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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 17, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the we news line from berlin. the u. s. military says the 1st aid has been delivered to gaza via a new temporary peer. it's help the shipment will help ease the human and tearing crisis there. but the un says the lack of land 8 deliveries remains a huge problem. also coming on russia steps up it's offensive in northeastern ukraine. this here is what the situation of, of chance is turning into at the very moment drive me here. this is a residential building. our 4 responded witnesses, the destruction caused by the russian attacks and how ukrainian soldiers rushed to rescue residents. and protesters demonstrated against georgia,
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new media bill until the last possible moment, but who was behind the controversial long and what will the repercussions be now that it has passed the article for at least welcome to the show. we begin with the news that aid has started arriving in gaza via a us build temporary floating peer. the structure is anchored to a beach and has been designed to increase the flow of 8 into the strip. however, the wind has warmed up, appear as no substitute for a delivery by a land which have been severely disrupted at the roof of border crossing. since the israel took control of the gaza side, b u n. food program says the threats of famine has never loomed larger for gauze as 2200000 people,
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the explosions and gunshots spring out in the deserted streets of rough on the southern cities, the latest focus of operations. if this really military, israel says masses last remaining fighters are based in roughly, along with the groups leaders responsible for the october 7 tier attack. so it needs to send more troops there. from us, our troops are destroyed several tunnels and will destroy even more soon. a lot of this activity will intensify on a mazda is a mouse, an organization that can reorganize just don't have the reserve troops, it does not have the ability to produce munitions. it has no supplies, i mean the result is we're cutting it off, we are wearing it down in visual hockey model is really tanks of already advanced deep into rough on eastern outskirts pushing into residential areas. the one says almost 600000 people taking refuge in rafa, have now left after israel took control of the gods. the side of the roof of border
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crossing supplies and medical services have been dwindling. sewage in place already in the southern gaza running out. i think with that we're talking about limited on last food in the market. very soon. i mean, on the left medical supplies in the hospital that remain in the south to 3 weeks, i think to go perhaps a month 8 agency say a temporary peer anchored by us troops and regular air drops are no substitute for ground deliveries. palestinians to have been calling for the border crossing to reopen that as well as the ship. we went to border crossings to open my point when safety. we want official borders as plains as well,
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with the parachutes and them and they can food us like dogs, like beggars. well, that doesn't work as it falls on people as a princess problems other than 5 show the big all bull the gotten there. got it much accurate with most 8 operations disrupted due to the rough uh, offensive, and the humanitarian situation. already dire. agencies warrant thousands are now facing an immediate risk of famine. and i'm joined once more by china low. she's communications advisor for the norwegian refugee council in jerusalem or china. good to see you again. aid has now started arriving abrazzo via the us build pier kansas new maritime route bring enough aid into the gaza strip. know this route is estimated to bring normally between 90 to a maximum, a $150.00 truckloads per day. at this point, we need to see a flood of humanitarian assistance, enter gaza, and the only efficient and cost effective way to do that is through the process
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that already exist. there are literally thousands of trucks lined up on the chips inside of the border, waiting to enter gaza and need those crossings to be operational in order for them to get in and help people as quickly as they need those crossings. you mentioned that they're, they're not operational right now. let's talk about the distribution of what is coming in through the air and via this new here. can the goods coming in realistically, reach all the people in need? i know the air drops by and large i believe has been sick focused on northern gaza. it's mostly food and maybe some medicines that have been dropped down. we heard yesterday from about staff of ours in northern, regardless or talking about that in addition to the food that they're getting with you at this point. the kind of ways coming through the, the new newly open northern areas. west crossing is just the week. but people are
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in need of shelter supplies. they're in need of hygiene kids. they're in need of other items that aren't entering through these process. uh, the air drops or, or not, and cost effective way. there are lots of ways in which they can cause harm, either by falling on, on age recipients or falling into the sea, as we've seen. and as, as the person in your report said, it's not making a 5 way for people to receive a age of be distributed by some and materials. and then border way to ensure that the most vulnerable people are having access to the items that they need. allies are currently on rough uh home to hundreds of thousands of displaced people now with a large scale military operation, their looming, what's their situation? what are their living conditions? i spoke yesterday to a colleague of ours who was in the process. she described a city that is, has been largely deserted. the land has said that 640000 people. as of this morning,
