bananas, a ground into flower, then packaged and sold. the company also makes fruit snacks from dried pin on the skins. the brightness of the local farmers can now and money on that whole yields. what does that but known as a perfect o notes and now from the nose to not she and not nor list these will receive a use for use she about to, but he's used in moisturize is i have a cost, a women's quantity permit the shipped from on sustainable tree back visiting, reducing donek, she does right sandra, and these women initiative benefits not only individuals, but also the wider community and the local environments. these women know that if you're stuck together you can do one. does a quick check to ensure they
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have enough provisions. then these members of a women's cooperative set off on a 15th to lead me to johnny. the terrain in these parts of 5 re, quote can be quite rough, especially during rating seasons. but even told them 3 of us can stop the women. upon arrival, they collect nuts from sheer trees, which build time into she about to. it is used in cooking on cosmetics and sold off the top on the walls market. but the women find scenes of devastation to, even though this is a protected forest from us, of cut down fees to plot fields, or strip them to sell the book. in traditional medicine, she, a buck is used to trick malaria and stomach. it's much with all the but the trees right out and die. many of these women once told 3 bucks to,
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but now she and that's provide them with the more environmentally friendly pulse of income, too far too. so we are level, since we joined the cooperative, we've completely stopped cutting. barnes for, we used to cut a lot of these. sometimes we even heard ourselves while removing in the board and without their bar, patrice done or viewed. so now we do everything we can to protect the trees for kids in 2021 a sent that to process she and that's on the set top in the village of wondering my do a lot. so some $200.00 women walk here in a cooperative called non cons mina, or we stick together the co operative us truck, a purchase agreement to the gun, a best company, but the aims to empower women in this region. as it is of the season, the women got the invite as many knots as they come later and cook them to make she about a new
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thing. they called pretty buzz being organic, certified it's processing facility costs around 60000 euros, most of which came from the international donors, including the e u department from savannah fruits company as a regional office to handle the corporate team she about to international sales and going well thanks to the she a bought as a gun except the vacation, centralizing, production on one side was key to the process. and i've been shoot tamani fun. the women used to bring their shane bounce back from the bush and store them in a corner in their houses. it was usually the place where they stored chemical fertilizers for their fields or were children would play or for. the women also process the notes at home or see amazing, but the quality suffered to that there was too much contamination when they tried to do it all at home. and it was simple for the company and the strong guys who came to south to side. i'm using, besides the high international demand for organic she about to here in the regional
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center of the color. there is to a brisk tread into the buck and roots using traditional magazine. at least 2 big truckloads leave here each week. bone for ivory costs, financial copy, told me not to what tara used to. so t but key and was often away from her funding for the long periods of time. now that she's a member of the women's cooperative that's no longer necessary. she can also afford to buy better food for her family and invest in fish lab. yeah. and you know, i, we come here every wednesday when it's market day. i think the color. yeah. before we never had enough money, i don't know, but now it's best to pass on. if i was able to buy 2 crates of fish, i think that i can re sell in the village. a lot of go on last week. i you're not as over. got that as you are the project. we receive 10000 francs and i use them to buy vegetables. i'm a, i got watch the i settle, knows on the extra food is a welcome contribution. maybe not over time as us,
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but the lead gross human caution. that's he's or the wife also walks in the corporate event since both women know on more money that lives respect hasn't drunk or my father gotten given by my wife helped me by a sheet for debowski. i think the sacrifice or yes little and they contributed to the purchase of some capital that do what i do. my wife's, i've also really helped me to pay for school fees that so i recognize the value of the co op and of the final that women are gaining influence in other areas. they often come across fields of fields and culture, not legally planted by local men in the collecting zones. now the supervising n g o. as i look at them such as quickly led me to area which is off limits to anyone, but the corporate to the frontier guy lives in the women who own the living gathering . shane that it's in this area won't allow their husbands or any other people to
