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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 15, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin tonight, so lucky as prime minister, fighting for his life after and assassination attempt. robert vito was shot multiple times after a government meeting today and then rushed to hospital for emergency surgery. a suspect as in police custody. national leaders have condemned the attack also coming up tonight. condemnation of george is controversial, foreign influence law. thousands protested in the capital to police. you today as permanent approved conditions that critics say are anti democratic countries president telling dw news and she will beach of the change. and he was a secretary of state anthony blinking announcing another $2000000000.00 and $8.00
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for ukraine. and it comes as russian advances forest, ukraine's president to cancel all trips outside the country. the brit golf is good to have you with us on this. wednesday's lebowski is prime minister robert g, so has suffered life threatening injuries in an attempted assassination. the 59 year old premier was taken to a hospital for emergency treatment after being shot multiple times earlier today. so why he is president has called it a brutal and reckless attack. a suspect was arrested at the scene following a government meeting in the town of hunt low over a 150 kilometers north of the capital brought us lava. so lucky as president has called the attack on the prime minister and attack on democracy in the country. take a list the central cuz i know i'm shocked. we all shocked by the terrible and hangs
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a tech on prime in the still robot. feet associated or something so serious has just happened that we probably cannot even realize that yet or comprehend a physical attack on the prime and this, that is the best oh and a tech on a human being. but it is also an attack on democracy. violence of any kind is unacceptable, and they hate from the rhetoric that we see in society needs to be paid for access to. so it's coming, please stop it. virginia not listening to them. so seeing that part memorial, i'm joined by victoria alova and she reports for these. slovakia and tv news channel are tvs since you joined us from the capital brought us lava victoria, the countries interior ministry has called this attack, an assassination attempt on the prime minister. what do we know said for me, what fax can you give us? or could you make some slack?
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yeah, so what do we know from the weaknesses? there were 34 to 5 shots, and for a minister where it was headed by a probably 3 shows. he was a hit to his of domino. he probably has an injured hands or legs. he was a wounded as he was leading the government, a meeting in the central town of lava which is quite the normal or the tradition of the government. they go to regions for the these kind of format meeting and the prime minister. he usually goes through he's so voters or supporters as in high and low battery. it's quite a romance the town. so it was any kind of um, surprises. he has done that. my colleague was covering this incident and he said there could have been 60 to 100 people in the square. people were wiping him to them. they wanted to thank shame probably, or the attacker was a part of the crowd,
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and she'll say that the prime minister shouted at the front of the settle. we designed the name for his for his name and all that. then he told him, he was arrested, as you said, he's 71 years old man from levies and he has his account legally. i just want to add, this is the 1st effect on top of the on top full edition in the modern history of slack. yes. so all of us were very shaken by that. you know, i'm sure a lot of people are in shocked it tonight. let me ask you about the could the condition of the prime minister? do we know how he's doing? just so we know he's in the life threatening condition according to his official, a social media account, and we know that he was culture. when he was taken to the hospital, he could not be transported to back to slide federals. the plan, as the condition was to see where he was transported to by helicopter to box
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company street, which is also probably the biggest the seen the central slovakia apparently has the stomach injury. he had the part problems before in the past, and he has to be operated for now. we've done no in which condition victoria, there were some reports that he had been shot in in the header that he had sustained head injuries. can you confirm that? i cannot confirm that i also read from the witnesses that they saw that but it's not, it's not a fact. it's not, it's not the book. okay, let me, let me ask you a little bit about the suspect. again, you said it was a 71 year old man who had the weapon, the gun he had acquired legally. what more do we know about him as so we know, as i said, he's 71 year old man from living. so just also small town nearby
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and he was in, i'm actually a writer. 8 years ago he was collecting signatures to form a political party. maybe, ironically, it was supposed to be called the man against violence. my colleagues that my colleague from another media that he said he was talking to the son on the tucker, and he said, the son is also very shaken by the them. he is shocked. he didn't know that we that was planning anything like that. i don't know anything about that he's multi wage. this is the 100 percent. as a consequence of the sense that there isn't very need to send divide. that suffices because i was going to ask you about that. i mean how, how is this attack? how is it to being digested, if you will, and in the country where you, you have people who are so i'm as politically polarized as ever. exactly. so it's already after the kind of mental elections then the presidential elections
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float and the site is very divided because there is one part which and prove our mental and they support the opposite of the government. and the other is another part i would say the most of the young people, most of the families in the big cities like practicing by and the also the supporters of the matter where i need to feed. so is the handle of the party. i'm also the walters of the spark, the, the remaining older people, the people from small towns or smaller items village, z. and so this division is very, very okay with them here in victoria below. but from r t b as news in brought this lava giving us the latest victoria. we appreciate your reporting. thank you. thank you very much. have a nice day. i a well lead us from around the globe have also been reacting to the
