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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 15, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the deputy news line from buttons the vacuum as prime minister, injured in a shooting local media report. so 59 year olds of robert defeats so has been taken to the hospital and the suspect detained. also on the program, thousands rally in tbilisi against a new a so called a new so called a foreign influence bill. the opponent site is on to the democratic for here line from georgia's president, some mega. so what i be should be the, let me say she will veto the low and why israel's defensive in rafa in 7 cause
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a straightening relations with neighboring egypt will look at the implications for both sides and forgot the i feel good. welcome to the program. we begin with breaking news from start back here. we have 5 minutes to a robot feed, so has been injured in a shooting and taken to hospital. a witness told reuters news agency. he saw a man being detained by police. the incident followed a government meeting in the town of 100, over 150 kilometers north of the capital practice lava interior administer his as described as an assassination attempt. so the vacuum president said it was a brutal and reckless attack as well on that as we have it now to the days of in using opposition. leaders in western countries have denounced
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a so called foreign agents bill passed by georgia national parliaments. the legislations prompted weeks of mass street protests and the slightest parliamentary votes prompted thousands more to blockade. the major traffic junction in the capital, tbilisi physics fear of the proposed law will be used to stop descent. deb georgia's hopes of joining the european union legislation requires media and other groups who receive more than 20 percent of funding from abroad to register as pursuing the interest of a foreign power union in the united states have criticized the bill saying it would . it could jeopardize relations if it comes into effect testers clash with riot police outside the parliament into please see thousands of people took to the streets to denounce the latest development and to come to the news that they say pushes georgia, of course to membership into this fear
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of the kremlin influence, i don't know why still seen all those lots in the funded the government officials sitting in the parliament saying that they're going to be the ones to take of freedom away from us. because we georgia, we are a fee and it will always buy for freedom. the if the for an agent, no pulses, any media company, you know, and you know, that gets 20 percent more of its funding from abroad. will be obliged to register assuming the interest of a foreign power opponents cooler to search harry,
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and that george's prime minister in rock creek about, he'd say, defended the bill, put forward by his georgian dream party. going to the office today is the most important day in terms of strengthening the independence and sovereignty of our country. the adoption of the law on transparency of foreign influence, great, strong guarantees of long term peace and tranquility in georgia. and to overcome so called polarization. it is a necessary condition for georgia integration into the european union at the georgia in see it has exactly the opposite. large demonstration slipping, taking place 2 weeks on the streets of the blue sea and protests to say they went stilton to below. it says a ton of them in savanski has canceled all of his schedule, the following trips because of russian advances and on in ukraine's hockey region.
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you claim your presence as when it came on the 2nd day of the visit to us secretary of state. and me thinking, reaffirmed washington's commitment to ukraine's. i'd rush up purposeful. what along the 1000 kilometer front line, $100.00, that the ladies in passing a ministry, a package to the us congress, left ukraine more vulnerable to investment tax credit. it says it has been forced to withdraw from parts of the eastern hockey region. it doesn't have enough troops to hold back versus offensive. speaking in case today, mr. blanket set us to is preparing an additional a package to help you create and build up its ministry supplies. we will provide an additional $2000000000.00 in foreign, military financing for you. and we put this together in the 1st of its kind a defense enterprise fund. and it has 3 components. one is to provide weapons today . so this will assist you frame in acquiring those weapons to is to focus as well on something that's mutual. just talked about investing in new kinds defense, industrial base,
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helping to strengthen even more its capacity to produce what it needs for itself, but also to produce struthers. and finally, using this funds to help you frame purchase military equipment from other countries, not just the united states. well, take a look now at the most doors, making headlines around the world. starts in indonesia where a rescue searching for thousands of people missing in flash flooding, triggered by heavy rains. flood swept the volcanic debris, noticed cold lava through residential areas. 67 people have been confirmed. dad and dozens of houses destroyed and hunters under way in northern france. after the gunman ambushed to prison, found to free a high profile inmate to present costs were killed and 3 wounded as they were attacked. as they passed through with told of goss have staged a protest outside of present near bordeaux demanding urgent improvements to staff safety. and at least 3 people have been killed his rights continue on in
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a new kind of don't. yeah, after francis, national assembly approve changes to voting goals in the south pacific. i'm sorry, say around a 100 people including the sub the engine, dozens of homes and businesses have been torched unlimited. you don't understand in communities, i'm asking the 76 anniversary adding of i'm events known as the knack ball or catastrophe. more than 700000 to protest against before announced that homes and conflicts among the creation of israel in 1948 told him twice. that number have not been displaced in garza alone since october 7, 10 attacks by how much international aid agencies are still operating in afghanistan and repeating for more funding to help victims of flash flooding. at least 300 people have been killed and more than 1600 injured in babylon and providence thousands have been despise from farm land. that's no longer
