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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:15pm CEST

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the full service talk about to georgia in the course on special the i'm feel welcome to the program. we're going to be breaking news in from the vacuum of the country's prime minister roberts feats so has suffered life threatening injuries in a shifting interior. dentistry has described it as an assassination attempt. the suspect was arrested at the same following government meeting in the town of high and low over 150 columbus has north of the capital of bratislava. 59 year old robert feed cycle shop multiple times that has been taken to a hospital for emergency treatment. so actually as presidents, as described as cold, it's a brutal and reckless attack. european leaders have been reacting to the
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shooting of german chancellor, olaf sean says, posted on the x social media network saying i'm deeply shocked by the use of the cowardly attack on the back in 5 minutes to seats. so violence must not exist in your opinion. and politics, these was my thoughts with robert feed, so he's finally on the citizens of the back. you know, paint council present, showing me shout rhodes. i am shocked at the news of the attack on the backend p. m . c. so after a meeting of the slow of capital, that cabinet in hand low, but nothing can effect justify violence or such attacks. and here's the message from her garrison president victor all about saying he was think be shocked by what i described as a heinous attack against his friend. prime minister robert said, sir, we pray for his health and quick recovery. god bless him and he's a country a victoria below 5 reports for this. the fact in tv news channel. ok easy as she joins us from breakfast. bob, welcome. victoria took us through what we know so far. hello from flomax.
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yeah. so what we know is the weaknesses say that there were $34.00, maybe 5 shootings to reminisce or he has a domino injury. he has probably injured hans legs. he was the one that, as you said to us, he will leaving a government meeting in the central down also have love hour, which is in the central slovak here. and this part of the tradition of our but additions, do they as a government they do they go to the front of the diesel slack? yeah. they have meetings there. my colleague who was at the place said that there could be maybe they could have been $50.00 to $100.00 people in the square. when it happened, people were in why think it was the result of them? they probably wanted to thank him is how do i, what grow governmental a, c, d, b, i've talked to, has been arrested and uh, what do we know his uh,
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71 year old man from livingston, which is also in the middle in the central back here. he has he gum legally. we don't know any further details about him, but i just want to add, this is the 1st effect on his of, of uh, vision and the mother and history of slow back here. okay. i'm about to go through that. let's start with mister feet says condition you said it isn't hospital injury serious the best set to be life threatening? it's exactly. he is now in life threatening conditions. according to an update or a is official social media account. the prime minister was transported by helicopter to master b 6. uh, as you said, it's also in the central to back here. apparently he has a chest injury. he had the heart problems in the past as well. so it's very serious that he may have to be over age and what we don't know any further details. no.
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okay, so a 71 year olds with a legally registered gun. now in custody. what's being said about mo, to we don't know about that too much, as well as the abilities don't provide us with too much information. we know we know that the bodies have to specify the tucker, but what the comment teachers. janelle is, um, say it's probably a consequence of the fact that the, the society was very divided very he did. it was it's, it's been very tough times and the other side of the many attacks to, to the police stations but also to and the journalist as well. okay. i'm political, a political assassinations rare in slovakia, but you're saying that's been an increase in a tax on individual politicians and journalist. yeah. what's the tax
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and verbal way um, as the journalist has been misled that they uh are on the on the press conference. i'm going, this is already was talking about the what happened in couple of hours ago and they said the janelle is, are part of that. so there is a lot of, um, deep emotions coming out. and yeah, that has to be called calm down. thank you. so much for talking us through that victoria victoria below the from oxy vs news in practice on the thank. thank you. have a nice thing that's a georgia why the countries controversial new saw foreign influence law has passed . its 3rd and final meeting is full of thousands of protesters act on the streets of to please see the new north targets media organizations in n g o is with foreign funding critics. a, it's similar to the law in russia used to track down on freedom of speech. george's
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president especially funds convinced of this new law, although that would, uh, that would likely only cause a delay. hi, testers, cash with riot police outside the parliament in tbilisi. thousands of people took to the streets to denounce the latest developments in the controversy. know the things that pushes georgia, of course, to membership into this fear of the kremlin influence. i don't know why still seen all those lots in the funded the, the government officials sitting in the parliament saying that they're going to be the ones to take of freedom away from us because we georgia we are, we'll see you and everyone always fights for freedom the
