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tv   Unmasking Hezbollah  Deutsche Welle  May 18, 2024 1:03pm-2:01pm CEST

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hello, the uninspiring story of us, the vital signs to music. fetch the chandler play out well, was the only one i'm super lucky. music under the swastika thoughts may 25th on d w. the the soonest for 100, the syrians has been demonstrating against the regime of president bashar allah saw
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their protests show, no signs of easing, and neither do authorities attempts to quote them and you say more than 1300 people have been killed recently moved them in law start on march 15th most if you're funny cuz i'm not that was panic in damascus for charlotte. you no longer they have to leave his house is still sick. people were coming from a suburb spot from the north and south of the country. so how, so i'm not strong, i was instructed to intervene unless i loved that differed. you know, the national full defense list we allied with syria has blog, is the syrian allies. iran is the syrian ally that can so of course a mom come on a decision and gave us the strength to do the right thing. and i'm a law. i'm instead of charlotte, 1st of all,
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so happy about it. but when that message comes from the office supreme leader, that's the end of the conversation. and they go as involved with the dentist. and that was where you had this gun with me in syria, in uh, with the lead troops. i mean it father for my son was still a child. he also joined the special forces will cost. what did you do to the law that the group the, the issue of them is that the 3000 soldiers became 5, then 6000. the
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is completely a new his ball are because it's a regular army with surface to air missiles and units a become a real military. the project, cassandra identified a component known as the business affairs component. their primary role was to establish the drug trafficking operations to generate the revenue that has a conflict in syria. they had to have the money. the a tons of cocaine was, have a 1000000000 euros with seasonal stance. by of, of we had a really successful, 2014 against has, will culminate and over course 3 weeks of a season over a tons of cocaine. out of the port in rotterdam.
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suddenly as the law as not resisting israel, it's just the butchering fellow muslims. suddenly it's evolved in a deeply sectarian country. these people like the mafia, like the guys who sit around the table with tony soprano, the of the from 2010 friends became the preferred refuge, the hezbollah operatives. the country had several advantages, including a launch lebanese community that might be offered to its less conspicuous. and
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freedom of movement throughout most of europe, parents was chosen as the hub for his billows, money laundering operations, the, the us drug enforcement administration, o. d, e a. i looked at the french police, and together they began a new chapter of project. cassandra, they dumped it operation c to off to lebanon's national symbol. the operation said it was a spin off investigation onto the umbrella project. cassandra operation c to focused on the european network the, the leaders of now our operations in europe is, is really captain mugs and his team shift as opposed to the
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value of tax. it is, oh uh, what, uh, yeah, the head of the d. e. a in paris informed me of a network of lebanese operatives in europe. they were very active as active collecting zone during transferring drunk money costs out of that stuff. a big financial loss is looking to set up in front of you. that was a concern, a because it wouldn't let us and the security situations get the example. see don't, that's also. so i appreciate the time. okay, so i'm gonna us investigators gave me a phone number. what else? i said it belonged to the courier who collected the money could it could also available the so i'm really, i think within 24 hours they identified that phone as belong to the home and they're all dean. let me know it is it can take you up to
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a local official there. that mohammed, newer dean had his officers and the favorites stock exchange the don't. let's just about take extra cash offset and he wasn't in hiding. he was well respected and stuffed you here's the investigation began by why i typing the telephone number or what it meant. so i could go the owner of the software. we got hundreds of hours worth of recording some transcript . so it was all about money, an issue he was planning to connect in paris, a 1000000 euros a week. the the correct, so the honda of us were fast old people passed bags to each other without even
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counting the cash they trusted each other. so it might be $450000.00 bureau, just a 2nd. they had co, mercedes, 500 meant 500000 euros. a truck meant a 1000000 when i came in, samuel the to so the flash, the that is the hand of us. what happened in an underground parking got such a hard, a restaurant or even on the street. let's go and then was all practicing this was the ones that coll pulled up on the show was a lease a right next to one of the agents and the money change time was all just wondering if you, if you want the
