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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  May 17, 2024 7:02am-7:31am CEST

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gifts as extremely difficult, the week after a russian forces suddenly poured across the border. there, ukraine's military says that it has the situation fairly under control. and yet, in the last week of rush, it has seized more territory near hart chief and the lights divide and conquer. this latest rushing, assault has diverted ukraine's troops strips that were already stretched very thin . i break off in berlin. this is the day i it's the way you move. now guys are fighting well and successfully along the entire front line. billing you for the that the enemy breakthrough. your strong water is more help is on the way we're rushing ammunition armor vehicles. missiles,
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air defenses for falls like on the unfortunate delay and delivering weapons, had a significant impact on the front page. it's too early to draw conclusions, but the situation is under control. i'll say coming up the race for the white house, joe biden, and donald trump agreed to go head to head into tele vines. debates. sound shop was to debate to me in 2020, the sense that he had showed up for debates. now he's acting like he wants to debate me against or make my day pow holly to do a twice, plus picks the day style. i hear you free on wednesday. which of our viewers watching on p. b, as in the united states, into all of you around the world. welcome. we begin today with a change in plans, in an effort to sustain the international support for his country's battle against russia. ukraine in present, enrolled him as a lensky,
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had planned to visit spain and portugal this week. instead, he spent the day in the city of our chief lending word and soldiers, and meeting military commanders. ukrainian forces have been locked in bid or fighting against russian troops. northeast of har keeps since the launch of a surprise offensive. last week. the ukraine says the situation on the front line has been largely secured. but the russian troops have seized a few kilometers of territory on the ukrainian side of the border, the w as much so on there has been 2 volts chunk, the largest city currently in the focus of this latest rushing us all for the people of both chance this is a nightmare repeating itself. the russians attacked and occupied the town at the start of the full scale invasion, but were pushed out. now, they're back. and this here is what the situation involved chance is turning into
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at the very moment behind me here is the residential building that was struck by a glide bomb from what we've been told on just about 20 minutes ago. 2 women were injured in taken to hospital. the russian forces are hitting the city and neighboring areas. we've ariel bonds like this one. when we were there, russians had entered the northern suburbs. these drag and teeth are supposed to slow advancing tax and the ukrainians are rushing more troops to the region to prevent a russian break through of the what it's looking so grim that most people have left. and many of those who remain so far are now following them. the police officers, blood and judy are here to get some of them out. what, what do you mean?
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it lives with his doctor bottle right next to the new front line. but doesn't want to leave of lod liens on a professional connection to persuade him to listen to me. i'm the commander of your daughter. i don't want her to sit there and cry over the okay. all right, now, many don't want to believe this is happening again. why didn't you evacuate earlier? that's what i had hoped that all would be good, that nobody would force me out. just as we're leaving the lie down there, glide bones coming saturday and i promise you you'll come with me. this 2nd large scale attack is devastating for people here.
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officer of law tells us who the, which was, they're all in despair because everything they have gathered in their lives bit by bit faith and build their houses because of a range of their places for living. we would include everything they had, but they loved it over to him. so there's a special bullet there. most cares desire now is for it all to end it is that they want to return to those ruins that will remain for the country. what and restore everything, not cable unit cable, there's always a good number to send. those of the danger cannot be underestimated the posted of cyprus. this was a sniper, round and at the head of their driver to see the world their luck. this vehicle for them provided by the americans, was armoured. further south and relative safety. some of the last directories wait for transport to hockey. the show is here with their family and their neighbors. they spend 6 days in the basement and then flight on 4 to one just
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because i can only get the car. when you send me the we did anything, so anything would happen. and when we realized that everything was flying from all sides, everything was being bombed. we all hope that this and this is my house. we couldn't take out my shepherd, dogs, unfortunately, no sucker. i left him. that's all it is. sorry . is it we are all alive. thank god and have the whole family left alive and with love to be to sell it will definitely be made as also say we're united with his daughter, somebody but he and his dog. but on our not home here and what we're getting a lot has lost faith feel ever returned over more. now i'm joined by marina
