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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  May 18, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm CEST

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of the the did you know there's a can civic seen? it's true guessing the human petaluma virus or h p dfcs seen before having sex for the 1st time can reduce the risk of cervical prose for peano, kansas. that there are no vaccines for the more than $300.00. other types of concepts can we still protect ourselves from is not always what we can control. some of the risk factors stay tuned to find out which ones are in good shape. the
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studies show cancer rates and people under 50 have been rising for years. one study conducted by input to me on a just shoot, you, you know, has found that the number of middle aged people developing cancer is increasing with each generation to study excitement. the incidence rates of 14 types of cancer, including itself ago, pancreatic live and kidney, breast, and prostate. the numbers of all time on the rise and code on cancer, it is affecting young people more and more often. cindy schmidt, seeing here with her friend to be a is a lively young woman. she has a young daughter, a job, and she's happy that suddenly changed about a year ago. she became exhausted, irritable, and had severe diarrhea for days. are now heaton i need is
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a toilet close by of to each meal regardless of what id to one i had to go at night in the morning up. it didn't matter if i to beach an old drunk anything kind of on the mail. she went to her doctor who did a complete blood count exam and her urine, sinusoid gland, and heart. everything seemed fine. but the lamb detected a cold blood in your ski samples, potentially indicating colon cancer. how could that be of cindy was only $34.00 cooler rectal specialists like to austin cool. kotik, q stories like this. frequently, they urge young people to change the way they think about digestive problems. but you mentioned thing young people just don't think that they'll be affected by colon cancer, even clinton, and that's why they don't take their symptoms seriously. and this ultimately delays the process of cancer diagnosis, which is catastrophic, and a couple of tougher cindy schmidt decided to have
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a colonoscopy. it's the only kind of test that can conclusively detect the presence of colon cancer. the doctors discovered something frightening a large tumor and their coal and cindy would need surgery. as soon as possible. the tumor had already perforated the intestinal wall shutter 9 o'clock. i actually only had one question i asked the adult to if i was going to die. please, yes, that was really my only go to the moment. my only question don't mind. i think it's carla. video knows that i make an early diagnosis then we can definitely cure these patients. and today we have excellent treatment options for patients even surgically so that even if the cancer has metastasized, it's often possible distilled your patients that has a higher see the striking that more and more young people are developing color, rectal cancer, even though they aren't in a risk group, they aren't secretary overweight or genetically predisposed,
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dr. viola andras and has also observed this down. this idea has to change our thinking, even with young people, we should consider the possibility of colon cancer with the 1st alarming symptom. it's rare, but it's rapidly increasing and hum board there are about $200.00 people affected each year. that's already significant for people who have their whole lives ahead of them. you know, from scratch and even for this, how to austin. concert is also on the alert for cancer and people under the age of 15. this team has been seeing more and more cases like cindy schmidt's for the past 10 years. i can send an email, the plastic, the supplies that we've seen about a 5 to 10 percent increase in 20 to 30 year olds and a 5 percent increase from 30 to 40 year old from that striking right. and we wonder what's causing this change? why are young people suddenly developing colon cancer more frequently docs in the us nurses health study to attract more than 95000 women since 1991
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and says that those regularly consumed sugary drinks when they were young were twice as likely to get colon cancer as those who never or rarely drank from how did you show this? i think your study is very relevant. it was basically, we've always known that diet plays a key role, including in cancer development. and ultimately we've also known that certain foods are highly suspect, including sugar. and so now there's more evidence that this is true enough. it'll start taking the shortest medicine is prove that good nutrition is important for digestive health. and that means restricting sugar meat and highly processed foods, but the causes have not yet been fully researched. sufficient, especially are probably several different factors and nutrition is certainly one of them. and there's research that on the healthy diet with lots of sweet and little fibers can also affect the gutting micro biome. but that's just one aspect of it by