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a usable. well food program says many of those affected already in what they call hunger hotspots. net conditions may soon be catastrophic. dr. awesome my as an expert in climate change adaptation and governments and he lived for many years in babylon. and one of the affected areas is now research. i'll be leaving it center in one should back here in germany. a welcome to dw dr. can you give us an idea of the scale of the damage caused by these floods? and i've got this stuff. uh, uh, thank you very much. actually, there isn't flats. 30 place there because they to describe a half of the city is the worried this the populated area. and the, the reason of a sudden the frame. it's a cause that worries severe and reinforced, announced that
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a few minutes of the last bunker and it's destroyed to about $3000.00 booms, a rich and rich. most the case and woman is what will not have a day off the camp of $300.00 more than 300 feet, but only in babylon. but also it does stick to the other side of the mountain, which is in the east, like in boca in the heart of province. and by the province. um, this area was actually a very dry area and it was not to suspect it to be applauded. but the rest sent it in due to the climate change at the precipitation part dentures. and that's why a very severe flash not that came out the whole body that's on the right, is small body, not a very long and also. so this was a false and it did cause during the day. otherwise, if it was happening like it in part one, last the or, or in low got it was cause a causing more damages and it's more cause a lot of these. okay. and what's does,
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i've got it's done now need. uh uh, actually this, this, this, it is very in a way poor condition. do you follow me up on the, me, the emergency use up or for, for walter and center, but also its right. and it was really a source of living like for the entire year. uh this uh, slide affected the bottom lines, the old shops their shops, a mock is that what do are you using to get to the new i'm using for the entire year and the next the crop you. so that's why it's also destroyed the car. most of the water did is full of muds, the, the loan. so that's why the people not only require the audience support, but also the, the support of the car for a year and did the bills, data homes. and. and now what i would like to do in addition to this,
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the people require add up to some of the climate change like they have to adopt their lives with the climate dress. because now the climate change, i think the country continues me, but i've gotten his son is not receiving a patient if i'm due to on because it might go out in a minute. okay, so that i wouldn't say that well, okay, so i wanted to, to look at that because of course, as you, you mentioned that the international boy called means to tommy bob has been struggling with providing a missed his after they've asked for humanitarian assistance, we will have from a tyler bond official doctor my and then we'll come back to you. this is my site is your see my humanitarian help and must not be attached to political body seller how much we have the same view on economic ties. they must not be a town to politics of cheap. therefore, we contacted the gwin and of the international and g o. as on the 1st day of the incident and aust,
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all done is to provide us financial and technical support. i didn't want to hit seductive. my, clearly the international community doesn't trust the ask on tyler bond. how do you think the world is likely to respond to their requests for assistance? there are uh, different ways that the public, the international community wasn't interacting with the government amount. it is suspended up in direction, but that also uh, this internalized financial make on is i'm too rich that the climate change funds couldn't deliver to the country through the u. n. i just see them been implemented through the local fox and i've like in you as an organization, this facilitates the floor of mor good up. there are some projects in the country and this them. so i'm how did use that is the program should focus the on the disaster, this can induction and more but to me, to get the last is to the whole security to the social community and also to the
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environmental issues. so now i've done this done is the knock on the effecting cause what he but it's sharply the, the events to lose and it causes loss as to the web security and also to the other issues. and where are you in a short time like is this, are the incidence of the last of us as populating in the country and the frequency of similarity of this disaster has been increased due to the climate change? okay, thanks for joining us. of the as my research to be leaving it center in windshield box. thank you. you're welcome. i me just remind you that top story at this hour of thousands of people have demonstrations against a foreign agents law approved by george's parliament. critics say that legislation is anti democratic and will den the country's hopes of joining the european union. i'm pleased to welcome to dw the president of georgia. us tell him i was on
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a beach very welcome madam president. i'm is controversial. low has now passed through parliament and will come to you to be signed into law. what will you do this or and what good will that do? give them that parliament kind of a variety of a to as well. it's the slow has become for the jordan population that has been debunked rating dial 41 bonus has become the symbol of a number of lows and measures and the rhetoric and that is sticking georgia away from your pin fast that's looping. so it's completely secured since we got to be candidate status. and so it's this symbol that i'm going to be true because there was no possibility for anyone to chose the critic,
