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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 15, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news line from berlin tonight. slovakia is the prime minister fighting for his life after and assassination attempt. robert pizza was shot multiple times today after a government meeting and then rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. a suspect has now been custody and there has been international condemnation of the attack. also coming up. george is controversial for the influence, long thousands protested in the capital of lucy today against new legislation that they say as anti democratic. or just president telling dw news she plans to veto the bill. the
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library golf is good to have you with us on this wednesday. slovakia as prime minister robert faith so has suffered life threatening injuries and then attempted assassination. the 59 year old was taken to a hospital for emergency treatment today after being shot multiple times. so baki as president, has called it a brutal and reckless attack, a suspect was arrested at the see just the seconds after shots are fired, the prime minister is carried by the arms to a car and rushed away. of the security personnel stayed behind pinning the legend shooter to the ground. eye witnesses reported hearing for gunshots. a weapon was recovered, but motives remain unclear. it sounded like cannon fire. i was shocked. what's going on and does that sound fall?
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i realized that this probably wasn't a joke and brought us lava. slovakian president condemn the shooting. central carolina. i am shocked. we are all shocked by the terrible and vicious attack on prime minister robert feats. significant. physical attack on the prime minister is 1st of august of an attack on a person, but it is also an attack on democracy. yes, hateful rhetoric we see in society leads to hateful actions with coming. please stop if you cannot explain to them. seeing boss, a stomach support poured in from european leaders. you commission president worth of the fund a lion wrote on the social media side x such acts of violence have no place in our society and undermined democracy are most precious common good. the white house reacted as well. president joe biden said in a tweed,
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we condemn this horrific act of violence. our embassy is in close touch with the government as a vakio and ready to assist robert feet. so as long been a controversial figure in slovakia as politics often described as populist or left wing nationalist as opposed immigration and threatened to withdraw support for ukraine in its defense against russia. duty. after the shooting pizza was flown by helicopter to a nearby hospital where he underwent emergency surgery for an abdominal wound. official said his injuries or life threatening was lucky and tv news reporter victoria below. but earlier gave us this update from the capital brothers love or so what do we know from the weaknesses? there were 3425 shows in the prime minister where it was headed by a probably 3 showed he was a hit to his of domino. he probably has an injury or hands or legs. he was a wounded as he was leading the government,
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a meeting in the central town of lava which is quite the normal or the transition on the government. they go to regions for the these kind of government meeting and the prime minister. he usually goes through, he's the voters or supporters as in high and low by the re, apply the wrong man, the town. so it was any kind of um, surprises, he has done that. my colleague was covering this incident and he said there could have been 60 to 100 people in the square. people were wiping him to them. they wanted to thank shame. probably the occur was part of the crowd and she'll say that the prime minister shouted at the family said, oh, we just made a name for his for his name and all that. and then he told him he was interested. as you said, he's the one years old man from livingston,
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and he had his account legally. i just want to add, this is the 1st i think on top of the, on top full edition in the modern history of slack. yes. so all of us were very shaken by that. that was a journalist, victoria bill of others, speaking with us earlier from friday slot. here's a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world . the far right does politician get builder says that he has reached a preliminary deal with 3 other right wing party leaders to form a cabinet despite coming 1st and national election 6 months ago. builders is not expected to become prime minister, but his party for freedom will be the main force in the coalition. france as imposing a 12 days state of emergency in new caledonia. there had been bryant's an unrest on the south pacific islands into the french and national assembly approved the changes to voting. what was there around a 100 people had been injured homes and businesses had been torched for now to georgia,
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where thousands have once again taken to the streets in protests against the new foreign influence. lot of western countries have joined domestic opposition. political leaders in georgia denouncing the measure that targets media and other groups with significant for and funding testers clash with riot police outside the parliament in tbilisi side of things that people took to the streets to denounce the latest development and to come to the news. the things that pushes georgia, of course, to membership into this fear of the kremlin influence. i don't know why still seen all those lots in the funded the, the government officials sitting in the parliament saying that they are going to be the ones to take out freedom away from us. because we, georgia, we are, appear never always fights for freedom. the
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if the for an agent know pulses, any media comes to and you know, that gets 20 percent more of its funding from abroad. will be obliged to register assuming the interest of a foreign power opponents cooler to source harry, and that george's prime minister at rock creek about, he'd say, defended the bill, put forward by his georgian dream party. going to the office today is the most important day in terms of strengthening the independence and sovereignty of our country. the adoption of the law on transparency of foreign influence, great, strong guarantees of long term peace and tranquility in georgia,