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yeah, there was also buying sell watches is one of new or dean's men would find luxury watches and pay in cash. you know that kind of, he's spent over 13000000 euros and a yes and what we're talking road. excellent. i'll take felipe. paul odom up, he gave one project really watch was purchased in cash for 700000 beautifully. you know its own kids with similar fits. they also use the warranties with then transported to let them know they don't. they used import export companies like spoil it on the perfect vehicle center. the the, she was a guy who was trusted to move very large amounts of money and oversee couriers who were carrying back money. sometimes just in samsung, i'd sense, you know,
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plain sight out of child the golf, back to baby room. you know, air france as jerry, these satellites of millions of dollars and the, you know, couple of $1000000.00 in each stamps that i gosh, guess not. it wasn't always like that, but sometimes it was that ridiculous. and he was a super facilitator for drive. monument gets way from your back to 11. i no doubt the is less than will tell you what i'm, what uh, from what i saw at the time. it didn't seem like, has the boss. yeah. these people, but especially religious. know they were more likely hanging out in piracies golden triangle drinking, aged whiskey in the plaza, alternate bomb that's going to months, cause that's what i saw the rest. because what the france appears in some way is to be there command and control center, further activities in the rest of your while french police were
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uncovering mohammad nor a deans network project, cassandra's american agents were following the trail of loaded money to live in on and beyond that trail led them to traffic is in eastern europe. the form is socialist republics. were walsh with weapons in episode from the soviet union. among the ice targets was a king pain in the drug trafficking world 11 a citizen with connections and ukraine and russia. the ages call me up in a go hey, have you ever heard of this ali sayed and i go have i ever heard of the i'll go ahead. yeah. the test. the guy's really, really significant. he's moving weapons for iran and hassle into the middle east. the hi siad was a well known,
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well documented arms dealer who is worked with russians and ukrainian homes deal is to provide has full of weapons. right. and these guys, you know, they were going to provide, you know, the g a k rifles surface to m. s. they had access to the most sophisticated weapons systems in the world. the once you get the charge, the guess a guy like fired, you have to figure out what country can we arrest them. and that country also has a extradition treaty with united states and uh, we identified progress in the czech republic. the
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3 info traded the network. what are form which can portray themselves as members of the fox in columbia that needed weapons to kill americans. and of course, always swayed and here's conspirators. we're looking to get cocaine also. so we had a copay for weapons view. so the operational plan was to do the arrest as he exited the room in the hallway of the hotel. so the room is wire to, for video and audio. and then at 1 point, one of the sources says, you know, and we want anti aircraft missiles to kill americans in columbia. and then after we killed these americans all cut off one of the americans heads. and i will present it to you always play it as a present and all if i had jumped up from the couch and went over and hauled the
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under cover. alicia yeah, it is one of 3 foreigners arrested by chance. police in april 2014 and not a hotel in prod clicked on the us least intended to so weapons to columbia and terrorist and traffic drugs. alief i, it's lawyer says his guy, it works for the lebanese secret service will if we get this guy to the states, then he's going to be maybe our main witness to take out his stroke cartel. there's only one thing that could get in the way of, of, of these extradition is, is check. military intelligence gets involved
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military intelligence is very much under the influence still of, of russia and food. and that could cause a major problem in the expedition of via the, the wrist as leafy. it was a major trans for the us drug enforcement administration. the dealer was privy to sensitive information about the war in syria. he was at the heart of the military alliance between his bella, iran, and russia. setup with the aim of keeping the shot all a sudden in power. but the d. e a was walking into a mine field, as well as criminal networks were being protected by most go. the longer the whirlwind tone, the move on to hezbollah functions became the greater the need was for weapons.
