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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  May 17, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm CEST

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then when generation is kind of funny, feels like there's the rate the a few minutes harry, the aide is now arriving in gauze on the water. the point of entry, a temporary floating peer built by the us military means as many as a 150 trucks. a day carrying supplies will soon reach the people in gauze up, but the pier is a poor proxy for what guardians want in the most shelter, food and safety. the war has for us to to 1000000 guardians to flee their homes. now they're facing possible famine. that floating fear may give hope for some empty stomachs, but it won't come any worries about the war that keeps raging on our brit golf in berlin. this is the day the,
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the purpose of this temporary peer is to deliver critical humanitarian assistance to the palestinian people. getting a to people in need into and across the guys i cannot and should not depend on a floating talk far from when i'm most acute. we're always trying hard to, failing currently to bring in consistent volumes of foods. we don't have medical supplies, we don't have a few. we have cost with those that are on duplication for every new entry point is a new boss or a pumping like plugged into cause us also coming up the fight for l g. b t q writes in asia, could thailand be the next country to legalize the same sex marriage? it didn't happen overnight. it's because l g b t q plus individuals have refused to be suppressed and have continuously funding
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for their rights. and overtime we go to our viewers once you're going to be us in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin today with the a coming in by one. they're not by land, food medicine, fuel basic supplies are now arriving in gaza. thanks to a floating peer built by the us military on friday. if you doesn't trucks reloaded up. that number is expected to reach a $150.00 per day, but that will not be enough. united nation says one point. 1000000 people are facing starvation in garza agency say the only way to reach everyone and prevent famine is by land not by sea. so today's development of the welcome will do little to ease the suffering of nearly 2000000 people displaced by months of fighting in the gaza strip. there was no, we're left to go for him and his family,
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but they're destroyed house. he's one of more than 600000 palestinians who have fled rafa due to the ongoing is really offensive. he's now back to what's left of his family's home and hun eunice. today, ever, he has to make food. hello, from an a parcel. have a good. how you look, well, this is the kitchen. it's destroyed. what their thoughts on fit for use, but we're making it with god willing. perfect good. how can we pay this whole so the children don't full out. put the boxes usually contain, can meet the fava beans and chick piece the w f p. warren's, the 8 packages like these are running out. we've not been able to access all warehouse and wrap it for more than a week. we have very little food and fuel coming through the boat across things in
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the south. and we are always trying hard, but failing currently to bring in consistent volumes of food with agencies want our new shipments and entry points for a delivery to gaza. the fuel food and medical supplies have dwindled since the is really military took control of the gaza side of the rock of border crossing last week to begin ground combat their a trucks on friday. arrived at a new loading pier built by the us off the coast of gaza as a temporary aid cora door. the number of trucks that arrived there could reach a maximum of $150.00 per day. the u. n. warrens that land routes are the most efficient a delivery method we asked a u. n. a finalizing our operational plans to make sure that we are ready to handle
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aid once the floating dock is properly functioning. while ensuring the safety of our stuff. however, getting a 2 people they need in to and across the guys i cannot and should not depend on a floating duck far from where it needs a most acute land roots are the most viable, effective and efficient aide delivery method, which is why we need all crossing carts to be opened, reaching people in need will be the next hurdle to overcome. well for more i'm joined now by test ingram. she is the spokesperson for unicef in new york. and she just spent 2 weeks in gauze. the last month says it's good to have you with this, i want to pick up on your experience that you had in gaza. so recently i'm considering that the un is saying that the threat of famine remains real and acute for the people in gauze. so, um, is that also what you saw as it is unfortunately, i think you know,
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i was fee is being realized that the mind moving through morning some months about the risk of the time and in gaza. and particularly in the north of guys, when i went to the north, i walked around the hospital where so many mountain hours, children, and spoke to their parents. it's just heartbreaking to say your child in that condition is so much pain and not being able to receive the help that they need to recover. i'll see you now, is that because of the issues with a getting in through the southern border crossings because of the rock for offensive. they're already in dire situation in the south could escalate to what we saw in the north of gaza in a very short space of time. we do have a that is known coming in to the territory via this floating peer that we just reported on. your agency says more than 300000 children in gauze are at risk of mount nutrition and starvation. how then do you decide which children get the food
