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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 18, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is detail, the news live from berlin is real, finds the bodies of 3 hostages. taken by him us is really military says 3 were among those killed at a music festival during the october 7th terror attacks. also coming up 8 is arriving in gaza on a new floating p are made by the us military. it means many more trucks loaded with food will finally reach the people there. but the un warranty, it's not the end of the hunger crisis. and the most destructive wind storm and for decades, rips through texas storm leads, much of houston without power. 30 state will take weeks to fix the damage the
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i'm in ease of work into the program. it's the news that their families feared the most. israel's military has recovered the bodies of 3 is rarely hostages and gaza. among them is german is really shiny luke. his body was seen in the back of a pickup truck in the videos of the october 7th terror attack. she was declared dead after fragments of her sco were found. the army says she along with, i mean was q a and it's that colorant or were killed by him off at the know for music festival and their bodies taken into gaza. they were celebrating lives in the nova music festival and they were murdered by homos robotics were transferred to medical profession on the full forensic examination. and identification of the procedure was completed. we notified the families our hearts go
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out to them. you know, these special correspond to abraham is in jerusalem and has the latest. so we know that there remains were recovered in an overnight operation. that's according to the is really a military spokesperson, daniel henry, who we've also just heard from shiny book. as you mentioned, dual is really a german at national and she had been presumed dead for a while now. as, as, as the is really military had previously found a part of her school that was identified. but the other 2, a young woman in her late twenties and a man in his early fifties, there hadn't really been any signs of life from them since they were taken on october 7th. so of course, there was some hope that they might be exchanged in a deal with how much that they might be released or might be found as
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a devastating, devastating news for the families of the hostages, of course. but really for the entire country, this news coming this a show about afternoon as every man has as life here in israel wines down for the day of rest. we've also heard for the from these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i'm just going to reach you the statement that they just put out. he said this terrible loss is hard breaking and that him and his wife sarah are grieving. and he also said to be that we will return all of our hostages, the living, and the deceased. the like. this is likely to cause more anger tomorrow in the weekly protests that have been taking place, calling on these really government to reach deal to return the hostages, a life to their loved ones. and with this news, this is likely to cause a lot of anger tomorrow, here in israel. definitely the news that people in israel did not want to hear this friday or special correspondent, i uber, human jerusalem. tonight,
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i a thank you us more aid has started arriving a gauze of the temporary floating peer built by the us military. its hoped as many as a 150 trucks a day will come ashore carrying food and other vital supplies. united nation says the threat of famine has never been higher and more border crossings. border road crossings are urgently needed. there is no, we're left to go for either him and his family. but they're destroyed house. he's one of more than 600000 palestinians who have fled rafa due to the ongoing is really offensive. he's now back to what's left of his family's home and hun eunice . today ever him has to make food. hello from an a parcel. have a good how you must. well, this is the kitchen. it's destroyed to have thoughts on fit for us,
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but we are making it work. god willing, i can repair this whole. so the children, thankful out for the the boxes usually contain can meet fava beans and chick piece the w f. p warrens. the aid packages like these are running out. we've not been able to access all warehouse and wrap it for more than a week. we have very little food and fuel coming through the boat across things in the south. and we're always trying hard. but failing currently to bring in consistent volumes of food with agencies want our new shipments and entry points for a delivery to gaza. the fuel food and medical supplies have dwindled since the is really military took control of the gaza side of the rock of border crossing last week to begin ground combat there. a trucks on friday arrived at a new loading here built by the us off the coast of gaza as
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a temporary aide core door. the number of trucks that arrived there could reach a maximum of $150.00 per day. the u. n. warrens that land routes are the most efficient a delivery method. we asked a u. n. a finalizing our operational plans to make sure that we are ready to handle aid once the filtering dock is properly functioning. while ensuring the safety of our stuff. however, getting a 2 people in need into and across it guys, i cannot and should not depend on a floating duck far from where it needs a most acute land roost. the most viable, effective and efficient aide delivery method, which is why we need all crossing parts to be opened. reaching people in need will be the next hurdle to overcome. and
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a quick look now at some more global headlines. israel has rejected accusations that it is committing genocide and gaza wrapping up its defense at the international court of justice and the hague. south africa had asked us top court to order israel to halt it's offensive. and rough or israel also denied holding back to minute here in a under the be the age of the man who tried to kidnap former us house speaker, nancy pelosi and attacked her husband. has been sentenced to 30 years in prison. david, the pat broke into the closest san francisco home nearly 2 years ago. popularly suffered to head wounds, including a skull fracture. at least 4 people have been killed by extreme weather in texas. when storm ripped through houston, causing property damage and power outages that will take weeks to fix the urologist say it's the worst wind storm in the area. and for decades, a severe storm turn deadly. hurricane force winds battered houston
