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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 17, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw, dues lie, but from berlin tonight is real, says it's found the bodies of 3 hostages. taken by how boss is really military, says the 3 were among those killed at a music festival during the october 7th, almost terror attacks. also coming up at israel tells the you is top court that the more a gaza is tragic, but that it is not genocide and it says it's doing all they can to minimize the harm to civilians. plus protesters demonstrated against george's so called foreign
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agents law until the very last possible moment, but who was behind the controversial bill and what will the repercussions be now that it has become, was the i break off the, our viewers watching on cbs, in the united states. and to all of you around the world. welcome. it is a discovery that the families feared most. today. israel's military confirmed that it has found the bodies of 3 is really hostages. in gaza. among them are the german is really shawnee look whose body was seen in the back of a pickup truck in videos from the october 7th terrorist attack. she was later declared dead after school fragments were found in military spokesman said that she
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along with a meet both scalar and it's a gland, were killed by her moss at the nova music festival. and that their bodies were then taken into goss. here's more now about these really spokesman said earlier friday they were celebrating life in the nova music festival. and they were murdered by homos robotics were transferred to medical profession, not a full forensic examination and identification of the procedure was completed. we notified the families, our hearts go out to them. dw special correspondent or uber, humans in jerusalem and she has more. so we know that there remains were recovered in an overnight operation. that's according to the is really a military spokesperson, daniel henry,
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who we've also just heard from shiny book. as you mentioned, dual is really a german at national and she had been presumed dead for a while now. as, as, as the is really military had previously found a part of her school that was identified. but the other 2, a young woman in her late twenties and a man in his early fifties. there hadn't really been any signs of life from them since they were taken on october 7th. so of course, there was some hope that they might be exchanged in a deal with how much that they might be released or might be found as a devastating, devastating news for the families of the hostages, of course. but really for the entire country, this news coming this a shot afternoon is every bit as, as life here in israel wines down for the day of rest. we've also heard for the from these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i'm just gonna read to the statement that they just put out. he said this terrible loss is hard breaking and
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that him and his wife sarah are grieving. and he also said to be that we will return all our hostages, the living, and the deceased, the like. this is likely to cause more anger tomorrow in the weekly protests that have been taking place, calling on these really government to reach deal to return the hostages, a life to their loved ones. and with this news, this is likely to cause a lot of anger tomorrow, here in israel. definitely the news that people in israel did not want to hear this friday or special correspondent, i uber, human jerusalem. tonight, i a thank you. hey, the has started arriving in garza and the port of injury is a temporary floating peer built by the us military. now it's hope that as many as a $150.00 trucks per day will be able to disembark, carrying food and other vital aid for the people in gossip. but despite these efforts, the u is food program says that the threat of famine has never loomed larger. for
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garza's to 1000000 people is rarely restrictions continue to disrupt deliveries at garza's border crossings. there is no, we're left to go for either him and his family. but they're destroyed house, he's one of more than 600000 palestinians who have fled. rafa due to the ongoing is really offensive. he's now back to what's left of his family's home in hon. eunice . today uber, him has to make food. hello from an a parcel. hey the good. how you must box. this is the kitchen. it's destroyed. what have thoughts on fit for us, but we are making it with god willing, perfect good. how can we pay this whole so the children, thankful out for the, the boxes usually contain, can meet fava beans and chick piece the w f p. warren's,
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the 8 packages like these are running out. we've not been able to access all warehouse and wrap it for more than a week. we have very little food and fuel coming through the boat across things in the south. and we are always trying hard, but failing currently to bring in consistent volumes of food with agencies want our new shipments and entry points for a delivery to gaza. the fuel food and medical supplies have dwindled since the is really military took control of the gaza side of the rock of border crossing last week to begin ground combat they're a trucks on friday. arrived at a new loading here built by the us, off the coast of gaza as a temporary aid core door. the number of trucks that arrived there could reach
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a maximum of $150.00 per day. the u. n. warrens that land routes are the most efficient a delivery method we asked a u. n. a finalizing our operational plans to make sure that we are ready to handle aid once the floating dock is properly functioning. while ensuring the safety of our stuff. however, getting a to people in need into and across because i cannot and should not depend on a floating duck far from where it needs a most acute land roots are the most viable, effective and efficient aide delivery method, which is why we need or crossing parts to be opened, reaching people in need will be the next hurdle to overcome. israel has rejected accusations that it is committing genocide in gossip on friday . it wrapped up it's defense at the international court of justice in the hey, on thursday, south africa asked the you in the top court to order is real. to stop. it's
