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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 17, 2024 5:00pm-5:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is daily news line from berlin. aid arrives in gaza, buy a new temporary pier chips arrive as the cause of coast and trucks begin disembarking with desperately need of a supplies. so the shipment will help ease the humanitarian crisis. there. the u. s . as the lack of land, a deliveries remains a huge problem. also coming up, israel tells me you want the top porch, the war in gaza is tragic. but that is not the genocide that is doing all it can to minimize the harm to civilians. we love to ask the deadly violence they get the l g b t q plus table. in uganda,
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people have been fleeing oppression until dw, about their life and exile. the really it's good to have you with us. aid has started arriving in gaza via us built temporary floating peer trucks. with the aid rolled across the pier for the 1st time into the besieged enclave. as is really restrictions continue to disrupt deliveries of file food and other supplies at gaza border crossings. the u. s. and 8 groups hope to increase deliveries at the peer to as many as $150.00 trucks per day. despite the efforts, the u. n. food program says the threat of famine has never loomed larger for gauze as 2200000 people, the explosions and gunshots spring out in the deserted streets of ralph on the
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southern cities, the latest focus of operations. if this really military, israel says masses last remaining fighters are based and roughly along with the groups leaders responsible for the october 7 tier attack. so it needs to send more troops there from us our troops and destroyed several tunnels that will destroy even more soon a lot of this activity will intensify on a mazda is a mouse, an organization that can reorganize, does not have the reserve troops. it does not have the ability to produce munitions, it has no supplies. i mean, the result is we're cutting it off, we're wearing it down here and visual hockey muscle is rarely tanks of already advanced deep into rough thoughts, eastern outskirts, pushing into residential areas. the one says almost 600000 people taking refuge in rafa, have now left after israel took control of the gods. the side of the roof of border crossing supplies and medical services have been dwindling.
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sewage in place already in the southern gaza running out. i think with that we're talking about missing on the left food in the market. very soon. the something on the left medical supplies in the hospitals that remain in the south to 3 weeks, i think to go perhaps a month. 8 agencies say a temporary peer anchored by us troops and regular air drops are no substitute for ground deliveries. palestinians to have been calling for the border crossing to reopen that as well as the ship. we went to border crossings to open a mile point safety. we want official borders, those planes as well with the parachutes and that even better food or just like dogs, like beggars. well that doesn't work as it falls on people as
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a princess problems other than 5 show the big odd bull the gotten there. got it much exit with most eat operations disrupted due to the rough uh, offensive, and the humanitarian situation. already dire. agencies warrant thousands are now facing an immediate risk of famine. china low as with the norwegian refugee council, one of the 8 organizations still operating inside gaza. and i asked her if this new maritime route will bring enough 8 into the strip know this route is estimated to bring normally between 90 to maximum a $150.00 truckloads per day. at this point, we need to see a flood of humanitarian assistance, enter gaza, and the only efficient and cost effective way to do that is through the process that already exist. there are literally thousands of trucks lined up on the chips
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inside of the border, waiting to undergo the need, those crossings to beat operational in order for them to get in and help people as quickly as they needed those crossings. you mentioned that they're, they're not operational right now. let's talk about the distribution of what is coming in through the air and buying this new here. can the goods coming in realistically, reach all the people in need? i know the air drops by and large i believe has been so focused on northern gaza. it's mostly food and maybe some medicines that have been dropped down. we heard yesterday about staff of ours in northern, regardless or talking about that in addition to the food that they're getting, which at this point the kind of ways coming through the new newly open northern areas. west crossing is just the week, but people are in need of shelter supplies. they're in need of hygiene kids. they're in need of other items that aren't entering through these crossings. the
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air drops or, or not cost effective way. there are lots of ways in which they can cause harm, either by falling on, on age recipient or falling into the sea, as we've seen. and as, as the person in your report said, it's not making a 5 way for people to receive the age of be distributed by some and materials. and then border way to ensure that the most vulnerable people are having access to the items that they need. that's china low the norwegian refugee council. meanwhile, israel has told the united nations top court, it is not committing genocide and gaza if legal team was presenting its arguments of the international court of justice and the hague and response to a case brought by south africa. that argues, israel is in fact guilty of genocide against the palestinians. israel accused the south africa of making a mockery of international law. suffolk our presents the court here again for the 1st time within the scope of less than 5 months. with the picture that is
