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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the business, the, the we news line from berlin ups we, for com and slovak, you, after an assassination attempt political leaders call for an end to a vicious cycle of hatred in a divided country. one day after a government tried to kill the prime minister. also coming on precious president, fluttering food, and made shyness, a changing ping and bathing the 2 leaders. hail their country, ties as a force for stability and what they call a chaotic world. the
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nicole for like it's good to have you with us. a man has been charged with attempted murder after he tried to assassinate the slovak prime minister, rober feet. so veto was shot 5 times and is set to be now in a stable but serious condition in hospital. so lucky as interior minister says the gun man was a lone wolf who did not belong to a specific political for the attempt on feats. those life comes at a time of high polarization. in slovakia, thousands of demonstrators have repeatedly rallied in the capital and around the country to protest his policies. you know, we've corresponded jack paragraph outside the hospital were robert feed, so is being treated jack, a suspect has been formerly charged. what more do we know about the man and his possible motive steps? so we know that he's a 71 year old mine, the interior minister of so that you said that he had attended on government
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protests in the past. slowly about media has been reporting quite extensively on this mom because he was arrested straight off the shooting yesterday. there are multiple videos of him that have been circulating on the internet. i thought about media says he's a poet. underwrite to. they suggest that he was ones aligned and turned up to riley's related sort of patriotic militaristic groups here, but then changed his political affiliation and started subbing for peace. but now we hear from the interior minister that tends to be, he was attending these on 2000 the rallies and the he was not being charged, as you say, with attempted murder of the prime minister rather feed. so me a lot of concern about his condition, of course, after the attack, the hospital staff gave an update on how he's doing. we'll get back to you in a 2nd. but 1st, let's, as an maxine tomorrow, i'm going to help protect the patient stuff with multiple gunshot booths. so the
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consequences of these will affect his recovery and we'll do some better way to get ahold of getting that c o the whole chest at the moment his condition has stabilized, but it is still very serious indeed that uh, you know, as i barely bash me that's why you really can't fund the intensive care unit at the hospital. i mean, uh, you know, that he will be looked after the last thing that i, the entire team of doctors that he will need to, how we get set out to the theme. uh so it seemed like cut off 30 be able to by checking here at the hospital were fee, so it was being treated. what more can you tell us about his condition? so yeah. so there's been a sort of slight side of re lease if you put it that way. it seems that they have stabilized him, though it just doesn't look quite as worried as they did immediately in the off them off of the attack. we know that he's probably going to have to stay in intensive care. he's still been shot 5 times. there's probably a long recovery to go through, but the adults just don't appear to be failing for his life. and that is obviously
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a good sign. but it also doesn't really is just the political implications of what this means and attempted assassination can often have very, very large and implications, especially as, as we run into those european elections coming in june. this has so fears a further acts of violence in the run up to these elections in about 3 weeks time. how do you think it's going to affect the remainder of the campaign and the extreme polarization in the country? yeah, it is really extreme polarization. i've been speaking to us and so about journalist some colleagues who are 1st name very, very nervous to speak to anyone else about the political climate here, immediately off to the shooting ministers from the government. here into the back. you pointed the thing, is it done this and said you are to blame for creating this climate? and i spoke to a couple of the correspondents from the slide by state media. they said that they were really happy to see that the incoming president on the outgoing president
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earlier just in the last few hours, came by to include the com code for tensions to be diffused. even suggesting that the campaign should be suspended or definitely turned died in the run up to those elections. dep. erica from bonds. com based or to in slovakia? thank you so much for that update. as the presidents of russia and china say their relationship has become stronger and the face of growing tensions with countries in the west. the comments come as letting me put and holds talks with changing pain as part of a 2 day state visit to china. do leaders have signed an agreement on deepening their ties, their sets, they were trying to end the war in ukraine, but offered no concrete details on their efforts of red carpets in the sun saving by doing a chinese pleasant and changing pain metal. russian president vladimir putin. this
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is putin, 2nd trip to china in a year. and his 1st since beginning is the time he said by june as a 1st destination was quote, and the logical. the alliance for china has become especially important to russia since its invasion of ukraine in 2022 left to much more isolated on the wild stage . those need is also shared mutual concerns about what they call west and the gemini tom is the soonest him in today's world, the cold war mentality is still rump antello teen light. so you need that her old head gemini, a block confrontation, and the policy of force directly threatened world peace of the security of all countries follow. the problem is that lucy, china and russia perceive a political settlement as a right way to resolve the ukrainian crisis. but china has so deal purpose technology to rush us about the conflict which has military uses. putin expressed
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his gratitude to china. to them, they're pretty me, we consider it necessary to work towards building a reliable and adequate security architecture in the asia pacific region, in which there is no place for coast of military political alliances, same states, it is very harmful and conquered, productive to create such alliances of course, for my part, i will continue to inform the chairman about the situation that is developing a wrong the ukrainian crisis. let's go to school cuz it's a mutually beneficial strategic relationship for both countries. and it's one that will be watched closely by western leaders. we asked journalist fabi and customer in beijing, what china expect to get out of its deepening relationship with russia? so yeah, i would say that it's china once mandy, 2 things, maybe the 1st aspect is rather pragmatic. good ones to em. benefits economic from the state as quote now after uh, the one ukraine, lots of west and companies have left the russian market and
