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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 17, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm CEST

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the, the state of the news line from berlin, the u. s. military says the 1st aid has been delivered to god the by a new temporary peer itself. the shipment will help ease the humanitarian crisis. there are the un says the lack of land. a deliveries remains a huge problem. also coming up israel tells thank you when's top court that the war in gaza is quote tronic that it's not genocide and that it's doing all it can to minimize the harm to civilian and an update on the condition that the slow back prime minister and the mood and the country, there's still a palpable sense of shot, came into the back here 2 days after the prime minister,
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rather visa with shots in an assassination attempt. on the latest in the investigation as security forces, search the apartment of the suspect of the government. the article for at least welcome to the shell. aid has started arriving and gaza via us build temporary floating peer structures anchored to a beach and has been designed to increase the flow of 8 into the strip. however, the un has worn the pier is no substitute for a delivery via land which have been severely disrupted at the roof of border crossings and the israel to control of the gaza side. the u. n. food program says the threat of famine has never loomed larger for gauze, those 2200000 people of explosions and gunshots spring out in the deserted streets of ralph on the southern cities,
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the latest focus of operations. if this really military, israel says masses last remaining fighters are based and ralph us along with the groups leaders responsible for the october 7 tier attack. so it needs to send more troops there. from us, our troops are destroyed, several tunnels that will destroy even more soon a lot of this activity will intensify on a mazda is a mouse, an organization that can reorganize, does not have the reserve troops. it does not have the ability to produce munitions that has no supplies. i mean, the result is we're cutting it off. we are wearing it down here and visual hockey muscle. this is rarely tanks of already advanced deep into rough us eastern outskirts pushing into residential areas. the one says almost 600000 people taking refuge in rafa, have now left after israel took control of the gods. the side of the roof of border crossing supplies and medical services have been dwindling.
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sewage in place already in the southern gaza running out. i think we were talking about almost nothing left food in the market very soon. i mean on the left, medical supplies in the hospitals that remain in the south to 3 weeks, i think to go perhaps a month. 8 agencies stay at temporary peer anchored by us troops and regular air drops are no substitute for ground deliveries. palestinians to have been calling for the border crossing to reopen the ship. we went to border crossings to open my point safety. we want to official borders as plains as well, with the parachutes and them and they threw food at us like dogs, like beggars. well, that doesn't work as it falls on people. as
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a princess problems, that doesn't 5 show the big all bull the gotten there. got it much accurate with most eat operations disrupted due to the rough uh, offensive, and the humanitarian situation. already dire. agencies warrant thousands are now facing an immediate risk of famine. china lowest with a norwegian refugee council and 8 organization operating currently inside garza and i asked her if this new maritime round will bring enough aid into the strip know this route is estimated to bring only between 90 to a maximum, a $150.00 truckloads per day at this point we need to see a flood option mandatory and assistance enter garza and the only efficient and cost effective way to do that is through the process that already exist. there are literally thousands of trucks lined up on the education side of the border, waiting to undergo the need, those crossings to be operational. in order for that,
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for you to get in and help people as quickly as they needed those crossings. you mentioned that they're, they're not operational right now. let's talk about the distribution of what is coming in through the air and via this new here. can the goods coming in realistically, reach all the people in need? i know the air drops by and large i believe has been so focused on northern gaza. it's mostly food and maybe some medicines that have been dropped down. we heard yesterday from about staff of ours in northern regardless for talking about that in addition to the food that they're getting with you at this point. the kind of ways coming into the room and the new newly open northern areas. west crossing is just the week, but people are in need of shelter supplies. they're in need of hygiene kids. they're in need of other items that aren't entering through these process. uh, the air drops are not cost effective way. there are lots of ways in which they can
