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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 17, 2024 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news light from berlin, russia steps up. it's offensive a ne, in ukraine. this here is what the situation is both chance is turning into at the very moment dining here is a residential building. it was struck by a glide from just about 20 minutes ago. i'll go to school on the witnesses, the devastation unleashed by russia and how you printing. and so just try to bring people to safety plus letting me and 14 entry agent being pledge a new ito, fall off the ship between russia and china. as they accuse the u. as of sewing chaos around the world. and
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a tiny chuckle restaurant in mexico city becomes the 1st of its kind to be awarded a mission to install the i'm going to expand it. you welcome the man of how to keep saves. the city has been huge by several russian drones. concave is ukraine. second biggest city in law is just 30 kilometers from the border with russia, which long to which launched a surprise offensive in the region last week. thousands have been forced to flee the border area. your opinion president will have to meet the demands k went to how to keep on thursday and visited wounded soldiers in the ministry hospital. savanski handed out the national awards and thanks to the troops for holding the line against russia's offensive of ukrainian soldiers had been scrambling to defend the border area and bring people to safety. the doubles matches on the other falls from
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the town of chance, which has seen some of the fear says, fighting for the people of both chance. this is a nightmare repeating itself. the russians attacked and occupied the town at the start of the full scale invasion. but we are pushed out. now they're back. and this here is what the situation involve. chance is turning into at the very moment guy me here. this is a residential building. it was struck by a glide bomb from what we've been told on just about 20 minutes ago. 2 women were injured in taken to hospital. the russian forces are hitting the city and neighboring areas. we've ariel bonds like this one. when we were there, russians had entered the northern suburbs. these dragon teeth are supposed to slow
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advancing tax, and the ukrainians are rushing more troops to the region to prevent a russian break through what it's looking so grim that most people have left. and many of those who remain so far are now following them. the police officers, blood and judy are here to get some of the amounts. will it be me, lives with his doc model right next to the new front line, but doesn't want to leave lod liens on a professional connection to persuade him listen to me. i am the commander of your daughter. i don't want her to sit there and cry over the okay, i'll probably know many. don't want to believe this is happening again. sandra mercer, why didn't you evacuate earlier? this, elizabeth, i had hoped that all would be good,
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that nobody would force me out. just as we're leaving the light down there, glide bones coming. is that right now? i promise you, you come with me. this 2nd large scale attack is devastating for people here. officer block tells us who the, which was. they're all in despair because everything they have gathered in their lives bit by bit faith and build their houses because of a range of their places for living. we would include everything they had, but they live with reading. so the, the facial below, their most cares desire now is for it all to and the news that they want to return to those ruins that will remain for the country. what and restore everything,
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not people you make people do that before they said nobody else in the of the danger cannot be underestimated to posted a flight briskly. this was a sniper, round and at the head of their driver. let's see the well there. look at this vehicle provided by the americans with armored further south and relative safety. some of the last directories wait for transport out of the shows here with their family and their neighbors. they spend 6 days in the basement and then flight on 4 to one just because i can only get the car. when you send me the we did anything, anything would happen. and when we realized that everything was flying from all sides, everything was being bombed. we all hope that this, this is my house. we couldn't take out my shepherd dogs. unfortunately, no soccer. i left him. that's all it is.
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sorry. is it we are all alive. thank god and have the whole family left alive. and with love to be to sell, it will definitely be made as also say we're united with his daughter, somebody, but he and his dog. but on our not home here and what we're getting a lot has lost faith feel ever returned re max sunday, who finds the vegetable and gave us this update from kind of gave about his impressions from close to the front line. right, so we only enter the city of, of trans guess. so this is just already a couple of days since the russians 1st cross the border in this recent episode and started their cross border attack. moving into, into the, the settlements, the village is near the border of the city of north jones. as you can imagine or
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sean to report the situation, there is very of all the tile of the you create the russians are using their full armor. we so to say you are sending glad bombs into the area of, of the city. when we enter the city, we were even able to see are heavy machine gun fire, which is an indicator for that the printers and russians are fighting a relatively close distance. now, most training is in involved charge. most of them are still living there for 3500 people that were living there just a couple of days ago will attack their stuff and have left in immediately from what we've been told by the police about 200 people. as of yesterday, we're still in the city either. we're not able to evacuate to do to the safety reasons or because they, they think they need help. but all of these people have one thing in common is they, they would have gone through this for the 2nd time. they have a life experience. the 2nd attack, some of them have lived under occupation, have left would bring quarter back then in, in march,
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have after successful liberation returned to their hometown. i started rebuilding their lives only to see um. yeah, there glass being turned turned upside down. once again, they done records from the max under that uh, quick of dollar. some of the other headlines from around the above the us coast guard is working to contain an oil spill off the coast of texas. up to 2000 gallons of fuel is estimated to have spilled off. the barge crashed into a bridge near galveston. officials are investigating how the bodies became detached from the boat, which was guiding its of south africa. has also united nations stopped or to hold israel's operations in rough or in the southern guys or south africa accuses eas, ran all stepping up what it calls a genocide is rather really present its case in a 2nd to day or few outings of the course in the hague, on friday, russian president vladimir putin is visiting china is northeast and city of har.
