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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 15, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news line from the linux, the back is 5 minister and then life threatening condition after the assassination attempt about feats the shots and multiple times and has been taken to a hospital for emergency surgery. suspect was a respite at the same repeating the this have condemned the attack. also on the program opposition, davis and western countries denounced george's controversial foreign influence slopes. was mister protest in the capital to police is call them and approves conditions. its critics say, obviously democratic president tells dw she'll veto the changes and why israel is defensive in, in rafa. and southern gaza is training relations with neighboring egypt to look at
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the implications for both sides and foot costs the and feel good. you're welcome to the program. so the mac is prime minister robot feed, so has suffered life threatening injuries in attempted assassination. the 59 year old was taken to the hospital for emergency treatment after being shot multiple times. so back is presidents as cold as a brutal and reckless attack. a suspect was arrested at the scene following a government meeting in the town of hunt lowville. 150 columbus has north of a capital practice lava victoria below. but as the backend tv news reporter, she gave me the latest from the capital. hello from slow back. yeah. so what do we know is uh, will the witnesses say that there were 34, maybe 5 sure things uh,
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to prime minister. he has a domino injury. he has probably injured hans legs. um, he was the one that, as you said, he will leaving a government meeting in the central down also have love hour, which is in the central slovak, here. this part of the tradition of our additions, do they as a government they do they go to the front of the diesel slovakia and they have meetings there. my colleague who was at the place said that there could be maybe they could have been $50.00 to $100.00 people in the square. when it happened, people were inviting to mr. feasel for them. they probably wanted to thank him as how do i, what role governmental us the d b i've talked to has been arrested and uh, what do we know? he's uh 71 year old man from livingston. we're just also in the middle east. central is
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a little back here. he had he gum legally. we don't know any further details about him, but i just want to add, this is the 1st attack on the top of the voting diesel made to mother and he's 3 of slow back here. okay. i'm about to go through that. let's start with mister feet. says a condition you said to is a hospital injury serious the best set to be life threatening or exactly. he is now in life threatening conditions, according to an update or a is official social media account. the prime minister was transported by helicopter to master b. 6. a, as you said, is also in the central lock here. apparently he has a chest injury. he had the heart problems in the past as well. so it's very serious that he may have to be over age as well. we don't know any further details. no. okay, so a 71 year olds with a legally registered gun now in custody. what's being said about mo,
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to we don't know about that too much as well as the police don't provide us too much information. we know we know that the police have to specify the tucker, but what the commentators, janelle is um say it's probably a consequence of the fact that the, the society was very divided very he did. it was it's, it's been very tough times and they're helping many attacks to the police stations but also to and the journalist as well. okay, i'm political a political assassinations rare in slovakia, but you're saying that's been an increase in a tax on individual politicians and journalist. yeah. what's the tax and verbal way? um, as the journalists have been misled,
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they uh are on the on the press conference. i'm going, this is already was talking about the what happened in couple of hours ago and they said the janelle is, are part of that. so there is a lot of, um, deep emotions coming out and yeah, that has to be cold. come now. thank you. so much for talking us through that victoria victoria below the from oxy vs and using process. lot of thank thank you. have a nice day. was it was a late as a bit of a i couldn't get to this new is is your commission, the president i sort of found the line posted on the social media side x. i strongly condemn the vine attack on prime minister robot feats of such acts of violence have no place in our society and undermined democracy. i most precious common good job of chances are on our shelves describe the attack as cowardly and went on to say that the violence must not exist in europe and politics in these hours. my thoughts of mister robert feet,
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so his family and the citizens of the vacuum. and here's a message from gary in 5 minutes of it to old bob. i was deeply shocked by the heat is attack against my friend prime minister of what feet. so we pray for his health and quick recovery, god bless him and his country as not to georgia, west thousands have taken to the streets. if to please see to oppose a new foreign influence. low western countries have joined opposition leaders in denouncing the measures of talking to media and other groups with significant phone funding. critics say it limits free speech, georgias president out told dw, she'll veto below the space that likely only to delay rather than stopped restrictions. high testers clash with riot police outside the parliament into please see thousands of people took to the streets to denounce the latest development and to come to the new to things that pushes to close to the
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membership into this fear of the kremlin influence. i don't know why still seen all those lots in the funded the, the government officials sitting in the parliament saying that they are going to be the ones to take out freedom away from us. because we georgia, we are a fee and it will always buy for freedom. the if the for an agent no pulses, any media comes to and you know, that gets 20 percent more of its funding from abroad. will be obliged to register assuming the interest of a foreign power opponents cooler to search harry,
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and that george's prime minister at rock creek about, he'd say, defended the bill, put forward by his georgian dream party. going to the office today is the most important day in terms of strengthening the independence and sovereignty of our country. the adoption of the law on transparency of foreign influence, great, strong guarantees of long term peace and tranquility in georgia. and to overcome so called polarization. it is a necessary condition for georgia integration into the european union. at the georgian, see, it has exactly the opposite. large demonstration slipping, taking place for weeks and the streets of the blue sea. and protest to say they went stilton to below. it says a ton will do it as president solomon is as or i should be. i would i be should be lee told me, you know,