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cause harm, either by falling on, on aid recipient or falling into the sea, as we've seen. and as, as the person in your report said, it's not making a 5 way for people to receive the age of be distributed by mandatory is in an orderly way to ensure that the most vulnerable people are having access to the items that they need. that was trying to low of the norwegian refugee council. in the meantime, israel has told the united nations top court and is not committing genocide in gaza . legal team was presenting its argument at the international court of justice in the hague, in response to case brought by south africa. that argues, israel is in fact guilty of genocide against the palestinian people. israel accuse of south africa of making a mockery of international law. so thought, regard presents the court here again for the 1st time within the scope of less than 5 months with the picture. but these completely divorced from the facts
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and circumstances of israel as previously stated before. these courts when dealing with the little facts matter, truth should the matter wards must retain their meaning to calling something genocide again and again does not make it genocide. repeating a lie does not make its true. short while ago we asked our correspondent and brussels band to think what else the as really delegation said. the representatives of israel argued that the israeli army is not targeting civilians in cause deliberately. there's no intention to kill the palestinian people, the intention of the military operation of the voice,
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the to get rid of how much the terrorist organization that attacked israel and october the 7th and is still continuing. and to fight against the is a i, me, and shit. and shelling and also firing rockets, so hence there is no intention of committing genocide. there is no genocide, it goes the argument of the authority side and the missed a good get on the one the representatives called the south african application. and let me quote, to you, outrages outlanders, and an expectation actually of the even we do in convention at to prevent a genocide. rough is still a strong hold and of i'm us. so it's really august that the boy has to continue. and that the how must terrace a hiding amongst the civilian population in rough talk and using miss using the population and as
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a human shield. so how much is also to blame for the misery and the, the issue many, terry and catastrophe that is unfolding and in a gaza strip. and it's really also disputed the numbers that south africa was voting here. the numbers of casualties because it is what it says. all these numbers are only coming from palestinian and thomas sources. they are not reliable . so the is a counsel us the court to reject the applications of south africa about him not only to stop the ground invasion in rough, but to stop the whole military operation in all of gaza. and, and it's to be seen if the corporate follow that that was fancy guest reporting from brussels, 2 days after an assassination attempt on. so lock as prime minister rober feet. so doctors have had to operate on him again as his government stated feats. those
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condition will most likely remain serious for the days to come. he's being treated in intensive care. he was shot 2 days ago at close range guns, the small central european nation and drew international condemnation. i'm interested at the scene has been charged with attempted murder. our correspondent jack paris has more from brought this lava on fif those conditions. so they've got medical experts have been speaking about the size. that because 2 of the full boot is the end to the prime ministers, body hits him in his stomach and in his intestines. that means that there is a heightened risk of infection and the continuous one, and that it will take days if not weeks for him to be given to create from the risk of infection. but also the hungry employment is to fix the old man. he told us about the effects that this is a fascination attempt could have on the upcoming european parliament selections. he said that along with the you elections,
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the us selections could change the course of war and peace in europe. now that's because victor open under the robot fee, so both of them oppose, continued he, you support for ukraine may want your opinion to speak to russian president vladimir putin. they are considered pro russian leaders in the you. now obviously we drove a visa remaining in an i c u bed in a hospital. the complexities of how did this assassination attempts will affect the electorate to and so the kids are a little bit complex to untangle. but there isn't much time for the desk to settle . those elections will take place in 3 weeks. just checked, eric, you creams president will let him. here's the landscape says his forces has stabilized the northern front near harkey, where russia has advanced and recent days. your friends, army chief, says russian games have expanded the combat area by almost 70 kilometers and are forcing your brain to throw additional reserve for gates onto the front line.
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authorities are trying to evacuate the last remaining of residents and both chunks . just 5 kilometers from the russian border. thousands more have already fled. our reporter locks on the travel to the town of of chance, and send us this report. for the people of of chance, this is a nightmare repeating itself. the russians attacked and occupied the town at the start of the full scale invasion, but were pushed out. now they're back. and this here is what the situation involved chance is turning into at the very moment behind me here is the residential building. it was struck by a glide bone from what we've been told on just about 20 minutes ago. 2 women were injured in taken to hospital. the russian forces are hitting the city and neighboring areas. we've ariel bonds like this one.
