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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 17, 2024 11:00am-11:14am CEST

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the the, this is the, the news like from berlin, the us, but if we say is the 1st aid has been delivered to because a via a new temporary peer. it's hope the shipment will have to ease thinking, monitored in crisis there. but the usa is the lack of land to a deliveries remains a huge problem. also coming up, russia steps up it's offensive in northeastern ukraine. and this here is what the situation involve chance is turning into at the very moment drawing here. this is a residential building, corresponded with this is the destruction caused by the russian attack. and how are you printing and sol, joseph rushed to rescue residents. and
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a tiny taco restaurant in mexico city becomes the 1st of its kind to be awarded a mission, install the i'm going to expand as you're welcome. we begin with the news that aid has just started arriving and gaza via us booths, temporarily floating. yeah, the structure is anchored to a beach and has been designed to increase the flow of aid into this trip. however, the un has ones that appear is no substitute for a deliveries via land, which have been severely disrupted at the rough uh, border crossing scenes is relative control of that goes outside the us food program . so is the threat of from and it has never loomed larger. i forgot those 2200000 people of explosions and gunshots, springing out in the deserted streets of ralph on the southern cities,
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the latest focus of operations. if this really military, israel says masses last remaining fighters are based in roughly, along with the groups leaders responsible for the october 7 tier attack. so it needs to send more troops there from us our troops and destroyed several tunnels that will destroy even more soon a lot of this activity will intensify on a mazda is a mouse, an organization that can reorganize, does not have the reserve troops. it does not have the ability to produce munitions as low as applies. i mean, the result is we're cutting it off, we're wearing it down here and visual hockey. most of this really tanks of already advanced deep into rough thoughts, eastern outskirts, pushing into residential areas. the one says almost 600000 people taking refuge in rafa, have now left after israel took control of the gods. the side of the roof of border crossing supplies and medical services have been dwindling.
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sewage in place already in the southern gaza running out. i think we were talking about almost nothing left just food in the market. very soon. the something on the left medical supplies in the hospitals that remain in the south to 3 weeks, i think to go perhaps a month. 8 agencies say a temporary peer anchored by us troops and regular air drops are no substitute for ground deliveries. palestinians to have been calling for the border crossing to reopen that as well as the ship. we went to border crossings to open a mile point safety. we want official borders as plains as well with the parachutes, and that even better food, just like dogs, like beggars. well,
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that doesn't work as it falls on people as a princess problems other than 5 show the big odd bull the gotten there. got it much axes, with most 8 operations disrupted due to the rough uh, offensive, and the humanitarian situation. already dire. agencies warrant thousands are now facing an immediate risk of famine. and i are stuck on a splendid ton of cream. what difference a delivery is via the new yeah, we makes to the people of color as well. i think agencies here would say it depends on how much it is arriving through that route and how it will be distributed. re over. do you hurt us officials saying this is certainly not a substitute for getting more a through the lens crossings. and also uh, you know, this is a very complex procedure test to explain it a bit. um, so that the aide and the goods will arrive and cypress, there will be screened over there, then load it onto the commercial or military rest of that. bring them to
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a floating uh dock or platform and the deposit. so it'd be brought onto a trucks onto that, or then going onto smaller vessels. and we understand that per as per truck. it could be, you know, could be $5.00 to $15.00 trucks on one of those smaller vessels. those vessels then will show it to us. so to speak, this 8 and the goods to the floating p a where there was and tries over it and then drop it. and the it will be distributed by you and agencies mainly by the world food program. and this is all happening, selves of cause of safety. now this is of course also prone to know whether issue is high seas but also safety issues. but again, the pressure remains on as well as we've been hearing here from 8 agencies to let in a more a through the land crossings. now as well says it has no limits on the age of studying and has opened in the north,
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another crossing to west in areas crossing to areas crossing. but of course, due to the fighting in the south. now the main crossing is egypt as close also, there's also the bottom neck between the north and the south and do you and has said, you have always been accused that they can't really distribution not cost enough by as well. but the un has said, you know, they don't have enough fuel at the moment. they don't, uh, the, the, it's, it's unsafe also to bring the aid to people. so all of these factors will play into see how this will pay out, given the most 8 operations have been disruptive because of that off of offensive. what kind of food is available in gaza and how do people get hold of it as well? and we've been talking to people in the north of cause a, a lately, and they say the situation is extremely fluid. what's available. sometimes most of the time that they tend food is available, but it also is at a high price, you know, and fresh food is sometimes available. but
