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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 16, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin was lead to us have reacted with shock of the assassination of time to on the slovak, in prime minister robot feed. so what's the shots multiple times and then rushed to hospital and put emergency surgery. we'd bring you an update on his condition and the suspect, the top also coming up russia's presence not important meets the child's children being engaging that expected to deepen. a relationship they've already described has no limits. the
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british manager, welcome slovak as prime minister, a robot feed. so is reportedly in a stable condition. i'm conscious off to undergoing emergency surgery from gunshot wounds feet, so it was dropped to multiple times and at assess the initial attempt, often leaving a government meeting. so back as president has called it a brutal and reckless attack of the national leaders have condemned the shooting, a suspect was arrested up to see 5 shots ring out and the gunman is tackled just seconds later, the prime minister is carried by the arms to a car and rushed away security personnel stay behind, pinning the suspect to the ground speed. so supporters look on and hor,
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it sounded like canon buyer to me. i was shocked. what's going on? and as i saw him fall, i realized that this probably wasn't a joke. here. the interior ministry said be attacked with likely politically motivated and brought his love of this. the vacuum president condemned the shooting . central carolina. i am shocked. we are all shocked by the terrible and vicious attack on prime minister robert beat. so he's cute, a physical attack on the prime minister is 1st of all an attack on a person, but it is also an attack on democracy. ok, cool. but cannot see in the heat for rhetoric we see in society, you know, obviously lead stateful action elizabeth suppose to so please stop it. but you cannot explain to them seeing boss with a stomach support poured in from european leaders. you commission president worth of the funded lion wrote on the social media site x such acts of violence have no
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place in our society and undermined democracy are most precious common good. the white house reacted as well. president joe biden said in a tweed, we condemn this horrific act of violence. our embassy is in close touch with the government as a vakio and ready to assist robert feats. so as long been a controversial figure in slovakia as politics often described as populist or left wing nationalist as opposed immigration and threatened to withdraw support for ukraine in its defense against russia to be from all of this uh, let's get uh, john list a big party are below buy in sheet of bullets, was locked in public television are 2 vs and joins us from the capital practice lava. good morning to victoria. what's the latest on robert feats those condition to good morning so that just long now we still don't have too much info about his condition. then the information i have to say are quite come to the 3. the last official info we have was from our environment to administer too much time around
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from around 11 pm. from yesterday. he said that mr. feasel operation ended well and he said that he was no longer in venture according to our information after the operation we used to feed some was conscious of 5. sure things are probably one last hit. his domino or probably still not. and the other he enjoyed mississippi's explanation, had been very sweet, the co, incomplete cases. his operation had been going on for 3 and a half hours. and also for 8 hours we heard that he's been in the life condition. do we know who will be at tech a is the motive behind this assassination attempt? so most of it's still not quite clear. we know his 71 year old man. i am at the writer. there is a very contradictory information about him as he was he used to be part of
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a pro russian group in slovakia, but also there was the one with your free a couple of weeks ago where he was disagreeing with the government's voices. um, also for our um general is uh from another media i was talking to his son. and um, his son also proved that he was very shocked by the action. and nothing really will leading to this incident. so it's not quite sure yet, outgoing president, susanna chapter 12 uh has uh called the a tag series and said, hateful rhetoric in society leads to hateful at what did you mean by that? a yes this is i have to have been, he did and divided for the last time reasons um, parliamentary elections or even the before as the parliamentary elections was in
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the denver and the company and was very aggressive. and the society, ruby divided into moves. i would say a liberal and the nationalist, and it's been a lot of aggression in the language of the boy edition as well, including me. so i have to admit the couple months ago, couple of weeks ago he was calling a sample position leaders. and this damage and other drugs are even fixed and the even verbal attacks were made towards the president, the, to the she was called an american as an agent and some re more others of too much worse. i was don't want to repeat them. yeah. so yeah, that's the vision is very present here. we are also heard from the lock, goes into the a minister who has quoted it uh, quote, politically motivated assassination attempt. what do they mean by that?
