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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 16, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the dw news live and from berlin, israel in the dock at the hey. so definitely guys travel today to do, i just kind to identify the ongoing general side at the international court of justice and south africa demands that is real immediately sees operations in gossip also coming up the residential building. it was struck by a glide boom. just about 20 minutes ago, our corresponded with this is the devastation russian forces unleashes. they tried
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to gain ground in northeastern ukraine. the i broke off, it's good to have you with us. the united nations top chords is holding hearings over new emergency measures salt by south africa to stop israel's operations in rasa in gonzo, international court of justice convene to hear the case today of choosing israel. it intensifying what it called a genocide in concept. south africa's legal team is presented this case today is readable, speak tomorrow. the hearings are part of a broader case again, judy is really well south africa's ambassador to the netherlands urge to the world court to order a halt to israel's assault on rough up the city and southern gauze where it has
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been sheltering. many of the display scots, sadly, south africa is yet again, compared to attend to this quote and recognition of its obligation under the genocide convention. due to the continuing annihilation of the part of gene and people with over fidget, 5000 now killed. and most of the guys they just showed up despite the short notice of this photo hearing. so definitely guys travel here today to do what you can to attempt to stop the ongoing general side. the try beauty of the text, but acquiring urgent and speedy proceedings to present the lives of the pub student and people. a commitment which south africa takes seriously. well, i'm joined now by our correspondent rosie. we're in charge. she's been following the hearings for is a rosie walk us through the made arguments that were put forward today by south africa. well, sort of africa asian back in the course,
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not the 1st time we've been here. but what size i forgot to say is that israel's actions in rough or not only amount to a significant escalation, but they say a real change in fax on the ground, which so don't forget is arguing is a real danger to postings as a group in gaza. through the health system and gaza to children and the way they made those arguments. we so lawyers, for example, showing pictures of the destruction and guys, i'm much the strip of course really reduced to rubble. and i think one moment the really through that to me. but it was one of those, as african lawyers really struggling to hold back tears. she talks particularly about the plates of children and gaza. know, so if africa has asked the court to come with emergency orders, asking the israel to or demonte the israel immediately, the unconditionally withdrawal from casa. it's also asking that the court at demand is real, allows unimpeded access for humanitarian workers for you and, and for journalists,
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do we know what the next step is with this case as well, the very next step is israel. we've got to come forward in mind. it's its own arguments and in the past, israel has dismissed rejected. so that for this case, as a baseless blood live. but in fact, israel's even gone farther than that inside that it believes that south africa is really acting as the the legal wing of ha, sears, have africa is a country which traditionally have is close to the posted even calls. israel will likely go on and it's arguments to say that it's a is responding legitimately it believes to be come off after a terror attacks of october. 7th, june is what we argue that it does have the account to protect civilians that is not targeting civilians. but is in fact targeting her mouse militants, and then it will be up to the court to deliberate. and it will likely take a couple of weeks over whether to respond to that 1st. so that for his request for emergency measures, but the bigger case here, brands over whether there has in fact been a breach and the dentist had conducted the convention will that will take years.
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and if the court were to say yes to south africa's request for on ordering these emergency measures of stop to what is going on in, gosh, i mean, what would it be enforceable? is there any teeth here to the court itself and you had stop. court doesn't have any enforcement mechanism if you want any proof of the limits of its power. just nicole, back in early 2022. the court ordered the russian stuff. it's full scale invasion of ukraine. well, we know that that certainly has not happened. but what i think like africa is aiming out here. and what certainly does seems to be the case is that these kind of this case and where we see israel in the, in the hague, it really powers piles more international pressure on israel over this ongoing, over this ongoing issue. monetary and crisis in gaza. and i think that comes specifically at a time where israel's relations with its allies here in europe, for example, but also in the united states are particularly strange. and particularly in light of the ongoing situation in rough of which the you, for example,
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is clearly warrant israel against in the past, against a 90, any sort of full scale assault there, dw, is rosie bird charged with the leaves tonight from brussels. rosie is always thank you. credits president bowman's zalinski travel to today to the northeastern. the city of harkey, if you met some of the soldiers who were wounded while trying to hold the line against the ongoing russian offensive. ukrainian soldiers have been scrambling to defend the border area and to bring people to safety, the w's, max son, that reports to night, from the town of both johns, which has seen some of the fiercest find for the people of both chance. this is a nightmare repeating itself. the russians attacked and occupied the town at the start of the full scale invasion, but were pushed out. now they're back and this here is what the situation involve.