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news us president joe biden has released a statement saying that we can demo this horrific acts of violence. our embassy is in close touch with the government. and so lock you in. ready to assist your being union commission. president ursula. find a lie and posted on the social media side x. i strongly condemn the vile attack on prime minister of robert feature such acts of violence. have no place in our society and undermine democracy. our most precious common good and german transfer all of schultz describing the attack as cowardly. and he went on to say that violence must not exist in european politics in these hours. my thoughts are with robert feed. so and his family and the citizens of silverlock here and we will of course, be updating you on this story as more information comes in. it is of course, a developing story. because of looking at what some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. this our, the far right,
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dodge politician garetsville that says that he has reached a preliminary deal with 3 other right wing party leaders to former cabinet. now, despite coming 1st and national elections, 6 months ago, builders is not expected to become prime minister. but his party for freedom will be the main force. in the coalition, france as imposing a 12 days state of emergency in new caledonia, there been riots and unrest on the south pacific island since the french national assembly approved changes to voting rules there. around a 100 people have been injured, and homes and businesses have been torched. frances most wanted man is still on the run, the convicted drug dealer mohammed, i'm ro escaped when gunman ambushed a prison back to prison. guards were killed and 3 others wounded. the incidents heads triggered a massive search as well as a safety protest by prison officers as we now to
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georgia, where the thousands have taken to the streets of the capital tbilisi today opposing a new foreign influence. lot western nations have joined to opposition leaders in the country denouncing the measure that targets media and other groups with significant for and funding. critics say that it limits free speech. george's president also told dw news that she will veto the law, though that is likely only to delay rather than stop the changes test of class with riot police outside the parliament. and to please see the people took to the streets to denounce the latest development and to come to the new the things that pushes georgia, of course, to membership into this fear of the kremlin influence. i don't know why still seen all those lots in the funded the,
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the government officials sitting in the parliament saying that they are going to be the ones to take out freedom away from us because we georgia, we are a p u and it, we always fight for freedom, the if the for an agent know pulses, any media come to and you know, that gets 20 percent more of its funding from abroad. will be obliged to register assuming the interest of a foreign power opponents cooler to search harry, and that george's prime minister at rock creek about, he'd say, defended the bill, put forward by his georgian dream party. going to the office today is the most
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important day in terms of strengthening the independence and sovereignty of our country. the adoption of the law on transparency of foreign influence, great, strong guarantees of long term peace and tranquility in georgia, and to overcome so called polarization. it is a necessary condition for georgia integration into the european union. at the georgian c, it has exactly the opposite. large demonstration slipping, taking place 2 weeks on the streets of the blue sea, and purchase to say they went stilton to below. it says a ton for george's president solomon's order. this really says that she will veto the law, although that veto can be overturned by parliament. she earlier today told the w news why she would still do it the well, it's the slow has become for the jordan population that has been debunked rating
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dial. 41 bonus has become the symbol of a number of lows and measures and the rhetoric and that is sticking georgia away from the church and past. that's lucas as completely secured, since we got to be a candidate status. and so it's this simple that i'm going to be true because there was no possibility for anyone to show the critics of our partners or from the city of the forces, the non governmental organizations. everybody was saying this is a little that is exactly the same as the one rush as used to really uh, a bridge and photos, if the city of society and the done prevent organizations in russia. so we do not want that flow. it's not good for them. to the european values. anyway, nothing about the country to get closer to the new york end. it has not been
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listened or it has been adopted. the ina precipitated way the surgery hearing. busy the has the engine come in one minute, 7 seconds. all right, i'm doing now by laura thornton. she's a senior vice president for democracy from the german marshall fund. seem to have you with this. georgia have seen weeks approach has over this for an influence law, but the government is still forcing it through about what does that tell us? i mean, is the government reflecting the majority opinion in this country, or are the port testers? speaking for the majority, do we know? so that's actually a really good question. um it seems from the straight. so typically say we've never seen anything like that. i mean, the estimates of up to 3 100000 people in the country are 3500000. so it does seem like public support is there, we don't have adequate data at this point to say like what percentage of trojans