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considering that the food is in short supply to yeah, look, it's really difficult at the moment when the needs are so when all of us and the aid is really a dropping the ocean compared to those needs of the humanitarian i work, it's just heartbreaking to know that you turn out to have everybody but, you know, since he's there, we're staying and we're doing our best to deliver. despite these really difficult circumstances and reach the children and families that made us devised, we try and plan our distributions based on need, but also wherever strict to buy access as, as we've been saying that for months, it's really hard for us to get the size t shirts is that we need to move to some of these areas, so it's a day by day play. at the moment. no more than half a 1000000 people have fled. rafa in search of a safer place. agency say that there are no more safe places left for people to go
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to give us a sense of the challenges that agencies are going through to provide help to these people. and so there are 2 main areas where people are being asked to move to from ross and the estimated number of these place. people that have sled ross or in the last 10 days is now at about 640000 people. so that's about half the number of displaced people that were in rough. uh, and i know most moving people in such a short amount of time. what we're trying to do to service them in these 2 areas. they going on the last the and do your out by law is to assess the needs and try and bring some level of basic service to those areas. because a moment watching, for example, essentially as engineering, there's nothing that there are no toilets. there are no showers, there's very little interest structures for people to build shelters against. i was
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sort of that area and it was all ready busy a month ago. so i can only imagine now and i'm hearing from colleagues just how crowded it is. it's very difficult for us to make the story made when we kind of get a need. so the, the supply is almost ground virtually to halt in the last 2 weeks. yeah, and it seems the world's attention is focused on the southern part of gaza. but you know, it's not all peaceful in, in the north. in fact, finding continues in the northern part of the territory. what, what's the humanitarian situation there? so the knows that the guy is a strip is the, is the area that has been the most affected by the funding and the has had the least access to it consistently over the last 7 months. it's been very difficult for 8 agencies to get this idea assurance as we need to, to travel know, we have one calling a unicef in the north of guys or remains there and i've spoken to her and she's told the just how difficult the situation is there at the moment
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a below big followed to evacuate, but these are people who have been out for 7 months and have survived serious selective services, including a lack of food. and so people are unsure about what to do now whether they really do take the plunge and try and move. but the funding is, as you say, testifying in the notes as well as the south and worldly staying strikes. and the middle areas are broad across the gaza strip. children's lives remain at risk test ingram with unicef, cuz we appreciate your time and your input to not thank you. thank you. the president of the country of georgia has repeated for opposition to a controversial bill that critics are describing is a threat to free speech. now the bill to legislation, which was passed on tuesday, requires media organizations and engineers to register as foreign agents. if they
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receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad, the w. 's maria, because there are lots of reports from the george and capital tbilisi on who was behind the law. and while your opponents are so concerned, the pensions run high as a georgian parliament boiling over the seconds after the government adults, the foreign agents bill protest as a furious and refuse to back down. opponents of the law say the ruling party is putting georgia away from europe and closer to russia. and the critics say that all the golf and found out there within georgia, dream potty pits the native. and she really, who made his fortune in russia is behind this shift. and then of seemingly unlimited power and fabulous wealth. his message is clear. the west is the enemy, is modeling in georgia and if this and it's relations with russia, china, georgia,
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i'm ukraine, middleton now. to join a tire left out, signed by lots of people. such decisions are made by the global war policy, which was a decisive and comes on later. and new york and early ninety's, georgia. franklin, as a calendar is this on the president of georgia. your game or the last really was, was even a should be in his ally. now, here wireless again see him and joins in the protest is done abroad. definitely the pro russian. look, this is a progression. so yeah, he has, he has committed himself to soviet guys in georgia to use the vacation, georgia. so yeah, that's, that's why he is. unfortunately, i think the experts say that the shift away from the west is directly linked to russia's ongoing invasion of ukraine. for both of them, you need to look at to this would be the one who the who is behind of doors. in dream, he believes that russia is reading this for new crane, and basically west is very weak and he's trying now to accommodate that. just your
