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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 16, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the, the, the, the, we knew his life from berlin, russia as president vladimir putin may join us changing pain and beijing. the true leaders hailed their countries, ties as for, for stability and what they call a chaotic world. also coming as you brain tries to fend off rushes, major new offensive in the northeast president. the letter means the landscape travels to the region to talk to military leaders. and after yesterday's assassination attempt will bring you an update on the condition of the slovak in prime minister rubber seats. so, and the suspect of government, the
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article for at least welcome to the show, the presidents of russia and china say their relationship has become stronger in the face of growing tensions with countries in the west. the comments com as letting me put and holds talks and changing, paying as part of a 2 day state visit to china. the 2 leaders have signed an agreement on deepening thomas. they're saying they were trying to end the war in ukraine, but offered no details on their efforts. the red carpets and fun saving by doing a chinese president, changing pain metal russian president vladimir putin. this is putin. second trip to china in a year. and his 1st since beginning is new term. he said by june as a 1st destination goes, quote, logical. the alliance for china has become especially important to russia since its
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invasion of ukraine in 2022 left to much more isolated on the wild stage. both need is also shared mutual concerns about what they call west and the gemini on the soonest. even in today's world, the cold war mentality is still ramp and the you need that her old head gemini, of block confrontation, and the policy of force directly threatened world peace and the security of all countries followed by this. i do see china and russia perceive a political settlement as a right way to resolve the ukrainian crisis. but china has so deal purpose technology to rush us about the conflict which has military uses. putin expressed his gratitude to china to them. your problem is we consider it necessary to work towards building a reliable and adequate security architecture in the asia pacific region, in which there is no place for coast military, political alliances,
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which you think it is very harmful and congo productive to create such alliances. of course, on my part, i will continue to inform the chairman about the situation that is developing along the ukrainian crisis. wayne school cuz it's a mutually beneficial strategic relationship for both countries. and it's one that will be watched closely by western leaders, are now joined by journalist savvy and catch my eye, and beijing and dw corresponding j rush. she might not get in riga probably. and let's start with you. both sides have hailed their relationship as a no limits partnership. what exactly is china hoping to gain from it? so yeah, i would say that it's china once mandy, 2 things, maybe the 1st aspect is rather pragmatic code wants to em. benefits economic from the state as quote now after the one ukraine, lots of west and companies have left the russian market and a chinese companies of putting that gap. and on the other hand, also, um russia,
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it's basically a cheap gasoline station for port china. so it delivers oil and gas it discount price. so um china benefits from that. but then that's another aspect. and i would say that the china has a very much strategic interested outlined with russia maybe. um, the rest of it is helpful for china that it can deal a blow to the west if can help undermine the liberal roots based order. and i think both countries actually have different perspectives and how a future order could look like. i think they are not 100 percent, a light on that question, but both want to see the width and dominance of gone. and i think this is really also what keeps them together. is you guys what are the expectations on the russian side, especially looking at the ongoing war and ukraine, of course, or the russian delegation. the top priority of course, is securing more support from the chinese side for the russian war efforts. and i think very high on the russian, the priorities least is securing the chinese imports of the social dual use goods.
