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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  May 16, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm CEST

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the, the secret lives of the inside dogs may 22nd on d, w. the hello and welcome to focus on europe. my name is live show, great to have you with us in the war against russian presidents pretends troops. ukraine is being pushed more and more into the defensive. particularly the north eastern part of the country is witnessing increased fighting. the settlements near the city of how to give especially are under attack. thousands of civilians had to be evacuated from the border region and tire buildings have been reduced to rubble . thousands of soldiers and civilians have lost their lives since the beginning of
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the war. the exact number is unknown. now specialized units are coming through the battle fields in search of the bodies of those killed. our reporter met one search team in the region around how to give and witnessed how the men are putting their lives in danger. to give you credit on families a chance to lay their loved ones tourist. a warning that some viewers may find the following. contents disturbing on the boat done, he picks was killed 2 years ago. his mother, victoria still remembers the afternoon when a voice on the phone told her that her son had died in combat fighting for ukraine . it was all just so strange in such a strange day. i took a few sedatives and in the evening i just fell asleep with broken liver. i lay down . i must slip through the 9th,
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who is room to move in. this is the day off. does it's truly awful oh throwing you wake up and you don't want to admit it's true for you. think to yourself, i must have drink. it says oh, just a terrible dream. and it to more than a year before victoria he picks was able to bury her son. here in his home town in the car key is an important place for her to be able to grieve her younger son, jato slab was also killed at the front. but his remains have not being fined. let me put you with the foot, but he will still be found tinkling bolton's burial. we tried to keep a pluck free next to him to move the thing. it would be nice if that were both very t, except for when they were always so close at me for 3 hours from har heath close to the front. below the mirror and his team spend thirty's searching for fallen soldiers. their unit specializes in recovering the dead so that their relatives can pay their last respects. it's a dangerous job. as
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a former battlefields are often scattered with minds law, what channels the explosion was he and the russians often leave behind surprises, length bathroom. they're even under that bodies. would you be too loving estimates for the death toilet? well over 100000, but the figures cannot be verified. many are still lying somewhere in the fields of eastern ukraine. it doesn't take long before for the mere team find something. this this is what was most of the young's go, she has good faith and my experience tells me these are not human bones wouldn't go to the pharmacy. i had a lot of chickens, cows, and pigs on their pharmacy, when they fled and they had to leave them behind the bull bull, whoops, go. if you bundle a little further side, closer to the combat. so another team leaves are what they brought back from a search operation. they found 10 corpses in a forest area who is, you know, they have to identify the bodies,
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most of which are severely disfigured. i'll put my motor to look for, know you who we have a notebook with some phone numbers in it. the for this is probably the contact information for his daughter. so home, this should make it easy to confirm his identity or from birth to even the smallest physical remains can be enough to identify ukrainian soldiers. there matched to a database of d, n, a samples the for the month of to be for the month to part. so we found the tiny pieces of thing is piece and bone fragments in the faces of animals that go through. if there's even an shaun's to identify a person, we leave noise going on to the north. every soldier should be brought back to the family, uses the boma alexi says that some of the deceased here are probably russians. the
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team also tried identifying the bodies to the best of their ability. nothing but why they kill us, but we remain human. every person should be buried with dignity. after hours of searching below them here and his team have come across more boons in a remote field based on the location below them, your concludes that these are also russian bodies. the hopes that remains can be handed over later during an exchange of fallen soldiers. the bottom you can be sure it wouldn't even say and we listened at some point, a special unit bill taken care of handing over the bodies organ victoria he picks his whole thing for such a hand over her youngest son was probably killed and maria pulled on russian occupied territory. only an exchange of remains would allow her to bury him.
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3 of us rush, what's up? we need to seize any opportunity to exchange the did you have to go just to give back remains without getting anything in return to the surface. so it's important for every mazda to be able to move on as a grade for what that is. but despite all the efforts of search teams, the largest, the real site of ukrainian soldiers is likely not here in the cemetery. but in the vast fields of eastern ukraine, for many older europeans, images of the war in ukraine bring back dramatic memories of world war 2. john roberts, from britain, was just a young man. during that time he fought in the battle of normandy, when allied troops ushered in the beginning of the end of the nazi regime. now 80 years later, john sees peace and freedom threatened by pollutants war. he was your opinions to protect democracy on the continent more fiercely than ever before of june.
