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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 18, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news line from the lynn fist fighting rages in ukraine's east, as russia gains ground near the city of country. if president savanski wants the latest russian pushed could be the 1st wave of a wide fence. if he lost his house at the western allies, saying that indecision is costing ukraine, did it also finding of roberts in northern gaza. again, this is really sold to us about how, how much 5 has in jamalia the renewed class has come as age trucks to begin arriving and the strip via us bill floating p a 8 organizations, well comes along the way to deliveries the say more is needed to combat bows,
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us hung up prices. the i'm going to jones good to have you with us ukraine's president of a lot of mister lands k has acknowledged a 10 situation on the eastern front lines with troops suffering from battle fatigue and running low on weapons. and equipment, the president has lashed out at western allies, wanting the indecision is contributing to the critical situation with the coma we are in a non some situation fully with the west, which is a freight, the dresser will lose the war. and it does one ukraine to lose it and brought all a bowl because the craze final victory will lead to russia's defeat. but as of
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a day and the final victory of russia will lead to ukraine's defeat, i see president pro green and he, we are with you right now. if you move in such a moment and such a challenge for everyone in the team quickly left you a, the presidents of landscape as want that draw shows laces portion, ukraine's north east could be the 1st wave of a wider offensive. almost 10000 people have fled from the boarder regence of her teeth, which has faced intense bombardment by russian troops and recent weeks. ukraine's new conscription loyal comes into effect today. lowering the age of conscription from 27 to 25 in a bid to boost mountain pilots. exhausted troops on the front lines hoping for a break for more weapons to hold russia back. along the border with russia. ukrainians, a fleeting for their lives. a tax on the town of chums kept escalated to
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the russian soldiers have arrived on some strange old this constant shelling gob do. a lot of missiles hit last night torch and several rockets flew over the pool. it's dangerous to stay here. these are residents are advised to evacuation some of the them just yesterday we have up to date was up to 15 wounded in russian shilling. preschool, football is put on and they see the way of the town is around 75 kilometers from her keys. ukraine sticking. biggest fishing, which is being bombed by russia almost every day. president landscape is wasted. an allies must drink some new friends and a must sound capabilities. unless you wouldn't see new mom says we need at least for 7 patriot ad defense systems, given us level say what we have in addition to those systems. but i believe that we
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have only about 25 percent of the air defenses. we need to shop at the measures of his to, to create the ukranian, troy to being freed, send along the front line. those in the donates region assures on manpower and a wasting fresh count. if someone could, cisco, the situation is complicated, then you know, we work day and night, try to do more with shorts on the munition or trying to save as much as we can. look, someone presidents the landscape says russian troops advance between 5 and 10 kilometers inside ukraine's northeast and border, the full being stopped by defending forces he ones russians offensive could come and see for waves, and that the push for. hi, keith is just the 1st. on a short while ago, i asked marina, near, on the, from the war studies department at the kings, probably to london. just how exposed the city of her teeth is at the moment to
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well, it seems like the offensive have slowed down in her queue region. the russian forces claim to be controlling the laws of chance up to little to river, which divides the city and the russian flanks. the right flank is a well protected by service. keep them that's. so it's an right now of what i think will be happening is that the russian forces will try to cut or force chunk from the east in order to create a cold room for the ukrainian forces. but i don't think that it will be as fast as the initial stages of the offensive. and we're also seeing some movements um and pressure alone trust cpr. we're seeing movements on the ultra retina next to of the of costs. so the russians are trying to push along multiple access in order to, to over stretch ukrainian capabilities. nope, we heard the ukrainian president just earlier to using the west of indecision and
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it's support basically saying that the west is really clearly routing for either russia or ukraine. what do you make of his remarks as well? i think his remarks are more of a strategic signaling and it's not the 1st time the president's landscape goes out to criticize the west for lack of support. and the 1st time was actually in march 2022. so these announcements by zalinski quite frequent and i think that this one is directed also at his domestic auditorium in order to show that the political leadership is not giving up. and it is a cry for help. but in the sounds instigation inside you creating with the mobilization, what was the lack of troops and lack of an emissions in moultrie equipment is very dire. so he's trying to show that ukraine is not getting up just yet. however,
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whether we will have an effect on western allies remains to be seen because they are not doing things for many reasons, for lack of specific equipment for a lack of political imperative. so it is very difficult to criticize the west for not doing things or you just also mentioned the mobile i sation low or the new mobilization rules that actually come into effect today. what exactly do that entail to well, this is a controversial which has been revised many times. what essentially does is lowering the age as recruitment is $225.00. it also introduces harsher penalties for draft dodgers. and it also changes the contemporaries of disability for those who might be drafted, who couldn't be drafted before because of their house conditions. and the problem was, this war is what it doesn't contain and essentially doesn't contain anything on the
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mobilization. so there is some 4th of a gap and so it's not clear when the troops will be able to go back home when they will be repeated. and i think this is also one major point of control over see when it comes to the floor. like to maureen, i'm iran from the will studies department of kings college london. thank you so much for that. thank you for having me. at a quick look now, at some more global headlines, 3 spanish citizens have been killed in a shooting in afghanistan central by me on the province. a major tourist area. several of the people were wounded in the attack tally bundled forward to say 4 people have been arrested and an investigation is ongoing. no one has claimed responsibility for the attack. a suspect to talk with the attempted murder of slow of upfront minutes, the robot fee co is facing a quote that will decide whether he should be held in detention until his trial.