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when we were there, russians had entered the northern suburbs. these drag and teeth are supposed to slow advancing tax and the ukrainians are rushing more troops to the region to prevent a russian breakthrough of the what it's looking so grim that most people have left. and many of those who remain so far are now following them. the police officers, blood and judy are here to get some of them out of all of the lives with his dog and bottle right next to the new front line, but doesn't want to leave lod liens on a professional connection to persuade him to listen to me i'm the commander of your daughter. i don't want her to sit there and cry over the okay. all right. now,
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many don't want to believe this is happening again. why didn't you evacuate earlier? that's what i had hoped that all would be good. that nobody would force me out just as we're leaving light down there, glide bones coming saturday, and i promise you, you come with me. this 2nd large scale attack is devastating for people here. officer of law tells us who the, which was, they're all in despair because everything they have gathered in their lives bit by bit faith and build their houses because of a range of their places for living. we would include everything they had, but they loved it with reading. so the, the facial below,
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their most cares desire. now, as for it all to end it is that they want to return to those ruins that will remain for the country. what and restore everything, not 0, you make it for the for the city of north and the hello. the danger cannot be underestimated, posted a slight briskly. this was a sniper, round, and at the head of their driver lets see the well there look at this vehicle provided by the americans with armored further south and relative safety. some of the last directories wait for transport out of the shows here with their family and their neighbors. they spend 6 days in the basement and then flight on 4 to one just because i can only get the car. when you send me the, we did anything, anything would happen. and when we realized that everything was flying from all sides, everything was being bombed. we all hope that this and this is my house exclusive. we couldn't take out my shepherd dogs. unfortunately,
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no soccer. i left him. that's all it is. sorry. we are all alive. thank god and have the whole family left alive and with love to be to sell it will definitely be made as also say we're united with his daughter, but he and his dog, but on our not home here. and while we're getting there has lost faith. feel ever return. russian president vladimir fulton says he has no plans at the moment, at least to capture the city of har keith, but that his forces are creating a buffer zone there because ukrainian forces are attacking russian territory from the city. former u. k. military intelligence officer, frank lead,
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which has more on hooton's remarks. yes. so it's not seems clear they typically don't have the scale of forces to take up the task of a city. well over a 1000000 people like concave. but they have is essentially one division which is between 7 and 10000 people. so right now they have the capability to do that, but okay, so what are they doing? 9 o, 2 things. first of all, the of out objective is to create a quote on sunday to for the blasts of belgrade, and was soon see pops costs, because, well, in russia to avoid your credit and also the refund also and cautions by your credit back forces. and the 2nd thing, of course, is to draw away ukrainian reserves and surprised to have them from other parts of the front that those are the purposes of the primary purpose. and these operations, as well as i can see that was military analyst, frank language. take a quick look now at some other headlines from around the world. russia as president
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vladimir putin as visiting china as north eastern city of harvard in on the final day of his to day trip to the country. as part of an effort to underscore the economic cooperation between the 2 nations. earlier he and the chinese presidents, aging thing, reaffirmed are no limits partnership, as they call it, a med growing tensions with the west police and the french city of one have a shot and killed an armed man who trying to set fire to a synagogue authority save the attacker had a nice and an iron bar and threatened them. frances seemed a search and anti semitism since the october 7th last terror attacks. and israel abroad broke out in taiwan parliament between lawmakers ahead of the presidential evaluation on monday main opposition party once greater scrutiny powers over the government and accuses them of abusing power to force through proposals and the world's number one. golf for a scottie shuffler has been released by police after being arrested at the u. s. p
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g, a championship, and kentucky. according to sports channel, espn shuffler ignored police traffic orders while driving past a fatal road accident. as you've tried to enter the course, shuffler was not involved in that crash. here in germany, the chancellor re in berlin is flying the pride slack to mark the international day against homophobia, by phobia and transfer via the head of the chancellor. revised on schmid, raised the l. g. b 3 q plus pride flag binding on the internet platform x. the german chancellor o. f shows that the rainbow flank was a sign of mutual respect for each other. it's been a year since uganda enacted one of the world's harshest anti l g b t q plus loss. that allows the death penalty for conceptual, same sex relations, and left people vulnerable to abuse, including torture, rape, and forced eviction. some ugandans have fled the country and response either kamani