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as well as i said before, there is this video from the tucker where he used to not agree with the step the steps of the government. first of all, i have to say the crew would rather be notified of any service organizations. he was in this section probably alone or a seal. the political motive might be connected to this divided society. uh, there is a lot of regression read between the college and then uh and um, a position leaders. this press conference also, the interior minister of the minister of defense was quite call me. they tried to really call the motion of me for there was enough risk offer of directly after the what happened and hearing. i just love the polishing leaders. why we aggressive in their language, they pointed to the position of the media and media they made basically targets all
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of them either actually key them. so i said that's all kinds of plans all vary. you did the divided society, leave it there for the moment. the john list uh victoria biloba in but it's not well, thank you so much. thank you. have a nice day rush. i was present letting me put in, has met with chinese birds, and she didn't being of the sort of a 2 day visit to be during the tourney. those have pledged to spend incorporation with 14 heating russia stars with china as a stabilizing factor for the world. it is proteins 1st for the trip since he's a killed another 6 year time as president in march. the adults photo shoots and things european trip last week, where best to meet us, criticize to support for russia. i mean the war in your brain let's come over with a john this 5 bad credit by who's going to be now from badging fund. then good to see you. do we know what this strengthening of cooperation between the 2 countries
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will look like? well, we've assumed no it in detail because um what my sources tell me you said c and 14, well, a sign around a 12 or so joint documents and what they include. we don't know yet, but there are many indicators that there will be a lot of economic cooperation um putting has given an interview to seeing why the chinese state and use agency ahead of his visit. and that was really quite a states interview and how the questions were framed and the answers they were already menu science that um, russia and china one to reach new breakthroughs in terms of the, by let's roach. right. and the big picture is that, you know, the trait is already booming since the war in ukraine, but in recent months, actually because of the sanctioning pressures from the us. um, there was a slight decrease, but i think now we will see an uptick again in terms of trade. then of course, one thing that would be what we have to look out for is whether they will also be a cooperation in terms of military or technology. and then there's also the whole
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level of political, the rhetoric to what degree will both sides support each other's like political concerns. and also discuss here far beyond stay with us because we'd not like to take a closer look at how china russian relations have changed in recent years. as last month's chinese president, she jim ping made russia his 1st overseas trip up to securing a 3rd. as the most go, a symbolic choice of to use a pendant mckeever, isolation for team. now, just to recap to his face, the new gratian is russian president vladimir putin is returning beyond making badging the 1st 4 and trip of seats, utah. those countries are interested in projecting unity in the face of what they say is a global or the dominated by the united states. when russia's foreign minister, 2nd law for all of was in beijing last month. he hailed what most going badging quizzes and no limits punishing is yours. no more than once. alida is
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president, putin and president changing, paying like have stressed to the determination of russia and china to counter attempts to slow down the formation of a multi polar world to slow down the long overdue processes of democratization and justice, which is obviously, is politically wished as they celebrate 75 years of different logic ties. china is very much the senior partner. the 2 sides of decent military exchanges increasingly launched as invasion of ukraine more than 2 years ago. and even more importantly, some must go trade ties between the 2 balloons. providing russia an economic lifeline, a mid sweeping international sanctions might be in response. west going to be does have one c against providing must go with supporting exports invasion. you may get a, some have even all she to rain in boots. it. we call it on china to use all its influence on russia,
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to end russia's will of aggression against ukraine. but china is li just as long as she brushed off the criticism and ignore the request. was fine movie you. we oppose using the ukraine crisis. the cost blame me a 3rd country and insight a new cold war. some don't ship dry insulin decision making and flooding the piercing sherry just staying through us global leadership with most co, increasingly isolated diplomatically and this economy. you launch the prop top by badging both know that no limits. partnership is no longer one between equals back to you. if i've got engaging with the russian army attacking an eastern ukraine, i'll be expecting chinese support for russia to increase. so what i would say that would be the worst case scenario for the whole west, and especially for ukraine. i would expect that rather, um china support will indeed remain the same. and that, that would be already quite concerning because the support is already quite
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extensive. i mean, uh, the support goes short of selling directly weapons to russia, but all of those to use products, those high priority, good step, the european union has a identified, they come mostly from china to russia. and uh, i think um, this is already quite consuming and probably china will try to. um, continue. it's a balancing act by saying look, we don't um export a weapons. we're not potty and this and while, but we back rush of security claims. right. just a lot of us and they will kind of be watching by pictures from badging, of, uh, present agent being and letting me 14, but back to you. uh, fabia. and what does uh, all of this mean for china stars with the e u, which ones she took good tail, the support for russia? yeah, i mean if you talk to, if you're a p and diploma c o in general, also european politicians, the patients is running out. i mean that's a lot of frustration and
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a chance of salt to german chance. and also the french president macro history have recently met with a seating thing. they have asked him to stop or to reduce their support with russia . and so now they will bucks very carefully. what is happening here in beijing and a sofa. i must say that the threat by the european union to that, you know, are china support will have indeed consequences. it's a relatively low yet, i would say, but i'm on the other hand, there was also entity blinking that he engaging and he made his rhetoric was actually much stronger. and i think the biggest, via, by china is more that, you know, um, for example, the chinese banks could directly be sanctioned by the u. s. i think that is really the, the worst scenario that china is feeling right now. but of course, the reputation, i know her stuff up here. um, if i'm on the ice of european beat us and long term, it will have consequences. i'm sure we'll leave it there for the moment to join us . i've been pressed by engaging thanks so much. i or that's all for the moment,
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but don't forget you can get all the latest news and information around the golf on our website. that's a d, w dot com and don't forget the odd handles on social media there. i have the, the news, i'm british manager in billing. that'd be back in about 45 minutes event. the 1st into our is whenever they feel like i told them so selling and fashion and most pieces in the sky beds, how many ons including the us of survival. how do they do it? the.