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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 17, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CEST

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the the, this is the, the news life from berlin. the us ministry says the 1st aid has been delivered to gaza via a new temporary. yeah. it's hope the shipment going to have to ease thinking, monitored, and crisis that. but the you and say is the lack of land a deliveries for me, it's a huge problem. also coming up a rush of steps up. it's offensive a northeastern ukraine. this here is what the situation of chance is turning into at the very moment down here. this is a residential building, corresponded with this is the destruction caused by the russian attack and how ukrainian soldiers rush to rescue residents. and a relative calm down. so new kind of don't. you're off to days of rioting on the
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pacific islands spot by francis plans to change the election law. their violence has left at least 5 dead and hundreds injured. the i'm going to expand as you're welcome. we begin with the news that aid has just started arriving and gaza via us been temporary floating via the structure is anchored to a beach and has been designed to increase the flow of age into this trip. however, but you want has one that appear to is no substitute for a deliveries via land, which have been severely disrupted at the roof of border crossing seems. is relative control of the guys outside. but you and foot program say is the price of famine has never loomed larger for guys, us $2200000.00 people of explosions and gunshots,
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springing out in the deserted streets of ralph on the southern cities, the latest focus of operations. if this really military, israel says masses last remaining fighters are based and roughly along with the groups leaders responsible for the october 7 tier attack. so it needs to send more troops. there are from us our troops and destroyed several tunnels that will destroy even more soon a lot of this activity will intensify on a mazda is a mouse, an organization that can reorganize, does not have the reserve troops. it does not have the ability to produce munitions as well as applies a result. and so we're cutting it off. we are wearing it down here. and visual hockey model is rarely tanks of already advanced deep into rough us eastern outskirts pushing into residential areas. the one says almost 600000 people taking refuge in rafa, have now left after israel took control of the gods. the side of the roof of border
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crossing supplies and medical services have been dwindling. sewage in place already in the southern gaza running out. i think we were talking about almost nothing left just food in the market. very soon, hoping on the left medical supplies in the hospitals that remain in the south to 3 weeks, i think to go perhaps a month. 8 agencies stay at temporary pier anchored by us troops and regular air drops are no substitute for ground delivery palestinians to have been calling for the border. crossing to reopen the ship. we went to border crossings to open my appointment safety. we want official borders as plains as well with the parachutes, and that even better food,
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it us like dogs like beggars. well, that doesn't work as it falls on people as a princess problems other than 5 show the big odd bull the gotten there. got it much accurate with most eat operations disrupted due to the rough uh, offensive. and the humanitarian situation. already dire. agencies warrant thousands are now facing an immediate risk of famine. and i was taught us funding, tanya cream and jerusalem. what difference a delivery is? why the new peer we make to the people of guys that as well. i think agencies here would say it depends on how much it is arriving through that route and how it will be distributed. re over. do you hurt us officials saying this is certainly not a substitute for our getting more a through the lens crossings. and also uh, you know, this is a very complex procedure just to explain it a bit. um, so the, the aide and the goods will arrive and cypress,
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there will be screened uh over there, then load it onto a commercial or a military rest of that. bring them to a floating uh dock or platform and the deposit. so it'd be brought onto a trucks onto that, or then going onto smaller vessels. and we understand that per as per truck. it could be, you know, could be $5.00 to $15.00 trucks on one of those smaller vessels. those vessels then we'll shuttle, uh, so to speak. this 8 and the goods to the floating p a where there was and tries over it and then drop it and the it will be distributed by you and agencies mainly by the world food program. and this is all happening selves of cause of safety. now this is of course, also prone to know whether issue is high seas, but also safety issues. but again, the pressure remains on as well as we've been hearing here from 8 agencies to let in a more a through the land crossings. now israel says it has no limits on the age of
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studying and has opened in the north another crossing the west in areas crossing the areas crossing. but of course, due to the fighting in the south. now the main crossing is egypt as close scafa. there's also the buckling neck between the north and the south and you and has said, you have always been accused that they can't really distribution not fast enough by as well. but the u. n. has said, you know, they don't have enough fuel at the moment. they don't, uh, the, the, it's, it's unsafe also to bring the aid to people. so all of these factors will play into see how this will pay out. given the most 8 operations have been disruptive because of that off of offensive. what kind of food is available in gaza and how do people get hold of it as well? and we've been talking to people in the north of cause a, a lately, and they say the situation is extremely fluid. what's available sometimes most of the time this a tend food is available, but it also is a high price, you know,
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and fresh food is sometimes available. but a father said to me on the phone that he doesn't have any income anymore. so he doesn't know how to pay for this. so and then you have to commodities also, you know, you need a cooking dos and need electricity. there's also an issue with the water is agencies have pointed out. so all of this of course makes it very difficult, the internal food chain and gaza has broken down. and of course it's heavy fighting going on. people don't simply even feel say it's, you know, to get the food. so all of this comes together where you're not even there for the moment, but thanks for joining us today. and you know, those time there came back in june was the main line is what i was told, the united nations stop called it is not committing genocide. in does a, it's legal team was presenting its arguments of the international court of justice in response to a case brought by south africa. that argues it is guilty of genocide against the palestinians. israel tip top africa is making