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the price of these military campaigns could be counted in coffins being sent back to $11.00 on wednesday. the 1st is by law fighters. locate a segment totally opened for the soul color to my teeth were falling in sealy of the a set of data and the you know how to set this idea with his boss software. healy 3 . so using the data, you end up and twice as many were injured and that's it, that f solve it. how many, i'm not sure if that level together. but manually 10000 families were excited to define the finding that so lots of people bought the i knew that from and one other because we have done the
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keeping an eye. and of course, the show we pray after we've talked to before, if you'd like. no, no, beautiful food. come my darling sit down. thanks for all your hard work. allegedly, is that fast?
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i mean, what is it that bennett? and the 1st thing i had 3 girls, so that's why i was very happy about that a pen b g. but i also wanted to have a boy or 2 again that they caused. it would make me happy to be able to send them to jihad 20 behaved and imagine maria dean is here at the about the soda. when my son sent me these pictures and i suddenly sensed that i'd never see him again. i spent the last hour from home. i thought how do i need additional sort of how that all i'd have left would be this footage. as
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a do you have a what i said, my son, you told me you wanted to die a martyr simply but not so fast. it can have it been mad. i wish you'd waited a while longer. the other thing is the glory to you, my son, and you're braver than i am. so father solomon, the a thoughts of the mazda was playing over his sons. i mean, i'm sure they will convince. but i also believe that others
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must have adults, the sofa indoctrination can go. but for me story, we also know it can go away from the film to show how much all that i need from me. the day of my son's funeral was a celebration. i wasn't sadder, i'm up there that then maybe today i'm a little sad, but back then i wasn't not at all or other about done of the
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as well as should know that around wolf bikes last has 4 member. you know, look what happened is syria, all it has, well numbers done. how many are in each die? not when are they getting return? not much. they come back to their bankrupt academy bankrupt banking system. the reports explodes. i mean, it's like dante is gates of house. you know, but we can go further down the cycle. you know, we do more gates so we can approach here in the future. the
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worries syria profoundly change the way many living these people. thoughts of hezbollah once conceded her row weak resistance fighters, they now came to be seen as an army of mercenaries. the policy leadership had also changed. the phone calls picked up by the french u. s. wyant's happening operation? sounded like something out of the mafia. conversations about drugs, weapons, and money. the minority important mohammad new or dean, had plans to come to france us and we were waiting for him with more kind of also the
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get up started today. also. we also ran that members of his network and luxury hotels in paris. so these are physics at homes in germany is rule in italy and elsewhere. i mean to over the account, they denied everything or eat up organizations who said he hadn't collected or roland admonished. most of the simple data and up to things he couldn't in the high for a place. he played down his own role in the whole central florida. we found out that the the cocaine proceeds, that neural dean was coordinating at that time was the main funding mechanism. to
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provide financial support to has was purchase of arms out of eastern europe in russia to send the syrian basically the us to is of investigation. the agents of projects, cassandra had finally reached, they go they had exposed the secret organization within hezbollah. in charge of coordinating funding for the war in syria and more broadly, all of the policies, clandestine military operations. we were receiving information about this shadow we group within has but we'd hear things like, oh, they're called the financial unit. they're called the, the, the banking unit,
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jack kelly and the team and project cassandra identified a component known as the business affairs component. so we started like putting together the pieces of the puzzle using all the experts that we had in the us government. what's going on here? how do you connect all these dots? you know, it's like trying to solve a mystery. in member, we have to provide the basically the business affairs components had different things they want to do. they want to move cocaine. they want to warner money, they want to sell or buy weapons. this business that there some phones got hundreds of companies. and we've mapped out, we know where those companies are, they're all over the world. even so many united states the it
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function is this funnel to control all the secret bank accounts all over level non all over the world actually switzerland, lichtenstein, locks and burn paris. the business 1st component makes probably over a $1000000000.00 a year in a criminal procedure. we have that backed up by records that we got out of liberties came bank the. this is the financing of care the we found out that the, the cocaine proceeds, the neural dean, was coordinating, was under the leadership directly of pod home to boss add into basha. it was