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the man shot c cole several times off to a government meeting on wednesday. the prime minister remains in a serious condition. a video has a much allegedly showing of wrap, has shown, digit combs, attacking sing a cassie ventura is for my girlfriend and a los angeles hotel hallway in 2016. it resembles an attack she detailed in a lawsuit, accusing columns of physically and sexually abusing healthy dis combs as denied the allegations instead of the lawsuit in november. jim and chancello will show it as visiting southwest in germany where heavy rainfall has to be good flooding and lance lives. the regional government and the state of salanda has freed up funding to help people forced to leave the homes, or pharmacies have lifted a storm warning over the state. but say flood levels are likely to keep rising.
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an old front line has apparently reopened and the will between is what any forces and how much fighters in gaza. witnesses describe heavy fighting overnight in and around the town of jamalia in the north of the gas of strip israel's army. describe the class just as some of the fittest since i'm asked to launch the october 7th, total risk, the attack on israel. meanwhile, more aide has started arriving. and joshua by a temporary floating pia built by us forces, is what else military published this 40. it's reported is showing before us deliveries arriving at gauze as coastline. it's hoped as many as $150.00 trucks a day will come ashore carrying food and all the vital supplies, the united nations. welcome to the new entry point, but said the floating p a couldn't be relied onto sol sconces, hunger crisis. there was no, we're left to go for either him and his family. but they're destroyed house. he's
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one of more than 600000 palestinians who have fled rafa due to the ongoing is really offensive. so he's now back to what's left of his family's home and hun eunice. today, uber, him has to make food. hello from an a parcel. have a good how you look. well this is the kitchen. it's destroyed. what have thoughts on fit for us, but we are making it with god willing, perfect good. how can we pay this whole so the children don't full out. put the boxes usually contain, can meet the fava beans and chick piece the w. f. p warrens. the aid packages like these are running out. we've not been able to access all warehouse and wrap up for more than a week. we have very little food and fuel coming through the boat across things in the south. and we are always trying hard, but failing currently to bring in consistent volumes of food with agencies
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want our new shipments and entry points for a delivery to guys. the fuel food and medical supplies have dwindled since the is really military took control of the gaza side of the rock of border crossing last week to begin ground combat they're a trucks on friday. arrived at a new loading pier built by the us off the coast of gaza as a temporary aide core door. the number of trucks that arrived there could reach a maximum of $150.00 per day. the u. n. warrens that land routes are the most efficient a delivery method we asked a u. n. a finalizing our operational plans to make sure that we are ready to handle a once the filtering dock is properly functioning. while ensuring the safety of our
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stuff. however, of getting a 2 people in need into and across it guys, i cannot and should not depend on a floating dock far from where i need a most acute land roost on the most viable effective and efficient aid delivery method. which is why we need all crossing parts to be opened. reaching people in need will be the next hurdle to overcome 8 organizations of welcome to the opening of the floating p a. earlier i asked people all of his shots, the middle east advised for cat international, how much a t expect will reach casa through that new access point. at this point, the re is, i'm clear we, we don't know how much they will be getting into the base to start paying their ports. it has the capacity to allow for $150.00 trucks. the ice is, was outlined and therefore that's still very much below the $500.00 truck minimum needed to be able to support the people inside of it as
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a and on top of that as well. so outlined inside of the report that age pair cannot be seen as replacement. so the border crossings which remains to be the most efficient way of delivering aid in flight of as a. exactly, we heard that the united nations suddenly stressing the need for a lot of crossings to be opened. how realistic, however, is less than audio and your opinion in all honesty is a realistic scenario. the issue is that we need to have a good amount of leverage on this really government on the far to, to be able to open up these questions. this is a man made the decision to close these kind of questions. and so is realistic. it has been opened previously in the past. there's no reason for them to be close even up to this point. so really is about political will. that's. that's the thing. that's a question right now. or above was he bought all his shots, the middle east, advice of cat international speaking to us, elliot, you're up to date. now coming up next, a shift. and don't forget,
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