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are for the lower against the law? but the government is undeterred and i don't think public opinion would sway them either way because this is part of their a liberal site book that they've been implementing over the last decade when i, when i 1st moved to georgia, critics of this legislation say that it threatens democracy, they are, but why is requiring media organizations to report where their funding comes from? why is that seen as a threat as well? first of all there's, there's no need for it all. i was an n g o in georgia. all of our information is public, there are no transparency concerns about that. secondly, it is not only just a level of transparency which already exists. it is certain punitive measures against these groups, certain report reporting requirements low on the stigma of being labeled as an actor of the state. and it just because your n g o in georgia receives 20 percent funding save from the you or the united states doesn't mean you're carrying out the interest of
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a foreign adversary. and keep in mind the terminology that's being used around this law is flipping the switch between allies and enemies. and apparently, according to the georgia dream government and the rhetoric, the united states and the you are enemies of georgia. interestingly not mentioned in the law, is russia a country actually occupied in georgia in increa increasing it's up to occupation inch by inch every year. yeah. your opinion diplomats are saying that george's attempt to join the you is now at risk and i think something like 80 percent of georgians say they still want to join the you. so what, what's happening here? i mean, is the george in this dream party? is it working against the will of the george and people when it comes to you membership? yes, because and i think that we've just been like hostages with our heads in the sand about this. they've been very clear for years. the problem with the you and joining
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the u. s, you have to pass certain reforms. these are to mark democratic reports. if they do so, that would create a level playing field which might not return them to power. at the end of the day, this is all about keeping georgia dream and power. and being a democrats nation with a free and fair election with transparent you this year. and all those facets of the requires. they might know when and between of unashamedly, the oligarchy that is behind georgia. dream is terrified of that prospect. so when having to decide between the you and staying and power, georgia, dream picks power, the president of georgia is meeting with a ministers today, wednesday. i mean, is there anything that the international community can do right now i'm in to mitigate this conflict at all? i think there's a little bit of epic. there are things we can do. i'm very pleased with the united states, the assistant secretary of state jim o'brien was just there. he didn't,
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he indicated that if the law goes through, there will be sanctions from the united states, including travel bands for m p's leaders and their families. and this is really important because while georgia dream seems to love to adopt russian tactics for suppressing democracy, they sure don't send their kids study there. so i think travel sanctions reconsidering these. uh, these are free travel for georgias in europe. we'd have a big effect, particularly if it includes family members and angel sanctions. i, i'm not saying this would change the course because i think g d is dug in. okay. but it could, it could impact more, thornton senior vice president for democracy from the german marshall fund war. we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you so much. i. the ukraine's president has cancelled his scheduled for in the visits all up as the russian forces advance and ukraine's eastern harkey region. us secretary of state
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anthony blinking is in camp to reaffirm washington support for the country. he acknowledge that us congress is delays in passing and military aid package of left ukraine. more vulnerable keeps says that it has withdrawn from some areas because it does not have enough troops to repel rushing attacks. but it's anthony blinking said that the us is preparing an additional package of military financing for you. great. we will provide an additional $2000000.00 in foreign military financing for you, frank. and we put this together in a, 1st of its kind of defense enterprise fund and it has 3 components. one is to provide weapons today. so this will assist you frame in acquiring those weapons to is to focus as well on something that the mutual just talked about. investing in new kinds of defense, industrial base, helping to strengthen even more its capacity to produce what it needs for itself, but also to produce struthers. and finally,
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using this funds to help you frame purchase military equipment from other countries . it's not just the united states. when you courtney law makers are on a trip to washington right now. they're hoping to persuade politicians there to allow the country to use us supplied weapons destroyed targets inside russia. the w . washington bureau chief and his pulse spoke to david company, the chairman of ukraine's ruling service of the people part. so you are meeting with lawmakers here in washington. what's the main purpose of your visit this time? yeah, there are 2 purposes. so the 1st purpose is, uh, thank you purpose because it finally we voted as able to, to the package for ukraine, which is very important, especially now on 2nd this, i tried to use the or congressional power to put the pressure on the white house to change the policy where ukrainians having the weapons getting that heeds
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eh, targets that are on the russian territory. because right now the russians are attacking ukrainian cities. hark, in particular from the russian territory. and with that situation would never be happened if we would have permission to use the weapons against those logistical sensors, command sensors, and so on. so we not to not talk about civilians, the target that's for sure on the military targets close to the ukranian border. but unfortunately for now, there is a still political block on this. so we had previous successful experience where lawmakers putting enough pressure on the white house and they changed the policy power. so how are lawmakers? so how is the white house arguing? why do they not allow you to use the weapons? you obviously have on russian territory. all the main argument to never change since the very beginning of the war. it's to, we believe that it would be to escalate 3 and there will be some additional escalation from russian side. we leave in the war for 2 and
