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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, we news long from berlin. the u. s. military says the 1st aid has been delivered to god the via an new temporary peer itself. the shipment will, it is the humanitarian crisis there. but the one says the lack of land, a deliveries remains. a huge problem. also coming up israel tells the un top court that the war in gaza is quote tragic, but that it's not genocide and that it's doing all it can to minimize the harm to civilians and an update on the condition of the slovak prime minister and the mood and the country there's still a palpable sense of shock here in slovakia,
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2 days after the prime minister, rubbing visa with shots in an assassination attempt. and then we looked at the latest in the investigation that security forces search the apartment of the suspected gun man. the, i'm the go for least welcome to the show. aid has started arriving in gaza via us built temporary floating peer. the structure is anchored to beach and has been designed to increase the flow of 8 and to the strip. however, the u. n. has warned that the peer is no substitute for a deliveries via land, which have been severely disrupted at the roof of border crossing. since the israel took control of the gods inside the u. n. 's food program says the threat of famine has never loomed larger for guys, us 2200000 people, the explosions and gunshots spring out in the deserted streets of ralph on the
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southern cities, the latest focus of operations. if this really military, israel says masses last remaining fighters are based in roughly, along with the groups leaders responsible for the october 7 tier attack. so it needs to send more troops. there are from us our troops and destroyed several tunnels that will destroy even more soon a lot of this activity will intensify on a mazda is a mouse, an organization that can reorganize, does not have the reserve troops. it does not have the ability to produce munitions as well as applies a result is we're cutting it off, we're wearing it down here. and visual hockey model is rarely tanks of already advanced deep into rough on eastern outskirts pushing into residential areas. the one says almost 600000 people taking refuge in rafa, have now left after israel took control of the gods. the side of the roof of border
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crossing supplies and medical services have been dwindling. sewage in place already in the southern gaza running out. i think we were talking about almost nothing left just food in the market. very soon, hoping on the left medical supplies in the hospital that remain in the south to 3 weeks, i think to go perhaps a month. 8 agencies stay at temporary peer anchored by us troops and regular air drops are no substitute for ground deliveries. palestinians to have been calling for the border crossing to reopen that as well as the ship. we went to border crossings to open my point when safety we want official borders as plains as well with the parachutes and that even better food, just like dogs,
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like beggars. well, that doesn't work as it falls on people in princes problems. that doesn't 5 show the big bull the gotten there. got it much accurate with most 8 operations disrupted due to the rough uh, offensive, and the humanitarian situation. already dire. agencies warrant thousands are now facing an immediate risk of famine. china low is with a norwegian refugee council and 8 organization operating inside gaza. and i asked her if the maritime route can realistically bring enough a into the strip. know this route is estimated to bring only between 90 to a maximum, a $150.00 truckloads per day. at this point we need to see a flood option mandatory and assistance enter garza and the only efficient and cost effective way to do that is through the process that already exist. there are
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literally thousands of trucks lined up on the chips inside of the border, waiting to undergo the need, those crossings to be operational, in order for them to get in and help people as quickly as they need those crossings . you mentioned that they're, they're not operational right now. let's talk about the distribution of what is coming in through the air and via this new here. can the goods coming in realistically, reach all the people in need? i know the air drops by and large i believe has been so focused on northern gaza. it's mostly food and maybe some medicines that have been dropped down. we heard yesterday from about staff of ours in northern, regardless or talking about that in addition to the food that they're getting, which at this point the kind of ways coming through to the new newly open northern areas. west crossing is just the week, but people are in need of shelter supplies. they're in need of hygiene kids. they're in need of other items that aren't entering through these process. uh,
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the air drops or, or not cost effective way. there are lots of ways in which they can cause harm, either by falling on, on age recipient or falling into the sea, as we've seen. and as, as the person in your report said, it's not making a 5 way for people to receive the age of be distributed by demand materials in an orderly way to ensure that the most vulnerable people are having access to the items that they need was china low from the norwegian refugee council. when, meanwhile, israel has told the united nations top court is not committing genocide and gaza is legal team was presenting its arguments of the international court of justice and the hague and response to a case brought by south africa. that argues, israel is in fact guilty of genocide against the palestinian people of israel, accuse of south africa, of making a mockery of international law. so thought regard presents the court here again
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for the 1st time within the scope of less than 5 months. with the picture, but these completely divorced from the facts and circumstances of israel as previously stated before. these courts when dealing with the little facts matter, truth should the matter wards must retain their meaning to calling something genocide again and again does not make it genocide. repeating a lie does not make its true movie gone to slovakia. now we're 2 days after and assassination attempt on prime minister rubber feats so doctors have operated on him again. as his government stated feet, those condition will most likely remain serious for the days to come. he's being treated in intensive care. he was shot 2 days ago at close range,