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completely divorced from the facts and circumstances of israel as previously stated before, these courts, when dealing with the little facts matter, truth should the matter wards must retain their meaning of calling something genocide again and again does not make its genocide repeating ally does not make its true is rarely representative at the i c. j there. a short while ago we asked our correspondent band to the god who's following the story from brussels. what else? the is really delegation said. the representatives of israel argued that the israeli army is not targeting civilians in gauze deliberately. there is no
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intention to kill the palestinian people, the intention of the military operation of the boys to get rid of a most the terrorist organization and that attacked israel on october. the 7th and is still continuing and to fight against the is a i me and shit and shelling and also firing rockets. so hence there is no intention of committing genocide. it's no genocide, it goes the argument of the authority side and the mr. the good good on the one, the representatives called the south african application and let me quote, to you, outrages, outlanders, and an expectation actually of the, even with you and convention at to prevent agendas. i rough is still a strong hold and of i'm us. so it's read august that the boy has to continue, and that the how much terrace a hiding amongst the civilian population,
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in rough talk, and using miss using the population and as a human shield. so how much is also to blame for the misery and the, the shipping and tearing catastrophe that is unfolding in, in a gaza strip. and it's really also disputed the numbers that south africa was about 2 days after and assassination attempt on. so lock yes, prime minister roberts fee, so doctors have performed another surgery on him. the hospital says he's awake and stable after the operation remains in serious condition in intensive care. here in germany, the chancellor in berlin is lying, the pride flag to mark the international day against homophobia. by phobia and transfer will be the head of the chancellor. re was conk smith raised the l g b t q plus side flag. writing on the internet platform asked the german chancellor or left shots. so the rainbow flag was
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a sign of mutual respect for one another. once many years since you've gone to and knocked at one of the world's harshest anti l g b t q plus laws, it allows the death penalty for conceptual, same sex relations, and left people vulnerable to abuse, including torture, rape, and forced eviction. some ugandans have fled the country, kimani reports from neighboring kenya, but these refugees are struggling to survive, even on the other side of the border. sonoma, which is a uganda and who's been leaving in 10 years since 2016. he was supposed to leave his home because he's clear, life and compelling approved invariable for him up to the countries parliament foster law that increase the penalties for some forms of conceptual seem 6 x. even his family turned on him. i was brutally beaten by a mobilization or by my uncle and loved lives in people. a thing i'm
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a disgrace. i remember i woke up uh, i know i know hospital bed. and from there i was like you've got a nice long home and it's not stuff suits relocating to kenya sooner has made a life for himself. here he works with an organization that helps create safe spaces for other displeased l g b t q. persons in the country currently 9 people, most of them from uganda, leaving the safe house with him. so that tells me kenya is the only home know a reality that's still difficult to accept even up to 80 is know they've got a nice guy, nice on home. and it's really pains me, but something like, somewhere that's where i am from. i don't regret it. at home anymore, i mean we've grace, i hope, i hope like people home gets true. i mean,
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everyone gets to the sales at home. yeah. despite feeling more comfortable here sooner and his friends still have to feel for their lives. since i've been in kenya sooner has actually had to move houses for times figuring violence and harassment. he actually tells me that this week he was attacked on a motorcycle taxi just being clear. now can you like you're going to also criminalize is homeless sexuality but sooner says he feels much safer. here i wouldn't be conscious of using the, i'd say book you money is a lawyer working with the queer community. if you feel that your life is at risk to run to where you think you're safe, but there's no conviction or guarantee of it. but the minute you step on canyon, so it is still governed by below the sudden the clothes email, a peanut cord. you're still governed by the same policeman. i'm the same community
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to the tub, a and intending, late fee and hatred for homosexuals at the safe house. champagne, the latest arrival, agrees to speak to us. the trust. gentleman finally made it to kenya to support for me. i don't know, she tells me a lot of a queer friends are still experiencing abusing you, gone to abuse, assuming that to what you suffered at the hands of house. how many is even my mother told me if i know the iris you feel going david's to prison, you're going to die, they're going to kill you from there. even my body to cobra, that if you get sick jesse request file, an eviction was difficult to just take you to the battery of tests like eventually champagne hopes to move to a country that does not criminalize sexuality or sexual orientation. for now though, she remains under the candle suna who says he's committed to working in kenya for the displaced in his community in the safe house. he shows me a gallery of korea, people from all over the world. i remind that they are not alone,
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corruption. and that's our time. thank you so much for your company. by the stage burst into our is whenever they feel like i don't limit 1000 kind of for design of fashion. and most of the pieces in the sky is many on including the office. how do they do it? the secret lives of the dogs may 22nd on dw, the the.


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