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6th, 1944 allied troops invaded normandy. it's mark the start of the battle that would determine the course of the 2nd world war and harold, the beginning of the end of national socialism. as a young man in the royal navy, john roberts served on the front line over to the left, unable to the right of and traveled well being bombed a lot about 10 minutes before the landings, 3 or 400 flying fortresses, flew along the beach. they didn't, across the beach, came from north to side. they flew along the beach, dropping $500.00 pound volumes. and from where we, where the whole beach became lit up. it was like fireworks non stop 5 work. the veteran is now 100 years old. back then he was just 20 and by his own account, a little naive press ours. i feel very sad about it. i almost enjoyed the wall of
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not because i enjoyed the was it well, but i would have been up satisfied, missed here. if the, how the people of my age have been in it, but i'd not be there and i being a young man. i wanted to be there forever. the only later when he come to understand the horrors of the war and the scale of the devastation, the appalling losses uh to, to offer, to take off. and yet uh well, are almost getting errors again. for john roberts, the images of destruction out of ukraine are painfully similar to those from his youth in the 2nd world war. i think it's terrible that my grandson could be involved in a wall in 6 or 8 months time. well, i hope not. i mean,
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i'll have to when bill for 12 or one on to everybody said this is the war to enroll was the farmer soldier is confident that it's the strong cooperation within nato that has saved europe for more in recent decades, john roberts served in the royal navy, for almost 4 decades, he rose the ranks to rear admiral and worked closely with the nato troops. to my mind, nato is the most important thing that we have your appear, nations must stick together at the end of world war 2. i couldn't remember where to send you out your omega, his speech and saying that the savior of the or in the future will be for it to be together. and that's why i did not, but to leave your up. i'd like you to remain. but you, john roberts says,
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nato and the you must stand up to rush up just as the allies, one stood together against germany, to avoid repeating what happened in the heart of europe. 80 years ago, the to iceland is becoming more and more of a tourist magnet. people travel there to see the country's unique nature, the gazers, the hot pools. and of course, okay, knows. but for your own on a, for, to see guard son who actually lives on the island. active volcanoes can be a serious threat. he knows all to well about the destructive power of these forces of nature. you on lives in the town of green, the vic where a lava has been bubbling for months. this is a glimpse into the depths of the earth. magma of 1000 degrees celsius is rising. up
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. icelanders have given this volcanic system, the names are saying he or black men do it as being active for months. now the 1st tweaks and lava threatened the timing of going to the just a few kilometers away is residents had to flee. one of the 1st sick, our son was born and raised here. we got the chance to return with him to green defeat. for a few hours. she all sold cracked and crooked. it's a huge gap between the buildings over there. i don't know how it's going to go. i know there are multiple people that really want to come here again. join wants to show us his house. he had to give the key to the fire department. so we entered through the garage part of
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he says he and his family moved in here just 2 years ago. he was sitting in front of the tv with his children. when the big quick came in november. you could see them coming from, you know, below from the ground, you know, just an under you and they were just kicking you under the heat. so i called my wife and said, hey, there's definitely a change in the quakes. let's just pack things and leave of the family to only the essentials with a more state with relatives at 1st houses. then came volcanic eruptions and the lava, even flute into the yard of his own got hit by the law. but this was the neighbor's house burned to the ground. the pieces of rock are still hopped. joint explains have his neighbor is receiving a piano from the disaster insurance policy. the money can be used to build a new home. but the lava stopped before reaching. yon's house. now he's hoping
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iceland, the government will as promise provide relief by purchasing the property i just saw, you know, a huge quantum flame. and i really thought the, you know, my house was gone in the almost hope that it was gone, because then we would have culture northeast. but like many residents of glinda beach yona still waiting for the government to make an offer on his house with dangers. still lurking in the depth, it's unclear at the time. we'll be happy to bill again. geologist and a novelist on an adult to you. work single into the fee under colleague want to assess the underground damage before getting started the to use safety route to link together we are working in a very dangerous area with a lot of trucks and there's a possibility that the ground could cavan. so we need to be extra cautious,
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and if you see a crack, we walk very carefully over it. take a large step over it just to be extra safe. then they get started using this device on wheels. the and mit rate are pulses into the ground. this way we can measure layer by layer beneath the discover cavities and fixtures. that you all would just think it would be too dangerous to live here again, there existing cracks that are whitening as we speak. you know, it happens with every movement or of the, of the quick events that we have here. and it will take them many more weeks to record all the damage. and the habit might not be done yet, because the volcanic area is still active. sicilian photographer, marco demarco, visits the creature regularly. he takes photos and videos for tv broadcasters all over the world. we join them on one of his,
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our things. we will try to go as close as possible by the safest boss spots. we will not try to do something too dangerous because of that. so there is no point. yeah, we arrive at the vast lava field, the lava advancing at a snail's pace. so slowly that we cautiously venture a little closer it's always strange, right? you see the snow in the lobby is like, well, i was at the country if it is unreal, that it's all right in front of you. yeah. it's always like thing shooting, you know, use it. and then the rest is the volcano hot clumps of lava fly from the creature up into the air? the visa do is of okay, i say other 15 minutes of an hour and then you end up staying like 23 hours more.