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no means does it explain everything o'clock on friday example for all us? cindy schmidt regularly drank sugary beverages like cold. she loves water coffee and tea, but she didn't eat very conscientiously or something that she has only now realized . yeah, the system and that talk that my daughter. oh yes, i've always been careful to feed my dogs a healthy meal was without too much sugar. but that wasn't very important in my own . if i have a section that's highly frightening, that something like this has to happen to you before you think about yourself and reconsider how you should be meeting these are these meet you and then the doctors cut out 10 centimeters over colon. the tumor was 8 centimeters in size, new metastases. cindy schmidt no longer has cancer. then we don't know what does a lot of things come up and we'll follow up appointments of the surgery. yes, of course you've heard of that. everything is fine. for me, in my case,
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i can say that i really made it. thank god, insight on but cindy schmidt is also glad that she trusted her got the tumor was found in time only because she heated her symptoms like all kansas the earlier the diagnosis of colon cancer, the better the chances of recovery it is current on can says found early recovery rate so high, but how a team is detected. a kind of an oscar p as the most reliable test. but you might find signs in your toilet. you just have to look at schools can provide choose to serious illnesses. there's a black color can indicate send this to contain some loss which can be a symptom of colon cancer, put on kansas is the 2nd most common cancer off the g. i checked,
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it is dangerous because of this detective. pretty late. the 1st science like black through this tool or weight loss i, late symptoms of the disease. so it's important to watch your body before the cancer spread it. so it's a good idea to get into the habits of checking your stools. it could even save your life. the all schools are usually brown. that's a healthy, kind of a healthy number of bone. one volume over the day, up to 3. 1, bob move in a week, up to 3 per week, that is normal. so every human b as completed different a yellow stool that's usually foul smelling could indicate an infection error
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problem with your digestive system. if it passes your dr. white halo plate color to could be assigned to live up all filed the disease. some colors indicate look, food you've been eating. and green stools are usually the results of a healthy diet. a red color store and also simply be the results of the food you eat. but as with every thoughts to it could indicate the presence of the laws assigned to the colon cancer time to see a doctor earlier you detected the better. so remember, you'll stools can tell you a lot about your health. 2 an estimated 40 percent of all kansas are caused by factors that we can influence according to the gym and cancer research center. one of those factors is diet. being overweight can be to information on the dangerous cocktail of hormones,
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both of which increase your cancer risk. alcohol, just one bottle of wine per week, raises men's cancer risk as much as 5 cigarettes per week and women's as much as 10 cigarettes. heidi processed food ready made meals sources, sugary beverages and sweet significantly increase cancer risk, particularly breast cancer needs. in the last 20 years, global meet consumption has risen by 45 percent. this development is another reason for the increasing cancer case. really the key to the, to the family. it's a similar ritual that happens several times a week. to mac, this for you a month and i like making the fire. it's a bit of a guy thing, eating meat and drinking a beer. it's just great. i love it. toys, smack the whole does. it's loud. he puts me on his grill,
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his wife and kids love eating me to that favorite, meets the grill on reckoning like pool can beef. in the summer, the family meat consumption rises dramatically today. and then the only ones who loves eating meat a gemini, it's an average of one killer, was neat. we double the amount recommended by the world health organization piecing too much. meat is risky and says published time that i know it plus one good to. it's an unsavory love story. we've known for quite a while now, according to a variety of epidemiological studies that's eating large amounts of red meat increases the risk of developing color, rectal cancer, you know, on. so i can, can edit 18 reginald can cause codo rec tool, kansas. the monique consumes the higher the risk. international studies show an increase and meet consumption worldwide. in europe alone,
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consumption is increasing by almost 8 percent each year. the poll can are the most prevalent kinds of red meat the substance that gives those mate. the red color is the team. i popular stein the research team i and at the max reading the institute encounter with germany just see more crude. so the so called c molecule is bonded to an iron atom boom on monday to believe that the structure might be responsible for a certain cancer causing process these in the intestines. as with the legal cells and it say in dom it'd be 2 tenants who stand the same food chemist, your follower is researching the effect that red maintenance on our intestine. he