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a mockery of international law. so thought for god presents the court here again for the 1st time within the scope of less than 5 months with a picture that is completely divorced from the facts and circumstances of israel. as previously stated before, these courts, when dealing with the little facts matter, truth should the matter wards must retain their meaning. calling something of genocide again and again does not make it genuflect. repeating ally does not make its true escape from our brussels correspondent band. are you good band? tell us what did the is there any legal team say today in the hague? of the representatives of isabel argued that the israeli army
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is not targeting civilians in gauze deliberately. there's no intention to kill the palestinian people, the intention of the military operation of the boys to get rid of how much the terrorist organization that attacked israel on october. the 7th and is still continuing and to fight against the is a i me and shit and shelling and also firing rockets. so hence there is no intention of committing genocide. there is no genocide, it goes the argument of the authority side and the mr. the good get on the one the representatives called the south african application and let me quote, to you, outrages, outlanders, and an expectation actually of the even we do in convention at to prevent agenda's side. rough is still a strong hold and of i'm us. so it's read august that the boy has to continue,
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and that the how must terrace a hiding amongst the civilian population in rough talk and using miss using the population and as a human shield. so how much is also to blame for the misery and the, the submitted, tearing catastrophe that is unfolding and in a gaza strip. the israel also disputed the numbers that south africa was voting here. the numbers of casualties because it is what it says. all these numbers are only coming from palestinian and most sources they are not reliable. so there is a constant us the court to reject the applications of subs. i forgot about him not only to stop the ground invasion in rough hop back to stop the whole military operation in all of gaza and, and it's to be seen if the corporate follow that ban trigger in brussels. thanks so
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much for this. a quick look now at some of the other headlines from around the world police in the fine city of wal, have shot and killed an on demand who tried to set fire to a synagogue of thought of the state of the attack. i had a knife and an iron ball and type in the fonts, have seen a surgeon and to submit to them since the october 7. a monster attacks in israel, a volcanic eruption in eastern indonesia. it has prompted apologies to issue its highest wanting a low level residence, having evacuated off the mount, able it up to for the 2nd consecutive day. indonesia sits on the tectonic bout known as the ring of fire. the volcano is one of indonesia as most active to the war in ukraine, mixed with the countries ministry says it shut down, trying to rush and drones along, staying overnight to touch across the country. several of the drones targeted khaki,
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ukraine, 2nd biggest city, russian forces. lots to surprised defense. they've been the kind of keep region last week ukrainians. so we just have been scrambling to defend the border area and bring people to safety. the deputies mike sound. how's this report from the town of both johns, which has seen some of the fist fighting for the people of, of chance. this is a nightmare repeating itself. the russians attacked and occupied the town at the start of the full scale invasion, but were pushed out. now they're back and this here is what the situation involve. chance is turning into at the very moment guy me here is the residential building. it was struck by a glide bomb from what we've been told on just about 20 minutes ago. 2 women were injured in taken to hospital or the russian forces are hitting the city and neighboring areas. we've ariel bonds like this one.
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when we were there, russians had entered the northern suburbs. these drag and teeth are supposed to slow advancing tax and the ukrainians are rushing more troops to the region to prevent a russian break through what it's looking so grim that most people have left. and many of those who've remained so far are now following them. the police officers blood and you already are here to get some of them out the what, what do you me lives with his doc bottle right next to the new front line but doesn't want to leave lod liens on a professional connection to persuade him to listen to me, i am the commander of your daughter. i don't want her to sit there and cry over the
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okay. i'll probably know. many, don't want to believe this is happening again. why didn't you evacuate earlier? i had hoped that all would be good, that nobody would force me out. just as we're leaving light down there, glide bones coming saturday and i promise you, you'll come with me. this 2nd large scale attack is devastating for people here. officer of law tells us who the, which was, they're all in despair because everything they have gathered in their lives bit by bit faith and build their houses because of a range of their places for living within everything they had. but they loved it
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over to him, so the rest of the social below their most cares desire. now, as for all to end the news that they want to return to those ruins that will remain for the country. what and restore everything, not you will you make it well, there's always that they say, you know, we go through. most of the danger cannot be underestimated to have posted of language, but this was a sniper, round pain that the head of their driver. let's see the well there look at this vehicle provided by the americans was armoured. further south and relative safety. some of the last directories wait for transport out of the shows here with her family and their neighbors. they spend 6 days in the basement and then flight on 41 years because i can only get the car. when you send me the we did anything, anything would happen. and when we realized that everything was flying from all sides, everything was being bombed. we all hope that this and this is my house exclusive.