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starting the small central european nation and drew international condemnation. a man arrested at the scene has been charged with attempted murder. our correspondent jack parrot has more from rocks level. there's still a palpable sense of shot kevin into the back here 2 days after the prime minister robot visa was shot in an assassination attempt in the time of high and low for the public event that we understand from the medical team at the hospital in bonds. cuba street, so where he is being held that his situation is critical but is not stable. interesting. the, the hon gary and prime minister, big to old, on one of feet, stays close political allies just over the border. he said that he understood the situation for a robot feed, so was life or death. now, obviously he's not part of the medical team carrying full robot feed. so, but actually, so they've got medical expos have been speaking about the size that because 2 of the full boot is the end to the prime ministers,
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body hits him in his stomach and in his intestines. that means that there is a heightened risk of infection. i'm the continuous one and it will take days if not weeks for him to be given to clear from the risk of infection. so also the, the hon gary employment as of it's all about, he talked about the fact that this is a fascination to attend, could have on the upcoming european parliament selections. he said that along with the you elections, the us selections could change the course of war and peace in europe. now that's because victor open under the robot visa, both of them oppose, continued he, you support for ukraine may want your opinion to speak to russian president vladimir putin. they are considered pro russian leaders in the you now obviously with robot fees the remaining in an i c u bed in the hospital. the complexities of how did this assassination attempts will affect the electorate to and so the back
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here are a little bit complex to untangle, but there isn't much time for the desk to settle those elections will take place in 3 weeks. is jack erik reporting from so lock you will, ukraine's president will let him use the landscape says his forces have stabilized the northern front near harkey, where russia has advanced in recent days, ukraine's army chief says, russian games have expanded the combat area by almost 70 kilometers and are forcing ukraine to throw additional reserve for gays into the front line area. authorities are trying to evacuate the last remaining residents involve chance just 5 kilometers from the russian border. thousands more have already fled. a short while ago, i spoke to frank language. he's a former u. k. military intelligence officer, now lecturers and military strategy at portsmouth university. and i asked him about vladimir pollutants remarks that he currently has no plans on capturing har keith.
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yes, so it's not seems clear they typically don't have the scale of forces to take up the task of a city. well over a 1000000 people like concave. but they have is essentially one division which is between 7 and 10000 people. so right now they have the capability to do that, but okay, so what are they doing? well, 2 things. first of all, the violet objective is to create a quote on sunday to for the blasts of belgrade and was soon see pops costs, because, well, in russia to avoid your credit and also the refund also, and cautions by your credit back forces. and the 2nd thing, of course, is to draw away ukrainian resides in surprise to help them from other parts of the front. that those are the purposes of the primary purpose. and these operations as well as i can see to brazil now, where authorities the south say they are planning to build 10 cities to how some of the people displaced by historic flooding. the state of rio grande due to sol has
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been devastated by heavy rain since april, forcing half a 1000000 people to flee their homes. scientists or warnings, and it may take a month for the floods to subside, the ws. gustavo bustle as this report from the flooded region. 5 brazilian army boats are now the only connection in this part of the rio candidate. those who are to his parents are finally ready to travel. for 3 days they slept in an office that they didn't want to risk a boat crossing with their baby during the latest ground and flooding in southern brazil. i think we can go now to our city. maybe if the car is still there. so you can go back, we work here in ohio to mile. so we came, but there was nothing left. the floods destroyed the house and our company there used to be a regular fairy here. but now everything depends on the military. soldiers also
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bring donations for the more than $11000.00 displaced people their faces. i left at 530 this morning and arrived at the school at 8. it is quite complicated because i work at a school in the other in the morning and in the afternoon here at the school director so they could leave. so i left 5 minutes earlier. the iron and concrete bridges in this region have collapsed, and many houses have been left in ruins. marco says, neighborhood has disappeared. yet he had his life here. cry efficient, but his key. it's unbelievable. so in the lab here, it looks like a bad dream. i can defend you, come here and you see that it's true. you know what i've got here. i looked around and i saw there was nothing left to my eyes now that can i place in my house stood here. there were trees here in the front. there was a big, beautiful tree, a strong tree. it broke you can see what's left of it. so i knew 6 or 8 people.
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this was a mister orlando's family who lived here. i mean sort, orlando silver, who i used to buy from it, the market. we got along very well. not a neighbour of mine also lived here. you with them with them you want me and the mother of another friend of mine, 2 couples to see all the acquaintances. all people i spend many years with. well this is, i'm still depleted. the water is in the 6th of the 11 rivers monitored in rio grande. those who are still above the dangerous levels, the construction of new bridges won't be finished before july. there are almost 80000 people who still have no where to go, except for the 770 shelters scattered across the region. for now, all they can do is hope that they will be able to rebuild their lives as soon as possible. and that's very news of that for the moment. stay with us. after the break wrap, we'll look at how driving has become increasingly unaffordable for millions of
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americans on the call fairly from all of us here in the newsroom. berlin, thank you so much for your company. the big burst into our is whenever they feel like you don't limit 1000 kind of for design and fashion and most of the pieces in the sky, many on including the office to buy. how do they do it? the secret lives of the dogs may 22nd on dw the new cars. this was one part of the american dream, but now it's out of leach for many of us.


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