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had fled rasa most are moving as far to the west as they can. they are entering their in strips of land areas where they do not have capacity to where the facilities and services needed in order to in order to meet their basic needs. it's, it's, agencies are overwhelmed trying to respond to the needs, but the needs keep on growing desperation is high. we've really done at our own e distributions. we've had a recipient change because they are so malnourished. we've seen people begging for any scrap of this. do they can receive, the situation continues to deteriorate, day by day. now with a situation. so while a child, how does your organization adapt it's operations on the ground? well, we've been working to get the small amount of aid that we received right before the border crossings distributed to people who are in need,
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but we're quickly running out of supplies. and once those supplies run out, unless these crossings reopen, we will not be able to provide any risk, much of, or any response at all to the people who are in need. shina low from the norwegian refugee council in jerusalem, always great to get your insights. thank you so much. thank you. israel has told the united nations top chords, it is not committing genocide and gaza is legal team was presenting its arguments at the international court of justice in response to a case brought by south africa. that argues, israel is in fact guilty of genocide against the palestinians. israel accuses south africa of making a mockery of international law to stop for god presents the quartet again for the 1st time within the scope of less than 5 months. with a picture that is completely divorced from the facts and circumstances
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of israel as previously stated before, the skirts when dealing with the little facts matter. truth should the matter wards must retain their meaning. calling something a gentle side again and again does not make it genuflect. repeating ally does not make it's true. we asked our correspondent in brussels band reagan who is following this case for us. what else? b is rarely set today. the representatives of israel arguing that the israeli army is not targeting civilians in gauze deliberately. there is no intention to kill the palestinian people, the intention of the military operation of the boys to get rid of how much the terrorist organization and that attacked israel. and october the 7th and is still
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continuing and to fight against the is a i me and shit and shelling and also firing rockets. so hence there is no intention of committing genocide. there is no genocide, it goes the argument of the authority side and the mr. the good good on the one, the representatives called the south african application and let me quote, to you, outrages, outlanders, and an expectation actually of the even we do in convention at to prevent agenda's side. rough is still a strong hold and of i'm us. so it's read august that the boy has to continue, and that the how must terrace a hiding amongst the civilian population in rough talk and using miss using the population and as a human shield. so how much is also to blame for the misery and the, the submitted,
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tearing catastrophe that is unfolding in, in a gaza strip. and it's really also disputed the numbers that south africa versus voting here. the numbers of casualties because is where it says all these numbers are only coming from palestinian and time us sources. they are not reliable. so there is a constant us the court to reject the applications of subs that i forgot about him. not only to stop the, the ground invasion in rough, i thought to stop the whole military operation in all of gaza and, and it's to be seen if the corporate follow that those boundary good reporting from brussels and a quick look down at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. the police and the french city of la have shot and killed an armed man who trying to set fire into a synagogue authority. save the attacker had
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a nice and an iron bar and threatened them for an so seeing a search and anti semitism since the october 7th come off. terror attacks in israel . a brawl broke out in taiwan. parliament between lawmakers ahead of the presidential non duration on monday. the main opposition party once greater scrutiny powers over the government, and accuses them of using power to force through proposals. russian president vladimir putin is visiting china as north eastern city of har. been on the final day of his to day trip to the country as part of an effort to underscore the economic cooperation between the 2 nations. earlier, he and chinese presidents, aging, paying, reaffirmed their no limits partnership and growing tensions with the west. ukraine's president followed him years the landscape says his forces have, quote, stabilized the northern front. near har keys or russia has advanced and recent days,
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ukraine's army chief says russian gains have expanded the combat area by almost 70 kilometers, and are forcing ukraine to throw additional reserve for gates onto the front line. authorities are trying to evacuate the last remaining residents involve shots, just 5 kilometers from the russian border. thousands more have already fled. our reporter marks on the travel tube of chance and send us this report for the people of of chance. this is a nightmare repeating itself as the russians attacked and occupied the town at the start of the full scale invasion book are pushed out. now they're back. and this here is what the situation involve chance is turning into at the very moment. jamie, here is a residential building that was struck by a glide bomb from what we've been told on just about 20 minutes ago. 2 women were injured in taken to hospital. the russian forces are hitting the city and