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monroe and she's from the worst studies department at kings college in london, a familiar face to our viewers. it's good to see you marina, you know, we just seen that report there from both. john, will ukraine be able to hold the city to good evening? brand as well as the situation is very difficult for the ukrainian forces. but what we have to understand is that 12 tons because divided by service get the next river . so it gives the korean forces a protective barrier from my understanding, the town is now divided into parts and the russians are controlling the noise. in part then they will have to cross the river in florida to be able to capture both chance in its entirety, which i think is the idea behind this offensive. however, i don't foresee to be happening very quickly, or at least not as quickly as we have seen the advances around options. ukraine
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says that it has stabilized the situation across the front near har keys. is that what you are seeing and hearing as well, from what it looks it seems to be more stables on a couple of days ago. but that doesn't mean that the russians have stopped or is that their offensive operation in that direction has run out of steam yet. so we'd have to wait a couple of more these to see what is going to happen specifically. because i think that they will be also pushing along opposite directions and possibly if and when that offensive runs out of steam, i seen that the russians might try to go for me or even sure. and the heat rush has not advanced that deeply, but it has see some territory. i mean, is ukraine is going to be in any position to retake that any time soon. and
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i just want to ask you about the knock on effects for ukraine. russia says that it has recaptured the town of robot and on the southern front, i mean that's basically the territory the ukraine capture during its defense of last year. so is the situation there? is it, is it clear? and i mean, is it to be expected given how stretched ukrainian forces are or well, that's the whole idea. i think behind this harkey offensive is to stretch the ukrainian forces and distract some even more. and in my previous reply, i said they might that back to me and truly him in order to keep that ukrainian forces stretched and was the ukrainian having issues. was there manpower having issues in terms of military equipment, even as the u. s. 8 is arriving in ukraine. it is going to be difficult and i don't see any strategic purpose in trying to recapture the northern
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territories just yet, because i think it would be the wrong place. was the korean forces to concentrate their after it's one. and to come back to this operation, essentially, the russian ministry of defense declared were bought in it as liberated from bringing forces from us. and it looks like the praying forces are still present in one part of the settlement. however, i think in the information spectrum, it is a psychological blow to the korean forces because essentially taking ro bought in there would negate all the facts of the counter offensive, which didn't go according to the plan. so i think also from this perspective, the ukrainian forces are finding themselves in a difficult position. and so if it's true to just say that russia is currently on the front foot in this war, but how close is you crane to suffering a serious defeat as well?
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what the php like is the question, or how far is russia going to go? and i think that this will depend on many factors, not least on the outside support to ukraine. there have been suggestions for instance, to use need those air defense, the station in poland and romania to free up some air defenses inside ukraine to basically help ukraine in that way because the air defenses, a systems of cars. but also it depends on munitions. but most importantly, i think, is a human factor. and the fact that ukraine is trying to mobilize troops but is failing to feel, feel, feel file and rank to send to the front lines. and the polarization that is taking place inside ukrainian society and the problems in the military command and political problems. also, as a lensky is facing right now. they will all determine how and when,
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and if you cream can be defeated on the battlefield. but that doesn't mean that ukraine will lose politically just yet, so it remains to be seen. but i foresee that the combination of this factors will determine the fate of ukraine until probably november and 24 until the us presidential elections were. you know, ukraine can always say that one reason that it may be vulnerable now is because the us had a delay in delivering weapons, the delay that we've seen in the last few months. but it can't it, it can't blame anyone else when it's talking about not having enough soldiers, right? that's the mobilization. well, that's been passed into this effort to get more soldiers into the military. i mean, do you think that should have been done the year ago? are they, are they doing this too late? or i think it's not fair to put the blame on the us,
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just because as i said, there are so many factors at play here and the control which he is not going to phil's a man. power gap. technology is also not going to boost the morale go through a certain extent. it might, but it's, it's not going to make such a great effect. and if we look at the war and it's going to send us the list technologically superior to the power button, just to make a point that technology is not everything in work. and then mobilization isn't always a very unpopular choice. and at the very beginning, there were a lot of volunteers to joins that ukrainian um, forces right now, the situation is looking bad. so i'm not sure if starting earlier to mobilize, people would have held the ovary alford. and we also have to remember is that you, crean has special forces deployed to suit them to counteract a russian activities there. so i'm wondering maybe if the premium comments should starts really flowing those forces because they are very capable and they could be