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come in here. i'm trying chrome just to say, do web posting, if they've got to me to, i'll plan is to certify the largest possible area as a bio diversity zone. nothing's only business is love that will help us to more effectively protect this land and enable its restoration to pull up and mental status. what else you call you to the shade trees, bring us respect and in return we protect them. now the villages respect us and value our work, it's walk that not only protects the forest, but also helps women and their families. proof that environmental protection can benefit everyone. and there are incentives when it comes to generate and climate friendly fall. 2 syllable dues that can be installed, the balconies and terraces are gaining popularity across the euro. but they have really good for the environment and that they walk the investment with go to gym
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the to find out a solar power for your own household. that's the promise of so called balcony solar plants tow mendelian form, a sales manager coating of the land is just about to have one installed into account. wait for me central time. i'm so excited and yeah, it's been 2 years since i 1st started thinking about getting a system up and running the football from the balcony solar plants like just like photovoltaic systems on a roof. but on a much smaller scale, that can be set up on a terrace attached to a balcony railing, or in front of it like here with simple brackets engineer who but the place has installed about a 100 of them. and then it becomes a that elizabeth, the typically a balcony system consists of one or 2 solar modules. so that all of these modules contain christos, that converts sunlight into direct the current, or d. c. suddenly supposed to of clift, intellect insights pulled on monday when difficulties to this inverter then turns
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the dc into a safe pool, which is the type of electrical current used in household in on next us pull the most as then i simply insert this ground, it plugged into the socket was taken and the power is fed into my household pool, and that's how i can use my solar system to run a mixer or a cable in cohen, i need to consume how balcony generated power fast. any excess is fed into the public grid. the system is a money saver according to x, but a germany's federal network agency to know model hall's hired an average household with a comparatively large, well positioned balcony system in a sunny spot facing south mich touch, talked to can generate 15 percent of its electricity consumption. using the balcony system, all flushing the current never come on garger. i talked an appealing prospect. some full $100000.00 households operate balcony systems across gemini, but types of us. but the, the real number is double that. although there's a fine,
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many people on people that are registered at balconies systems which are gaining popularity across europe. critics argue the panels are unsightly and unsuitables of buildings with land box status. they can damage a facade or even pose of safety hazard. windows installed properly. 40 kilometers from berlin, locals behind a push for shift to renewable energy saver. these the centralized systems specialist as well. that helps the advantages that you don't need to be a homeowner with your own launch, rooftop phillips, solar panels. you can use solar energy produced on a small balcony. and berlin, oliver long used to research solar cells as a physicist. today he sells balcony systems. most models are produced in china. he says, the cheapest cost around 150 years for consumers. that investment can pay off quickly . moment. currently, if you do the assembly yourself don't choose expensive brackets, an up for the cheapest balcony power plant model. so one of the try these models,
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which are definitely reliable products that will last several years. and if you're also at home a lot so, so that you can make use of the power immediately. then in 3 to 4 years, the system will have paid for itself and the privacy on what the field but does the environment profit to after vote. and it takes a lot of energy to produce those simple take panels. but it's worth it because they have us as much energy within the space of 2 years as the combined power needed to produce transport and eventually dispose of the systems of calls kind of the size do not have a sweeping impact on germany's overall power use. first and foremost, balcony helps on. so i have that openness going as happy to be making a small contribution to the shift to renewables. lights that she will show of her own new power plants to curious neighbors. now all she needs is the son to come out
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it is so important to feel we have agency and can do something possibly to help our clients. it is very common to worry about it. and that can lead to a sense of helplessness. and even these engagements does ride sandra. but if we were to learn about the problems facing us, more playfully, what might be more motivated? because what doesn't love plain games? i did spy it on, on track for new i yeah, illegals. the aim is to p up waste and separated before the green months to get to you. siblings, to light and dominion, are testing a new game like when i clean the house, if i leave for school, so of the game is just when you play. yeah. fear so the leading the police are going to king size yakking as are going acting. you have to avoid the most of that,
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that can be used as well, but the most because it's difficult. as soon as we go to the increase, the boys who just tried to avoid the more size gets more points. it's all about learning to protect the environment in the fun ways, the games develop a grease. james lives in legals, a city where a waste disposal is a major problem. why do you look on my background here? you can see that people are continuously pull. it's in the environment that lead to the plastic touch andrew, i just left my game green quest to play out use tax with a particular request to clean up the environment. the grant class i was i to be broke out of my passion to of, to be see how community, what made i'm female boys and girls. old people watch me and young people can contribute to what sustainability in a way that is interactive and logically for them. she and her team has been 2 years