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military offensive in rough up. now the hearing this week is part of a broader case against the jewish state, or is real, as called the case against it. a distortion of reality to lawyers representing south africa made a series of allegations yesterday including accusing is really withholding humanitarian aid, which is real also to knock and would not have delayed. a grunt maneuver for michael link is the former. you in special reference your on human rights in the occupied palestinian territories. he's also a law professor at the university of western ontario in canada. i asked him now that both south africa and israel, it presented their sides, which delivered the most convincing argument as well as totally a good answer to, to your question is which side present it more independent expert evidence
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with respect to what they were claiming south africa on thursday made arguments of israel's genocide was continuing that more stronger provisional measures were needed and get relied upon i guess, statements made by un leaders and by the international aid organizations that were, that are been involved in trying to get a, into a gas a and their pronouncements have been that there's a famine as already broken out in the north of gas or whether it's somewhere between 3 and 400000 was the names and the aid was very good. look at 8 into the souls of guys aware 1.7 or 1800000 palestinians are huddled. israel and its arguments today asserted that it was making remarkable efforts to improve a delivery into a gas a but a couldn't site and didn't cite any of the u. n. statements or any of the international organization statements. and what's the kind of evidence that the
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court wants to hear, that there are reliable sources or coming from them, particularly at the i c, j coming from united nations to be able to make a finding with respect to that. so that i forgot to have that kind of evidence me, israel did not. so let's take the student to the next step into the judges. will now deliberate on the request or i'm from south africa. they're expected to issue a decision in the next few weeks. so let's assume they rule in favor of south africa that they grant this request. i'm can the i c j really prevent any further? is really military action in gauze? i mean, is there any teeth to what the court decides as well? yes or no? yes, the, the provisional measures of the court would wind up ordering are legally binding on all parties to with the issue in front of the court. but you're absolutely right. but the i, c j has no police that has no army. it has no ability to issue warrants. i would
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really be reliant upon the un security council. and we know that israel has a strong alliance with united states, which is already issued 5 vito's since the war began in october, in defense of, of israel. and even the one resolution which at the security council, which the united states allowed to go through calling for a ceasefire during the weeks of remedy. israel did not will be that the resolution and the united states and the security council took no steps to to enforce it. but i should say that if the court does issue and a provisional order demanding an immediate cease fire, and that would be a tremendous symbolic loss to, to israel. it would further sink. i think it's is already full trained, international reputation in the international community regarding how it's conducted this war. so it has a certain symbolic importance,
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even if it can be enforced militarily or politically. all right, just take a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world . the vatican has tightened the rules for how the church evaluate supernatural phenomenon, including alleged visions of the virgin mary, such as weeping madonna's. the ships will no longer be able to act independently when dealing with reports of such events. they must now allow the pope and the central bank an office to decide or 2 days after and assassination attempt on slovakia as prime minister robert seats. so doctors have performed another surgery on the government says feats of condition will most likely remain serious for the next stage. the call is being treated an intensive care. russian president vladimir potent has rejected a renewed proposal by his french counterpart emmanuel macro on for a ceasefire. during the summer olympics, while visiting china foods in said,
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russian athletes were treated unfairly by international sport spartans, russians can competes in the olympics as individuals under a neutral flag, but not under the russian class. ukraine's president both means zalinski has canceled all of his planned for and trips as russia intensifies its attacks on the eastern harkey region. this new offensive begin last week, taking advantage of ukraine, shortages of weapons following delays in the shipments of western supplies. but ukraine says the russian side is suffering record numbers of casualties, and the ukrainian army has been aiming to disrupt russia. supply lines by striking inside russia itself, a ukrainian soldiers firing at russian positions in the hockey region. where few expected there would be significant finding again more than 2 years,
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inter rushes were in ukraine. the frontline overall has not moved much and months. but last week, russia opened a new front north of the city of how keith, with an estimated 30000 soldiers re taking some villages and bombarding the town of chance that has spurred and evacuation and the sense of whiplash. the region was amongst the 1st of fall when russia invaded in 2022, but was retaken in the lightning ukrainian counter offensive. later that year, prussia is attacks here, have already drawn ukrainian forces away elsewhere on the front line. ukraine is finding itself short of manpower and of weapons. after months of delay, while the us congress argued over more deliveries us secretary of state antony blinking, made a rush to surprise visit to keith to dress the worst thing situation saying the new deliveries will change the dynamic. we know this is a challenging time,