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so goods which russia can later used to produce weapons by itself. we know china older than north korea or iran doesn't export weapons to china as to russia, excuse me. during this conflict, however, this ex, this exports of dual use products have been bumped up significantly. so as the start of the war, and we are talking about products like my quick of micro electronics and machine tools that are necessary to produce arms, ball bearings, necessary to produce tags. and these experts have been in a recent 2 months has decreased significantly due to an increased american pressure . the us officials have bold china that they will be sanctioning chinese banks, which facilitate such deals. and so the expectation is that today, letting me put him in his broad delegation that she brought it to him, said with himself the china will be there finding ways with chinese counterparts to
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facilitate such deals in the future to enhance rushes, rushes, weapons, production skip abilities, you mentioned that there ukraine's western allies have repeatedly urged china to reduce its support for russia's war effort, fabia. but they've also asked china to throw its weight around a little more and help pay the way towards peace. how likely is that to happen on terms that would be acceptable to ukraine and its allies as well? i think not very like yes so, so that is the 2 dimensions to this question. so on the rhetorical level, um, i mean at china is now pushing for negotiations into a political settlement, a political solution, and that is backed by a restaurant. so putting has endorsed the chinese piece plan, um, uh, quote unquote, but i mean i have to, uh emphasize this is really um, like a negotiation and uh, basically russian um, terms of, for example,
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this also planned p summit to them in switzerland which is china has not officially endorsed, rather the opposite of this no sign yet that china will actually send a high level of delegation to switzerland. and secondly, as in terms of supporting um, putting small efforts. i mean, we still see a lot of people use goats being exported to russia. and if you can read the science, i mean just during the summit i'm putting is coming with his national security team to badging. and he will also visit tomorrow. and harvey knows the city in the very north of china, the harping institute of technology. i mean that it, at least from a symbolic point of view, this is a sign that maybe at least i would look out for that, that maybe russian defense industry will get more access also to a chinese technology. so i think right now the science and not looking very good, that china was significantly reduce its support towards the pool teams. miniaturization is yours. now, looking beyond the diplomatic language of this meeting and this show of unity open
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join criticism of the west. how equal is the relationship between russia and china? the voice of this is not a very, a quote relationship because we have russia, a country which, which is a very much isolated diplomatic, the economically. and we have china, which is not just that china has much more options diplomatically, economically, and it is using them. it has some sort of leverage on russia, which is the key we've just heard about russia being a chief gas station for a china. china is consistent to think out a russian efforts to increase the gas in force from russia, and which forces rush out the cell, a gas to china. it's significant, significant discount. however, from the russian perspective. so even being dependent on rush on china is much
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better than being completely isolated. and i think this is what this me think today, this big russian delegation to china shows. thank you so much share, gosh, in riga and far beyond in beijing. great to get your input. in the meantime, ukrainian president folder is a landscape says the military situation in the north eastern region of car keys is extremely difficult, but still under control. as he says, he was speaking after a meeting with his military chief near the front line, rochelle launched a major ground assault into the region last week. some of the heaviest finding has been in the town of, of john square, almost a 1000 people had been forced to flee their homes. this is to residence reluctantly, leaving po, chomsky as fighting intensifies many arrive on the declaration point on foot.
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it's become hotter to drive out of the city with damaged roads and fighting on some straits with the most that we are here evacuating people's been helping everyone situation have a chance goes extremely difficult. why up was the soon of the enemy is holding decisions on the streets? so please evacuate where you were helping everyone where seemed the working on the spot. and i mean, together we will win the ukraine flow clean you nearly 8000 people have been evacuated since friday. ukraine is trying to hold the line. brushes defense ministry claims to have captured a handful of villages. ukrainian, president below them is the landscape. everything must be done to ensure that the russian offensive does not succeed sort of gives you know how she of region or
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defense continues in the areas near the border and the city. and for chance. over the course of the day, let's say our defense and security forces have managed to possibly stabilize the situation on the, the, the occupier who entered into how he projected to live, just being destroyed. with all available means, see mazda possible modem issue. the town of ocean skids around 75 kilometers from hockey. ukraine speaking, largest city keeps is russians. assault does not present an imminent threat to the city which is home to 1300000 people. earlier we spoke to the w as an economy and kia of and asked him whether ukraine can hold the line we are hearing from the gray notary that they say they have slowed down that russian. the vaults may have the book road, northeast of hardship. i think in that part of the country, it is less about the kind of industrial kind of positional welfare that we've seen in the east of the country. and don't best way it really is about having enough people in the trenches and having enough thoughts of the refills to kind of return