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so haul partners or from the city of the forces, the non governmental organizations. everybody was saying this is a little that is exactly the same as the one russia used to really, uh, a brand and uh, a photos of the city of society and the done prevent organizations in russia. so we do not want that low. it's not good for them to the european about use it anyway not to allow the country to get closer to the european. okay. that'd be nice. and it has been adopted the in the precipitated way. the surgery hearing was to have the independent gene in one minute, 7 seconds. okay. so, um it, the law has passed through these many stages. it comes to you use a visa, which it goes back to parliament. parliament says we will press on, regardless. now in the reports that we've been playing today,
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we've heard the prime minister iraq 3 co, poughkeepsie saying that this low would provide transparency of foreign influence. so beyond being similar to moves that as you say, russia has main. could you explain to uh, a view as why requiring me in your organizations and engineers who receive significant overseas funding to declare that why that in dangerous georgia's democracy? because it, there are declare ations that is transference and everybody knows that they're not . the partners are also very transferred to the way they're financing some of the organizations and what the slower is doing. and whether it's even clear in the metrics of the prime minister or of the of every president of the hooting party is that they are considering. so the slow that the forming sort and so therefore an
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agents all partners and the european american partners of this country, web gene supporting this long road of democratization of georgia. and that's, there's no for an insurance coming from russia by duplicating the russian. lo and going along this road, meanwhile, and despite the fact that all the europeans full of carts and as i've been saying, don't take your got flow, it's nonsense and know that he's coming for me to what we are recommending, or which we see as a upholding the european values, when you do that, despite these uh, one user, each means that you are taking a very this is the direction that is not the direction that's the whole country is coding and has been supporting for years now. but i'm still not hearing in the explanation you gave. why requiring this declaration from those organizations
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in what way is democracy threatened regardless of, of the criticism that have come from b, u in the us and elsewhere. what is this about making these declarations that you, that you deem to be on the democratic? how you doing was going through the discussion of the little because i'm telling you that this flow is not only by itself, but the addition of those. the end of the rectory step is to have these are the representative off a deviation of the curves and the direction that the country is changing. and it's not the only requiring them to declare resources which is um, is because they're requiring them to declare themselves as agents as representative offer for an insurance. and that's a description to them in the eyes of the public opinion. and that's where it's what happened. and so therefore,
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a city of society has declared and assigned to the fact that they are not going to accept to, to be considered as agent. so for an influence in this country, and so they are not to be members of this country there, which is i think this country, the city of society in this country has been very easy and very active its thing too, i'm sure and very essential to these transition of this country at, towards the democracy. i'm once you print me about transference. i'm what do you believe is the government's most evaluation in introducing a very slow i don't know he was out yesterday because last year they introduced the slo each was protested to buy. also a very large part of the pollution for the same reason. and they took this lower way, and the problem is the population. and i'll talk to is that it was the affinity that
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the slow and not even sure use to any longer. so why does it come back at the time where there is no need for it? and those specific requests from anyone. suddenly it's throwing up individual of the public attention to gather waves of rhetoric because of the low, the very important to speech of the mr. and vanish really, the defacto ruler of georgia on the 29 of april, which is a choosing our western and european partners of everything and nothing, and making conspiracy theories. this is the real program of this country. so the society which knows very well, which has been as or what to spend, to be in the subject to space and the subject listening devices, the subject propaganda. it cannot be
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a set of law. it doesn't work. so right. and they read, you know, the slow and the pollution stays again, you know, the governments of costs says that it is pro a you with a you now says that will freeze georgia's accession bid. if this law is inactive, do you think that sort of threat is likely to sway the government to us? i don't know. i kind of say what their reaction is going to do. what i think is important is that uh, the country continues on his pastor of europe for that we have a very close at hand in 5 months time elections in those elections that the population where the hottest things were that we left to confirm that to what we want is europe, and that is the best way to reject to the laws that are not conforming to our
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european faster. and to set our service again on the roads towards acquisition negotiations. thank so much for joining us, president of georgia, southern may. so when i see what i be should be the thank you. so we take you back to the breaking news from slovakia, where the prime minister robert feeds. so it has been injured in the shooting and taken the hospital. a witness told reuters news agents that he saw a man being detained by police. the incident followed the government may check and the town of 100 over a 150 columbus has most of the capital. bratislava interior administrators describe it as an assassination. attempt to collect his president as cold as a brutal and reckless attack. now we can speak to andre match a sack. there's a journalist who works for the stuff back in the newspaper. proctor it joins us on
