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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 16, 2024 11:00am-11:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin was me, does have reacted with shots at the assassination attempt on the snow, bucking prime minister. the rug would feed, so it was shot multiple times and then rushed to hospital, re bring you an update on his condition and the suspect to tutor plus russia as president flooded me and put in meats china stringent opinion b. jane. the duty does hail that countries ties as a full supposed dependency in what they call k onto while the
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management of the welcome slovak has 5 minutes the robot feet. so is reportedly in a stable, but still a very serious condition off an assassination attempt. he was struck multiple times after leaving a political meeting. so voc else president called it a brutal and reckless attack. other violators have condemned the shooting. a suspect was arrested at the scene. 5 shots rang out and the gunman is tackled just seconds later, the prime minister is carried by the arms to a car and rushed away. security personnel stay behind, pinning the suspect to the ground. a speed. so supporters look on and for and it
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sounded like canon buyer to me. i was shocked. what's going on? and as i saw him fall, i realized that this probably wasn't a joke to the interior ministry. so the attack was likely politically motivated and brought his love of this. the walk in president condemned the shooting circle. now i am shocked. we are all shocked by the terrible and vicious attack on prime minister robert beat. so keep a physical attack on the prime minister is 1st of all an attack on a person, but it is also an attack on democracy. okay, cool. but cannot see the heat for rhetoric we see in society. you know, obviously lead stateful action is misspelled. please stop it, but you cannot explain to them. seeing boss with a stomach support poured in from european leaders. you commission president worth of the funded lion wrote on the social media site x such acts of violence have no
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place in our society and undermine democracy. are most precious common good? the white house reacted as well. president joe biden said in the tweet, we condemn this horrific act of violence. our embassy is in close touch with the government as a vakio and ready to assist robert feats. so as long been a controversial figure in slovakia as politics often described as populist or left wing nationalist e as opposed immigration and threatened to withdraw support for ukraine in its defense against russian. yeah. do you need to add higg what's the walk as prime minister onto may 2023. she has his reaction to the assassination attempt of the tech guy. but can you speak to the the political in bottom and that currently exists in the country. i mean, how have things reach such a point that a sitting prime minister is attacked as well? we see the molars nation all around the world that say, i know of course, is
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a neighboring country ukraine, where there's a ongoing war of blood back over the ration on the civilians are needed certainly is and we are unable to country. so of course this effect of the voyage, but right now as well. but the other challenge you the, we currently facing out to all these crises. so we see more and more than the bullying issue to step into more and more violent and aggressive language. and i think we need to stop with this. we need to really go back to, to, as i said, to the babel solutions and the value of people and, and be very careful because uh the, the citizens of sir the action of the public figures. and they see aggression going on them then. uh, it's easy for them to follow. so therefore, i think this is a moment where we have to turn around and go back and show, as i said, the leadership in showing that we can discuss in the, you know, respect about the solutions and know that they can show that you're talking of
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solutions have you seen such solutions coming in recent months in the, in the end so that, you know, actually the debate was, uh, was very dirty. i mean, we have, we just have over the presidential election and we saw that the presidential election was also very dirty. so so therefore i'm saying that the boys ation at the moment um, i'll just use the lack of, of the see the around the europe and i think around the world is still growling. but the moments like this or this is the moment that where we have to kind of stuff and review the action and, and just change it because this is not the way it should be going on. so when you're talking about political rhetoric and apologizing bottom under a national voc, uh you're saying that most of it is coming from the current government i'm no, i don't want to say anything of this. i mean people are much where is the lack of everybody? everybody knows who says what? so because especially from the public figure, so he's not,
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i'm all mind to pointing fingers at anybody. actually that's not the way to do it because he was the point fingers at each other a showing at a bad example to that decision as citizens. so at this moment, i think we need to really sit together and, and just discuss how we're gonna be role models for our citizens of a respectful debate about solutions for our country in education, health care, security and also other of roles, economic growth, all the or didn't is the last. yeah. we are facing a lot of challenges, but i think also in general that you, you rely, leave it there for the moment. but thanks so much for joining us to their follow. still our prime minister and to add a uh, from brothers level. thank you. so thank you. the leaders of russia in china, i have signed a joint statement to deepen the strategic partnership at a set of many hosted by chinese president eugene being engaging president. vladimir 14 hale rochelle spending ties with china as
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a stabilizing factor for the wrong. it is putting fast forward visits into secure another 6 year tom as president in march. the adults photo shoots and things you on a field trip last week where, where somebody does pick, decides to support for russia. i mean the role in your brain john mississauga and chris by is following this story from badging. i asked him what this deepened to cooperation between russia and china, could mean in practical times to yeah, i mean at least we have have a guess um, so that they just gave a press conference teaching thing and letting the 14 and before the press conference began they were signing this um yeah, very important document of deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership and that was then followed by 10 further documents that stretched from cooperation and infrastructure in term and to information cooperation to um and that's