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we couldn't take out my shepherd dogs. unfortunately, no soccer. i left him. this is the sorry is that we are all alive. thank god and have the whole family left alive and with love to be to sell it will definitely be made as also say we're united with his daughter, somebody but he and his dog. but on our not home here. and what we're getting a lot has lost faith failed ever returned me. so i rush hour wages war, a new ukraine. it's a president of letting me put in is visiting china as northeastern city of hot been on the 2nd and last day of his trip to the country. 14 defendant of trade expo in the city, which is near the russian border. and has historical ties to the country for the
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and stopped there is meant to underscore the economic cooperation between the 2 nations of 14 and chinese president change and being reaffirmed there no limits box to ship. i made the growing tensions with the rest of the long distance bringing trying to expect josie murray paddic calling frontier university here in germany. welcome. russia and china already had a no limits, bought the shape. now they're talking of a new in ties. how do you interpret that or customer? thank you for being here. it is not a big surprise to us of service that the to autocratic regime, strings and the ties in depth and intensity, especially now with the election elections around the world coming up. the target has a rule based international order and with a renew declaration that demonstrate and that ton of non liver rosa view of the
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growth, especially to other countries that might be undersized. in particular that deep in several areas with a strategic and military relevance. for example, of military corporation itself, science and technology in general, particularly in innovation technology, every ation trans core logistics and also to create transportation helps around the world with dual use facilities. i'd like to emphasize here, there are standing corporation in the arctics, which we should pay more attention on since it becomes a future area where they can quite a undetected strength. and these corporation ties the way you describe it. it sounds like a this is going to be a severe challenge to the west and lead world order a. m is definitely strengthening the corporation, and this will be another step on challenging the robust order. definitely,
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especially when we talk about the depth and intensity beyond military issues. we have seen this in the run up before that there is some corporation way beyond codependency in terms of currency and also in rome. materials. so yes, that is, diffusing into both their societies and i think this is something we should take a closer look on to. yes, you know, i'd like to speak a bit more about the trade relationship because russia straight, but china has sides to above 26 percent in the last year to know. and how important is this trade relationship with china off for russia? one of the areas is that russia being sanctioned by most of the world partners they are need for daily life supply but also for military and also the emissions. and we know timing is supporting this sort of thing. there's a huge codependency coming and where trying to deliver scripts also to strengthen
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the economy, make strings across the board. and also that's why they need also in harvey, which is on north part of china to strengthen those ties in the us of the saloon tree. uh, for example, also try not gets a lot of raw materials to industrialize along the border and, and trade. russia become a gets a lot of um yeah, daily nice supports but also the venetian. we know that from the fields, leave it there for the moment. but thanks so much for joining us today. trying to expert josie money back on from a 2 year university. thanks so much. i thank you for having me a quick look now at some of the other headlines from around the world abroad, broke out in taiwan solomon to be known, make us ahead of the presidential integration on monday. the main all position, body ones, greatest scrutiny, pause over the government and accuses damage abusing power to force. 2 proposals
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presented has been confirmed as hosts of the 2027 women's world cup in sucka fee. 5 delegates chose the south american nation over a joints proposal from germany, belgium, and benevolence. it's the 1st time the eventually beheld in south america. a state of emergency has been declared in the french pacific territory of new caledonia for the next 12 days in an attempt to quell unrest that of the 5 people dead, including 2 police officers, plans over new voting rules from french lawmakers. prompted the latest violence. the former french colony became and oversee instead of 3 after world war 2. it has rejected independence and referendums the 3 times. but the cause retains strong support among the indigenous come knock people. security forces are leaving parents on a mission to bring the situation in new caledonia under control. what they will
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find 17000 kilometers away in the south pacific auto scars of the worst unrest and 3 decades writers and police officers were killed in dozens of businesses. torched in 3 days of violence in parts of the capital of new may a residents themselves were forced to act to restore order on the streets. everything's burning people and it's really none of the minutes because they are these really searching each other? no, i've never seen this much violence. the tensions and frances former calling and now its overseas territory run deep. but after the parliament in paris expanded voting rights to include french residents who have lived in new caledonia for 10 years. the situation exploded also. so we see
