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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  May 16, 2024 2:02am-2:31am CEST

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is due for him, friends, chinese president. she's in pay now just before russia invaded ukraine more than 2 years ago, who was in and she announced that there is a partnership with no limits. well, since the in russia and china have grown closer partners, yes. equals no. china is clearly the bigger brother in this autocratic to step beijing is leading the dance team that is being led. he doesn't even get to pick the 2, bridge off and berlin. this is the day the china and russia regard each other as strategic cooperation partners in the new era . the dual of most can win b. d plays a vital balancing role in world affairs. russia with struggling statements assault
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on you, frank. without trying to support china is neither a creator nor a party to the ukraine. crisis facing canada, she better relations with europe was supporting the greatest threat to european security since the end of the cold war. i'm confident that the upcoming visit of the russian president to the people's republic of china. we'll strengthening our joint work also coming up in the georgia and capital tbilisi angry protestors who say that parliament has just passed a law that will pull them away from europe. and push them into the hands of the grim i feel like i really think mike has. 2 everything going into the water comes to our viewers watching on tv, as in the united states and to all the people around the world. welcome. we begin today observing a partnership that is supposed to have no limits. it's been more than 2 years since
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the russian and chinese presidency used those words no limits to describe the bilateral relations between them and their nations. well, we are about to get an updated idea just weird that relationship now stands. it is now early thursday in china, and the russian president ought to be approved and has just touched down. they are his 1st trip abroad since the start of his 5th presidential term last week, and illegals from europe and the united states, they will be watching and listening carefully. they've already called out begging for supporting la scale, and it's invasion of ukraine. but is this an arrangement born out of principles or born out of foster? dw is east asia correspondent, james chaytor has this report of last month's chinese presidency. jim ping made russia his 1st overseas trip up to securing a 3rd time as he does most go,
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a symbolic choice of to use a pendant mckeever, isolation for team. now, just to recap to his face, the new gratian is, russian president, vladimir putin is returning beyond making badging the 1st 4 and trip of seats. utah . those countries are interested in projecting unity in the face of what they say is a global or the dominated by the united states. that when russia's foreign minister such a lot for all of was in beijing last month, he hailed what most going badging quizzes and no limits punishing is new to us not more than once our leaders, president, putin and president changing, paying, like have stressed at the determination of russia and china to counter attempts to slow down the formation of a multi polar world to slow down the long overdue processes of democratization and justice, which is obviously, is politically wished as they celebrate 75 years of different logic ties. china is very much the senior partner. the 2 sides of the tree exchanges seems piercing,
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launched as an invasion of ukraine more than 2 years ago. and even more importantly, some must go trade ties between the 2 balloons. providing russia an economic lifeline, a mid sweeping international sanctions might be in response. west going to be does have one she against providing must go with support sports invasion. you may get a, some have even all she to rain in boots that we called on china to use all its influence on russia to end russia's will of aggression against ukraine. but china is li just as long as she brushed off the criticism and ignore the request. was fine movie you. we oppose using the ukraine crisis, the cost, blame me, a 3rd country, and inside a new cold war, son don't die. insolent decision making and flooding the piercing sherry just staying for us. global leadership with most go increasingly isolated diplomatically and is economy. you launch the prop top by badging both know that no limits.