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political interest in the post soviet space. and he thinks that the georgia should be prepared for this even issue is direct connections to the crumbling are still not k, but some of the of a suggest that he's concerns for his own personal safety. could also play a role. and you know, he also needs to show the loyalty to mr. 14 because, you know, he knows that you know what he could do with them or he goes to, especially those who kind of looking line, which is a policy interest. ross just do occupies parts of georgia and take from his sentiments is intense and wide spread in georgia and society. the countries 3 feet away from the west, so with moscow has met with resistance. and the state has responded with a violent plumb down. there had been weeks of unrest, thousands detained,
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injured despite police brutality. the crowd ski know they've down even before the law comes into force, implications, already apparent violence against the position fee as an activist instrumentation of done unless the government is using russians have to process movements in this country, but they say they will not be intimidated. and shows is to see the piece of medium carries a professor at the university. and bbc is one of the many academics who condemned before an agent slow for that he became the target of a violent attack. he believes it was orchestrated by their will within party. i know people's starting beating me with a big long, heavy sticks like baseball beds. i don't know. maybe it was baseball,
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but i tried to to to, to refresh myself. then i fell down. they continued beating me for baseball. that's a said something like so you want to guys the law to go going much. my god, this is the interest has to believe the west has to step up and help georgia overcome this political crisis to break away from russia. what do we need is a strong support on behalf of our partners? no more talks and more actions. students have been domain agency protest movements for them to fight for independence. and the european future is not over yet. because she's been through this, georgia has been through this, you know, because there's no pressure physically and mentally always for the centuries. and we're not going to let our government finally decide this for us from inside of
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georgia, because we're just standing is the sport generations for centers. my grandmothers, my mothers, where i guess i'm going to continue, or they're like us. and i'm gonna put them just by just for future generations. students say that they will po task for as long as it takes right up until october elections. when to just move past the ballot to decide the future of their governments. time land is well on its way to becoming the 1st country in southeast asia to legalize same sex marriage. the most important hurdle, a boat in the lower house of parliament, was cleared in march, but the new law may open the doors to a future full of other challenges. use georg mazda of smet a lesbian couple in bangkok, hoping to tie the knot with full legal marriage rights. they
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just want to be a family like any other. this is ariah her wife harriet and the 5 month old daughter the. the to tie women got married in the u. k. 7 years ago and has been waiting since then can finally type in not in the home country to this would make things easier for you when we have a baby to get there. so you should get some benefits from, from that home printing you from her company, like, uh, support for education fee or the medical support from the company that she works for. like a normal household, like uh, between man and boom and my full r for us is woman and boom. and we cannot get that. currently only ariah is the legal guardian of the daughter. what harriet is the only official owner of their home. because they could not legally share the mortgage as things are now if
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harriet, where to leave the house to ariah. in the event of her death, it would attract high inheritance. texas. the lower house of parliament is making moves to change all of that. it's past the marriage equality, bill. the law still has to be approved by the senate and signed into law by the king. the us of poppin has been fighting for this for many years. but now when we talk about greater social acceptance, it didn't happen overnight. it's because l g b t 2 plus individuals have refused to be suppressed and have continuously funding for their rights over time. young dom known, she is one of the most important representatives of civil society, giving evidence in the continuing senate hearings on the matter. she says that the conservative pro military government that leads to thailand in the past try to slow liberalization. but that ended when the few type part, which is now in power,
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was one of the major parties who included marriage equality. and it's campaign from ariah and harry adult, a mistake that the bill will become little and there also hoping for further changes the bill will only concern marriage. the legal terms father and mother will not be affected kindly. one of the women has to register as father to their daughter. they fear this legally, res zone does not give them full parental rights. it will be good if, if the, the 1st law is past for, for the same sex marriage. and then the pad institute, the kid can become later for the whole that that to be became very easy to read. yes. that may take longer, but they wait for the equal marriage act seems nearly over. the law will come into force $120.00 days after the king signs it. then the 2 will have the big party.