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conducts his research on a cellular level. what effect does he have on our intestinal phones? and then when it gets sykes, the research shows that he meyer and can cause damage to our genetic material. oh, smart dna, some other than. it also indicates that humor and promote cell division products and faster cell division is a decisive factor in developing cancer video tapes and steam is need the size. it demonstrates the impact using a special microscope. one group of intestinal cells is given him, i'm from meet the control group is given in from plants. it's mind control, you see the controls. so what they're doing now and they have no damage either, but vision iron caused damage to the genetic material. and alice colors on been you can see cracks in the dna strand to that then i interesting so there's a big difference between the ion derives from pumps and from animals. oni,
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i end to right from animals, causes colorado, rectal cancer. con, we already see very well, but it depends on the dosage. that means the higher the amount of meters adjusted and therefore the higher amount of humans, the stronger the effects on the in testimony lucas membrane and the intestinal cells. and tom slam halting and down selling the amount which makes it toxic. and if the meat is burned on the barbecue, the risk of cell damage goes up, even more. humans should only eat a maximum of 600 grams of meat a week. it's a limit this reach very quickly. what about grilling comp based products as an alternative? to load the site is to give it a try we can definitely eat less, meet with you and we're kind of as good as 5. it's easy to make it as assigned dish or maybe instead of a 2nd piece of needs of a guitar. so it's okay if it tastes good. that's good. so the principle of course comes unfortunately, i can't imagine it might be fun to experiment
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a little bit and to do without really mean, i mean, i might go to a flash support system fund. the fact that they're reducing the risk of concept makes the veggie alternative all the more delicious. a so red meat, sugar as alcohol res, outcomes the risk? does this mean we can't eat anything anymore? not at all. whether our diet damage is a health depends entirely on our grocery list. as there are foods that can actually reduce cancer risk. these 3 foods can help lower your risk of developing cancer. olive oil. 45 studies concluded that people who consume olive oil regularly can lower their cancer risk by more than 30 percent. the. the effects were most significant with breast stomach and cold and cancers. olive
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oil contains various probably females probably females are secondary plan compounds with the properties of antioxidants. they provide protection against rewrite of goats which attack our body cells and can trigger cancer. but not all olive oil is, are created equal cold breast extra virgin olive oil is rich and poly fios other types of olive oil are refined with heat, which destroys probably females. most olive oil studies have been limited to people who live in the mediterranean region. so we can be sure whether the test results apply everywhere else. to green foods, a green foods like bread, brown, rice, and kilowatt contain lots of fiber. lease plant rutledge stimulates digestion and helps the body to eliminate potentially harmful substances
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. the preventative effects of fiber are well documented, especially with colon cancer. one study is proven that a fiber consent can increases from 10 grams to 24 grams per day. the risk of developing colon cancer drops by up to 30 percent, radishes, radishes and other percent for spetchko. both are rich and vitamins and minerals. they also contain glucose simulates which came radish. it's peter taste and helps prevent cancer cells from even developing. at least that's what studies on animals seem to indicate the scientists have even been able to prove that radish extract expedited to the death of cancer cells in humans. but don't forget, in addition to eating these 3 foods,
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a healthy diet and an active lifestyle are also crucial to cancer prevention. and the biggest cancer risk factor, which we can control is smoking around one set of all kinds of cases are caused by tobacco smoke. in the case of oral lorenzo and lung kansas, it's more than 90 percent. so don't even start. or if you have quick as soon as possible, the manuel davinsky smoked his last cigarette a year ago. he managed to quit. thanks to him. no says benefit can i help you have to take a chance and go for it? absolutely. but people who quit smoking can begin to enjoy the health benefits immediately after their last cigarette. within just 20 minutes, heart rate and blood pressure dropped. the new therapist puts him into
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a trance in order to activate his subconscious. he can tell that it's working by watching models arms. they react to his questions by either raising or lowering themselves. it's totally annoying. i get it, but i can't do anything about it. yeah, yes, exactly. you notice how your left hand good down all by itself. excellent. fits as if someone is pushing my hand down. yep. yes, crazy. it's worth the effort. 8 hours after smoking his last cigarette model of carbon monoxide metabolism resembles a non smokers. and he can breed much more easily. the under hypnosis model demands himself to quit smoking a kind of hole in this monster that really worked for him as a single hypnosis session. last 2 hours. there's no guarantee it will work,
