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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 17, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CEST

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the, the, this is, do you know the news life from berlin? russia steps up it's offensive in northeastern ukraine. sir, is what the situation involved the chance is turning into at the very moment. grinding here is a residential building, struck by a glide from just about 20 minutes ago. our correspondent witnesses the devastation russian forces on the lease. and how are you, printing and soldiers do what they can to bring residents to safety? also coming up in south africa presses in genocide case against israel at the international court of justice, demanding israel immediately seized operations and gossip 1st the
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i'm on the and he says, welcome to the show. the mayor of har keeps, says, the city has been hit by several russian drones, hockey, this ukraine's the 2nd biggest city in life, just 30 kilometers from the russian border. russia, it has launched a surprise offensive in the region. and last week, thousands have been forced to flee the border area, printing and present below them use soleski went to har. keith on thursday, visited wounded soldiers and the military hospital. lensky handed out national awards and think the troops for holding the line against the offensive. the crane soldiers have been scrambling to defend the border area and bring people to safety, dw max, and their reports from the town of shots, which i see in some of the fiercest fighting for the people of, of chance. this is
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a nightmare repeating itself. the russians attacked and occupied the town at the start of the full scale invasion. booker pushed out. now they're back. and this here is what the situation involve. chance is turning into, at the very moment behind me here. this is a residential building. it was struck by a glide bomb from what we've been told on just about 20 minutes ago. 2 women were injured in taken to hospital. the russian forces are hitting the city and neighboring areas with ariel bombs like this one. when we were there, russians had entered the northern suburbs. these drag and teeth are supposed to slow advancing tax and the ukrainians are rushing more troops to the region to prevent a russian break through what it's looking so grim that
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most people have left. and many of those who remain so far are now following them. police officers, blood and you already are here to get some of the amounts of all of the lives with his doctor bottle right next to the new front line, but doesn't want to leave lod liens on a professional connection to persuade him to listen to me. i am the commander of your daughter. i don't want her to sit there cry over the. okay, i'll probably now many don't want to believe this is happening again. southern mercer, why didn't you evacuate earlier? i had hoped that all would be good, that nobody would force me out just as we're leaving the lie down
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there glide bones coming. is that right now? i promise you. you come with me. this 2nd large scale attack is devastating for people here. officer of law tells us who the, which was, they're all in despair because everything they have gathered in their lives bit by bit faith and build their houses because of a range of their places for living. we would include everything they had, but they law l between so the, the special below their most cares desire now is for it all to end it is that they want to return to those ruins that will remain for the country. what and restore everything, not people you make people do that before they say you don't know what the most of the danger cannot be, underestimated. it posted a flight prescribed. this was a sniper, round, and at the head of their driver. let's see the well there look at this vehicle
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provided by the americans was armoured. further south and relative safety. some of the last directories wait for transport to hockey. the service that shows here with their family and their neighbors. they spend 6 days in the basement. and then flight on 4 to one, just because i can only get the car. when you send me the we did anything, anything would happen. and when we realized that everything was flying from all sides, everything was being bombed. we all hope that this and this is my house. we couldn't take out my shepherd, dogs, unfortunately, no sucker. i left him. that's all it is the sorry visit. we're all alive. thank god and have the whole family left
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alive and with love to be to sell it will definitely be made as also say we're united with his daughter, somebody but he and his dog. but on our not home here and what we're getting there has lost faith failed ever return to the middle east. now in the u. n's top court has been holding hearings over south africa is attempt to hold israel's military operations and rough on the international court of justice convened to hear the case on thursday. south africa's legal team presented its arguments accusing israel of what of intensifying what it has called a genocide and garza and seeking emergency measures to stop it is real will respond to later today. the hearings are part of a broader case again, who is the continuing annihilation. dw correspondent rosenberg chart has been following the hearings. she told us what would happen if the world court or to grant this emergency request brought by south africa in,
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in the city and southern gaza is quoted wearing down how mos widely designated as a terrorist organization. but the u. n. a chief has won that israel's rough operation has made it nearly impossible to plan and deliver aid and gaza and says people there are at immediate risk of famine, explosions and gunshots spring out in the deserted streets of ralph on the southern cities. the latest focus of operations, if this really military israel says masses last remaining fighters are based in roughly, along with the groups leaders responsible for the october 7 tier attack. so it needs to send more troops there from us our troops and destroyed several tunnels and will destroy even more soon a lot of this activity will intensify on a mazda is a mountain organization that can reorganize, does not have the reserve troops. it does not have the ability to produce munitions, it has no supplies. i mean, the result is we're cutting it off, we are wearing it down in visual hockey model is really tanks of already advanced
