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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 15, 2024 11:00pm-11:15pm CEST

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the, the tonight football he has prime minister fighting for his life after an assassination attempt robert feed so shot 5 times and then rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. the government says the attack was politically motivated, a suspect has been arrested. also coming up tonight, georgia is controversial for an influence long thousands protesting to capital tbilisi against new legislation that they say is anti democratic. george's president telling dw nurse she plans to veto the bill.
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the i bring coffee is good to have you with this on this wednesday night, doctors are finding to save the life of the fall. i realize that this probably wasn't a joke here. the interior ministry said the attacked was likely politically motivated and brought his love of this. the voc in president condemned the shooting. central carolina such as i am shocked. we are all shocked by the terrible and vicious attack on prime minister robert beat. so can you get a physical attack on the prime minister is 1st of all an attack on a person, but it is also an attack on democracy. okay, cool, but cannot see it in the heat for rhetoric. we see in society, you know,
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the speed stay full action is misspelled, please stop it. but you cannot explain to them mostly about the customer. support port in from european leaders. you commission president, worst of the fund a lion wrote on the social media site x such acts of violence, have no place in our society and undermine democracy. are most precious common good . the white house reacted as well. president joe biden said in a tweed, we condemn this horrific act of violence. our embassy is in close touch with the government as a vakio and ready to assist robert feet. so as long been a controversial figure in slovakia as politics often described as populist or left wing nationalist as opposed immigration and threatened to withdraw support for ukraine in its defense against russia. duty. after the shooting pizza was flown by helicopter to a nearby hospital where he underwent emergency surgery for an abdominal wound, official said his injuries or life threatening to audrey much as talk to you as
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a journalist for these lucky in the newspaper problem, the in brought his love up. he gave us this update early. this is a very serious situation then. mr. prince, always in a very serious condition. give us shots a couple of times. we don't know the extent of his files, but for him. but i think one of the problem is also that in the policy is that he has a medical condition. so, and any kind of this kind of operation is really would be in, in, in any case that would be a really a problem. i think one and i'm, and i suspect it of course, that of course i know that the doctors are doing for what they can, they can do, but uh, clearly also from the, from the colleagues have missed the feed. so the user coming to this is very, very serious. again, the prime minister we understand was shot 5 times today. we have learned it in the last hour or so more details about what exactly happened today. can you bring us up
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to speed on the shooting? the details that we do now. so there was a meeting of the government in the smaller city slovakia and not that far from breakfast about the city go to school and how little the government of mister feed . so he's doing those sessions quite a regular i going through the regions a basically also meeting people. and after the after the session, the reminisced the went out to, to degrade the crowd. there was a guy also calling him, come to me, come to me in the so he went there and there were shots, you know, and you also saw the video that by the gods reacted. there is a discussion now to the direct object quickly enough that it's, it's hard to say it was uh, it was of a, uh, it was a very close contact in fact. so and, and the, the, the prime minister was rushed to the hospital then to the hospital, the better one. and the guy was arrested on the scene. uh,
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what do we know about the warranty route? yeah, i just wanted to say that it's a, it seems, it's a, the government is saying like, clear this as opposed to what the weight is. and it seems there is, are these the in it's the scenes but the reason in spots and what that point the good luck the way it is. he had the guys from uh, another city. now he's 70 a 71 year old. so a little bit older, older man, he's supposed to go. i d as it seems, were over the place during his life. he was part of the kind of a ride being far more truly grooved and he started to write poetry or something like that. yeah. like the talking about non violence. now we saw the video and it was nothing for him, but this is i mentioned they found the body. so it says that he was saying that he, he doesn't like uh, the, the,
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the policies of pizza is government. so or it might be kind of a gaze of rudco ization so, so again, we don't know the multi yet, but yes i, i wouldn't exclude this endeavor next could afford to good luck. yeah. and we understand to from authorities to that of course the investigation is ongoing to night. journalist andre my dislike. joining us for about as lava. andrea, we appreciate your reporting tonight. thank you. thank you very much. oh, here's the look now. some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world that rushes president by to be approved and has arrived in beijing, he's due to hold. talk with china is president, she's in pain. this is pollutants. first boring trip. since he was re elected for another 6 year term back in march, now the 2 leaders have described bilateral relations as a no limits partnership. israel's defense minister job the launch has criticized prime minister benjamin netanyahu strategy in gauze of the line says that he would
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oppose any plan for long term military rule of the region. he's also urging it in yahoo to draw up a post word vision and israel's best interest to shovel the far right dutch politician gear to builders. it says that he's reached a preliminary deal with 3 other right. we party leaders to form a cabinet despite coming in 1st in national elections 6 months ago, builders is not expected to become prime minister. but his party for freedom will be the main force in the coalition. government went out to the country of georgia where thousands have, once again turned out the capital tbilisi and protest against a new foreign influence. law. western nations have joined the opposition political leaders in georgia in denouncing the legislation that targets media companies with significant for and funding. young people are especially eng respirator. 17 year old on the staff here is ready to rally for george's future.