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chance is turning into at the very moment game here. this is a residential building. it was struck by a glide bomb from what we've been told on just about 20 minutes ago. or 2 women were injured in taken to hospital. the russian forces are hitting the city and neighboring areas with aerial bombs like this one. when we were there, russians had entered the northern suburbs. these drag and teeth are supposed to slow advancing tax and the ukrainians are rushing more troops to the region to prevent a russian break through what it's looking so grim that most people have left. and many of those who remain so far are now following them.
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the police officers blood and you already are here to get some of them out what, what do you me lives with his doctor bottle right next to the new front line but doesn't want to leave lod liens on a professional connection to persuade him to listen to me, i am the commander of your daughter. i don't want her to sit there and cry over the okay, i will probably know you many don't want to believe this is happening again. why didn't you evacuate earlier? that's what i had hoped that all would be good, that nobody would force me out. just as we're leaving the lie down there, glide bombs, coming. that are, and i promise you,
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you come with me. this 2nd large scale attack is devastating for people here. officer of law tells us who the, which was, they're all in despair because everything they have gathered in their law didn't like that faith and build their houses because of a range of their places for living, able to increase everything they had mobile, they loved it with reading, so the rest of the facial below their most cares. desire now is for it all to and it is that they want to return to those ruins that will remain for the country with and restore everything, not 0 unit cable does that look for this a north and those are the danger cannot be underestimated to have posted of language, but this was a sniper, round and at the head of their driver who wants to go see the well they're lucky. this vehicle provided by the americans was armoured. further south and relative safety. some of the last directories wait for transport out of the
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shows here with her family and their neighbors. they spent 6 days in the basement and then flight on 4 to one just because i can only get the car. when you send me the we did anything, anything, what happened? and when we realized you couldn't, everything was flying from all sides. everything was being bombed. we all hope that this and this is my house. we couldn't take out my shepherd dog, unfortunately. not sure cuz i left him. this is the story. is it we are all alive. thank god and have the whole family left alive and with love to be to sell it will definitely be made as also say we're united with his daughter, somebody but he and his dog, but on are not home here. and what we're getting
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a lot has lost faith feel ever return a correspond inbox and sandra, who just found that report, he joins me now from our keys marks. ukraine is accused russia of using civilians as human shields in both jobs. what can you tell us? the right front, so just today the head of police investigations of the hockey region made an announcement in until the vice states. and he said that 35 to 40 civilians in the off chance carrier were taken prisoner by the russians. and they are being, according to him, interrogated and health captive in the vicinity of a russian command post. and all that as the trainings are saying in order to protect, to protect this command post from, from the ukrainian attacks, essentially using them as human shields. now it's
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a little bit too early to to know more about this. so canada independent, verify this at the moment, but it is reminiscent of similar events that have taken place time and time again earlier during this full scale invasion. for example, there is a very prominent case that took place in march of 2022 and the attorney of region. in a case where a russian set up a command post in a school, in the village of the heat that they held 300 villagers in the basement, kansas are entering conditions more than 10 people died in this instance. and this hearing this, a lot of your trains will remind it will be reminded of of this case today. you know, and as we saw mikes in your report, they are, i mean, this is not the 1st major offensive to take place around hard, keep them to be solved the role of motion. they are in the people or experience. how are they coping with, with this latest episode of flight?
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right, so we only enter the city of, of chance, guess. so this is just already a couple of days since the russians 1st cross the border in this recent episode and, and started there across the border attack, moving into, into the settlements. the village is near the board of the city of north jones. as you can imagine, the song, the report, the situation, there's very of all the tile of the you create the, the russians are using their full armor. we sort of se, sending glad bombs into the area of, of the city. when we enter the city, we were even able to see your heavy machine gun fire, which is an indicator for that the printers and russians are fighting a relatively close distance. now most trainings in involve chance, most of them are still living there for 3500 people that were living there just a couple of days ago will attack their stuff and have left immediately from what we've been told by the police. about 200 people. as of yesterday,
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we're still in the city either. we're not able to evacuate to do to the safety reasons or because they, they think they need help. but all of these people have one thing in common is they, they would have gone through this for the 2nd time. they have what i've experienced the 2nd attack. some of them have lived under occupation, have left to a green quarterback. then in, in march, have after successful liberation returned to their hometown. i started rebuilding their lives only to see um. yeah. their lives being turned turned upside down. and it's again is mike, it's under joining us tonight from har keith in ukraine. next. thank and before we go, we want to remind you now of our top story this our, the wins top court has been holding hearings over new emergency measures salt by south africa, one support to order israel to stop its attacks on rough or south african legal
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team. is ending their case today is reliable present. it's tomorrow. it's part of the water case against israel. watching the w deer is coming up next, a documentary about the fisherman improved the fisherman who climbed dangerous clips every day to reach the ocean. so you against the top of the, the g music con, be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible to see perform for head lice in housemates he was the nazis. the 2 musicians who lives in the savannah office saw