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the end security. so that's a pretty a whole right wide range of issues. we don't know all the details yet, but i mean, we could guess from the a press conference at the tone, it's really extremely friendly. it was a constant uprising of each other. for example, teaching thing said that the electro ties between china and russia are based on what you to a respect you to support and to both sides expressed a wish to enhance and deepen their cooperation. so i would say they were know critical under tones that i resisted, and it was really all the price between china and russia, and i stay with us, but i've been, there's a lot more to discuss. but 1st, let's take a closer look at how try not rush out of nations have changed. in recent years of last month's chinese president shipping made russia his 1st overseas trip up to securing a 3rd time as leader moscow, a symbolic choice of to use a pundum akira isolation voting. now, just to recap to his face,
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the new gratian is russian president, vladimir, who's in is returning the on it, making badging the 1st for one trip of kids time. both countries are interested in projecting unity in the face of what they say is a global or the dominated by the united states. that when russia's foreign minister such a life problem was in the aging last month, he hailed what most going badging career and no limits punish it is yours. not more than once. alida is president putin and president changing, paying like have stressed to the determination of russia and china to counter attempts to slow down the formation of a multi polar weld to slow down the long overdue processes of democratization and justice. which is that's the is pretty good linguist, as they celebrate 75 years of different logic ties. china is very much the senior partner. the 2 sides of deacons military exchanges seems piercing, launched his invasion of ukraine more than 2 years ago. and even more unfortunately,
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some must go trade tides between the 2 balloons. providing russia in economic lifeline and mid sweeping international functions totally customize the response west committee does have when she against providing must go with support sports invasion. you may get a, some have even all she to ring in boots. it, we call it on china to use all its influence on russia, to end russia's will of aggression against ukraine. but china is lead just as long as he brushed off the criticism and ignore the request. was fine movie you. we oppose using the ukraine crisis, the cost, blame me, a 3rd country, and inside a new cold war sun don't, should look dry and solar you sees repeating environment piercing sherry just staying through us global leadership. with most go increasingly isolated diplomatically and this economy. you launch the prop top by badging both know that
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no limits. partnership is no longer one between equals 5 and credit rested with us from badging 5 down with the russian army attacking an eastern ukraine. i'll be expecting chinese support for russia to increase. well, i mean it right now this already a lot of in direct support from china towards the food teams. um yeah. building up the military base. um, i mean, not to use products that you know, have been identified by the european union for example. they come from china to russia, either directly through exports or through re exports. and there's only so far that china can go without risk getting risk of, you know, being further early in the united uh, with the west. i mean, already now it is not very credible, but a china claims to state, namely that it is a neutral party and that it does not know that it's a peace loving nation that wants to support negotiations. but i think that's what a seating thing wants to state,
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and i think his support to russia will always stop short of sending weapons. why? because, i mean, the chinese companies are also very afraid of, you know, getting sanctions by the west. and so they have to keep a balance dollars to 5 year on the credit for the speaking from badging. the netherlands look set to have its most right. been government, and decades after the date was reached between full parties. following months of negotiations, the announcement was made by until you some politician had been those whose bothering for freedom received the most. what's in last, the members elections? it's still not clear who will become prime minister. when does hotline news on his law meant he had to step aside from taking that role. so what dean could be reached to see michael chairs is an assistant professor at lightning university in the netherlands. i asked him how big of a shake of this coalition is for? that's politics. but that's
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a very big shake of being in the sense that the bbc and in other words, has never been a part of government that's tolerated. the governments between 20102012. so in the buried, it had a role in government, but now it has a leading role in the new government. they will see it also in the position of the government. you can also see the emphasis on issues in the new quote issue. in particular, migration is discussing a lot of detail, even though it is just the way it's supposed to be. an agreement that is on the broad strokes policies when it comes to integrations. really detailed, which shows the focus of this party on limiting migration to the same on it, which is from live university in the netherlands there to hong kong. next, where crowds are flocking to the cities strong jo island to watch the ancient floating colors. but aid also known as abundant festival and tribute to a local sweet delicacy. one of the main traditions is a competition to scramble up a 14 me to high tower decorated and fig funds. children addressed and costumes and harvested onto poles to accompany the parade. representing the festivals origins.
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when fishermen, in the 1800s used the statues of de t's to drive away the play us . that's all the for the moment, the don't forget you can get all the latest news and information around the clouds on our website that's at dw dot com. i'm british by energy in the lane. thank you so much for watching that to you by check in about 45 minutes. the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a lot of crime. it's probably up to speed. if the carriers, by the time it's something subscribe to those channels, we've got here videos every friday. subscribe to plan. it's a the
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