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downing trees and damaging homes resulting in several casualties. storm with 100 miles per hour winds the equivalent of hurricane, like falling trees, caused 2 of the fatalities. one was a crane accident as well that was going over by, by the, by the window, the strong winds. the severe storm also destroyed critical infrastructure, leaving nearly a 1000000 people without power. local officials say patients is key now and that resulting power outages could last weeks. this kind of when it's something we have not seen in harris county since hurricane alicia in 1983, we are going to have to talk about this disaster in weeks, not days for some folks. the luckier ones, it might be days,
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not hours. while many traffic lights are out of service and roads are blocked with debris, the national weather service says the storms may not be over yet. us seats on the gulf coast including texas, cuz he had experienced severe thunderstorms, with tornadoes, large hill, and damaging wins. and i am joined now by frank billingsley chief meteorologist at pcr tv station. houston, thanks for being with us. um, can you tell us more about the situation right now in southeast texas? sure. i can tell you the death count has gone to 5 now and also we're looking at about 650000 homes in harris county without power. no, to put that in perspective, that would be about a 1000000 people and there are about 4700000 people in harris county. so we have to
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a quarter of the people in this county alone. and this was the hardest to get our without power. so that's and, and here's the problem. it didn't just take out a power poles or power lines. this weird, which was at a $140.00 to a 160 kilometers per hour. this when it took out huge power lines, it took out the kind that you see on the side of the road that you don't want to go anywhere near. it took those out. so it was, this was a very serious system. what you're saying they are uh, that's downtown. as these, these winds moved through there and you would think that dell tell trees would be fairly well protected by the, uh, by the buildings. but even the buildings were taken here with glass just being shattered. there were people in those buildings when this was happening, some of them had to walk down 3 by 36 stories to get to the basement, couldn't take the elevators,
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and had to walk down in the dark to get into the basement for protection. it was probably the worst we've had. there's, there's a shot there of the winds that just really took out of the all of these windows. so it shutter with windows. it the, the trees that toppled you see on a cars, on homes. it took out entire roof where this is what we call or to rachel, t e r e c h l, a direct, jo is a bo echo of when you get this boat and i go, there just goes across a 100 miles an hour with at least 50 yeah, in this case it was 90 to a 100. so this bo echo goes right across costs 240 miles, which is about 400 kilometers, border kilometers all the way across with these 100 mile an hour winds. and so this is the end of the day. all right, joe is worse far worse than our tornado outbreak of tornadoes bad. but it's where data was only going to take out a certain amount of structure and then it's going to be law. it may scale,
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it may go down, i mean, it's bad. i'm not saying that and it's not. but such a wide swath of damage in one place that just takes, takes over just over and over and over at that sound. it sounds truly devastating, and i'm, i'm wondering, you've been a part of all kinds of weather events in houston. you're just talking about tornadoes. there. is this out of the ordinary for the region? yeah, we are. um we have to, rachel, uh, happened in may of 1999. so it was about 35 years ago. uh it was may, 4th and 5th of 1989. so it happened to, uh, and we also had one in 1986. but you are the one that was in 1980. i was generally to the north of houston, so we worked out affected by it. but the one in 1996 really didn't affect houston and surrounding areas. and i see the level of destruction when that happens. as
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well there, there wasn't through know because there were still orders many houses ordering and the people, i mean, you know, we're, we're, we're a, the, a county of a 4 and a half 1000000000. did you look at our whole area, our whole region, then you're looking at 7000000 people. so it's a huge number of people in this area. and they all, they don't live compact it necessarily. but as you're seeing, i mean we have a lot of structures, a lot of a lot of cars, a lot of trees are you, you see what you see there and it, so you know, these areas were not as weren't there to be effected back in the eighty's, right, so you're looking for decades of structure being built. that's what was effected this time was back in the eighty's, we had about 2000000000 people. and now we have 4.7. well, it's really devastating images we're seeing coming out of that area. a frame billingsley. thanks for joining us. chief meter. i'll just have to pcr tv in houston. thank you. and before we go,
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a quick look at the top story we're following for you. at this hour of israel's military has found the bodies of 3 hostages, taken by him off. the army says they were among those killed at a music festival. during the october 7th from aust hair attacks, their bodies were taken into garza aid has begun arriving and gaza via us build temporary floating pier trucks have been diss and barking with desperately needed aid supplies of un says the lack of land deliveries remains the huge problem don't forget, you can always get dw news on the go, just download our app to your device to give you all the access the wants of the latest news around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news the that's all for now of next are motoring show rad looks at out. the spiraling cost means america that mean
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to america falling out of love with cars and pickup trucks. i'm on the, in the system being there as the team here. thanks for watching. the my name is nose available in the calls back. say, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold a bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. as would it be nosy bay, like good everyone to king to check out the award winning called call. don't hold back the new cars. this was one's part of the american dream, but now it's out of the leech for many americans. nissan.


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