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tv   HER - Women in Asia  Deutsche Welle  May 15, 2024 9:15pm-9:31pm CEST

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would by the day be, can join us that the russians got issues with a lot say what the, this, the shadows of these pop costs and video said lights on. the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools, farms and destroy nights. what is the legacy of this wide spread race as depression
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today? history? we need to talk about the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the like being boss. i think i'm natural at the people my disrespect me because i'm a woman committed boss award for all what so many up now boys says that to be with the lease or the navy. i think i was just in the right place, but the right time a step into the room and i tell myself it's okay, you can do it and wants to become one of the successful and business woman alpha focused on the
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the the double minority agency in tech is very, very tough. you have to press severe and literally show your muscles, leading to a lot of discomfort to take a lot of risk. i am ana gone. i am the see you and founder of perks technology and the parents for the chinese immigrants come in to the us and they just tell you to go and do really well in school to get good grades. make all a the only thing that i can give us was of great education and to get us into the outside world and explore. so i moved away
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from florida and landed in california. that was the height of the dot com though. i think i was just in the right place on the right time. i almost always the, the, the, the good story that before the, the, she was an export or, or one of the 2 successful business woman, the money that is the 1st well most name business woman has the mid and i'm of show her a so obviously the long cuz even though i, i am in into the industry and is that are found into your thoughts, most packages of
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the soul, but how much that's almost 4 months to minutes they were municipal took and make one stuff. so belong to have them it up of got us manufacturing, the whole cardboard boxes be available, hold wisdom, us giving you the i started the airline during the pin that make and that time i didn't really know much about the airline industry. yes, my name is ryan, a breeder. i am the ceo of sunlight air. i am 28 years old and i'm from the philippines. in the airline industry. there are just so many government regulate the manual as policies that you have to have food
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i've had people in my team, they don't want me to go because people might not be seriously or. and they might disrespect me because i'm a woman the but i of course as a woman in the 20th century with pride, i say no, i will go a step into the room and i tell myself it's a key you can do it. i and i start to prove everybody wrong. i meet these people and get our licenses from these meetings. and eventually of course, the
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business talk you with the and follow guess minute, good, stark, me. i thought the subsidy, but almost the financing got the what made it possible for all what all so many up now boys say he's got a game which he thought he may be towards the star key. i thought the of the oscar little mini boss, i think guidance, the integrate last few as the thank you and keep that up nikolai or pro 50. how many of was sort of of what made it was 2540 time employees have like again, you'll have my name, we say hello political instability,
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hyper installations that we'll see. we'll just say again, business men of often known. so i did advance the, the, the, when i came out here to sing for it was just another challenge i was brought in late 2014 as the see you to help them scale and turn around the business. purchases, you know, started out as a business to consumer loyalty. i shut down the original business and started the business from scratch. i had to let go with the original team, 29 percent of them, the so we're solving large enterprises,
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loyalty and customer engagement challenges. we're now about, let's say $170.00 the i love leading, inspiring and really influencing people vision, mission look at the whole ecosystem. the people at the top are now becoming more and more empathetic. another thing i'm working on myself to overcome all of those. talk to my own journey. i'm working on it. the charge of operations also i'm like a 1000 resorts from my dad. there was no sun life area. i asked
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the sun life the air. it's really for offending the business this 5, the pleasant avenue, the i've always drawn a sunlight air to be at least one of the top 3 or 4 domestic airlines in the philippines. so i want to grow more out domestically and then hopefully grow some regional life the during the time i actually got married and sam 4 and i also looked at 2 words. it was going,
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citing with the transformation of parts. it was shameful experience. the toughest curious in my life, the think about this all the time and my enough of a woman because i'm divorce and i don't have kids. but my therapist actually has been telling me that anna, you're actually raising a baby when you're trying to build a business. you know, woman, it's really hard to have it all. you have to make some sacrifices if you want to really rise up and break those glass ceilings i believe in mentorship because it had a big impact on me. now when it came back the same way the
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we're in the industry where most of our staff are me. so it's important for us that we, we are welcoming off females, violets. female and mechanics were welcoming off female engineers. the we need to lead children of the generation to the know that if they want to be in the airline or aviation industry, but they are more than welcome the why didn't i feel better? how about angel buffy sound? good question a. i don't have money. no welcome mindset hit the will of set up real quick is that
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they get a lot easier to get you off of what the and how you at the teaching me that you have to dr. but a so you do proficient. so i'm going to get you and save some of this. thank you one for simple. the women into the business is to stick on that and that's a environmental or lucky that all the . and i want to become one of the successful amino and this, this woman of a focus on the box most likely this. well, i'll get it the so 50, it's all focused on the industry and where they, that's out to a female on in this be getting on the 5th. and i want to become a role model for those 3. most of my agents not only nation anyone can internationally, will be submitted within circle going the female is equal to disco guidance because
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of the total adjustment of the industry and evolving all this stuff next. so that's a business start to now. i do provide them to get method was up to you the, the, the, into the conflicts own. with tim sebastian. as the war and ukraine grind on the
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neighboring voltage states watch anxiously from the ringside seats, pressing the west to increase a secure, and make sure russia dozens with my guest this week is the last to be as 5 minutes to place you on this current. and peace, clear nature as to optics. can com. click next. on d, w. the world of free speech, free press access to free information for every stop dreaming. i'm next to take action detail. use global, easier for them. 2024. a bunch of any practiced in now autism and it's from all over the world to share their solutions and to say,
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tomorrow join us and register now for the d. w global media for in 2024. as the boring ukraine grinds on, the neighboring voltage states what's anxiously from the ring side seat, pressing the west to increase 8 to kia and make sure russia doesn't. with my guess this week is the last to be as 5 minutes to fishy on these times. and he's clear nato as the up it's gain. the difficulty in the frustration that i feel is that as we are going step by step, russia is going full frontal flows. so how ready is nato to take on an expansion? is russia? why are some rich european states phil, i'm willing to meet the alliance's defense spending targets and was present the macro really calling his allies co.