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with the respirator on her head, in case police fire tear gas, she is out to meet people who share her anger. george's youth are furious over the for an influence law passed by the parliament. the . i feel like everything my, or is everything going into the water? everything with this? 84. because i don't know. i know that i'm honest. i see it is referring to the 84 law makers who voted in favor of the law. it requires any n g o or media organization getting more than 20 percent of funding from abroad to
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register as an agent of foreign influence. the ruling georgia dream party defends the law. in the us today is the most important day in terms of strengthening the independence and sovereignty of our country's, of the adoption of the law. on transparency of foreign influence, create strong guarantees of long term peace and tranquility in georgia. and i'm sure it will be said that since for this you as warren, that the log when danger georgia's pass to the block, the baltic states are among the strongest critics of the bill. let me quickly see, their foreign ministers met george and president subdomains of which philly who plans to veto the legislation. she has 14 days to act to your grades. president zalinski has canceled all 4 and travel plans as russian forces in advance in the countries eastern harkey region, us secretary of state antony, blinking. he made
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a surprise visit the keep this week to reaffirm washington support. he acknowledged that lawmakers delay in approving more military aid. that delay has left ukraine vulnerable. the government says that it has withdrawn from some areas because it simply does not have enough troops to fight all flushing attacks. we can says that the us is preparing a new package of weapons and funding for ukraine. we will provide an additional $2000000000.00 in foreign, military financing for ukraine. and we put this together in a 1st of its kind of defense enterprise fund. and it has 3 components. one is to provide weapons today. so this will assist you frame in acquiring those weapons to is to focus as well on something that mutual just talked about. investing in new kinds defense, industrial base, helping to strengthen even more its capacity to produce what it needs for itself, but also to produce for others. and finally, using this funds to help you frame purchase military equipment from other countries
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. it's not just the united states. when you're gardening and lawmakers are in washington this week, hoping to persuade politicians there to allow ukraine's military to use us supplied weapons destroyed targets inside russia, dw, as washington bureau chief and his pulse spoke with the chairman of ukraine's ruling service of the people part. so you are meeting with lawmakers here in washington. what's the main purpose of your visit this time? yeah, there are 2 purposes. so the 1st purpose is, uh, thank you purpose because it finally we voted as a bolt into the package for ukraine, which is very important, especially now on 2nd this uh try to use uh, they are congressional power to put the pressure on the white house to change the policy where ukrainians, having the weapons can not heeds uh uh, targets that are on the russian territory. because right now the russians are
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attacking ukrainian cities. hark, in particular from the russian territory. and with that situation would never be happened if we would have permission to use the weapons against those logistical sensors, command sensors, and so on. so we not to not talk about civilians, the target that's for sure on the military targets close to the ukranian border. but unfortunately for now, there is a still political block on this. so we had previous successful experience where lawmakers putting enough pressure on the white house and they changed the policy power. so how our lawmakers, so how is the white house arguing? why do they not allow you to use the weapons? you obviously have on russian territory. all the main argument to never change since the very beginning of the war. it's to, we believe that it would be to escalate 3, and there will be some additional escalation from russian side. we're leaving the war for 2 and a half years already. we know that there is nothing to escalate. this already
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escalated at the top level. you know like we are right now, we have an attack to harkey for the cds twice bigger is of washington d. c. l. millions of people are living there. so like we have to protect the cd ride like there is nothing that they can escalate. they already putting lighting bombs, very huge ones destroying houses, basically wiping the city. so we don't know what could be more escalator. and so, finally, a moment of wonder for a great musician stevie wonder has taken citizenship in gunners and his acceptance speech. he spoke of his long held dream to be good, nathan, and his understanding of how the world can eventually come together. the truth is i'm committed to as know a gun and citizen being a part of fulfilling the dream that we have had for so many years of bringing
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people of africa, those of the dice, the united states. i mean, all of the people together with stevie wonder there and you're watching the w news . we'll see you right here tomorrow. thanks for the come. why do having does not get drunk? why do grab a tasteful waves, squeeze all bodies. how much do we need per day press stop hans, praying for help find the on fis gets much on dw science outtake talk channel the the.


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