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reports from neighboring kenya, but these refugees are struggling to survive on the other side of the border sonoma, which is a uganda who's been leaving in 10 years since 2016. he was forced to leave his home because he's clear, life and compelling approved invariable for him up to the countries parliament foster law that increase the penalties for some forms of consensual. same 6, ex wife call. even his family, turned on him. i was brutally beaten by a mobilization or by my uncle and the blazing people of thing. i'm a disgrace. i remember i woke up and now i now hospital bed. and from there i was like you've got a nice long home and it's not stuff suits relocating to kenya sooner has made a life for himself. here he works with an organization that helps create safe
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spaces for other displeased l g b t q. persons in the country currently 9 people, most of them from uganda, leaving the safe house with him. so that tells me kenya is the only home know a reality that's still difficult to accept even up to 8 years. know they've got nice your guys on home. and it's really pains me, but something like somewhere that's where i am from the i don't regret it. that's home anymore. i mean, we've grace, i hope i hope like people home and get to i mean, everyone gets to the sales at home. yeah. despite feeling more comfortable here soon and his friends still have to feel for their lives since i've been in kenya has actually had to move houses for times figuring violence and harassment. he actually tells me that this week he was
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a tax on a motorcycle taxi. just for being clear now, can you like you're going to also criminalizes homosexuality but sooner says he feels much safer. here. i wouldn't be conscious of using the i'd say book you money is a lawyer working with the queer community. if you feel that your life is a way to run to where you think you're safe, but there is no conviction or guarantee of it. but the minute you step on canyon. so it is still governed by below descending the clothes email peanut. and you're still governed by the same policeman on the same communities, the tub a and into, and the late fee and hatred for homosexuals. at the safe house champagne, the latest arrival, agrees to speak to us. the trust gentleman finally made it to kenya to support for me. i do know. she tells me a lot of a queer friends are still experiencing abusing uganda abuse. similar to what you suffered at the hands of house, how many is even my mother told me if i know the iris you feel going david's to
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prison. you're going to die, they're going to kill you from there. even maybe it was a cobra that if you get sick, definitely request file on the need. diction with just kills to just take you to battery and just like that. eventually champagne hopes to move to a country that does not criminalize sexuality or sexual orientation. for now though, she remains under the care of suna who says he's committed to working in kenya for the displaced in his community. in the safe house, he shows me a gallery of korea, people from all over the world. i remind that they are not alone, corruption, congress to present now where authorities in the south say they're planning to build 10 cities to how some of the people displaced by historic flooding, the state of rhetoric, roger, the soul has been devastated by heavy rain since the april forcing half a 1000000 people to slater homes. scientists are warning that it may take
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a month for the floods to subside. gustavo bustle as this report from the flooded region 5 presently in the army boats are now the only connection in this part of the rio candidate. those who are to his parents are finally ready to travel. for 3 days. they slept in an office that they didn't want to risk a boat crossing with her baby during the latest ground flooding in southern brazil . i think we can go now to our city. maybe if the car is still there, so you can go back. we work here in ohio to mile, so we came but there was nothing left. the floods destroyed the house and our company there used to be a regular fairy here. but now everything depends on the military. soldiers also bring donations for the more than $11000.00 displaced people their faces. i left at
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530 this morning and arrived at the school at 8. it is quite complicated because i work at a school in the auto in the morning and in the afternoon here it is showing me the school director so that could leave. so i left 5 minutes earlier. the iron and concrete bridges in this region have collapsed and many houses have been left in ruins. marcos is neighborhood has disappeared. yet he had his life here. cry efficient but his key. it's unbelievable. so in the lab here it looks like a bad dream. i can defend you, come here and you see that it's true. you know, when i got here, i looked around and i saw there was nothing left to my eyes now that can i place in my house stood here. there were trees just here in the front. there was a big, beautiful tree, a strong tree. it broke. you can see what's left of it. so i knew 6 or 8 people. this was the mister orlando's family who lived here. i mean towards orlando silver who i used to buy from it the market. we got along very well, like
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a neighbor of mine also lived here. you with them with them, you want me and the mother of another friend of mine, 2 couples to see all the acquaintances. all people i spend many years with. well, this is i'm still depleted. the water is in the 6th of the 11 rivers monitored in rio grande. those who are still above the dangerous levels, the construction of new bridges won't be finished before july. there are almost 80000 people who still have no where to go, except for the 770 shelters scattered across the region. for now, all they can do is hope that they will be able to rebuild their lives as soon as possible. i. and with that, you are all up to date, stay with us. so because after the break eco, india looks at how technology like a i can help farmers increase their yields. if it's the wave of headlines you're looking for, there is always our website that is dw dot com. if you want to follow us on social media, feel free to do so. our handle, there is data we, it is
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a medical release from all of us here. in the newsroom in berlin, thank you so much for watching. the
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