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fire. this is for a lot more reminiscent of the 1st week of the war where you basically have russian troops in coming in on foot. and it's more a kind of game of hide and seek, finding what those troops off and trying to kind of control and kind of contain that russian develop. so i think it's less about kind of results has been now this certainly more question of the quality of ukrainian latree responses, especially in the 1st few days will this. but certainly there isn't expectation that maybe the russians and a couple of days time could take the city of, of chance. they all as we believe on the kind of northern outskirts. so it's still very difficult to get a really comprehensive picture. access is very patchy for journalists and even internet phone connection is very poor, and understandably so often enough. it turns out that the village is that a so to be under our control on the other way around. so it is still almost a week into this border incursion and pretty at unclear picture data. we use an economy reporting from keith. let's take a quick look at some other headlines from around the world. heads of state have
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begun arriving in bahrain for an air leading summit focused on the war and gaza. un secretary general, antonio gutierrez is also in attendance. the gathering follows a november meeting and so on. your radio were era leaders condemned israel's actions, but took no concrete actions themselves. around $100.00 filipino activist have sailed out to resupply fishermen and a fiercely disputed area of the south china sea. the convoy handed out food and fuel near the scarborough show were filipino fishermen have been blockaded by chinese coast guard ships. china claims much of the sea as its territory despite the un court ruling against it. in 2014 of the, at least 3 people are dead. after a kiosk exploded in the german city of distant door, 16 others are injured. officials say the ground floor kiosk exploded over night, sparking a fire that engulfed the 6th story. apartment building police are investigating what triggered the blast. so lucky and presidents has on something tova has called
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for an end to what she described as a vicious circle of patriots in her country. that some day after an assassination attempt on prime minister robert faith. so it's always shot 5 times by an attacker who remains in police custody. the attempt on faith. so his life came at a time of high pull her eyes ation into the lock. you. the thousands of demonstrators have repeatedly rallied in the capital and around the country to protest his policies. 20 for hours after the attack feats over mains and hospital were doctors treating him, provided an update on his condition. uh, that's in tomorrow, um and to help protect the patients stuff with multiple gunshot booths. so the consequences of these will affect his recovery and we'll do some better way to get ahold again that see of the whole trust at the moment his condition has stabilized . but it is still very serious indeed that you know that i then me bash me. that's why you really kept for the intensive care unit at the hospital. i mean, you know,
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that he will be looked after the best thing that i, the entire team of doctors that he will need to help. we get that out to the team. um, so it seemed like cut off, could he be able to buy a horse spawn and jack park is in bon scobee straits in slovakia, outside the hospital where robert veto is being treated. jack. and what's the latest you have on his condition? so yeah, so we know now he's going to remain in the i see you as you would expect, is this sort of a collective sigh of relief. it looks from every sort of statement we've had from officials and what we understand his life is no longer on the threats as there was an expectation that it would have been off to. he was shot yesterday in the time of high and low. so it looks like he will survive this a ties, but the implications of a failed assassination attempt are also pretty big push the back here as we had in today's elections. there's european elections coming into the do we have any
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updates on the suspected attacker and what could have been his motive? so he remains in costs of the cost of the if you've seen the videos online, he was immediately arrested off the shooting is a 71 year old. we know there's a lot of video circulating on line as well, which in which he says that his motive was to do with the attack as he saw it of the prime minister robot feed. so and the government on the television and radio, the pro cost is here in slovakia, obviously there's a major investigation going into exactly what the motives was, why this happened, but also why this was a live to happen. why the security situation allowed this to happen? it's a country in shock, but that's the consequences are already happening. what, what's happening in slovakia right now? yes, so as, as the head piece pelligrini, the president elects. he'll come into power in june and rehabs his under could