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you don't even realize that time is flying just it's, it's an amazing like, this is beautiful. then mark, who gets to work the flies this room directly over the creature and captures disputed. the sometimes the northern lights are visible over the volcano. marco has captured incredible time. what's videos like this one? iceland was originally formed by alternators doesn't as are still active. further eruptions can occur at any time. the auction. i me to you on again. i want to know why he decided to live in such a dangerous place. it's
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a very good person there. even though we have those, no natural dangers, the world needs map on the world needs heroes. i think for a bit of both. if he gets enough money for his house and wants to move away from green to vic with his family, even though he find that tough, because his neighbor, the volcano, doesn't seem to be coming down any time soon. the will now introduce you to these tiny insects, which are wreaking havoc in italy, the red fire, and is actually native to south america. but countless and slide. these are now eating their way through italian gardens and crop fields, especially the people near syracuse in sicily have to deal with this invasion as more and more of the destructive insects are showing up. getting rid of them is
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proving to be quite the challenge. ringback there were only a few millimeters in science. so say one of the most viewed invasive species of own the reading posted fly and, or some ups. as in victor, the invincible ferdinand, the color, red light, is an economist and is looking for the insects near syracuse in sicily. can you see it as well? i caught up the red fire at the a little what is it? music i, the it is that means they've already sprayed on this property, and by the eat, the deeper roots of the plan, and that's not even a ton of insects that are beneficial to agriculture. the output gangadeen said they will believe the most of the work for, for the you, the senate is high on its list of invasive spaces. in fact, they will long thoughts and most even exist in unit. but that will change last full
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when scientist sounded the alarm, the in 6 of being sponsored in sicily, so demand to use social media to send out the voting, which low with unaided. what's the one that was, why was that one of this is a big one? what's the bottom is i would also we need to take immediate action to preventive spreading further. our thing is, is that we can keep the red fire and it was under control. i give it a that what, okay. the usually the brazil, china, the us have to spend billions of dollars and they're still unable to contain them or just on the default were spending the damage to agriculture is mask the vehicle in a lock on the ground or say they don't, they're likely to go to the right front and originally comes from brazil. how, when, when it reached sicily is still unclear. i wouldn't advise you on at the so far, the invasion has slipped under the radar. and there has is a major damage and many of this one, but it's a number of and tools grows. it will harm agricultural,
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fruit and vegetable production. and if i call the tri, primarily in places, this would be more sense. for example, in playgrounds or private gardens. after a couple of painful stings and pumps, common caruso realized that it wasn't the nature pants that were ruining her rose got the thoughts up here. they are right on to your roses. for 5 hours of the written the letter for me as a lover of roses, this is just awful that it breaks my heart, the modem i care for them with a lot of love is really for me. when i see what these ants are doing to my roses, it's like they're hurting me pretty darn convicted. i still don't know how to get
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rid of them. i'm not even sure what have you to come up with them and they've been loud, cuz we don't. the sicilian regional government also wants to get rid of them. it recently appointed for a student, john lucas nieto, a special commission. um, he had a machine shipped in some sod, jameel pump that shoots a 140 degrees c into the until it's supposed to help eliminate the unimed vice. it gets 6 weeks off to the 1st test. the team is bachelor to see how it worked. well, no one was here, but you can't see it anymore. there's one here. it's possible they moved over from there. i don't know what's up. yeah. well just saw that yes. these are also red fire ends as well, but also in the last 5 by boat and a little bit more on, i'd be able to use the machine here again. so most of the we've only use it in the 1st 3 and that's over there. and gordon, they were all destroyed at c. c. so no. so what we don't know yet is whether the