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a little pressure on black on that on. we're angry. uh, everything is taking place over there, mother and us. we're wondering uh, are we being her? oh, we have to connect people up to move pepper cadillac. did you go? you can you? but as a caledonia that is not recognizable today, i don't understand. we talk about sharing. we talk about time to talk about caledonia is not what you think. i'm a new caledonia and i no longer know my country anymore. and couldn't. you won't be a general friends has imposed a 12 day state of emergency to quilting unrest. 1000 soldiers and police officers and from paris are due to drawing the 1700 already on the ground. let's get more from natalie. more go to victories, a teaching fellow at the ashton university in the u. k. specializing in french politics and french overseas territories. buncombe to d. w. mo, security personnel have not arrived from france. will they be able to credit the
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violence? well hopefully that's the point. but i don't the things that the, the, so the solution will be with using was twins. uh, we need to establish dialogue. that is the main thing that this one is most triggered this time. but i can go over front as planned to impose new voting rules, but it's been assembling for decades, hasn't been exactly, but actually the, it's not simmering for decades. that's a big room. so you can be doing your husband if it did from a very large or tunnel me. a regina that was implemented by the what would go to a call to let you know, do you know, and then a go the new math which gave a new kind of doing yeah, a very large or don't know me ways at the end of these process which was supposed
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to take place in 20192020. so they should be 123 referendum on said determination with the population of new caledonia would decide whether they wanted to become independent or not. how well the said they went. 3 referendums that took place in 201920202021. however, the one in 2021 and the pro independence movement objected to the dates because it was remember the context of g o v the accept trunk. so as they go to did that, the stud referendum was not a dead ways or implemented in the right conditions. um, because of poor independence, didn't have the time to, for example, to contain, to mobilize the population even more. and that's from there. that actually z ango
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has been of ruling really and exploded now, because of this bill on um, the constitutional reform to expend the electro right to take part in the provincial elections. you were talking about the referendums and therefore i need to ask you at any independence movement that exists in new caledonia, how strong easy it then is it being driven by the indigenous come up people. yeah it's, it's mostly proven by then and it didn't important the can not population would present around 42 percent of the entire population of new canada. don't know which amount to 270000 people. but let's say about, let's talk about the political importance weight. and that i want to say we just,
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we referendums the 1st one and the 2nd one, the um, the pro independence gained about $43.00 and then 47 percent of the vote. so you can see the important, it's almost 5050. right. thanks for breaking that down for us we left and leave it there for the moment. but uh, thanks for joining us today. natalie. well, go to rich from ashton university in the okay. i said, and before we go a quick look at the top starting the following up, these are the usa industries. aids deliveries have begun by a temporary p. r in gaza, aimed at ramping up emergency humanitarian assistance to the ballasting intended treat. but the un has won the peer is no substitute for 8 deliveries by land, which have been severely disrupted since these relative controls of the guys outside of the rough i border crossing last week. that's it for the moment.
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coming up after the break. conflict on the what's the tough questions? genetic as foreign minister. i'm finished managing berlin by the into the conflicts own with sim sebastian. as the war and ukraine grind on the neighboring voltage states watch anxiously from the ringside seats, pressing the west to increase a kia and make sure russia dozens with my guest this week is the last to be as 5 minutes to please stay on this current. and he's clear nature as to optics can conflict next on d, w to the point strong opinions, clear positions, international perspective, every showing of russian military leadership suggest pollutant is digging in for
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a long range and plenty to harness for the russian economy to do so. what does this mean for ukraine under, on board mentioned losing ground in the northeast. join us this week on to the point. to the point in 60 minutes on the w, the music can be destroyed. you can try i but it's impossible to see performed for head lice in housemates the he was the nazis. the 2 musicians who lived in the savannah office austin film about the sounds of power and inspiring
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stories off the volume. music under the swastika starts may 25th on dw, the as the boring ukraine grinds on, the neighboring voltage states, what's anxiously from the ring side seat, pressing the west to increase a key, and make sure russia cousins with my guest this week is the last to be as 5 minutes to 50 on these times, and he's clear nato a set up. it's good. the difficulty in the frustration that i feel is that as we are going step by step, russia is going full frontal forward. so how ready is nato to take on an expansion? is russia, why are some rich european states still i'm willing to meet the alliances defense spending.


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