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and to overcome so called polarization. it is a necessary condition for georgia integration into the european union. at the georgian c, it has exactly the opposite large demonstration being taking place 2 weeks on the street, just a blue sea and protest to say they went stilton to below. it says a ton with george's president selling me zora v should be the intends to veto the new legislation of the parliament would still be able to push it through. she told us why she is against the legislation. a while it's this slow, has become for the jordan population that has been developed stretching though for one months has become the symbol of a number of lows and measures and the rhetoric and that is sticking georgia the
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way permits your pin pass that's lupins as completely secured, since we got to be candidate status. and so it's this symbol that i'm going to be true because there was no possibility for anyone to show the critics of our partners or from the cd to the forces, the non governmental organizations. everybody was saying this is a little that is exactly the same as the one rush, as used to really uh, a brilliant and uh, photos of the city of society and the rental organizations in russia. so we do not want that low, it's not conform to the european values, and it will not allow the country to get closer to the new york end. it has not been leasing. it has been adopted the in the precipitated way, the surgery hearing. busy the has the engine come in one minute,
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7 seconds. that was the george's president telling me sort of these should be the speaking with this earlier. well, i spoke with laura thornton from the german marshall fund and she told me what this law and the protest tells us about the health of georgias democracy. so that's actually a really good question. um, it seems from the streets of to police and we've never seen anything like that. i mean, the estimates have up to 3 100000 people in the country of 3500000. so it does seem like public support is there. we don't have adequate data at this point to say like what percentage of georgians are for the lower against the law. but the government is under toured, and i don't think public opinion would sway them either way because this is part of their, a liberal play book that they've been implementing over the last decade when i, when i 1st moved to georgia, the critics of this legislation say that it threatens democracy, they are, but why is requiring media organizations to report where their funding comes from?
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why is that seen as a threat as well? first of all there's, there's no need for it all. i was an n g o in georgia. all of our information is public, there are no transparency concerns about that. secondly, it is not only just a level of transparency which already exists. it is certain punitive measures against these groups, certain report reporting requirements low on the stigma of being labeled as an actor of the state. and it just because your n g o in georgia receives 20 percent funding save from the you or the united states doesn't mean you're carrying out the interest of a foreign adversary. and keep in mind the terminology that's being used round this law is flipping the switch between allies and enemies. and apparently, according to the georgia dream government and the rhetoric, the united states and the you are enemies of georgia. interestingly not mentioned in the law, is russia a country actually occupied in georgia in increa increasing assault occupation inch
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by inch every year? yeah. your opinion diplomats are saying that george's attempt to join the you is now at risk and i think something like 80 percent of georgians say they still want to join the you. so what, what's happening here? i mean, is the george in this dream party? is it working against the will of the georgian people when it comes to your membership? yes, because and i think that we've just been like hostages with our heads in the sand about this. think it was very clear for years. the problem with the you and joining the u. s, you have to pass certain reforms. these are to mock democratic reports. if they do so, that would create a level playing field which might not return them to power. at the end of the day, this is all about keeping georgia dream and power and being a democratic nation with a free and fair election with transparent you this year. and all those facets of
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the requires. they might know when and between of unashamedly the oligarchy. that is the hunter, richard. dream is terrified of that prospect. so when having to decide between the you and staying and power, georgia dream picks power, the president of georgia is meeting with a ministers in today, wednesday. i mean, is there anything that the international community can do right now? i'm in to mitigate this conflict at all. i think there's a little bit we, i think there are things we can do. i'm very pleased with the united states that assistant secretary of state you mcbryan was just there. he didn't. he indicated that if the law goes through, there will be sanctions from the united states, including travel bands for and peas leaders and their families. and this is really important because while georgia dream seems to love to adopt russian tactics for suppressing democracy, they sure don't send their kids study there. so i think travel sanctions
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reconsidering these. uh, these are free travel for george's in europe. we'd have a big effect, particularly if it includes family members and angel sanctions. i'm not saying this would change the course because i think g d is dug in. okay. but it could, it could some impact lower thornton, senior vice president for democracy from the german marshal fund, or we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you so much i and before we go over, let me remind you of our top stories. this hour to milwaukee is prime minister robert feature has suffered life threatening injuries and assassination attempts. the 59 year old premier was conscious when he was taken to a hospital for emergency treatment. a suspect was arrested at the scene of the incident in a town 150 kilometers from the capital protest. lama and thousands of people are demonstrated against a 4, and the agents law proves by george's parliament. in tbilisi, the president of the country is told the w news that she will veto with because of
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the legislation would damage george's hopes of joining the european of next day dw documentary looked at the changing relationship between germany and china. i will be back at the top of the hour with move world news. i see you then the last name is the calls back. said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. next, would it be nosy bay like good everyone to king a healthy award winning called called the called back the day many have long warned about would begin with terrifying news.


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