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but it did work for manuel. within about one year of quitting mom was risk of cardiovascular disease is nearly as low as a non smokers. nicotine pills for patches are popular and well known smoking cessation treatments that release a studies came of nicotine into the bloodstream to minimize withdrawal symptoms. and years of experience have shown doctor to be in school to that they are expected to get a replacement dosing properly over a longer period. about 2 months doubles the chance of becoming smoke free make it seem matches are road work investment. 5 years after quitting an ex smokers risk of having a stroke is about the same as a non smokers at all for another kind of support. here users, injury their average cigarette consumption. most apps concentrate on providing motivation to show how users health improves over time, and how much money they can save by not smoking. people can click to share the
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withdrawal symptoms with other users via a chat. lindsey who like to give the app to a 100 people in a brochure to another 100 and a significantly higher number of people quit smoking was the app that also that's grades and it needs to be developed further because they already like prescribing again of funds. they cannot quitting with the help of it can be rewarding effort after 10 smoke. for years in ex smokers, lung cancer risk becomes half that of a smoker's smoking cessation groups are also effective. studies show that professionally led courses raised the chances of success, and the people who take part receive professional counseling. ideally, they all quit together as long as it's fun and highly effective. it can be half good after a year. whether it's hypnosis, nicotine, patches, apps or smoking cessation courses, people who quit smoking at an average of 10 more years to their life expectancy. so
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why not put that last cigarette out now? the one thing can prove as dangerous as cigarette smoke using res. ultraviolet radiation is especially harmful for those under the age of assessing whether it comes from a testing boost or from the sun skin cancer. it takes years to develop the bi ranking and examining your own skin. you might be able to detect early warning signs. well, show you how in the next checkup segment, and how can i tell this alone round of the blemishes homeless will, might be skids 10 years. but the
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a stand for a symmetry if you discover a mole brown spell. so blemish that has an a symmetrical shape. let's a dummy told to just take a look at test based and for boundary or border of the edges fringe door. irregular. do you have any suspicious moles, a mocks like that? so you would see stands for color ration not perfect, would be black, brown, grey, red or white areas, and many colors. that could also be a sign of skin cancer di, dense for diameter, everything which is bigger than half a centimeter could be a problem. and a moles are blemishes, that size is a big, it should be checked out. it's dense for is the pets and the rated for evolving the
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then it's a risk symptom. so you should go and see your dermatologist. skin cancer is not always a v, as often does live. oh no pain for quite a long time. check your skin once a month. it's easy with the a, b, c, d, e o. it's also important to check your children skin for any changes and have your partner or a friend take a look at your back to to prevent skin cancer, avoid direct sunlight, especially around mid day. most good in kansas are result of exposure to use the radiation. if you come to avoid the sun west, so protective clothing and don't forget to smother on some hollow. yes. be some screen right now. so i'll send this to china. okay. yeah. dom and demonstrates how to give yourself. and i saw the
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hello and when it comes to day is you need a phone rolled because we have an extra size which releases your tension in your lower back and your bed that sits on your foam roll. bring your head to the floor, cross to the, to the opposite knee. and that rules from you, but back to the lower back and reverse. you can't rose as fast, or as slow as you want. please just fine. but i recommend to stay there for a while and you will see a switch after one minute
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and continue and you can repeat this exercise several times. so have fun trying that out and see you next time on in good shape by or the
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spread races, depression, today? history. we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. they passed into our ears whenever they feel like i don't remember so feeling and fashion. and most of the pieces in this guy ben's how many are including the us have survival. how do they do it? the secret lives of the inside stuffs may 22nd on the w. the
12:00 pm
this is the, the news life from the lin, fist fighting rages in ukraine's east, as russia gains ground near the city of country. if president savanski wants the latest russian push could be the 1st wave of a wide fence, if he lost his house at the western allies, saying that indecision is costing ukraine. billy also fighting and rocks and handles on gaza again. is there any soldiers battle? come us fighters in jamalia, the renewed classes come as aids, drugs begin arriving and the strip via us bill floating p a 8 organizations well comes along the way to deliveries say more is needed.


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