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one of the main guys involved with the business affairs components. the federal effect and the settlement for the type of job was an important lebanese business months, and we owned a launch construction company you'll say add time. is the mohammedan or a dean smart lemon waiting is one of the lead fine answers of the rebuilding of, uh, has was neighborhoods and infrastructure in lebanon after the 20064. and who's the guy who's the money master for them? well, the south field in the book on the financial
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godfather, certainly the business card, the door southfield the was, has boys in basset to i read, obviously, abdulla southfield being had connections and very high levels of the raining of what toronto needs has the to do of dallas field in runs, it is clear and it's basically has bought a royalty of dollar sappy. i'll be has a brother who's the executive director of has and there's room is that he would be a successful finance wrong. the once you get to their level, you're bob dean. it has to me, i know that sounds strange because people who really see where's your membership card and like they don't need a membership, you know,
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when they someone sees their face. so like, come right on it and, you know, mean the so when you find as us investigators data bill associated gene involved in a list of financial activities from a rock to south america to europe is coming up over and over again. that gets your attention. it appeared viable that we could actually make a case the guess of the south field and, and perhaps arrest them we, we could do this if people let us do that project, cassandra was approaching the moment of truth. if us investigators got the green lights to arrest of dallas of the l dean, they would be able to take down his bill as close the leadership. but at that moment, political winds were changing. the united states had begun to negotiate with the
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run over a deal to reign in the atlantic republics nuclear program. and iran was hezbollah as long time baccha philosophically project. cassandra became a problem. our actions became a problem. lots of work to even continue the uranium started to complain about talks. i've heard this from people are that they complain. they said he's the people are past, she control them, the dates they're out of control. that's usually what you do. want to shut somebody down the
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today. after 2 years of negotiations, the united states together were international partners. because a cheap something that decades an animosity has not a comprehensive long term deal with her on that will prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon. this deal demonstrates that american diplomacy can bring about real and meaningful change. change that makes our country and the world safer and more secure the rock. obama assigned the nuclear agreements with the ron move launch. lee welcomed by the international community with the income. the deal bally dry, the rainy and president house on real honey began a triumphant tour of europe, including a stop in france, the cost of the duty war,
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the 1980s. this was the celebration of the return of economic diplomacy or jewelry. day the president brought me in paris, so that was it. this has been a 17 years tips underwriting and present to the president from june. the tip of a new issue, of course, the same day, special agent jack kelly also landed in paris to monk, the dismantling of mohammed, newer dean's money laundering. network. beneficial ceremony had been organized with french police headquarters. the d. e. a was about to reveal the existence of the secret business, the thing as components within hezbollah. it was going to be what i really thought was a fitting end to cassandra. the top french law enforcement official was going to
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give us a champagne toast as a success for this, this incredible operation. cedar under projects sondra. so i'm there for that. and then um, i'm kind of looking at the judge in the prosecutors in the cops and it's like, what's going on there? mentioned yeah, we think the, the press conference definitely was cancelled and the press release was postponed in new brands and iran side by side. all companies like yearbooks, usually on c, m, we use the same con, trash worth tens of billions of dollars. the cost of seeing you around $32.00 contracts were signed today with a value of $15000000.00 euro central, including deals with us. and so yes, total social and everybody. plenty of reasons for french business leader has to applaud the rainy and president noise. i'm watching it on tv at the bar of the truck. is there
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a hotel and i'm getting these calls and text messages saying yeah, everything's cancel the other day. i just, i couldn't believe the right at the same time i'm getting information that either all, if i, i'd had been released from the czech republic to love it on lisa yet was wanted for the us are serious. right. so that this afternoon he was released return to 11 on the
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high side. yeah. you went back to 11. we never got them in america. the us government system failed. there was no engaged. try to explain. i know what my investigative gut feeling is telling me. he was a member of hezbollah and they were in the middle of randy, that's my opinion. i don't have the smoking gone, but i have an opinion. i've been doing this a long time. the, i think the entire project, cassandra scared many people around the world. it has been sacrifice for policies, the village of the guys when i met asher. and oh wait,