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that she finds to veto the new law. when it lands on her desk. i asked her what purpose thought would so give them the parliament would still push it through as well. it's the slow has become for the jordan population that has been demonstrating now 41 months has become the symbol of a number of lows and measures and the rhetoric and that is taking georgia away from the church. in fact, that's lucas as completely secured. since we got to be candidate status. and so it's, this seemed or that i'm going to be true because there was no possibility for anyone to chose the critic, so ha partners or from the city of the forces, the non governmental organizations. everybody was saying this is a little that is exactly the same as the one russia used to add to really, uh,
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a brand. and it was listed in society and done in the event organizations in russia. so we do not want that flow. it's not conform to the european values. anyway, nothing about the country to get closer to the new york end. okay. that'd be nice. and it has been adopted the in the precipitated way. the surgery hearing was to have in the meeting in one minute, 7 seconds. okay. so um it, the below has passed through these many stages. it comes to you, you've a veto, it goes back to parliament. parliament says we will press on, regardless now in the reports that we've been playing today, we've heard the prime minister iraq rate cope. i could see saying, but this low would provide transparency of foreign influence. so beyond being similar to moves that as you say, russia has main. could you explain to uh,
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a view is why requiring media organizations and engineers who receive significant overseas funding to declare that, why that in dangerous george's democracy or because it, there are declare relations is transference. and everybody knows that. and now the fox centers are also very transparent in the way they're financing some of the organizations and what the slower is doing. and whether it's even clear in the rectory of the prime minister or of the of every president of the hooting party is that they are considering. so the slow that the turing insurance, therefore an agents all partners and the european american partners of this country, web jeans for 14 years, this long road of democratization of georgia. and that's, there's no for an insurance coming from russia by duplicating the russian. lo and
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going along these road, meanwhile, and despite the fact that all the europeans full of parts, and as i've been saying, don't take it, that's a little, it's nonsense and know that he's conform to what we are recommending, or which we see as of holding the european values, when you do that, despite these uh, one user, each means that you are taking a very dis, disney erection, that is not the direction that's the whole country and just calling it and has been supporting for years now. but i'm still not hearing in the explanation to you guys why requiring this declaration from those organizations? in what way is democracy threatened regardless of, of the criticism that have come from the you in the us and elsewhere. what is this about making these declarations that you, that you deem to be on the democratic?
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how you doing was going through the discussion of the little because i'm telling you that this flow is not only by itself, but that the addition of those end of the rectory destiny to have is, are the representative of a deviation of the curves and the direction that the country is changing, and it's not the only requiring them to declare resources which is done is because they're requiring them to declare themselves as agents as representative offer for an insurance. and that's a discredited exam in the eyes of the public opinion. the that's where to happen. and so therefore a senior society has declared and signed up to the fact that they are not going to accept to, to be considered as age. and so for an influence in this country of so they are not to be members of this country there, which is i think this country,
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the city of society in this country has been very, very up to that thing to, i'm sure, and very social to these transition of this country at towards the democracy. and what are you familiar about transference? what do you believe is the government's most evaluation in introducing a very slow i don't know you will address today because last year they introduced this low. it was protested to buy also a very large part of the pollution for the same reason. and they took this lower way. and the problem is the population. and i'll talk to is that it was the affinity that the snow was not even sure used to any longer. so why does it come back at the time where there is no need for it? and those specific requests from anyone. suddenly it's thrown up individual the of the public attention to gather waves of rhetoric because of the low,
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the very important to the speech of the mr. and vanish really the, the fact to who are of georgia on the 29 of april, which is a choosing our western and european partners everything and nothing. and they can come straight to the ccr use and use the real program of this country. so the society which knows very well what each has been as or what change meant to be in the sub, yet to space and the subject listening devices and the subject propaganda. it cannot be a 2nd lawyer doesn't work side and they read, you know, the slow and the pollution stays again. no. the governments of costs says that it is pro a you with a you now says that it will freeze georgia's accession bid. if this law is inactive,
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do you think that sort of a threat is likely to sway the government? i was, i don't know. i kind of say what their reaction is going to do. what do you think is important to use the uh, the country continues on these faster europe for that's we have a very close at hand in the 5 months time elections in those elections. the b population where the hosp to students were the we like to confirm that so what we want is europe. and that is the best way to reject just the lows that are not conforming to our european task. and to set our service again on the roads towards acquisition negotiations. thank so much for joining us, president of georgia, southern may. so when i see what i be should be the thank you so much.