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a half years already. we know that there is nothing to escalate us already escalated at the top level. you know, like we are right now, we have an attack to harkey for the cds twice bigger as a washington dc. millions of people are living there. so like we have to protect the cd ride like there is nothing that they can escalate. they already putting lighting bombs, very huge ones destroying houses, basically wiping the city. so we don't know what could be more escalator and we ukraine urgently needs more soldiers and is stepping up a recruitment drive. a new mobilization law means that beginning this weekend, ukrainian min, we'll have 2 months to register with the military. if they don't sign up, they will be punished. sign up or face the consequences. the queues at this conscription center are orderly, but the men here say the process itself is not. for some, it's their 2nd or 3rd of 10. they've come prepared for
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a long way. the minus 3, i can only if, if i have to register, i'll do it. and if i get caught up into the army service, i'll go started. so look at the profit universities with been trying to register here. if there is no, all the here will have to program what must it be like in the army, and i'm a told you might put it up to, to keep it under most of the time. ukraine's new mobilization rules mean that all 18 to 60 year olds mess register carry paper work with them. those who don't will be punished. many here are wary of the new policy, so they want to remain anonymous. actual children can have windows, man who don't register will lose all their life houses. and so we won't be able to be anything officially, get a job to rent a house. and is it the man was the right papers will have no rights and ukraine. this is where you can man have to register to be on the list to potentially be called in to war. according to officials of the armed forces,
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ukraine's military needs at least 500000 more soldiers. the government says this registration drive will help speed up the recruitment process. the new law also lowers the conscription age from 27 to 25. that's incorrect. some young man to volunteer are doing so means they can choose a unit. instead of being assigned one by the state, but from what they want, it says my main motivation is to help the people who are defending our country to replace the guys who need arrest after more than 2 hard years. let's say i want to destroy the enemy and defend our country once it's uh, i wish i knew what it was like. i swear a clean. but it's not always so simple. this lawyer gets around 30 calls a day from man trying to get a draft deferment, a. what's a z q? these are calls from those who are entitled to a deferment and do not know how to submit the documents correctly. the question is not how to evade military service. he questions?
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so the godaddy of the restrictions on mans writes that the new law imposes on man will fail to register the oshea. sure, they just see the problem. i believe that the right to education cannot be restricted even during war. the new real estate that people could in some cases be denied medical services. if they don't register out of conscription office, i think that's not right. because then somebody comes with 20 hours agents and the problem the new law does not provide for team organization. families have been hoping for 3 year time limit for those serving at the front. many are fatigue or injured. 2 years into war. the assumption that ukraine would win within a couple of months, but as a piece of business has about to run out, exams that are bad, turn it off. now others must fight this thing. alicia, but people thought that someone else would fight for them. they thought the army was so powerful that they could deal with everything. they fly and they don't get
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tired. the country just put the responsibility on the army. now you must do your duty because every one once rides, but no one wants responsibilities. if the state gives one thing and demands the other one, when the fact even my answer and now the state is demanding more young man, send up for their country. and before we go, here is a reminder of our top stories. slovakia is prime minister robert pizza has suffered a life threatening injuries just fighting for his life after an assassination attempt, the 59 year old was conscious when he was taken to the hospital for emergency treatment. a suspect has been arrested. it happened in the town about 150 kilometers from the capital. brought islam and thousands of people have demonstrated against a 4 an agent, small approved by george's parliament into police. he, today, the president has told you news that she will be to it was because the legislation would damage george's hopes of joining the european union. we want to do the news.
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i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news and an update on that situation with the symbolic unit prime minister. i hope you can join the,
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the, the on the trail of a nazi highest v, as of jewish families, whose prophecy was expropriated. all searching for then last saw what happened to the prophecy that was stolen from jews. 80 years ago. researches from germany also posting the defendants in the search the not the highest next on
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d w. how to deal with the china. for years it's been a reliable economic partner for germany. but recently it's been turning its back on the west. now it's pushing for a new world border, turning in once a dreamy relationship and some more of the dependency with no easy way out. in the jaws of the dragon. in 45 minutes on d w. the cost about why does that mean? because now i'm liza the new host to join us for an exciting exploration of everything in between
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moses a video and audio production 5 d w. i hope that you will tune in the of the kingdom of children's bedding a small ink. well, i an oil painting with a gold drain. i'm in. i'm going what's going twice going 3 times from underwear to valuable us. everything was sung doth. nazis used options to generate millions replenished a war chest hunt for bonbons which let no stone unturned.


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