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been on the 2nd and last day of his trip to the country. 14 attended a tray to explore in the city, which is near the russian border. and as historical ties to the country footing stop, that is meant to underscore the economic cooperation between the 2 nations. the presidents, reaffirmed the no limits bought the issue. i made growing tensions with the rest of all right, let's get the ball from john. this, i've been crushed by engaging fabi on the 2 countries already had a no limit spot, the shape. now they're talking of a new in ties. what does that mean? yeah, that's the typical of wake language, but from my understanding, i mean, china officially doesn't form any alliances because it rejects the concept. but what we're seeing right now between a china and russia is a very close to an alliance. both sides have also said that they want to support each other in quote, interest. they have signed a lot of joint agreements in beijing that range from infrastructure to a n,
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a g d o, it cetera. but to really understand this partnership, i think we should not only look at the correct method code benefiting from each other. the economic types, i think what types of countries together is also the strategic goals that they have named be undermining the western world or the. and we just have to look at the timing of a put into a visit. i mean, just when separately european head of states were talking to seats in ping a couple of weeks ago to attempt to reduce the support it to with russia. and also at a time when russia is, you know, i'm starting a big of offense in the, in it and do crating. that's exactly when um seizing ping roads out the red carpet for putting him badging and you've been most so of putting visits uh at the happy institute of technology and university that has close ties to the defense industry and to the ministry in china. so i would say that is really a very strong commitment by china that it gets to wrestle. you're talking about the
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gold interest. so i showed by the back, let's talk about trade. because russia's trade with china has searched above 26 percent in the last year alone. how important is a trade relationship with china for russia? a yup, much more important than vice versa. so russia is the junior partner. russia is increasingly depending on the chinese market. i think, you know, the impact tons of imports that russia gets from china, a 40 percent already from china, and i think the 30 percent of russian exports go to. so i know that gives you an idea. so it is really important. and i think that russia needs china to account a western sanctions and also it needs china for several. i'm good state have cannot get easily elsewhere. and it also includes uh do use goods that's uh who to meet quite a building up of the military defense space. and actually this partnership, it's really really transform rusher, i think probably for decades to come, you can already see that to you in china. now the number of russians visiting
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paging and also living here is really increasing. they are a fight design, it's direct flights between the aging and most co am. and so it is really very fundamental change. and 14 is also timesheet for proposal for ending the board and ukraine wants us to so full chinese base plan looked like well, i think there's really nothing new because um, china already presented the piece plan a long time ago and it is really very awake. i mean, it's really good on paper, but that's no action that you could really take from that. at least that was the consensus among many european head of states and all of i guess also by ukraine. because what i'm a china once is to negotiate on the terms of russia, basically, bex, russia's legitimate a 6, right? the claims what it says, and it only criticizes the u. s. so i would say um, it is not really a neutral piece plan or leave it there for the moment. done this, i've been pressed by engaging. thanks so much. i now the
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humble chuckle is perhaps mexico is best known fost food made of meat or beans with vegetables and a call in cheryl. it's never been seen as heart cassim until now. a tucker shop in mexico city is now the 1st ever to be given, the carolina, the kind that revolves the most coveted of on a mission in style. no secrets only good. authentic cuisine talk of yet a cliff ideally own has been serving the same food for 50 years. now they're doing it with a mission instar, reading, an honor that is an inspiration for the shops owner. most of one was sore throat. it was always fun to be awarded to see those to be recognized with any, with such an important international board. if that was not part of it. and we on more than commit to attend and that's it because from now on, this one drives us every day to be more competitive and more my original and what
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you found, the competitive in aspects you, since all of the small mexico city eatery only serves taco's meat from house re moines and forcing the tacos are expensive by local standards at around 5 us dollars. but well worth the cost, the customers who celebrate the shops, new michelin status. so let's do that and make it come from mexico city. you know, a lot of tucker re is this one is very good. the flavor and the service are incredible instead of me. and i mean, they deserve it because they all the best tacos here in the area and among many other talk ideas. tucker: yeah. talisha identity owns team wants to menu to keep evolving. what they aren't willing to compromise is their c bri cuisine. and it's michelin star quality. top tacos. that's it for the moment coming up off of the break dw business looks at what germany can learn from. nobody in the us when it comes to capturing and
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storing c o 2. don't forget, you can always get all the latest deals and information around the across on our website at cdw dot com. i'm british manager in billings. we'd see you back here in about 45 minutes and then the g music can be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible to see perform for her life in australia. the was the nazis, the 2 musicians who lived in the savannah office austin film about the sounds of power.


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