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partnership is no longer one between equals demitria. i've heard of it. she is a geopolitical analyst. she focuses on russia and china. t is also the author of the book rolled on the bring, how america can beat china in the race for the 21st century. and dmitri joins me tonight right here. demetrius good to have you with this. the 2 leaders here say that they enjoy a no limits partnership. so let me just ask you, what are the real limits here? limits are actually huge either countries or actually allies of each other. they're most friends of convenience and certainly from china's perspective, this is a very transactional relationship. china is looking to buy fossil fuels from russia, oil, gas, and coal at a significant discount to help its own economy. but in terms of exports to russia,
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russia is actually turning market for china. it is the 16th overall in terms of exports for them and is not at all strategic. and even when it comes to fossil fuels, one of the priorities for food and se unbox on the strip is going to be to sink design a deal on the power of february to gas pipeline. to redirect the gas, it was originally destined to go to europe to china. the chinese have been dragging their feet on this and negotiating very hard, barking on price that makes it not a very attractive bill for russia or talking about weapons for a moment to your food. and we know clearly needs china is back you for his war and you crave, but he's only getting weapons for aid from iran and north korea. do you think that's going to change any time soon? i i don't. so look, china is perfectly willing to sell anything that is going to buy out as long as it does not result in sanctions from the united states. so it is clearly afraid of
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jeopardizing the, the us relationship any further input and the european one as well. so when it comes to lethal weapons, it is not going to budge on that because it knows that it cannot afford right now, particularly when it's economy is not doing well to come under these sanctions. now, do you use uh, equipment? it's certainly give us a continuous sending that whether it's somebody, conductors, whether it's machines to manufacture advanced weapon systems that is going to be delivered to black market means who resellers in china is usually being last week was in france when inviting me to put in a shook hands nuclear rattle if you will, by announcing tactical nuclear weapons drills with bella roost would be the how does toy with the nuclear threat? how does that go down with each in pit or not? well, in fact, she's in p has been critical when prudent last uh try to use a new but black mail card in the fall of 2022. when his forces were surrounded in
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the city of her song and there was fear on the us side, that he might actually even test and you put a weapon or a fragment to use and use the weapon. doubtful, the ukraine approach. china as well as other leaders to send a clear message just to put in that this is unacceptable and china did. so china does not want to see the breaking of the taboo and the use of nuclear weapons because they themselves would be impacted by this in a potential conflict with the u. s. over try one for, for example. and i'm wondering, i'm dimitri weird judge, rush of fit in with china is confrontation with the west, particularly in the united states, to be the valuable ally, or is it more of a useful distraction? we know us foreign policy assets. they've been tied up of dealing with ukraine. we know that the bite administration wanted to focus on trying to as it did. and you know, this is a sort of a trend line and the american foreign policy over the last decade that we try to pivot to asia and every single time something else,
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whether it's the middle east or europe attempts to intervene and pull us back and look i think for china, this war as is not something i think they desired originally, but they've learned not to just live with it, but actually benefit from it. they're getting cheap gas and oil from russia. they are increasingly the russians become economically dependent on china and becoming a boss of state to china. and america is distracted. it is sending weapons and munitions they might need in a conflict in asia to ukraine. it's spending so much of its resources, diplomatically and economically on this conflict, so that is all highly beneficial to china. so let's, let's consider then when the united states does focus more on china in an article that you publish today in foreign affairs, you argue the taiwan situation has relevant similarities with the cold war situation of west berlin. how should washington go back to the old law scale playbook when it's dealing with beijing?
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so well the key to understanding the cold war and the importance to west berlin is that when the berlin wall was built in 1961, it actually lower detached as dramatically in the cold war. because berlin, west berlin was the one flash point that threatened to take us and the soviet union to nuclear conflict. obviously that was cuba as well. for 13 days, there was actually now growth of the west berlin crisis in 1962, but pretty much after 1962. the threat of conflict diminished dramatically. and you had a discount of 19 seventies improvements and relations arms control agreements and the like. you can have the same thing between the united states and china, but you have to convince china that taking tie one is untenable, that it will not happen in just like flu shots inside of your band and his impressions to take west berlin. china has to balance emissions on tie one in order to see improve relations. you blank that ultimately there can be another day talk with china without the creation of a figurative wall across the try one straight. what would that look like?
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so it's all about the trans, we have to convince presidency that taking taiwan is impossible militarily. and even if it's a few things, it might not be possible militarily that the economic costs would be disastrous. so it means invent inventing and investing in significant deterrence capabilities, military discharge capabilities in the region with a time when he is. but it also means increase our economic leverage over china in areas like semi conductors, for example, artificial intelligence. and we use in their economic leverage over us in the areas that we technologies like the electric vehicles, like batteries, which we've just seen, the by the ministrations place terrace on your and you say just as it was in the cold war for the united states, stalling can be a winning strategy when we're talking about trying to use a of the slowing trying his advanced down a month here or a year there is critical and you say as he is living, trying to make its own mistakes. what would be the biggest mistake in,
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in your opinion that china could make moving forward? it's really economic. there mismatch in their economy. they have a huge real estate bubble. their youth unemployment is over 50 percent present. she seems completely, i'm interested in fixing those fundamental economic issues. and on top of that, he has a demographic collapse, is going to manifest itself in the coming decades. china is do nothing about all of those problems. and as long as that continues, their economy will always be smaller than united states, which means less money to spend on projects like the delta rote initiatives and on their military dimitry. i've heard of it. we appreciate your time and valuable analysis tonight. thank you. thanks so much i or when out to the country of georgia where thousands have once again taken to the streets and protests against a new for an influence law. now,
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western countries have joined opposition. political leaders in georgia in denouncing the measure of the targets media and other groups with significant foreign funding press for the 17 year old on the staff here is ready to rally for george's future with the respirator on her head and case police fire to your gas she is out to meet people who share her anger. george's youth are furious over the for an influence law passed by the parliament the, i feel like everything. 2 everything going into the water, everything with this, 84 because direction of the time. it's a little bit. i don't know. i know that i'm
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honest i see is referring to the 84 law makers who voted in favor of the law. it requires any n g o or media organization getting more than 20 percent of funding from abroad to register as an agent of foreign influence. the ruling georgia dream party defends the law. in the us today is the most important day in terms of strengthening the independence and sovereignty of our countries of the adoption of the law on transparency of foreign influence creed, strong guarantees of long term peace and tranquility in georgia. and i'm sure they'll be set up soon for this. you as one that the log when danger georgia's pass to the block of the baltic states are among the strongest critics of the bill. let's be basically see their foreign ministers mat george and president subdomains of which be lead. who plans to veto the legislation?