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if the for an agent know, posted any media company, you know, and you know, that gets 20 percent more of its funding from abroad. will be obliged to register assuming the interest of a foreign power opponents tool to search harry and that george's prime minister in rock creek about, he'd say, defended the bill, put forward by his georgian dream party. going to this today is the most important day in terms of strengthening the independence and sovereignty of our country. the adoption of the law on transparency of foreign influence, great, strong guarantees of long term peace and tranquility in georgia, and to overcome so called polarization. it is a necessary condition for georgia integration into the european union at the
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georgia in c. it is exactly the opposite. large demonstration slipping, taking place 2 weeks on the streets of the blue sea. and pretest to say they went stilton to below. it says a ton of george's presence seller may as would i be, she really told me, oh yes, she punched the veins of the new law. when it lands on her desk, i asked what purpose that would give them the parliament would react by pushing it through anyway as well. it's the slow has become for the jordan population that has been demonstrating dial 4. 1 bonus has become the symbol of a number of lows and measures and the rhetoric and that is taking georgia away from the church in task that's look and says, completely secured, since we got to be candidate status. and so it's,
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this seemed or that i'm going to be true because there was no possibility for anyone to, to the critic, so ha, partners or from the city of the forces, the non governmental organizations. everybody was saying this is a little that is exactly the same as the one russia used to really, uh, a breed and uh, oppose if the city of society and the done in the event organizations in russia. so we do not want that flow. it's not conform to the european values. anyway, nothing about the country to get closer to the new york end. okay. that'd be nice. and it has been adopted the in the precipitated way. the surgery hearing was to have in the meeting in one minute, 7 seconds. okay. so um it,
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the below has passed through the these many stages. it comes to you use a veto it, it goes back to parliament. parliament says we will press on regardless. now in the reports that we've been playing today, we've heard the prime minister iraq create cobra. keeps saying, but this low would provide transparency of foreign influence. so beyond being similar to moves that as you say, russia has mind. can you explain to uh, a view is why requiring me in your organizations and engineers who receive significant overseas funding to declare that why that in dangerous georgia's democracy because it's, there are the collaborations is transference and everybody knows that $10.00 a box. and those are also very transferred to the way they're financing some of the organizations and what the slower is doing. and whether it's even clear in the metrics of the prime minister or of the of every president of the hooting party
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is that they are considering. so the slow that the timing to it, and so therefore an agents all partners and the european american partners of this country, web gene supporting this long road of democratization of georgia. and that there is no for an insurance coming from russia by duplicating the russian. lo and going along this road, meanwhile. and despite the fact that all the europeans full of carts, and as i've been saying, don't take it, that's a little, it's nonsense. and know that he's coming for me to what we are recommending, or which we see as of holding the european values. when you do that, despite these, uh, what do you use? it means that you are taking a very, this is a direction that is not the direction. that's the whole country and just calling it
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and has been supporting for years. and now, a lot of is it lensky has canceled his schedules of foreign troops because of the russian advances in ukraine's hockey region. the training presidents that husband came on the 2nd day of the visits of the us secretary of state attorney, blinking reaffirmed washington's commitments to ukraine as russia profuse from what along the 1000 kilometer front lines. and he acknowledged that the ladies in passing and military aid package to the us congress left you. craig, move on the vulnerable to russian attacks. you cried, says it's been forced to withdraw from parts of the eastern hockey region. he doesn't have enough troops to hold fast, most as offensive. speaking in keys today missed the banking side. the us is preparing an additional a package to help ukraine build up its military supplies. we will provide an additional $2000000000.00 in foreign, military financing for ukraine. and we put this together in the 1st of its kind of
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defense enterprise fund. and it has 3 components. one is to provide weapons today. so this will assist you frame in acquiring those weapons to is to focus as well on something that the mutual just talked about. investing in new kinds defense, industrial base. helping to strengthen even more its capacity to produce what it needs for itself, but also to produce for others. and finally, using this funds to help you frame purchase military equipment from other countries . it's not just the united states and to me banking. before we go, i, as a reminder of our top story, this somebody here is probably minutes time rather feed some stuff in life threatening interest in a shooting government school. the assassination attempt, the 59 year old, the pregnant was conscious by mistake. the hospital assess, spectrum's, arrested, was seen in the town 150 kilometers from a comfortable process of move we'll use at the top of the next on
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