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cooper to capital over the current president at bows. cooling for a lot election campaigns either to be suspended or to be turned on the rhetoric, the political rhetoric here in slovakia for a long time now has been extremely heated, rather feed. so himself, i think, would freely admit that he is a very, very sort of aggressive style, a politician and the, the temperature both among the press and the government and all position policies, the governing policies has raised to a point. now that's not to say that there's a valid reason for an assassination attempt, but what those senior political figures here in this country is trying to do is to calm the tensions bearing in mind as i say, we're running into those election companies. if you look across the times and cities is that ra billboards and posters for election candidates for those you, if you're in a license which was saw on the 6th of june sac parent and bhaskar basement. so walk . yeah, thank you so much felice. here in germany have rated
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the offices of a leading far right politician over allegations of bribery and money laundering. prosecutors investigating paid a bist drawn a sitting m p with the alternative for germany parties searched several properties . is drawn is accused of taking money from a pro fruit and russian only guard if the colleagues defended him to the media. as police searched has been to stock parliamentary offices on thursday. i think it more now from the w political correspondent, matthew more matthew and tell us more about these investigations and what happened today. what were police looking for? as yeah, well the 1st 10 new we go on the, there was a pretty major story on the way it was when the bonus tag said it had lifted immunity, the one on one of the politicians. and then we found out that the public prosecutor and munich had launched an investigation against a politician on suspicion of framing a public official and money laundering on pizza based on his constituency in munich,
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which is presumably why the bavarian criminal police are in the lead on this on today more than 6, the officers involved were involved in rage in berlin, in munich, and in the spanish island of my yorker. and i saw them standing outside, paid the best strong's office here in belin castanan. god well colleagues searched and his office and site and they were looking for what they said was data carriers, phones, laptops, tablets, tablets, etc. things like that which, which kind of information that could be useful to their investigations which come to months after reports flushed to match that pizza based on took money, allegedly took money from a russian only got behind that this information come paid. and it's important to see that puts a restaurant has said that he has done nothing wrong and that this is a smear campaign. i didn't see him today, but i spoke to a colleague who did. and they said that he maintained his innocence and the strong and another leading empty politician likes to me and kind of come under intense scrutiny and recent weeks for their alleged links to pro russian networks. and you
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explained what vis, drawn is being accused of but, but more broadly, what are we looking at here? or yeah, well, it's not just a piece pits of best on. it says the lead candidate for the european elections has his, the lead candidate is mike, somebody in cry. i know he had to sign one of his closest each last month after the aid was arrested and charged on suspicion of transpiring for china. crime sale is not the focus of the police investigations there, but he's been sidelined and the european elections campaigned by pots and leaders, and all of this selves to raise questions about the party links to authority, relaxers and regimes around the world. time when they are really trying to present themselves as being a posse to is dedicated to germany this week i also saw a senior i of the politician be on hecker being fine for using a ban, nazi slogan, power. all those negative headlines affecting the of these popularity in germany.
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well, a room for the run the last year. the if these be enjoying some kind of high in the polls, reading some 2324 percent. then in january of this year, that was a big story about if the politicians meeting outside felon, on where they discussed, allegedly discussed the force deportation of you, german nationals. and that really took it then to, to they're pulling numbers since then these, this kind of trickle of stories about links to russians or chinese spies hasn't really done much to damage the policy support. but the question will be if that continues and if there are rest, whether or not my home, it's protection amongst its corvil. and as i see it standing around, i know about 20 percent mark nationally. so we'll be, we'll be looking to see whether that's affected in the coming days and weeks. now there's plenty of elections coming up that will show us how this is actually being taken by the german public. that was the w political, corresponded matthew moore. thank you so much. i now the
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netherlands look set to get it's most right wing, government and decades offer a deal was reached reported leave between 4 parties. following months of negotiations. the announcement was made by anti islam. politician the caird builders, whose party for freedom received the most votes and last november's elections. it's still not clear who will become prime minister filters hard line views on his lawn when he had to step aside from taking that role. so a deal could be reached. simon osha's is an assistant professor at light and university and the netherlands, and we asked him how big of a shake up this is for politics in the netherlands? well, that's a very big shake of in the sense that the bbc. and in other words, it's never been a party of government that's tolerated. the governments between 20102012. so in the period it had a role in government, but now it has a leading role in the new government. and we'll see that also in the position of the government. you could also see the emphasis on issues in the new quote issue.