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neighboring areas. we've ariel bonds like this one. when we were there, russians had entered the northern suburbs. these drag and teeth are supposed to slow advancing tax and the ukrainians are rushing more troops to the region to prevent a russian break through what it's looking so grim that most people have left. and many of those who've remained so far are now following them. the police officers blood and you already are here to get some of them out. what we'll do, you me lives with his doctor bottle right next to the new front line, but doesn't want to leave lod liens on a professional connection to persuade him to listen to me. i am the commander of
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your daughter. i don't want her to sit there and cry over the okay, i'll probably now many don't want to believe this is happening again. why didn't you evacuate earlier? i had hoped that all would be good, that nobody would force me out. just as we're leaving the lie down there, glide bombs coming. is that right now? i promise you, you come with me. this 2nd large scale attack is devastating for people here. officer of law tells us who the, which was, they're all in despair because everything they have gathered in their lives bit by bit faith and build their houses because of
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a range of their places for living. we would include everything they had, but they lot over to him, so the rest of the fish are below their most careless desire. now, as for it all to end it is that they want to return to those ruins that will remain for the country with you. and restore everything, not people you make people do that before they say it and we go through. most of the danger cannot be underestimated. it posted a flight prescribed this was a sniper round, and that the head of their driver. let's see the well there look at this vehicle provided by the americans was armoured. further south and relative safety. some of the last directories wait for transports out of the shows here with her family and their neighbors. they spend 6 days in the basement and then flight on 4 to one just because i can only get the car. when you send me the we did anything, anything. what happened? and when we realized that everything was flying from all sides,
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everything was being bombed. we all hope that this and this is my house. we couldn't take out my shepherd dog, unfortunately. not sure cuz i left him. it is sorry . is it we are all alive. thank god and have the whole family left alive and with love to be to sell it the it is also safe over. we're united with his daughter, somebody. but he and his dog by don't are not home here. and what we're getting a lot has lost faith feel ever return. great. what's brand, frank le, when she is a former u. k. military intelligence officer and now lectures and military strategy at portsmouth university. i'm going to see you again. frank, as russian president put in that today that he has no plans on capturing hard key.
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what is his strategy then? a good morning or good afternoon, nicole. yes or not. seems clear. they typically don't have to scalar forces to take on the task of a city. well, over a 1000000 people like caucus. but they have is essentially one division which is between 7 and 10000 people. so right now they have that capability to do that, but okay, so what are they doing? well, 2 things. first of all, the about objective is to create a quote on sunday to for the blasts of belgrade and those since the pops costs, as well in russia to avoid your credit and artillery, find also in cousins by the printed by forces. and the 2nd thing, of course, is to draw away ukrainian results in so far as i have them from other parts of the front. that those are the purposes of the primary purpose. and these operations as well as i can see. let's talk about how this is affecting other areas of ukraine.
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this finding back the russian on slots for whatever reason might be behind it, or whatever or thinking might be behind it on the russians. part of how is it affecting ukrainian operations and other parts of the front slowly closer to those long division and facing facing concave now. but behind that is closer tens of thousands of other troops. and what the credit is comp do is assume that those lot of people won't be brought into authoration. because i said it's unlikely that'll be gone for khaki. but of course, there are other potential points of trouble as well. take assume a in the west and ukraine is a quite concerned that the russian so we'll have a go that looks like they might well do. but what the credit is have done because it, if it's pull, oh, so you're planning on being on a stretch system. so you had on the report that you're printing. so i've taken 2 per guys months quote, to force to reinforce that front. and that's the whole point. it's stressing once
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again, the manpower stresses the size differential between you printed russian forces and it's exploiting ukraine's deficiency and not respect on his stretching. it will continue to do so. i think the credit is to hold, but they are going to be seriously challenged. i think, particularly, or not ne and read or north western region of the country. sorry, ne, in re to bring, i want to bring up something else because ukraine launched a wave of drone attacks on russia overnight. and what might well be the biggest aerial assault on russia since the war began? no loss. scouts says it's not down more than a 100 drones and reported to death in the belgrade region. we're seeing footage now of the aftermath of a drone strike on an oil refinery in the black sea city of to watch say, fire crews have extinguished the blaze, but the extent of the damage is still not clear. nope, frank, to what extent are these drone attacks debilitating the russian war machine?