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the line from this the back and capital practice lava. welcome cdw. i'm lucas through what we know to have happened. good afternoon from registrar. yes. um. this is of course uh extremely shocking us because of course i think it like that happened in slovakia in the past. we don't have that experience be such a situation to them is against boy additions. what happened is that the, as was mentioned previously, there was a meeting of government, the special session of the government in one small, small down go down global. and after the meeting, the prime minister feature was that like people. and from what we know, there was a, there was a guy calling him, come to me and then the prime minister, it's all was shot. the guy was the thing to the, the, the condition of house permission of prime minister is a go ahead and create kind of unknown. but the governmental office said that
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its life threatening. and he was took from the smallest linux down to one of the hospitals. in this, like heating bunch could be okay, so we have this at times on his life. as you say, this doesn't happen the often in the vacuum. what's being said, a bunch of mode to this is up. so what's your career at this moment? so i really don't want to speculate, of course the, the reset, the discussions about how like societies for eyes and how he was behaving, go teach critiques and how his critics for behaving it a lot of him. but i really don't read very how to speculate, because i said it's a, if it's, if this was really a cautious attack. and there is a monthly video or no more maybe in,
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in a few hours because the guy was detained. but again, it's very, very hard to stick with what kind of wants to do so this man and could have was a police saying about this incident of it? i would of course there was the, everybody goes around around 5 minutes of it. so they took him immediately to the car, he was to the, to the hospital and then to another hospital, a better one. the always just trying to establish as we use as the talking about is a few few seconds ago, a multi fights. i'm sure there is the, the role of the, the look at perpetrate to why why he did it. so you, we know more of the acute again, so we can talk again. but at this moment, and again, there's also, we don't know how serious the condition of prime minister, but of course he was shot. so i would say it's pretty serious plus, previously from the past 2 years, somehow to how to,
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how to do shoes. hot condition. so any kind of any kind of this, this injuries might be really a life presenting, have police said anything about the suspects who's not in custody of, from a bit, from what we know from the reports. uh, but it is still on corporate. it says a older man, 71 year old man from bundle selection. okay. and this as you say, in an environment in and so back to this is opposed to rise. just give us an idea of the political situation that we had at elections problem in collection. in september then we had a 2 rounds off the presidential elections in, in march, and april. and we are just before the before the yo bottom in collections. so as you can imagine, you have basically a constant campaign for more than half
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a year. and of course, it has an effect on, on what's going on in the country bus. and the 2nd visit that the, that the permits the streets of boy to go message was always very harsh. and it was, it was very clear. and just before the bi limits like something september and he's, he's, he's not shy to say very bad things about all positions and also about media. but did that, the fact is that the also positions by these uh, are reacting on some of the government, the initiatives for this purpose and so on. so this is really a bar i situation. okay. and unfortunately, what happened, the only person it thank you so much so at so can i see that that andre andrea matthews, that got from the daily newspaper process and process lava updating us on this
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shooting of the countries prime minister robert feats. thank you. it is also offensive in rafa has that put the license with its the name of egypt under severe strain. egypt has for decades co operated on security arrangements along its border with gaza. but the title is suspended. that co operation is right in troops to cope with a gas from side of the roof of border crossing. the move could have far reaching implications for both countries and for the people of gaza. is really soldiers in rafa. the biggest crossing for aid coming into gaza now shut off is real, has opened other crossings further north, but this one has special significance. the other side of the rafa crossing is egypt . the country shares a 206 kilometer long border with israel. but it's the 12 kilometers where egypt borders gaza that are now in dispute. for decades, israel has relied on egypt to help implement security arrangements in gaza,
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as well as for delivery of food and other necessities that cooperation all dates back to the camp david accords, which came after years of conflict, including 3 wars signing the course was a major strategic step, changing the dynamics and the region. egypt is a substantial military, it was no longer a threat. it also resulted in a shifting us policy. egypt became a major recipient of american for an 8. but israel's co operation was as close as partner in the middle east is over for now. each of says the idea of takeover of the gaza side of the roof or crossing violates treaties that say the zone should be the militarized. in addition, egypt has now announced it will join south africa's case against israel for genocide at the international court of justice, adding to israel's international isolation,
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us media and also reported the egypt may downgraded diplomatic ties with israel. however, egypt cannot afford to alienate the u. s. it's also worried about a possible palestinian exodus in to egypt itself. so there are reasons to resume cooperation with israel at some point in the future. that's it. by the have you ever taken a ride and a driver list car? is your computer ever written a text on its own? or have you ever used facial recognition to unlock your cell phone? so you've used artificial intelligence on seen an unheard like a ghost in the machine. the military is using it more and more often, but will things stay the same strategically except carried out by intelligent robots? not quite. i is revolutionizing everything. the
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also coming up in the show. pilots in training,


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