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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:15pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the state of the news line from berlin, israel back in the dock at the hague of south africa, presses it's genocide, case of the international court of justice, demanding israel. immediately. these operations and concepts are forced upon and explains what's at stake also coming a man is charged over the attempted killing of slovakia. as prime minister political leader leaders call for an end to the vicious cycle of hatred. states be happening in a divided country and german soccer takes on social media to
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reveal it's squad for the next month. 0 tournaments will find out who made the cards and some of the surprising names and those who did the article for at least welcome to the show. the new ones, top court is holding hearings today over new emergency measures, sought by south africa to stop israel's offensive. and rafa the international court of justice convened to hear a case filed by south africa, accusing israel of intensifying what it's called a genocide and gaza is urging the world courts to order a host. israel's assault on rafa, south africans legal team are presenting their case today. and israel will speak tomorrow. the hearings are part of a broader chase against israel sion of the front of the team. and they've been taking place as israel forces is really forces pushed into raffle where many of
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gauze us displaced, people happen sheltering of the rough, fine southern gaza, a shelter for more than a 1000000 palestinians. and now the focus of these rails military assaults, his troops portion to the city, displaced the palestinians, flee again, while the allies abroad hope to prevent further disaster. south africa has petitions, the international court of justice, israel to immediately withdrawal from rafa, and ceased. that's military offensive. it will, sir, aust, israel to take full effective measures to facilitate unimpeded access to aid these measures, a part of an ongoing case filed by south africa that accuses israel, a violation of the genocide convention. an interim rolling and january stopped short of cooling for a cease file. but the court did state that there was
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a real and imminent risk under the convention and demanded provisional measures from israel to prevent genocide where the defense horse into israel must in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza. take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the conventions. the is right, israel has said it is acting in accordance with international law and his colleagues, the genocide cases and baseless the hearings. taking place. this week will focus on emergency measures only south africa will present it side 1st. the country has a long history of solidarity with palestinians. its leaders have drawn comparisons between the situation in israel and the palestinian territories. and that of south
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africa's former a password system. a ruling on the broad a genocide case will likely take he is i c j rulings of binding, but the court has no way to enforce them when, when, where is the international court of justice as it can? everyone only talked about need and we don't want a we want a permanency star and a full withdraw from dasa. gaza has been destroyed in ross. it is not safe. garza as a whole is not safe. and you know, that's the whole month of it. i mean, not any ruling and south africa's favor will. however, compound international pressure on israel at a time when he's really leadership is increasingly isolated over its war in gaza. it'll be a correspondence, a golfer and let's listen to the leads council of south africa, of losing the monday's a lot. sadly, south africa is yet again,
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compared to attend to this quote and recognition of this obligation under the genocide convention. due to the continuing elation of the part of gene and people with over 65000 now killed. and most of the guys they just showed up despite the short notice of this part of hearing. so definitely guys travel here today to do what it's going to attempt to stop the ongoing general side. the try beauty of the text requiring urgent and speedy proceedings to present the lives of the pump student and people. a commitment which south africa takes seriously. right? we're at the south african council, their band. what are the next steps now? for the south africa is making its case today and tomorrow with the court to really hear arguments from is where is the rebuttal from the israeli side. and this way,
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the bill of cause, it's a point to the fact that the time us, which is seen as a terrorist organization in the, in the u, a bodies right in the united states and others. but how much is also part of this whole? and the thing on the ground, the south africa did not mention, has, must so far. and it's what it is arguing as soon as some us stops, it's resistant that it's fighting, then the war would be over. and the intention is right, has no intention actually to kill the palestinian people. and this sort of the street are also rebutting that there's a genocide going on to be able to hear that tomorrow. after that the court now then will decide maybe in the one or 2 weeks. and if the intern or provision initials are granted. and in the general case about the genocide that will take years until a verdict of, of behind it down. so if the i c j were to grant this emergency requests brought in
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by south africa, how powerful would it be? because i see j rulings are binding, but the court has no way to enforce them. see other readings of binding, but they don't have much effect on the ground as it can see now, in this 4 of these rail against the mazda, because it is right, it's just ignoring. but the court says, and the, the, the main problem for the call is there is no police force or something in the roles that can force either side to follow the routing of the card. so it's a more than the political pressure, but very difficult to, to set that in motion on the ground. really nothing that we use boundary good and brussels. thank you so much on a quick look now and some other headlines from around the world. as i said, have met in bahrain for an air league summit. it's on the war and gaza human secretary general antonia with terrorist. also there are rain and saudi arabia have