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a great help right now in ukraine. and of course, and we have to understand that mobilizing people means they needs to be trained. they need to be outfitted, they need to be paid. so this is affecting ukrainian economy because who's going to pay the taxes to finance all of this. so they can amik situation of ukraine is also an important factor in the capability to mobilize people. remember one from king's college is always, maureen, we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you. i thank you for having this. slovakia remains in shock to 90 just one day after a gun. been trying to take the life of the country's prime minister after emergency surgery, robert feet. so is now in stable, but critical condition. the so is a controversial man, pro russian accused of polarizing society. now those are his politics. could his
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close call with deaths? could it have the opposite effect? fresh from the visits to his friend and the political allies. slovak president elect pelligrini, confirmed prime minister robot fee, so is awake. he's able to speak, but only few sentences. and then he's really, really tired because he's on the some of the commission, some maybe commendation so of course it is very difficult for him, but i had the chance that they came in the right moment when he was able to speak with them a few sentences but the situation is really critical and if you have to give him a lot of energy and think and be positive, ok. the prime minister sustained full gun shots williams on wednesday in the central time of low. i mean it up by the, of the robot fee. so he's known for his brush and the aggressive style of nationalist politics. but he's attempted assassination. has rock slovak society for a minute, the robot fee. so his condition is not being described as stable. but the question
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is, comes slovakia stabilized as well, a fence like an attempt to this us, the nation. come full is the country and one of 2 ways either to unify or it can inflate intentions by the immediate, the off to the shooting. government ministers, blame the slow back media creating a claim. its wet tensions are raised to such a point. generalist, like bob rush in the cove and say they hope the attempted assassination will come. the time politicians publicly use here plots are we confident you have to press conferences? we very often hear that force, the mocking language the, you know, so the question is, which way will this go uh, better or worse, met on the positive step today was the press conference of the 2 presidential can be set off and you, much or to tuition about your confidence here. the incoming and outgoing president from opposing policies stood together to cool for campaigns ahead of june 0 p and parliament's elections to be tongue died. started back,
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police of charge to 71 year old man, the attempted murder. he was arrested at the scene of the attack, people who were still struggling to comprehend what's happened. callbacks that no matter what people are arguing about or they pointing to got a situation, right? sure. thing somewhere like not so like i don't understand what kind of hatred these are these person given to them so that we can you know, these bullets that us not get the cash. a sporadic visa remains in intensive cad. behind the rules of this hospital security is tied to, and his future remains unset to sound shop was 2 debates, meaning $0.20 that he had showed up for debates. now he's acting like he wants to debate me against or make my day pow holly to do a twice, plus picks the day style. i hear you free on wednesdays. well, the reason for the white house is about to pick up speed. that was us president joe biden throwing down the challenge to donald trump to meet him on stage for to live
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kilobytes debates. divide team is clearly trying to get under the skin of the maggot candidate, the drive that you just heard there about trump being free on wednesdays. well, wednesday is the only weekday that trump gets off from his harsh money trial taking place right now in new york. and it wasn't long before to rival started trading barbs on social media about the debate trump on his tree. social platform posting. tell me when i'll be there, let's get ready to rumble. and then the network offers came rolling in j barton, agreeing to a debate on cnn for june 27th, and on a b. c. for september 10th. is republican challenger then accepting both of the invitations and the dates in the style that can only be described as trump the it's more of this i want to bringing ethan to bear in. he's an advocate law professor and political commentator based in los angeles,
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a familiar face to our viewers, ethan, good to see you. before we talked about this debate, the debates and the arguments for and against. what did you make of bivens of campaign style this time around? i mean, making fun of trumpet and trying to get under his skin. well, i think it's actually a smart move um president binds part because this ultimately is going to come down to president by needing to remind people of what he's actually accomplished, which is quite a watch over the last several years. and the key difference with donald trump being the personality style of each of them being so dramatically different. so i think this was a smart move on present biden's parts. and then we're going to see how well it plays out. well, let me ask, even does joe bind, does he even have to debate? donald trump, you say he needs to remind people of what he's done done. there are plenty of
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pundents in the us. you say it's too much of a risk for bite and, and that he shouldn't give trump a platform as well. i don't agree with that. i think is a, that's really interesting. take that is not rooted in what are of observable facts here, which are one 1st and foremost present bite and succeeded in i think the most important thing coming out of the 2020. and for that matter of the 2016 presidential debates, which is the microphone will turn off or can be turned off when the time is up. that was a big problem or a big advantage for donald trump in 2016 and for president trump in 2020. so president, buying a cheap that the more importantly though, is he's not a huge self per motor, like donald trump is. so people seem to forget about what is going on with