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house just moved over here and built in unit same, but as they seem to have done over there, or somewhere that we saw him off completely meant that the main thing is to kill the is a jean english they level 72 by them. high demand has developed a method to combat the invasive ants himself. he makes a sawdust with a liquid and poisoned, and then adds sugar. when you've been in the, with the roof, you then spread this toys and be to run the until the insects will bring it into the next one to see me and just being born and the queen, i love it you. they poisoned themselves or die for the magenta. the regional government has promised to intensify. the size of sudden, endo cods of rela, isn't counting on it. he will continue to find the red fire and on his own in our final report takes us to one of the most. i conic symbols of christianity in
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europe, the not put them cathedral in paris. it was a huge shock when 5 years ago, the building was devastated by fire. but now there is good news. restoration works are in full swing with many people working tirelessly to bring the majestic church back to its former glory. it's probably the most watched construction site in all of paris right now. every bit of progress is recorded, examined and discussed. since it's under, it's interesting to follow the development and learn about the technology used to rebuild the cathedral category and collect into body services. re discovering a part of itself, it's identity, it's re discovering its mother, so to speak, with american, with you now to see it. uh, nearly back to all its glory. it's just wonderful. it's wonderful. on april 15th, 2019 to not show them cathedral called fire firefighters were unable to prevent
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aspire from collapsing the cause of the fire. it's still a noun, french president, my chrome sit and i'm dishes go let's you want to, can we rebuilding know true, done. even more abusively than before, so i want it to happen within 5 years to me for one part of the effort to clean and repair the stained glass windows. hundreds of precious people have been working to restore enough for them to its former glory. the reconstruction project has become a matter of national and personal price. by installing a windows were closing oppose, and the procedural we've worked towards this for a long time. it may stay like this for centuries. it's very touching the room crosses, inspire, or being reconstructed according to the original designing president macro, and had briefly considered giving them a more modern little beginning for thanks to the land mountains, you can do whatever you want just by the sound of all the quote,
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the reopening of the doctor, them seemed hard to imagine 5 years ago, but it's now getting a little closer every day. just let me do this. i had no doubts it, though i was one of the crazy people who said it was possible, but even i didn't expect such a transformation for intended me double food. at least parts of the cathedral should be open to the public again in december. it may not be quite within the deadline sitting by president mccomb, but that's nothing given the grand school. it's enough for them. history. well, that wraps up this week focused on your of i hope you enjoyed the program. remember that we have lots of stories and reports from across europe on our social media. so be sure to follow us there. my name is live show, thanks for watching and see you next time the
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how to deal with the china. for years it's been a reliable economic partner for germany. recently, it's been turning it back on the west. now it's pushing for a new world order. turning in once a dreamy relationship and some more of the dependency with no easy way out in the jaws of the dragon. in 15 minutes on d w. answer the conflicts own with tim sebastian. as the war and ukraine grind on the neighboring voltage states which i anxiously from the ring. so
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i see pressing the west to increase a secure and make sure russia dozens with my guest this week is the last to be as 5 minutes to please stay on his current. and he's clear, later after i pick skin conflict, then in 90 minutes on d w. the why do, how many does not get drunk? why do gravitational waves squeeze all bodies? how much do we need to put a pond print to help find beyond says get smaller on dw science, outtake talk channel the
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words people have to say yes to the that's why we listen because every weekend on d w, the frankfurt have on the international gateway to the best connections, southfield road, andrea hill, located in the heart of europe. you are connected to the world experience outstanding shopping and dining offers. antonio's services be our guest at frankfurt and bought cd. manage by front bought the
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the, the, the news line from berlin. israel back in the dock at the hague of south africa, presses it's genocide, case of the international court of justice, demanding israel. immediately. these operations and concepts are forced upon and explains what's at stake also coming a man is charged over the attempt at killing of slovakia. as a prime minister. political leader leaders call for an end to the vicious cycle of hatreds they see happening in a divided. the country and german soccer takes on social media to reveal it.


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