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a father said to me on the phone that he doesn't have any income anymore. so he doesn't know how to pay for this. so and then you have to commodities also, you know, you need a cooking dos and need electricity. there's also no issue with the water is agencies have pointed out. so all of this of course makes it very difficult. the internal food chain in gaza has broken down. and of course it's heavy fighting going on. people don't simply even feel stay it's, you know, to get the food. so all of this comes together. we're not even there for the moment, but thanks for joining us. it ended up those time there came back in jewels them to the watering ukraine next, where the country is. ministry says it shut down. 20 russian drones launched an overnight detox across the country. several of the drones targeted kind of gave ukraine 2nd biggest city. russian forces launched a surprise offensive in the heart of ki region last week. ukrainian soldiers have been scrambling to defend the border area and bring people to safety. the doubles next on that has district both in the town of both johnston,
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which has seen the some of the fist fighting or what it's looking so grim that most people have left. and many of those who've remained so far are now following them. the police officers blood and you already are here to get some of the amount of all of the lives with his doctor bottle right next to the new front line, but doesn't want to leave lod liens on a professional connection to persuade him listen to me. i'm the commander of your daughter. i don't want her to sit there and cry over the okay. all right. now, many don't want to believe this is happening again. why didn't you evacuate earlier? that's what i had hoped that all would be good. that nobody would force me out
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just as we're leaving lie down there, glide bombs, coming saturday, and i promise you, you come with me. this 2nd large scale attack is devastating for people here. officer of law tells us who the, which was, they're all in despair because everything they have gathered in their lives bit by bit faith and build their houses because of a range of their places for living within everything they had a lot of between. so the rest of the facial below, their most cares, desire now is for it all to and it is that they want to return to those ruins that will remain for the country. what and restore everything, not you will you make it will do that. look for this here, you know,
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we go through. most of, of the danger cannot be underestimated to posted a flight briskly. this was a sniper, round and at the head of their driver to see the world their luck. this vehicle for them provided by the americans was armoured. further south and relative safety. some of the last directories wait for transport out of the shows here with their family and their neighbors. they spend 6 days in the basement and then flight on 4 to one just because i can only get the car. when you send me the we did anything, anything would happen. and when we realized that everything was flying from all sides, everything was being bombed. we all hope that this and this is my house. we couldn't take out my shepherd dogs. unfortunately, no soccer. i left him. that's all. it is. sorry
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. we are all alive. thank god and have the whole family left alive and with love to be to sell it will definitely be made as also say we're united with his daughter, somebody but he and his dog, but on are not home here. and what we're getting there has lost faith fail ever return. switch that report by the top goes back, send a quick look now at some of the other headlines from around the world of police in the friend city of well have shots and killed in all the man who tried to set fire to a synagogue was honestly sir, the attacker had a knife and an iron bar, and a type in the front seat of sir janette, december to them since the october 7 her most of the attacks in israel abroad broke out entire ones bottom and to be lawmakers. i heard of the presidential in organization on monday. the main opposition party wants the greatest scrutiny,
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pause over the government and accuses them of abusing par, to force through proposals now to something entirely different. the humble taco is perhaps mexico's best known foss food made of meat or beans with vegetables . and a call in cheryl, it's never been seen as boat cuisine until now. that is a popular shop in mexico city is now the 1st ever to be given. that kennedy was most coveted toward a mission install. no secrets only good. authentic cuisine talk of yet a cliff ideally own has been serving the same food for 50 years. now they're doing it with a mission instar, reading, an honor that is an inspiration for the shops owner. the most of one, a sudden it was, it was always fun to be awarded to, to see those to be recognizing me with such an important international board because that was not part of me. and we all more than committed to the lactic
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because from now on this that drives us every day to be more competitive than more original eh, what you found to be competitive in aspects you, since all of the stickers, the small mexico city eatery only serves tacos meat from cows with moines enforcing the tacos are expensive by local standards at around 5 us dollars, but well worth the cost of customers who celebrate the shops, new michelin status. so let's say that it may just come from mexico city and know a lot of tucker re is this one is very good. the flavor and the service are incredible instead of me. and i mean, they deserve it because they all the best tacos here in the area and among many other talk ideas. tucker yeah, talisha identity owns team wants to menu to keep evolving. what they aren't willing to compromise is their c bri cuisine. and it's micheline star quality
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and that's it for the moment coming up next off of the big document referred me to the many through or risk their lives every days to feed their families. i'm bigger strategy in the building. thanks so much for watching. we think about you in about 45 minutes, they burst into our is whenever they feel like a girl in the 1000 kind of for design and fashion. and most of the pieces in the sky. many on including the office to buy. how do they do it? the secret lives of good thoughts may 22nd on dw, the.


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