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let's take a look at some more stories making headlines around the world will start in the netherlands, where i fall, right to a dutch publication here will this says he's reached a preliminary deal. we 3 of the right wing populate is to form a cabinet despite coming 1st and national election 6 months ago. he's not expected to become prime minister, but his policy for freedom will be the main force in this coalition. at least 3 people had been killed in new caledonia since forensic national assembly approved changes to voting booms that arise pro, converts on the south pacific island with around a 100 people entered, including police officers, dozens of homes and businesses have been torched and looted rescue as an engine easier, especially for thousands of people missing and flash flooding, triggered by heavy rains. flood swept volcanic debris known as cold lava, through residential areas. $67.00 people have been confirmed that in dozens of
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houses destroy the palestinian communities of math and the $76.00 unabashedly of an event known as the knock. the ball catastrophe and $700000.00 palestinians are forced out to the host in the conflicts that month. israel's creation in 1948 when twice that number have not been displaced in gaza alone since since yep. toby's 7th attacks by hand us these roads offensive and rough has put relations with its neighbors. egypt under severe strain, egypt has for decades, co operated on security arrangements along it forwarded with gaza. but cairo suspended that confirmation when he's ready troops to cope the guards inside of the roof of border crossing. the move code, how far reaching implications for both countries and for the people of gaza is really soldiers in rafa. the biggest crossing for aid coming into gaza now shut off
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is real, has opened other crossings further north. but this one has special significance. the other side of the rafa crossing is egypt. the country shares a 206 kilometer long border with israel. but it's the 12 kilometers were egypt, borders, gaza, that are now in dispute. for decades, israel has relied on egypt to help implement security arrangements in gaza, as well as for delivery of food and other necessities that cooperation all dates back to the camp david accords, which came after years of conflict, including 3 wars signing the a course was a major strategic step, changing the dynamics in the region, egypt a substantial military, it was no longer a threat. and it also resulted in a shifting us policy. egypt became a major recipient of american for an 8. but israel's co operation was as close as partner in the middle east is over for now. each of says the id f takeover of the
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gaza side of the roof or crossing violates treaties that say the zone should be the militarized. in addition, egypt has now announced it will join south africa's case against israel for genocide at the international court of justice adding to israel's international isolation. u. s. media also reported the egypt made down greatest diplomatic ties with israel. however, egypt cannot afford to alienate the us, so also worried about a possible palestinian exodus in to egypt itself. so there are reasons to resume cooperation with israel at some point in the future. still be released unless just shawnee resign this content of small a welcome show me. so we have relations now between israel and egypt for that 10 sister since account david, of course are assigned. and despite base israel determined to continue to operation and to enter into rafa. explain to us why,
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why is rough is so important. both israel golf is basically the last a strong hold of come us they from that to now he has built the last month's raffle cuz the only thing stopping as well from the victory and the total elimination of him us. so he needs to do that for his political funding, but also technically the costing and russel has been how much as the main getaway point to know that was a place where they got most of a supply from through egypt, but also what caused a lot of tensions once october, 7th, and you know, the catastrophe has, it has had unveiled itself and israel. so we realize how much up arms, how much has been holding through, you know, been been gathering through the rough crossing and starting to be a bit more before the israel was more trusting of the diction handling of the border. and suspicion is bill up since, so russell is, is just the point where everything goes down to. it's now the main crossing point for a, but also has been for many years the crossing point from other goods and not necessarily
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what is where i want it to be see, to see going in to the gods strip. okay, so israel goes into rafa, this bytes, the united states, that the united nations, the, you can, and so many of its allies say, don't do this. what happens after rafa? well, that's the $1000000.00 question. it's always there. you know, we've been having this question in our minds, you know, when it comes to causing what happens, you know what israel's plan for the day after. and so many aspects. and we've seen, we're seeing very little answers, technically about dealing with the crossing and, and the, the transfer of goods between job a garza and egypt. israel is planning to have some other neutral forces, not the post and you thought city which was actually we, we know refused to do that as long as, as well as in control of kaiser. but rather a private company who deals with that. but there's also, there's a lot of legal elements connected to that, if that, if that company is, is afford nationality. that's what does it do when, you know there's,
