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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:15pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the dw new years live from berlin is real in the dock at the hey. so the guys travel here today to do what you can. 2 identical stopped the ongoing general side of the international court of justice and south africa demands that is real. immediately cease military operations in gulf also coming up a man charged in the attempted assassination of slovakia as prime minister as political leaders. their call for an end to a vicious cycle of hatred in a divided country.
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the brake job is good to have you with us on this thursday, south africa today as the u ins. top court to order is realty, stop it's military operations in rafa, and southern gauze of south africa, accusing israel and stepping up what it calls a genocide it's legal team, as asked judges to order is real to withdrawal completely from the gaza strip israel for it sign says that south africa is presenting biased and false claims. israel will present its case during the 2nd day of hearings at the court in the hague, on friday, a rough sign, southern gaza, a shelter for more than a 1000000 palestinians. and now the focus of these rails military assaults,
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his troops portion to the city displaced palestinians fully again, while the allies abroad hope to prevent further disaster. south africa has petitions, the international court of justice, israel to immediately withdrawal from rafa, and safe since military offensive. it will, sir, aust, israel to take full effective measures to facilitate unimpeded access to aid these measures, a part of an ongoing case filed by south africa that accuses israel, a violation of the genocide convention. an interim rolling and january stop show us of calling for cease file. but the court did state that there was a real and imminent risk under the convention and demanded provisional measures from israel to prevent genocide where the defense horse and israel most in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to
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palestinians in gaza. takes all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention of these israel has said it is acting in accordance with international law and his colleagues, the genocide case and baseless the hearings. taking place. this wake will focus on emergency measures only south africa will present each side 1st. the country has a long history of solidarity with palestinian, its latest of drawing comparisons between the situation in israel and the palestinian territories. and that of south africa's former a password system. a ruling on the broad a genocide case will likely take he is i c j rulings of bindings, but the court has no way to enforce them when, when, where is the international court of justice as it can?
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everyone only talked about 8 and that's why we don't want a, a permanency star and a full withdraw from dasa. gaza has been destroyed and ross is not safe. guys as a whole is not safe. and you know, that's the whole month of it. i mean, not any ruling in south africa is favor will, however, compound international pressure on israel at a time when these riley leadership is increasingly isolated over its war in gaza. and here is what south africa's ambassador to the netherlands told the court in the hague. today, sadly, south africa is he has a game compared to, to attend to this quote in rico condition of his obligation under the genocide convention. due to the continuing annihilation of the part of gene and people with over 55000 now killed. and most of the guys uh, they just showed up despite the short notice of this folder here,
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me. so i've definitely guys traveled here today to do what it's kind to attempt to stop the ongoing general side, the gravity of the text requiring urgent and speedy proceedings. to present the lives of the public dean and people a commitment which south africa takes seriously. but dw, correspond to rosie birch yard has been following the hearings for us. and i asked her about the arguments the south african foot forward today. well, sort of africa asian back in the course, not the 1st time we've been here, but what size i forgot to say is the israel actions in rough or not only amount to a significant escalation, but they say a real change in fax on the ground which so don't forget is arguing is a real danger to postings as a group in gaza to the health system and gaza to children. and the way they made those arguments that we so lawyers, for example, showing pictures of the destruction and guys, i'm much the strip of course israel will likely go on and it's arguments to say,
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but it's is responding legitimately it believes to repeat, come off after a terror attacks of october 7th june, is what we argue that it does over the account to protect civilians that is not targeting civilians, but is in fact targeting her mouse militants. and then it will be up to the court to deliberate, and it will likely take a couple of weeks over whether to respond to that 1st. so that for his request for emergency measures. but the bigger case here, brands over whether there has in fact been a breach and the dentist had conducted the convention will that will take years. and if the court were to say yes to south africa's request for on ordering these emergency measures a stop to what is going on in, gosh, i mean, what would it be enforceable? is there any teeth here to the court itself and you had stop. court doesn't have any enforcement mechanism if you want any proof of the limits of its power. just nicole, back in early 2022. the court ordered the russian stuff. it's full scale invasion of ukraine. well, we know that that certainly has not happened. but what i think south africa is
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aiming out here. and what certainly does seems to be the case is these kind of this case where we see israel in the, in the hague, it really powers piles more international pressure on israel over this ongoing, over this ongoing issue, monetary in crisis in casa, and i think that comes specifically at a time where israel's relations with its allies here in europe, for example, but also in the united states are particularly strange. and particularly in light of the ongoing situation in rough of which the e u. for example, has clearly warned israel against in the past, against a 1990 sort of full scale sold. there is rosy bird charged with the leaves tonight from brussels, rosie, as always, thank you. here's a quick look. now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world. foreign ministers from the baltic countries enjoying day protest rally in the georgia and capital to police it today they marched with crowns to oppose a controversial new for an influence was administered still demonstrators at the