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a chinese companies of putting that gap. and on the other hand, also, um russia, it's basically a cheap gasoline station for port china. so it delivers oil and gas it discount price. so um china benefits from that. but then that's another aspect. and i would say that the china has a very much strategic interest at outlined with russia. maybe. um the rest of it is helpful for china. that it can deal a blow to the west, it can help undermine the liberal roots based order. and i think both countries actually have different perspectives and how a future order could look like. i think they are not 100 percent a like a big question, but both want to see the width and dominance of gone. and i think this is really also what keeps them together as bobby and customer reporting from basing. well, in the meantime, ukrainian president, well, lorenzo landscape says the military situation in the north eastern region of hard cave is extremely difficult. but still, as he said, under control who's speaking after
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a meeting with his military chief near the front line for us to launch a major ground assault into the region last week, some of the heaviest fighting has been in the town of, of charleston square, almost a 1000 people had to flee their homes. this is to residence reluctantly, leaving po, chomsky as fighting intensifies many arrive on the vacuum ation point on force. it's become hotter to drive out of the city with damaged roads and flashing on some straits with the most of it. we are here evacuating people who have been helping everyone to know the situation of a chance because extremely difficult is why up was the soon of the enemy is holding decisions on the streets. so please the back, you ask it look where you're helping everyone. we're seeing the working on the spot, and i mean, together we will win the ukraine full credit union. nearly 8000 people
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have been evacuated since friday. ukraine is trying to hold the line. russia's defense ministry claims to have captured a handful of villages. ukrainian president below them is the landscape. everything must be done to ensure that the russian offensive does not succeed sort of gives you know how she of region borders. defense continues in the areas near the border and the system level chance over the course of the day. that's a defense and security forces have managed to possibly stabilize the situation through the occupier who entered into a hot heat engine. light is being destroyed with all available means. see mazda possible modem issue. the ton of ocean skids around $75.00, killing me, says from keith ukraine. second largest city. keith is russia's assault, does not present an imminent threat to the city,
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which is home to 1300000 people. and a quick look at some other headlines from around the worlds at the state have begun arriving in by rain for an air of leading summit and focused on the war and gaza. you and secretary general and tanya guitars is also in a to and the gathering follows the november meeting and saudi arabia were error leaders condemned israel's actions, but took no concrete actions themselves. around a 100 filipino activists have sailed out to resupply. fishermen and the fiercely disputed area of the south china sea. but conway handed out food and fuel near the scarborough show. we're filipino fishermen have been blockaded by chinese coast guard ships. china claims much of the sea as its territory despite the un court ruling against it. in 2014 germany has officially unveiled as squat for the year of 2024 soccer tournament, which kicks off in june. told me
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i'm interested in football association. we used to liberties, influencers and fans to reveal many of the names ahead of the announcement coach he was on august 1 surprised many by leaving out some big name players, his time of a scotland and the 1st game of the tournament on june 14th. an echo flores from the w sports. it was at the unveiling of the german squad. he's always me now i had go . we know how germany will line up at the yours or the stand out players for you as well. we got to talk about 20 costs, clearly the player that's retired at the last 2 years after the last 2 years and then he's made his come back to the, to the team. now he will be at this year was expecting you to hopefully when the trophy at the same time he brings that experience and, and really that football that but he, he is known for, but also we can talk about younger players like your mind. we'll see all a fuel and dance. they are pretty much the present and future of germany. so those
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are the players that really stand out. but as mentioned 20 course is definitely one of the keys for you and, and get some and team ahead of the home. yours here in germany. what about the players and didn't make the cut any shockers there? well, we're going to talk about my 10 minutes. who plays football, which i thought ones, they will be playing of the chapters the final against real madrid. and we, as we know, maps home and it has not made the team only 2 players from both yet thought might have made the team. i made the cut and these 2 players are and they just put code and lots of bic. um and as mentioned maximum is the one that stands out it just because he's in such a good form. you didn't magazine was asked about it during the process or just earlier and uh yeah, he did say uh, it was a difficult decision to not include him, but uh, these are the positions that a coach has to take. and uh yeah, he's one of the players that might be for a lot of fans missing and this and the squad. so now that we have the full picture of what our germany's trance is at this tournament. well as host,
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of course germany what should be and where you expect them to be favorites. however, germany happened on a slump ever since the 2018 world cup they have improved. however, under your coach, due to not gonna spend, who took over and in october, november, those were his 1st matches. so he's had a short 10 years coach and he's got a big, big, big jump to fail. now, playing here, the euro is at home. so he didn't mention that he expects the team to do well the yours, but of course he's really convinced that this is a team that could bring success to germany. we'll have to wait and see that was the, the a sports reporter, hicho flores. thanks for that. and before we go, here's a quick recap of our top story loc. as prime minister robert pizza was reported to be in a stable condition after undergoing surgery following. and the fascination attempt, 71 year old man has been detained in connection with the shooting and charged with attempted murder rushes, fluttering food, and that china changing, paying has signed a statement envisioning and deepening ties between their 2 nations. also discussed
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most cost full scale invasion of ukraine with food and saying he helped china would play a constructive role and returning your to piece that's our time to thank you so much for your company. the stage present into already is whenever they feel like you don't limit 1000 kind of for design of fashion. and most of the pieces in the sky is many on including the office to buy. how do they do it? the secret lives of size starts may 22nd on dw the the.


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