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she has 14 days to act with george's president spoke to dw news earlier today and explained why she plans to be to the legislation a well, it's the slow, has become for the jordan population that has been debunked rating dial. 41 bonus has become the symbol of a number of lows and measures and the rhetoric and that is sticking georgia away from it. your pin past that loop and says completely secure it since we got to be a candidate status. and so it's this simple that i'm going to be true because there was no possibility for anyone to show the critics of partners or from the city of the forces, the non governmental organizations. everybody was saying this is a little that is exactly the same as the one rush as used to add to really uh,
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a brilliant and uh, photos of the city of society and the done prevent organizations in russia. so we do not want that flow. it's not conform to the european values. anyway, nothing about the country to get closer to the european union. it has not been listened, or it has been adopted. the ina precipitated way the surgery hearing was the, has the engine come in one minute, 7 seconds. all right, i'm throwing out by laura thornton, she's a senior vice president for democracy from the german marshall fund. seem to have you with this. georgia have seen weeks approach has over this for an influence law, but the government is still forcing it through about what does that tell us? i mean, is the government reflecting the majority opinion in this country, or are the port testers? speaking for the majority, do we know? so that's actually a really good question. um it seems from the streets of to police and we've never
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seen anything like that. i mean, the estimates have up to 3 100000 people in the country of 3500000. so it does seem like public support is there. we don't have adequate data at this point to say like what percentage of georgians are for the lower against the law. but the government is under toured, and i don't think public opinion would sway them either way because this is part of their, a liberal play book that they've been implementing over the last decade when i, when i 1st moved to georgia, the critics of this legislation say that it threatens democracy, they are, but why is requiring media organizations to report where their funding comes from? why is that seen as a threat as well? first of all there's, there's no need for it all. i was an n g o in georgia. all of our information is public, there are no transparency concerns about that. secondly, it is not only just a level of transparency which already exists. it is certain punitive measures
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against these groups, certain report reporting requirements low on the stigma of being labeled as an actor of the state. and it just because your n g o in georgia receives 20 percent funding save from the you or the united states doesn't mean you're carrying out the interest of a foreign adversary. and keep in mind the terminology that's being used around this law is flipping the switch between allies and enemies. and apparently, according to the georgia dream government and the rhetoric, the united states and the you are enemies of georgia. interestingly not mentioned in the law, is russia a country actually occupied in georgia in increa increasing assault occupation inch by inch every year? yeah. your opinion, your diplomats are saying that george's attempt to join the you is now at risk and i think something like 80 percent of georgians say they still want to join the you . so what, what's happening here, i mean, is the george and this dream party,
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is it working against the will of the georgia people when it comes to your membership? yes, because and i think that we've just been like hostages with our heads in the sand about this. they've been very clear for years. the problem with the you and joining the u. s. you have to pass certain reforms. these are to mock democratic reports if they do so, that would create a level playing field which might not return them to power. at the end of the day, this is all about keeping georgia dream and power. and being a democratic nation with a free and fair election with transparent you this year, and all those facets of the requires they might know when and between of unashamedly the oligarchy. that is the hunter, richard. dream is terrified of that prospect. so when having to decide between the you and staying and power, georgia dream picks power, the president of georgia is meeting with a ministers today, wednesday. i mean,
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is there anything that the international community can do right now? i'm in to mitigate this conflict at all. i think there's a little bit we, i think there are things we can do. i'm very pleased with the united states, the assistant secretary of state, cham a brian was just there. he didn't, he indicated that if the law goes through, there will be sanctions from the united states, including travel bands for m p's leaders and their families. and this is really important because while georgia dream seems to love to adopt russian tactics for suppressing democracy, they sure don't send their kids study there. so i think travel sanctions reconsidering these. uh, these are free travel for georgias in europe. we'd have a big effect, particularly if it includes family members and angel sanctions. i'm not saying this would change the course because i think g d is dug in. okay. but it could, it could impact more, thornton senior vice president for democracy from the german marshall fund war. we