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they've always dreamed of. and get married again. alright, i want to bring in now jennifer lou, she's director for asia programs at outright international. that's and o g, b t i q human rights in g o. jennifer, it's good to have you with this. but 1st of all, this, this bill now it still has to clear the senate and it has to be signed by the king . is there any doubt that it will be passed into law um, according to the local activities, because the bill already passed on both houses of the representatives and the son that was a significant support. including the members from the traditional call server to mandatory allied to send out. so most people think this bill will be passed eventually. but right now it's in the committee process. so it might
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be delays because of that. so we really hope the civil society really urgent to take our rebecca, no response. these huge o p as a soon that's possible, right? but i really want to get counter tickets before the hedge. but let's assume that this bill does become low. do you think then that it could serve as an example, as a template to other southeast asian nations that are perhaps not as socially liberal? is thailand when it comes to gender and sexual equality? or of course, i know a lot of countries active. there's a not only in the eligibility movement, but in general receive also find you really looking for where least positive edge of the law because compared was to uh, the asian countries tie, one of which is my country. and also me pull the bills in thailand. the language is actually relatively more equal, i think cruise the probations for joint child raising and also others equality of
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same sex couples. so our asian country, especially se, but asia country i'm really looking forward to least change because by one being the countries i'd never been whole night and the way or the visa is the traditional religious me. um, i think a lot of a lot of people think eligibility rights are wisdom value these these come section doesn't align with the reality. these are in thailand, the paul and taiwan. so i think that the bally said that's a really important message, a narrative to the world, eligible to ride our human rights around the world. not only in western countries. let's talk about your, your home, taiwan. it's considered to be the most progressive place in asia in terms of eligibility. q writes, has taiwan achieved the quality i
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want, i think the civil society really urgent. the bench in, during the marriage can have of course we realize there's are some conflicts in both side and the government is would strongly weeks find the balance between the bose is fine. but you can see after 5 years on kill least here, the whole society actually changed and then you can be our profit. the timing was some of the best of the wishes to the resume. when are they young way in the roof or drug credit show? who was the 1st that you say show winner? so you can see the whole society actually in re the, um, the quality and that includes the mirror narrative, you know, and then everybody actual, it's a really positive message. i'm really proud though. let me, um, you know, extend this out to other countries. i'm thinking in particular of china. china has
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more than a 1000000000 people yet. if you relied on the communist party, you would think that there are no problems for gays and lesbians because there are no gains, are lesbians and she's in pains, china. i mean, do we have an idea of this what the, what the human rights situation is for the eligibility to community in china in china? um, we did have a really that and a pro active move, eligible to move them for quite a long time. but unfortunately, especially during and after the pens i make the high controlling of the simple 5. he makes the most, the eligibility of nines ation shut down because of the so called the sensitive um the, the activities and the moves and they're doing. but i do understand that there are still a lot of individual active is trying to men tend to move man,
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the momentum of the movement in a lot of the for of speaker, you know, try not big is so huge. yeah. so um does they also have, according to, of course the population they have the biggest, the eligibility population i believe around the world. so i really urge the international sy fi, can you still pay attention to the situation of a eligibility of not only activist and also the individuals in china because they do need the support around the war to make sure for the human rights can be made. 10, i agree in those big country, jennifer lou with outright international jennifer, we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us and bring us up to date on here. what could be big, a big change for the, for the people in thailand. thank you. thank you. or for the day is almost done, the conversation continues online. you'll find us on the x formerly known as twitter, and on youtube dw nearest you can follow me at brent golf t v. and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day,
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have a good weekend. everyone will see you here again on monday, the
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this is dw news live in from berlin tonight. his real says it's found the bodies of 3 hostages, taken by him. all these really military says the 3 were among those killed and a music festival during the october 7th, almost terror attacks. also coming up is real. tells the you is top court that the war in gaza is tragic, but that it is not genocide and it says it's doing all that they can to minimize the harm to civility, the .