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he told me really from the beginning of jack. i want to tell you right now alternately, i can guarantee you that somewhere along the way, the white house, whoever's white house it is, is going to shut us down. because if we get to where i think we're going to get, it's going to be too much for some people. and that's exactly what happened to me and his prediction was true. so, you know, i told jack higher up, you go, the more people know the more they're going to want to stop. right. when we are in the jobs that victory victory with this national tax. and i also knew it right at the same time that i just been transferred via a memo out of special operations division off of projects on or to a desk job and headquarters. so i decided to go to my favorite cafe in a drink, red wine,
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hezbollah had one day's project, cassandra was buried, sacrificed in the name of rail polity for the united states, the hope of peace with the wrong was more important than dismantling the heat instructions within hezbollah cassandra, as far as the greek mythology is that she was warning leaders of, of impending catastrophes and disasters in her warnings would always get ignored and then the disasters and capacities would eventually happen. so cassandra was always right, but nobody paid attention to her and they would dismiss her, and they were skeptical was project cassandra, the last opportunity to put an end to his bullets seeming impunity. then came
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august 4th 2020 of the the massive explosion by roots port schultz, the lebanese capital, the in the aftermath of the disaster citizens to beginning stay late as and especially against the old powerful secretary general of hezbollah house, on the throttle of the liberties people demanded truth and justice to see what really happened. how could $2750.00 tons of ammonium nitrate to be stored in a building and supports it a little bit to monique those the same substance caused an explosion in
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a factory in the printed city of interlude in 2001 as it that the to lose all them, you know, i mean was that much criminal brought the ammonium nitrate there. who store does that report who hit me and the this on the was controlled by this bullet. this everybody knows as well as the output is controlled by his phone. so we knew hezbollah has secret access to the for what's known as bottom as door to bypass controls. so much good as the light is more powerful than the lebanese government. and nobody dares to take them on the, or the thought behind this negligence. yeah. it's a big crime that nobody wants to expose the, for the, for the,
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the, with the explosion. 2, nearly 220 people and left more than 6000 injured by root was left scott and yet, despite the extent of the disaster attempts to find out who was responsible, only lead to more questions. no fish, i story is the short that sent that there is a ship that came from georgia to live on on. it was supposed to carry on and was on be, but it couldn't make it so they did remove that won't even noise faith. and they kept it in the warehouse the, this is the story, the officer story, the,
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i won't even, i say it is usually used either as this as the license or as an explosive. you know, a shipment that came to live on on. it was created even on the back that it was high density. it was written on the back. so it was meant to be used as an explosive, the . so this shipment state and the for, for 7 years, unfortunately name if anybody knew about it. but nobody took any action what i discovered you anyway investigation, search the for that stuff, auto was the company that in the beginning appeared to be the owner of the ammonium
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nitrate. this company is kind of a shadow company, which means it's a company with you don't know that even on a later on i discovered that are the meetings between somebody will and see again, business man with a level 40 and a month for his brother until his house one no, not outside of good. somebody will. why don't you don't know silver ro. we've never heard of it before this. let me get out. we didn't even know that it had the same address as our company. yeah, them divided body for you? yeah. i know that i have nothing whatsoever to do with this matter. there's nothing for me to worry about. the shut off of hello. george has one. he met 7 at
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a time to see me a president and well done the same. i told it has 7 companies and secretaries in syria and in the shop. and those 2 companies, it's not easy to each that live it with those guys. read in the business and in the way, without being close to those in, by what was it in syria or the induction the most probably the shipment was spent to in each in one way or another, syria in the time when the war was at the, it speak the
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the studies done by the f b. i actually said that uh, according to the calculations they had done, what they exploded into for to fade which was somewhere between 500 to 700 tons of ammonium nitrate, the double dummy safe, all 2700 times. it exploded on july. the entire capital would have been raised to the ground, all who had been using those thousands of tons c, who took the material out of my root. so that's of live in a diesel dueli ball. do you think it was a city that has been locked syria and has block? i don't want to get involved in anything pointed because i handed 4 possible things