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in particular, migration is discussing a lot of detail, even though it is just what it's supposed to be. an agreement that is on the broad strokes policies when it comes to integration is really detailed, which shows the focus of this party on limiting migration to the middle assignment, which is from light in university in the netherlands. and a quick look at some other headlines from around the world. thousands of residents have an order to evacuate. the city of fort mcmurray and central canada to escape and approaching wildfire. authorities say the fire still out of control. locals fear a repeat of a 2016 wildfire in the area that burned down 2400 buildings for sales president and losing us to let us silver has announced a package of measures to support people effected by the extensive flooding in the southern state of rio grande who to so 149 people died over the past few weeks as water levels to merge the entire neighborhoods within 600004 forced to flee their
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homes to georgia, now were thousands. have once more turned out and the capital to boise and protest against a new foreign implants, law western nations have joined the opposition to political leaders in georgia in denouncing the legislation, which requires foreign funded organizations to register as foreign agents. young people are especially angry respirator, 17 year old on the staff here is ready to rally for george's future with the respirator on her head, in case police fire to your gas. so she is out to meet people who share her anger. george's youth are furious over the for an influence law passed by the parliament the, i feel like everything my or is everything going into the water.
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everything with this 84 direction of the time. i don't know if you want to know that i'm honest. i see it is referring to the 84 law makers who voted in favor of the law. it requires any n g o or media organization getting more than 20 percent of funding from abroad to register as an agent of foreign influence. the ruling georgia dream party defends the law in the us today is the most important day in terms of strengthening the independence and sovereignty of our countries of the adoption of the law on transparency of for an influence creed, strong guarantees of long term peace and tranquility, in georgia, and i'm sure they'll be so the soon for this you as one that the log when danger
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georgia's pass to the block, the baltic states are among the strongest critics of the bill. let's see their foreign ministers mat georgian president's problem is the speed lead plans to veto the legislation. the crowds are flocking to hong kong strung chow islands to watch the agents loading colors parade, also known as the bun festival and tribute to a local sweep. delicacy. one of the main traditions of the competition to scramble up a 14 meter high tower decorated in fake buttons. children are dressed and costumed and hoisted onto poles to accompany the parade, representing the festivals, origins, and fishermen in the 1800s east statues of thieves to drive away the place. before we go, let me remind you of our top story. at this hour, for us has blood, we are put in a china changing pain. i've signed a statement in basing on deepening ties between their 2 nations. they also discussed long scales full scale invasion of ukraine and proven saying, hope china would play a constructive role and returning your up to piece as offer now, but don't forget,
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you get all the latest news and information from around the world on our website that is the w dot com make sure to join us again at the top of the next hour. the
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the width of the folding soldier's bloody mirror and his team of searching for the dead from the ukrainian will. they identify even the smallest remains, day and day out. awesome. and so when felonies to grieve at the grain, they have to assume they do see focus on 0 right? next on d, w, the green transition that is necessary is not a fault. how can we go back to stone age?
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so anything global solutions for the energy transition. they need to be quick and affordable and impossible combinations their renewables revolution in 45 minutes on d w. the . so you didn't think and feel the same way you expect. and one different thing in some lines from your parents. i just want to pursue what sets my salon fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable, all stuff. i want my son to the doctor to indicate it's
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time to to and then when generation nash the hello and welcome to focus on europe. my name is live show, great to have you with us in the war against russian president putin's troops. ukraine is being pushed more and more into the defensive. particularly the north eastern part of the country is witnessing increased fighting. the settlements near the city of how to give especially are under attack. thousands of civilians had to be evacuated from the boarder. regence entire buildings have been reduced to rubble so.


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