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developing the game, pitched its young people 87215. the main task in the early levels is to dispose of waste correctly. then the focus, just to recycling and using renewable energy is to stop climate change. the game central character is a young woman. in the game itself doesn't mean cox or honey muse, a nicole. and that is actually a tribal name, phone called the state is actually, or john nicole, i try to make it very, really table. um, um, because i feel like this is one of the best ways as well to tell indigenous theories and preserve culture, right. the game is still in the test space. cruise streams visit schools to present it is also a board game version for those who don't have a computer. the main thing is that it's learning through play of what a inspired me to educate the children. the younger generation through gaming is. i
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wish i had this opportunity in my own private school. i wish people could actually do this for me. and i discovered that i could learn more from games. and i just said that to give that to my community because it would have been really nice to have this my own time environmental protection and climate awareness. i'm not part of the school curriculum in nigeria, climate active us, alameda or dual. and these organizations are containing to change, but when you look at the kind of government that we have now, it's only the problem to integrate live is a problem. we continue to when you have a domain that is very, you know, response to climate change each. each of the more floss dot team ok, that's, you know, when you want to develop that curriculum or you want to add something to curriculum . you fix the face, the youth that makes projects and keeps like green quest. all the more important
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they make children aware of environmental issues and show them what they can do to help solve them pretending. i am very, as i said, i've played with this. i realized that if i switch slash and i would disclose these as nickel deep insights using gaming as a way of taking time. a change is a new approach. it's a strategy says grace james with a lot of potential. if we don't actually start to take conscious effort, a lot of things are going to impact those beyond human beings, even our echo system. the animals are trees the balance of the environment as a whole. so, and that's one of the reasons why we actually do advocacy programs because we, it's not just about playing games, right. but we found a way to make it so simple. i'm putting in some of the game. so it's in movements generally i will see that it has very sweet potential to actually change the
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mindset of how future generations see substantively to so climate change is and so greece, james, is campaigning for environmental protection to be included in the curriculum and hoping how game will be part of it. oh wow. that does look and lots of fun. i can't wait to take it out so many good ideas to take with us today. we hope you phone dot 2. i m sandra holmes, that we, nobody will sign and go from complex right here in uganda. and i'm chris alone say nigeria, thanks for joining us. and to check out eco offered, go online for moines, fire and stories, or write to us at eco, a. d, w dot com. see you all again. next week the
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to watch the environment. trends. technologies come is digitalization, stall, tops, new market, new media. the world is accelerating. sees the opportunity to try new things. take flights with d, w. 's business magazine made into many in 30 minutes on d w. the green transition that is necessary is not a fault. how can we go back to the stone age?
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show anything global solutions for the energy transition. they need to be quick and affordable, and impossible. combinations their renewables revolution in 75 minutes on d w. the videos in june. the, you're going to the 77 percent comes will i don't go to 65 last last those top 5 years, 31115. we're here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so we got all the topics to trunk. campbell taught fixed a new culture and in 15 minutes, let's say together,
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parts of our community life on the research is now on people. imagine the world of free speech, free press, the access to free information for every start dreaming. next, take action. dw global media for him. 2024, a bunch of any practiced in now, lots dissipates from all over the world to share their solutions and to shape tomorrow, and join us and register. now for the d. w. global media, for in 2024. the
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. this is the deputy news line from that and so back is probably many stuff injured in a shared thing. local media reports i 59 year olds of robot defeats, so has been taken to a hospital and the suspect detained. also on the program, thousands rallying to place a against a new, a so called a new so called a foreign influence belts. the opponent site is on to democratic for headline from georgia's president, some mega. so what i be should be the, let me say she will veto the law and why israel is defensive in rafa. and 7 cause a straightening relations with neighboring egypt will look at the implications for both sides and forgot.


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