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. okay. i was not good at least didn't know. well, i mean, we're joined by political analysts last months. i mean, i wouldn't be the ones in also hinted the main suspects are those who store the ammonium nitrate any favor? the more question, i'm wondering if they it was yeah. say that the bus, the suspects are the ones who control everything. well, law, in other words, the hezbollah, i'm an issue. i mean these. yeah. you just have to look at what it was used. phone with us. yeah. i knew i had me now. what do i look mon made is all responsible for transporting the ammonium? me con. to seal? yes. you will split things above. there's 2 guys. i know we are today. everybody is saying it in general way look, mon was the 1st to say it's vitale, national. and then the most, what we have here is a puzzle where all the pieces have been the quote together. so you know who are
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your own, but not it's a bad man. so what i've done what i can do both of it to, to not keep on the 6 months after the b course explosion. it's another drama shop 11 on a well known commentator. look, man, so leading i think, was find dead in southern life at all, you know, but as old as having been shot 6 times in the head. why was he killed the documents report message was being sent to the hookups. that's all eyes are on, has black report which controls southern 11 on your keyboard. saline was you did you, do you know how laughlin was killed? yes, but i cannot tell. yes. the worst case by 6 shots, it seems that have been by profession of the, the upgrade to say the least.
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i can save it as time, but sure is this is this, he's just gone traveling with the time. i want justice and i need to know who did it planned it and who gets the all re support explosion ends the execution of look month. that is something which is bolt con. no, you cannot roll back to normal life. you cannot go back and let's the political game when know we need for both. we need accountability the
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we may never know the truth behind the pay route for the explosion. when to lebanese judge is trying to investigate the massa. they faced threats and their inquiries were holstad and despite the demonstrations by the liberties people, his bullet has opposed any international investigation. with the news, people will be able to know the complete truth. i doubt the cases don't even try, it never happens. you'll be long in the grave for centuries from now, and there will not be an answer to it. the
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heres below can not simultaneously be an army fighting against israel. a ruthless, malicious targeting civilians in syria and are respectable, political party and 11 on the motion to boot itself into thinking it's stronger than it actually is. the hezbollah has built up and given you most, the system level of care and the look room, put it well. so long as has ball continues to engage an international terrorism acts of assassination in 11 on elicit financial activity, undermining the stability of the lebanese financial system. so long as those bullying gauges and all those activities, it is an outlaw actor, needs to be treated as such and yet the
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group look sent to continue acting with impunity. 40 years ago his bill is, am, was to impose sharia or islamic lou in lab and on instead it ended up creating a state within a state, a kind of hezbollah land that's more powerful than the government and whose actions have very real consequences for the lebanese people, the, we are living here in the bundle and, and they're kind of show off impunity, you're kind of kids, you can commit to muscle, it goes to kind of commit crimes who can do whatever you want in the end. nothing is something of the what happened to sick 3 heart. he's out of jeff. i know he was in south america and i think he might have went back to 11 on but i'm not sure. a mind juma. he's
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never been caught so easily and he's in lebanon. i'm sure he travels to other places. we just don't hear about the new care ruby like, roby. i don't think i never arrested, not jail at least i feel bad because certainly not in jail. and then tabitha odom deposit is not in jail. assessed it in never indicted. never captured, never rested. still. that has one bass or 2 to run. as far as i know, the
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or the
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some people don't care about me because they think i have nothing to give back to you to do to them. i am everything at home. they have food and livelihood that day by day. i do so and so does everything 92000000000 people care about me needs me. and now, i mean, the the,
2:00 pm
you're watching data we can use live from those being spicy in ukraine's east is russia and gains ground the keys keys. and you mobilization load takes effects as exhausted forces struggle to hold the russian advance. presidents and lensky ones. the push could be the 1st wife of a wider offensive and fighting a roxy, northern gauze, again as these riley soldiers bashful how modified his in java, the, the clashes calm as a trunk. speaking, arriving in this tree by a floating p, a built by the united states. idol organizations welcome to deliveries bought say more, it's needed to combat causes hunger crisis.


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