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but we also know that in the near term, the assistance is now on the way of some of this already arrived. more of that will be arriving. and that's going to make a real difference against the ongoing russian aggression on the battlefield. monte crane meanwhile, says it needs more or defense, the biggest deputies for us. and i think that the biggest problem he has and, and we need really, we need to day to bed through us for hockey. one factor that could help ukraine succeed is the increasing willingness of its supporters to allow a tax inside russia to slow the flow of russian military supplies and hinder advances. ukraine says the us formerly asked that not to conduct such strikes for fear of escalation, but keith now believes that is changed. and secretary blinking said that while the us doesn't encourage it,
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ukraine must decide for itself what to do with long range weapons. while the u. k has already said that ukraine has the right to strike military cards and russia. all their allies have been more muted in germany still does not want its weapons used on russian territory. there have been several strikes using non western weapons in recent weeks on belgrade. a russian city near the border to the hockey region, including this one where a missile was allegedly shot down and hit an apartment building. belgrade is a major logistics hub and one ukrainian media outlet claims russia is building a new military airport. there. drone and missile attacks there have killed dozens, according to russian authorities. that gives russia another reason to fight and northern have keys to establish a buffer zone by pushing ukraine's artillery and missile launchers farther away from its own borders. to make those attacks more difficult for both sides, timing is crucial,
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and russia gains even more ground before ukraine gets reinforcements and weapons keys may find it much harder to keep fighting back to the south pacific. now, where authorities in the french territory of new caledonia, se recent violet unrest has subsided. harris has declared a state of emergency. they are, the unrest is left at least 5 people dead, including 2 police officers. violence broke out after french lawmakers introduced into voting rooms. additional security forces that the gun arriving in the territory. the state of emergency is expected to stay in place at least 11 days. the earlier i spoke with professor much he is hold on. she's co editor of the book, the geographies of new caledonia, kentucky. and i asked him for his take on those in new caledonia who say that it feels like a civil war to michael and a few words. so that was still
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a big word. but we have seen the demonstration that turn violence. and i think if the situation is, can become a civil war, like in the ages, that's what the people fear that remember of the violent events or the french calling it events from the eighty's in a territory that you say is now with about 50 percent in favor of independence, this constitutional change from 17000 miles away in paris. and it, it, does it feel like to the people there and you called don't? does it feel like action is being taken by a former colonizer, or it feels like a big tray? because um, since 1998 since the new me or the court. so when you come down yeah, it has
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a restricted collect rate. so people who arrived oscar uh, 1988, you're gonna have to be live 20 years, some of the territory to be um, electron boat to vote, and the provincial elections and some future referendums about political independence. and when they arrive off to 1998, they are content you can vote. and so, which means this is the basis that pro independence parties and wireless bodies sent the french state, negotiate together in the 19 ninety's and the defense or civil if you want to call it a civil war in the eighty's. and now, without any new consultations and negotiations, the french government wants to change this compromise that has been found together under progress or to, to change the nectar. right? well yeah, i want to just ask you in the, in the indigenous people,
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the can knock people, they make up about 41 percent of the population there, that's sizable. why didn't france speak with them? and with the pro independence movement people 1st. the thing is that uh we have free independence about restaurant about political independence in 2018, 2020 and 2021. and they were all negative against independence. but the 3rd referenda was born quarter by pro independence parties, and by most of the colored people, and because of the corporate pandemic and the from the french government. so they asked to postpone the 3rd referendum. the 2nd referendum was very close. so 47 percent voted in favor of independence and there were hopes that the 3rd referendum would be in favor of independence. and so,
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so in the cost the french government to postpone the referendum because of the corporate pandemic. and the french government said no, we don't want to postpone it. and then they book cartridge the referendum for them . the 3rd referendum was illegal models. you really democratic didn't participate for, for the and for the french government, which is worse than normal to referendum. and to so a pounds and they voted against independence over 90 percent because the kind of people didn't participate mostly. and to. so that's difficult to, to start negotiations again after that's the referendum. yeah, i mean it's a, it's a long it is a complicated history to we appreciate you taking the time to explain it to us tonight. monday is, gosh, the co editor of the book and the geographies of new caledonia cannot. thank you.