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i'm sorry to say that the only refund the tax on the old refineries are achieving a set to that sort of strategic level economic level. and they've reduced russian capacity according to some reports by between 5 about run 5567 percent. who knows? but having some effect, the question is that what the effort and what the, the told me that the downside which is the appearance of, of attacking. so then it's much more effective. and we saw this over the last couple of days. our assaults on russian military targets such as on the belt, the casio, a couple of days ago, which is where it really did damage the, the, the rest of the naval and ation that using the taco dismissal is interesting. right now they do seem to be having some effect control of the types of rest of the assess less. so at the moment, you know, they don't have a scale that really going to damage russian military efforts. at this moment there's nothing like the effect cost of the russians are having on your credit itself with similar attacks and of
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a far greater scale both for the ad on using drugs. yeah. your brain still very much on the back foot. how do you see the summer going for them? we will see the russian, some of the offensive, which i think everybody's predicting. we may, we may have thoughts that, that may help the gun that will stretch you crated forces about something on the list of savings there. so this will move from an additional phase to maneuver phase, but we may see breakthroughs and so forth. i'm not so sure about that, but let's watch and see what happens in suited the district next. on the scale of forces. a reply that nobody's expecting vast numbers of russians to appear out of no cost or less than intelligence knows about the scale of russians. right. frank language from portsmouth university. always great speaking to you. thanks. i space i moved to georgia now where the president telling me is that rubbish really has repeated her opposition to a controversial bill. that critics describe as a threat to free speech. the law which was passed on tuesday requires media
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organizations and, and g o's to register as foreign agents. if they receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad, he will use maria cut down lots of reports from the george and capital to boise on who is behind the law. and why opponents are so concerned. the pensions run high as a georgian parliament warning over the seconds after the government adults, the foreign agents bill protest as a furious and refuse to back down. opponents of the law say the ruling party is putting georgia away from europe and closer to russia has gone. critics say that all the golf and found out didn't we didn't georgia dream party between a bunch really? who made his fortune in russia is behind this shift and then of seemingly unlimited power and fabulous wealth. his message is clear to the west is the enemy is
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maddening in georgia. and if this and his relations with russia, would i not georgia? i'm your credit and middleton out to join a tire and were left out fine. but also because most of the decisions are made by the global war posts. but it's not that we just have to slice it comes on later in new york and early ninety's, georgia. franklin, as a kind of experts say that the shift away from the west is directly linked to russia's ongoing invasion of ukraine. proposed to quickly, i mean it was going to be so busy. 91 is really who is behind the of doors in dreams. he believes that russia is reading this for new crane and basically west is very weak and he's trying now to accommodate the russian hill political interest in the post soviet space. and he thinks that the georgia should be prepared for this. even issue is direct connections to the crumbling are still not k, but some of the of a suggest that he's concerns for his own personal safety could also play a role. and type prominence. sentiment is intense and widespread in georgia and
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society. the countries 3 feet away from the west. so with moscow, as much as the resistance and the state has responded with a violent plumb down. the government is using russians have to process movements in this country, but they say they will not be in today to show this to see the piece of medium via joe perry, the professor at the university. and bbc is one of the many academics who condemn the for an agent's law. for that he became the target of a violent attack. he believes it was august right, to buy their will when potty, i know people's starting beating me with a big long, heavy sticks like baseball. but it's, i don't know, maybe it was baseball, but i tried to to, to,
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to refresh myself. and then i fell down. they continued between me for baseball, but they said something like, uh so you want to guess the law to go going much. my dad, this is the interest has to be least the wife has to step up and help georgia overcome this political crisis to break away from russia. students have been domain agency protest, movements for them to fight for independence. and the european future is not over yet. students say that they will pro task for as long as it takes right up until october elections when to just we pass the ballot to decide the future of the government. that's it from the news from the moment, but they with us up next to the point, looks at the bottom and hooton's recent military leadership,
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re shuffle and russia and what it means for the war in ukraine article really thank you so much for your company. the, the, the,
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to the point, strong opinions, clear positions, international perspective, every showing of russia's military leadership suggests pollutant is digging in for a long range and plenty to harness for the russian economy to do so. what does this mean for ukraine under, on board mentioned losing ground in the northeast. join us this week on to the point to the point for the next on
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d w. so it was how to deal with china. for years it's been a reliable economic partner for germany. but recently it's been turning its back on the west. now it's pushing for a new world order. turning a once a dreamy relationship and some more of the dependency with no easy way out. in the jaws of the dragon. in 45 minutes on d, w, the name is the yellow, the calls back said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it loud. things would have been, you know, say like good everyone to ok,
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retiring into a marker for, i'm sorry, check out the award winning outcome. don't hold back. the experts have been expecting a fresh russian offensive for a while now, but certainly not expecting to be shake up in rushes, military leadership that we solve this week. newton's defense minister for the last 12 years and the survey showing goes in and out of the job. and he's been replaced by a civilian economist. what does that tell us about pretends that strategy and what really means for ukraine under compartment and losing ground in the region at north and east of hockey? there's, we've gone through the points of we're looking at is for economy and discussing whether new military leadership will mobilize russia for a long.


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