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appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you. so thank you so much. the ukraine urgently needs new soldiers, more soldiers, and it's increasing pressure on men to sign up. the government recently passed a new mobilization law, which means beginning this weekend. ukrainian men will have 2 months to register with the military. now, if they don't sign up, they could be punished. the used car, the new troy reports sign up or face the consequences. the cues at this conscription center are orderly, but the men here say the process itself is not. for some, it's their 2nd or 3rd of 10. they've come prepared for a long way. they might just be, i can only if i have to register, i'll do it. and if i get caught up into the army service,
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i'll go starting to look at the problem. and if it's even worse than trying to register here, if there is no, all the here will have to program what must it be like in the army? you might put it up to $250.00, put it under ukraine's new mobility. zation rules mean that all 18 to 60 year olds mess register carry paper, work with them. those who don't will be punished. many here are wary of the new policy, so they want to remain anonymous. actually, oh sure you can. and we'll just man who don't register will lose all their life houses. and so we won't be able to be anything officially, get a job until then to host and is it the man with the right papers will have no rights and ukraine. this is where you create in man, have to register to be on the mobilization list to potentially be called in toward, according to officials of the armed forces, ukraine's military needs at least 500000 more soldiers. the government says this registration drive will help speed up the recruitment process. the new law also
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lowers the conscription age from 27 to 25. that's incorrect to some young man to volunteer are doing so means they can choose a unit. instead of being assigned one by the state, but from what they want, it says my main motivation is to help the people who are defending our country to replace the guys who need arrest after more than 2 hard years. let's say i want to destroy the enemy and defend our country. well it's, it's uh wishing it was like this way clean. but it's not always so simple. this lawyer gets around 30 calls a day from man trying to get a draft deferment, a. what's a z q? these are calls from those who are entitled to the deferment and do not know how to submit the documents correctly. the question is not how to avoid military service, always leave the questions. so the godaddy of the restrictions on mans writes that the new law imposes on man will fail to register the over sure, sure,
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they just seen the problem. i believe that the right to education cannot be restricted even during war. the new real estate that people could, in some cases be denied medical services. if they don't register out of conscription office, i think that's not right because they didn't seem to come for 20 hours agents. and the problem the new law does not provide for team organization. families has been hoping for 3 year time limit for those serving at the front. many are fatigue or injured 2 years into war. the assumption that ukraine would win within a couple of months, but it has disappeared on this and he says vet to run out excited that a bad turn it off. now others must fight with this putting alicia, but people thought that someone else would fight for them. they thought the army was so powerful that they could deal with everything. they flies and they don't get tired. the country just put the responsibility on the army. now you must do your duty because every one once rides, but no one once responsibilities of the state gives one thing and demands the other
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. one on the fact, even my answer. and now the state is demanding more young man, send up for the country. for the day is done by the conversation, he continues online, you'll find this on the x formerly known as twitter, and on youtube and dw nearest she can follow me at brent golf t b. i remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see you then everybody the
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enter, the conflicts own with tim sebastian. as the warning ukraine grind on the neighboring voltage states watch anxiously from the ring side seat, pressing the west to increase a key and make sure russia dozens wait. my guess this week is the last to be as 5 minutes to 50 on this current. and he's clear nature after up it's can conflict the next on d, w, we experience in the way down is pure adrenalin,
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100 percent. no units name is 10 and one me and 33. and i live in water main. federal and michelle fish harvester lives on the gateway to a world of plenty. the mind of the eclipse in 45 minutes on the w, the climate change. i mean for a station in the rain forest continue, carbon dioxide emissions have bruises. and again, the people of the world are
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we, what impact the biggest change doesn't happen the make up your own mind? me the, as the boring ukraine grinds on, the neighboring voltage states, what's anxiously from the ring side seat, pressing the west to increase a to kia and make sure russia doesn't with my guess this week is the last to be as 5 minutes to fish on these kinds, and he's clear nato as the optics game. the difficulty in the frustration that i feel is that as we are going step by step, russia is going full frontal forward. so how ready is nato to take on an expansion? is russia? why are some rich european states phil, i'm willing to meet the alliances defense spending targets and was present the
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macro really calling his allies count.


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