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deep into rough us eastern outskirts pushing into residential areas. the one says almost 600000 people taking refuge in rafa, have now left after israel took control of the gods. the side of the roof of border crossing supplies and medical services have been dwindling. sewage fixture in place already in the southern gaza running out. i think with that we're talking about missing on the left food in the market. very soon. i mean, on the left medical supplies in the hospital that remain in the south to 3 weeks, i think to go perhaps a month. 8 agencies say a temporary peer anchored by us troops and regular air drops are no substitute for ground deliveries. palestinians to have been calling for the
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border crossing to reopen. well has the ship. we went to border crossings to open my point safety. we want official borders as plains as well with the parachutes and that even better food or else like dogs like beggars. well, that doesn't work as it falls on people as a princess problems other than 5 show the big bull the gotten there, got it much accurate with most 8 operations disrupted due to the rough uh, offensive. and the humanitarian situation. already dire. agencies warrant thousands are now facing an immediate risk of famine. and a quick look at some other headlines from around the world. u. s. coast guard is working to contain an oil spill off the coast of texas, up to 2000 gallons of fuel as estimated to have spilled after a barge crashed into a bridge near galveston. officials are investigating how the barge became detached
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from the boat, which was guiding the number of countries affected by coral. bleaching is growing. mid record ocean temperatures reaching has been recorded in 62 countries and territories. since february 2023. scientists say that in the past year, around 60 percent of the world's rates to have experienced temperatures, which can cause bleaching thailand is well on its way to becoming the 1st country in southeast asia to legalize same sex marriage. most important hurdle a vote in the lower house of power parliament was cleared in march. but even once this bill becomes law, there are more challenges to come to the use. derek mathus, middle lesbian, couple in bangkok who are hoping they will soon be able to get married and tylen and enjoy the same rights as any heterosexual. married couple as they just want to be a family like any other. this is ariah,
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her wife harriet and the 5 month old daughter the the to tie women got married in the u. k. ringback 7 years ago and has been waiting since then can finally type in not in the home country to. this would make things easier for you, right? when we have a baby to get there. so you should get some benefit from from that home pendant you from her company, like uh, support for education fee or the medical part from the company that she works for. like a normal household, like uh, between man and woman buy for our for us is woman and boom. and we cannot get that . currently only ariah is the legal guardian of their daughter. what harriet is the only official owner of their home, because they could not legally share the mortgage. as things are now if harriet,
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where to leave the house to ariah. in the event of her death, it would attract high inheritance texas. the lower house of parliament is making moves to change all of that. it's past the marriage, equality, bill. the law still has to be approved by the senate and signed into law by the king. no, yon us the pop in has been fighting for this for many years. now when we talk about greater social acceptance, it didn't happen overnight. it's because l g b t 2 plus individuals have refused to be suppressed and have continuously funding for their rights and over time. we don't have known that she is one of the most important representative of civil society, giving evidence in the continuing senate hearings on the matter. she says that the conservative pro military government, that leads to thailand in the past, try to slow liberalization a. but that ended when the few type parts, which is now in power,
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was one of the major parties who included marriage equality. and it's campaign from ariah and harry adult, a mistake that the bill will become low. and there are also hoping for further changes. the bill will only concern marriage. the legal drums father and mother will not be affected kindly. one of the women has to register as the father to the daughter. they fear this legal gray zone does not give them full parental rights. it will be good if, if the know 1st law is passed for, for the same sick manage. and then the parent certificate can become later for the whole that that to be became very easy to it. yes. that may take longer. but there wait for the equal marriage act seems nearly over. the law will come into force $120.00 days after the king signs it. then the 2 will have the big party. they've
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always dreamed off and get married again. so that's all for now dw, business of next looks of what the germany can learn from norway, in the u. s. when it comes to capturing and storing c o 2, i'm all municipal to stay with the g music con, be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible to be performed for head lice in australia. the was the nazis favorite to musicians who lives beneath the panel. i saw a film about the sounds of power and inspiring story of us divine music under the swastika.


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