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called for an international conference on peace in the middle east, including full recognition of a palestinian state into play. see the foreign ministers of the baltic states and iceland joined a protest march, and talked to the streets with large crowds to oppose the foreign influence law passed by parliament. the officials told demonstrators they back the georgian people's hopes of joining nato and the european union. to be on mars, military whom the chief has met with officials from the regional ozzy and block ending years of isolation. the army commander discussed potential cooperation with ozzy and with me on mar, has been excluded from a regional summons. while it's civil war is still being fond, they owe money. around a 100 filipino active as of sailed, alto, resupply fishermen and a fiercely disputed area of the south china sea. the convoy handed out food and
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fuel near the scarborough show were filipino fishermen had been blockaded by a chinese coast guard ships. china claims much of the sea as its territory, despite a un court ruling against it in 2014 thousands of people and have been ordered to evacuate the city afford mcmurry, and central canada to escape an approaching wildfire authority say the blaze is currently out of control locals fear a repeat of a 2016 wild fire that burned down thousands of buildings. a man has been charged with attempted murder over the shooting of the slow back prime minister robert feed. so feel with shot multiple times and is now in a stable. but serious condition hospital. so lock is interior minister says the gun man was what he called a lone wolf and not part of a political political 5 minutes. the lock is highly polarized, with thousands,
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repeatedly rallying against feats. those policies are corresponded. jack park is in bonds. cub districts are in still voc ya outside the hospital for rober feed. so is being treated well we just had a really interesting visit from the incoming president, the president, a legs of savanski, a piece of pellet green e. uh, he came outside the hospital and spoke to reporters. he said that he had just visited the prime minister robot seat robot feed. so in the i see you, he said, confirming the prime minister consciousness that he did have a conversation with robert feet. so he said that he was in a very difficult condition that he was really tired. and that the discussions that they have, the conversations that they had were of a personal nature that they didn't touch on politics or what had happened. that continues to confirm what the director of the hospital had told us that the prime minister is in a stable but serious condition. this attack has stoped spears and slovakia of further acts of violence in the run up to the european elections that is going to
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happen. and in about 3 weeks time. how likely do you think is said that this is going to have an effect on the remainder of the campaign and also be extreme polarization that the country is going through. yes, earlier today, piece pelligrini that president, i like, he stood next to this. i'm going presidents design a cafeteria over and they both hold for a toning dining of the rest of it. he mentioned that again, he right side of the hospice will say that campaigns ahead of the election should either be suspended or turned out in the country. cannot afford heights intentions off to the shooting of the prime minister. it was quite interesting. i see that the 2 came out here. there was probably somewhere in the region of 50 to a 100 reporters. there was a huge security presence with arms police as well. but even just one day off to the prime minister had been shots. he was like in public, again, they are trying to show that the country will move on,
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that trying to show you that the country will be unified. but i've spoken to a lot of stuff vacuums, and especially slovakian john and his local john. this is to say that the aggression between government officials and the press has been continuing and heightening for a long time to the point at which off to the shooting happened on wednesday. so i'm seeing the administrators some senior public political voices came item pointed the finger at the press, pointed the finger at journalist and said, this is your fault. you created the situation in which this has taken place. not just to add the 71 year old suspects has not been charged with attempted murder. videos of him are widespread across the in intern that he was arrested immediately off to also the shooting. in the times of 100 over was jack parent and father scott based. it's a so lucky a, a country in shock. still, thank you so much for that update. and some sports now in germany has unveiled
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squad for the euro. 2024 soccer tournament. kicking off next month. a lot to me, i'm interested in a break with tradition, the german football association used celebrities influencers and fans to reveal players' names. coach you in august months surprised many mind leaving out some establish stars to sign fee scotlands and the 1st game of the tournament on june 14th the now with a squad lined up. the coach not as mine says he's in it's 2, which means to me a times so we should want to win it. i think the squad is very good because otherwise i wouldn't have chosen it for maintenance as it most of it's a, it's difficult to make predictions. we definitely depends how the team deals with the situation. i don't think the opening game is the oldest hiding factor, but it can be an important step i. scotland is a very good team that i'm kind of shocked by this most able to microsoft. that was,
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and you're not going to, i'm commenting on his picks for germany, 02024 squad. and with that, we've reached the end of our show. but stay with us after the break. and the w documentary looks at the changing relationship between china and germany. i'm gonna go further. thank you so much for a company. the can you see is what old car tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on business. so really indeed the snow on youtube


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