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thank you very much. i the authorities in brazil's cell, so say they are planning to build a tent cities, the house, some of the people left homeless by historic flooding. the state of rio grande sewell has been devastated by heavy rain since april, forcing half a 1000000 people to flee their homes. so i have to say it may take a month for the waters to receive the w's gustavo box. so reports to night from the disasters of 5, presently an army boats are now the only connection in this part of the real country. those who are to his parents are finally ready to travel. for 3 days. they slept in an office. they didn't want to risk a boat crossing with their baby during the latest ground flooding in southern brazil. i think we can go now to our city. maybe if the car is still there. so you can go back. we work here in ohio to mile. so we came,
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but there was nothing left. the floods destroyed the house and our company there used to be a regular ferry here. but now everything depends on the military. soldiers also bring donations for the more than $11000.00 displaced people. their faces. i left at 530 this morning and arrived at the school at 8. it is quite complicated because i worked at a school in the in the morning and in the afternoon. here it is, the school director said i could leave. so i left 5 minutes earlier. the iron and concrete bridges in this region have collapsed and many houses have been left in ruins. marcos as neighborhood has disappeared, yet he had his life here. no cry efficient, but it's key. it's unbelievable. so in the lab is it looks like a bad dream. i can defend you, come here and you see that it's true. still, you know, when i got here, i looked around and i saw there was nothing left to my eyes navigating i facing. my
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house stood here. there were trees here in the front. there was a big, beautiful tree, a strong tree. it broke. you can see what's left of it. so i knew 6 or 8 people. this was the mister orlando's family who lived here. i mean sort, orlando silver, who i used to buy from it the market. we got along very well. a neighbor of mine also lived here with the army and the mother of another friend of mine, 2 couples to see all the acquaintances, all people i spend many years with phil. this is, i'm still debating, vicky waters in the 6 of the 11 river is monitored in video crime data, so are still above dangerous levels. the construction of new bridges won't be finished before july. there are almost 80000 people who still have no where to go, except for the 770 shelters scattered across the region. for now, all they can do is hope that they will be able to rebuild their lives as soon as
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possible. the humble taco is perhaps mexico's best known cold with dairy export made of meat or beans with vegetables and a corn shell. it's never been seen as high cuisine, but it may be time to change that crack the image if you will know secrets only good often take cuisine tucker, you can leave a de leon has been serving the same food for 50 years. now they're doing it with a mission and start reading, an honor that is an inspiration for the shops owner. the most of the sudden it was, it was always fun to be awarded to, to see those to be recognizing me with such an important international board that was not part of me. and we all more than commit to attend the latter. because from now on this award drives us every day to be more competitive. sad, more my original eh, what you found,
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the competitive in aspects you since all of the sticker. the small mexico city eatery only serves taco's meat from cows with moines and forcing the tacos, are expensive by local standards at around 5 us dollars. but well worth the cost of customers who celebrate the shops, new michelin status. so let's say that it may just come from mexico city and know a lot of tucker re is this one is very good. the flavor and the service are incredible instead of me. and i mean, they deserve it because they all the best tacos here in the area and among many other talk ideas. tucker yeah, talisha identity owns team wants to menu to keep evolving. what they aren't willing to compromise is their c bri cuisine. and it's michelin star. quality, thank you, hungry. all right, before we go, let's take a quick look at our top story. this our israel says it has found the bodies of 3 hostages,
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taken by him boss. a military spokesman says they were among those killed as a music festival during the october 7th. i'm off terror attacks. their bodies were then taken into goss. you're watching the w 2 years after a short break. i'll be back to take you through the day to night floating peers for gaza. an equal marriage rights in thailand will be right back
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the the we experience the way down is pure adrenaline, 100 percent. no. my name is 133 and i live in water main. federal shellfish harvester lives on the gateway to roll 29. know 6 lives in 45 minutes on the w,
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the sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for. but we've got something for you. so you don't feel the same way you expect and one's different things from life than your parents . i just want to pursue what that's my thoughts tired or you think you kid is 2 different risk, irresponsible, unreasonable, or part of those nonsense? i want my son to read them. okay. is there an alternative plan? we've done everything to prevent a divorce,
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but nothing works so and it's time to you. we're a sweet thing for them. when generation is kind of fun. it feels like they're a few minutes. harry, the aide is now arriving in gauze on the water. the point of entry, a temporary floating peer are built by the us military means as many as a 150 trucks. a day carrying supplies will soon reach the people in gauze up. but the pier is a poor proxy for what guardians want in the most shelter, food and safety. the war has for us to to 1000000 guardians to flee their homes. now they're facing possible famine. that floating fear may give hope for some empty stomachs,
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but it won't come any worries about the war that keeps raging on our brit golf in