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president biden. there's a lot of talk about present biden's, mental facilities, for example. he demonstrated how strong and clear he is at this your state of the union address. yeah, this is an interesting point. you know, these presidential debates are the ones that have involved donald trump. i'm thinking of 20162020. they've never been true portraits in best behavior. so in case your memory is a little foggy, here's a reminder from 2020. take a look. let's vote now and in fact today, what's your, are you in fact let people know, here's what we're standard rush. i'm not going to answer the question the to that because to yours turn out of the new i see or just as the radish on left. what do you shut out, man? who is on your list? joe? this was on your right gentlemen. i think the on different attacks, of course, 3 of them are going to get. all right, that we've all remember that, right? even a median as a result of, of episodes like the device and team wants to bait rooms in place this year to minimize interruptions from truck cutting his mind when it's not his turn to speak
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. for example, um will the debate moderators will be able to control trump or so i mean that that's yet to be found out, of course, coming up a little bit later. but really importantly, isn't just cutting off the microphone. i mean, i think that that's a critical point, but also what present bites been successfully got accomplished here. if donald trump doesn't withdraw it the last minute of course, is that there will be no live audience. donald trump, and loves beating off of that live audience. and getting the feedback and the reaction he's, he's a classic entertainer that way in that he feeds off the energy of, of the crowd in front of the camera. there's going to be no crowd, there's going to be no town hall. busy this is not like the traditional presidential debates that have been in place, essentially for the last, you know, 35 years or so since 1976 is really when it was sex standard on. yeah,
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and i wanna ask you about that just a moment. but 1st, donald trump, she, he refused to debate his republican primary challenges and that worked for him. why do you think then he so keen to debate, bye a to oh, i think that's ego. more than anything i really believe in his mind. she and, and by the way, we have evidence to support this with his voting base. they love to see him speak live, she believes that he can, as you saw in that truth social cost of his. she believes that he can destroy president biden in a debate, and i just don't agree with him, but that's what's going on in his mind from what we can tell. i want to ask you about the, the timing of these 2 debates. the 1st will be in june, and that will be before the democratic or the republican national conventions. and
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then the 2nd in september comes before most states begin early voting. is that better than what we've had in the past? because the pastor, we've seen them taking place or around october i think there's one strong logical argument for the debates to be earlier this year. and that is in light of what happened with co good. many states now are doing early voting, starting as early as september 20th. mm hm. so, you know, having the debates prior to people beginning to cast their ballots in the united states is a very good idea. i once i cast my ballot and something happens in a debate that might change my mind, which i'm not sure it would, but, but if that were to happen after i've already cast my bill i, i think that would be very disappointing. so, fee seating september 20th with the debates, i think is a logical and an incorrect decision. okay. well, i know where you and we're,
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where i and most of my colleagues will be on the evening of june 27th. that's for sure. right in front of the tv isn't bare and it's always even good talking with the we appreciate your analysis. thank you. thanks so much for having me back. brent appreciated, or what the day is on the conversation continues online. you'll find this on ex, formerly known as twitter, and on youtube dw nearest you can fall in the rank golf t, v. every member, whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day. we'll see you then every plan the,
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the new will tell you the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold plus the 2 year course and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news african next on d w into the conflicts own with tim sebastian. as the
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war and ukraine grind on the neighboring voltage states watch anxiously from the ringside seats, pressing the west to increase a secure, and make sure russia dozens with my guest this week is the last to be as 5 minutes to please stay on this current. and he's clear spaces as the optics go. conflicts done in 16 minutes on d, w, the is increasing at reason many watching online services. the only work that is holiday destination drowning in plastic white at the cost every year of the exports of $1000000.00 tons of plastic. why
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is there another way off the rules? the environment is not responsible. make up your own mind, dw made for mines. this is dw news, africa coming up on the program under the threat of atrocities and a food shortage. so downs people continue to bad. the brunt of war rights groups, one of ethnic cleansing and genocide in the docile region as the arrival of military forces back all civilians remained cut off from the aid they desperately need. also coming up mass demolitions in abigail as the ivory in metropolis and forces of an ice agent as africa's biggest cities expand rapidly. we look at how poor people are affected and spreading hope in the fight against sickle cell
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disease as new treatments and much we ask what.