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there's something happened. and the border is israel shooting at british or american, or whoever you know, will be maintaining that. what would that mean? so as well, doesn't really have a very good concrete plan for the day after. and this is partly why we're seeing this pressure for the americans. they're saying we don't see where this is heading . we, we don't see what's the end game and we're trying to, as you know, it was steer israel away from that, but so far would know. but not much look. okay, so talk to us a slight change of direction. talk to us about a flows into gaza at the moment. well, it's, you know, it's always been a topic and, you know, blocking their off crossing which is the additional have decided basically they don't want to cooperate because as well, once it's all took over the palestinian side of the border because of the symbolism of israel taking over this part of land, a sort of taking over garza and the fear that they might seem complicit with israel taking over that part. but also we know that the economy, the, the money that is in the debt costing has been generating for cause that is,
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was quite big especially knowing that the sweats cannot trade has been cut off because of the, with the threat and so on. egypt has taken a very big a told it's income in the last month and sort of trying to kind of make rough kind of help right to, to, to do that. um, the problem now is that as long as, as there is no crossing from egypt, a lot of the gods that have been sent to casa, we're going to enter each to the egyptian port, add port of ports, and now they have no way into gaza. and this is part of the leverage the egypt as trying to use against israel dw me least, unless johnny was honest. thank you so much. you're welcome. so, so do you cry? in my presence, the landscape has canceled his shed your foreign visits as russian forces advance and new trains, eastern hockey and region. your secretary of state to enter the banking is in key to reaffirm washington's support. acknowledge that the us congress is delays in
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passing a ministry, a package of left that ukraine more vulnerable. keith says this withdrawn from some areas because he doesn't have enough troops to repel russian attacks. mr. bank and say the us is preparing additional package of military financing for ukraine. we will provide an additional $2000000000.00 in foreign, military financing for ukraine. and we put this together in a 1st of its kind of defense enterprise fund. and it has 3 components. one is to provide weapons today. so this will assist you frame and acquiring those weapons to is to focus as well on something that mutual just talked about. investing in new kinds defense, industrial base. helping to strengthen even more its capacity to produce what it needs for itself, but also to produce for others. and finally, using this fund to help you frame purchase military equipment from other countries, it's not just the united states. finally, the 77 con film festivals underway in the south of france. that will st. fishy as
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guest of honor. she was awarded and henri palm door, the opening ceremony for saving the way, and many other women incentive. the race for the festival surprise is also started with 2 films that for women's stories center stage go with the needles. and while his reminder about top stores this, so the fact is prime minister robert feats of assessment as life threatening injuries and assassination attempt 59 year old, pregnant was conscious when he was taken to hospital for emergency treatment. suspects was pretty interested at the scene of the incident at a time, 150 kilometers from the capital practice law. and thousands of people have demonstrated guides to circle the foreign agents low approved by georgia, respondents into policing. pretty excited legislation is onto the democratic uncle
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den, to the country's hopes of joining your mobile views at the top of the hour and next on the w. h o india. and looking at 100 photographers or incoming marginalized communities in the center by the
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easy for expected sage allison's solid, internal nowadays is reading animal likenesses. the invasive weight is increasingly distorting the habitat oceans and wild animals through ours, passed into a force from good ego, india. next on d, w on the trail of a nazi highest v, as of jewish families whose property was expropriated all searching for the last
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saw what happened. so the prophecy that was stolen from jews, 80 years ago, researches from germany also posting the defendants in the search the nazi of highest and 60 minutes on d, w. the music can be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible to be performed for head lice in australia. the was the nazi's favorite to musicians who lives beneath the panel also saw
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a film about the sounds of power and inspiring story about surviving music under the swastika stuffs may 25th on dw, the when people stopped for texting, dissolving, and proactively engaging. would that communities hang straight? hello and welcome. i'm saw that the body annual watching it going down. there is an enormous bywater in people's narrative, especially when they tell their own stories. and this is the best community is having up pillows and deep understanding of their own issues. and therefore.


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