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back of george's hopes of joining nato and the european union authorities here in germany have read of the offices of a prominent far, wide publication over allegations of bribery and money laundering. hate to be stored on a member of parliament for the alternative for germany party d a. f. d is accused of taking payments from a russian all the guard if the colleagues defended him in public is so lucky a remains in shock tonight, just a day after a gun been trying to take the life of the country's prime minister robert feeds. he is in stable, but serious condition. the controversial pro russian leader was accused of deepening the political bar, divide within his country well. now, as people from across the political spectrum are wishing him well, there are hopes that slovaks shared outrage could lead to
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a less polarized society fresh from the visits to his friend and the political. i flew back president elect pellegrini confirmed prime minister robot fee. so is a wake, he's able to speak but only few sentences and then he's really, really tired because he's on the some of the commission. some maybe commendation. so of course it is very difficult for him, but i had the chance that they came in the right moment when he was able to speak with him a few sentences. but the situation is very critical. and if you have to give him a lot of energy and think and be positive. ok. the problem is the sustain full done the shots we use on wednesdays in the central time from low, anita and, well let's see. so he's known for his brush and aggressive style of nationalist politics, but he's attempted assassination. has rock slovak society for a minute, the robot fee, so his condition is not being described as stable. but the question is, comes slovakia stabilized as well. a fence like an attempt to assess the nation.
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come full is the country, and one of 2 ways either to unify or it can inflate intentions by the immediate, the off to the shooting. government ministers, blame this low back media. creating a claim. it's wet. tensions are raised to such a point. generalist, like bob rush in the cove as they hope the attempted assassination will come. the time politicians publicly use here plots are we confident you have to press conferences. we very often hear that course. the mocking language the you know, so the question is, which way will this go uh, better or worse, met on the positive step today was the press conference of the 2 presidential can be set off and you much or to tuition about your confidence here. the incoming and outgoing president from opposing policies stood together to cool for campaigns ahead of june 0 p and parliament elections to be tongue died. so back police of charge to 71 year old man with attempted mother. he was arrested at the scene of
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the attack, people who were still struggling to comprehend what's happened. callbacks that no matter what people are arguing about or they pointing to go situational. sure thing . so more like an actual like i didn't understand what kind of hatred these are these personally then. so i'm so that we can, you know, these bullets that us not get the cash is, but i'd love a visa remains in intensive cab. behind the rules of this hospital security is tied to and his future remains unset. germany has and build it squad for the year 2024 soccer tournament, which kicks off next month. in a break with tradition, the german football association used celebrities influencers and fans to reveal players' names. page truly novels been surprised many by leading out some established stars. his team face got one of the 1st game of the tournament on june
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14th the now with the squad lined up. coach knob has been, says he's in it to win it ma'am 20 a times so he should want to win it. i think the squad is very good, otherwise i wouldn't have chosen it for maintenance as it was on this a, it's difficult to make predictions. we definitely depends how the team deals with the situation. i don't think the opening game is the oldest hiding factor, but it can be an important step. i knew scotland is a very good team that i'm kind of chocolate, as my zip with a bunch of alright, from the pitch to the kitchen. the humble taco is perhaps mexico's best known fast food made of meat or beans with vegetables in a corn shell. it's never been seen as haute cuisine until now. a taco shopped in mexico city is now the 1st effort to be given the cold and dairy world's most coveted award. a michelin star? no secrets only good. authentic cuisine tucker, dia khalifa,
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de leon has been serving the same food for 50 years. now. they're doing it with a mission star, reading, an honor that is an inspiration for the shops owner. the most of one, a sudden it was, it was always fun to be awarded to, to see those to be recognizing any with such an important international board. because that was not part of me, and we all more than commit to attend the latter because from now on this award drives us every day to be more competitive and more my original a or you sound competitive in aspects you, since all of the sticker, the small mexico city eatery only serves taco's meat from house re moines enforcing the tacos are expensive by local standards at around 5 us dollars. but well worth the cost of customers who celebrate the shops, new michelin status. to investigate that and make it come from mexico city and know a lot of tucker re is this one is very good. the flavor and the service are
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incredible instead of me. and i mean, they deserve it because they all the best tacos here in the area and among many other talk ideas. tucker yeah, talisha identity owns team wants to menu to keep evolving. what they aren't willing to compromise is their c bri cuisine. and it's michelin star. quality i'll say do deputy thanks for watching. we'll see you tomorrow. they present into our is whenever they feel like you do in a 1000 kind of for design and fashion and most to pieces in the sky. many on including the office, the bible. how do they do it? the secret lives of good thoughts may 22nd on dw the


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